简历: |
徐涛,1978年生,研究员,博士生导师,优青。1998年获中国科学技术大学地球物理学学士学位,2004年在该校获固体地球物理学博士学位,随后赴本所从事博士后工作,2008年被聘为副研究员,2015年被聘为研究员。 研究方向为地震学;以宽频带和短周期地震台阵观测为基础,通过发展主动源和被动源地震联合探测方法,利用主动源走时反演、被动源接收函数和环境噪声成像、各向异性分析等手段,揭示中国大陆典型构造域深部过程及其浅表响应和资源效应;近年来致力于矿产地球物理探测与装备研发研究,现已在国内外期刊发表论文160余篇,被引用2000余次。 现任中国地球物理学会固体地球物理委员会秘书长,中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队骨干成员,深地国家重大专项负责人;《地球与行星物理论评》执行主编,以及《中国科学:地球科学》《Earthquake Research Advances》《Earthquake Science》《地震学报》《地球物理学进展》《地震研究》等期刊编委。主持国家重大深地专项项目、国家重点研发计划课题、二次青藏科考项目子专题、国家自然科学基金优青和面上等多个项目。 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 新一代高精度地面探测关键技术与仪器,深地国家重大专项项目,2024-2028
- 地下资源精准探测,中国科学院2023年度稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队,骨干成员,2023-2027
- 南亚通道关键区岩石圈精细结构与浅部响应,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目子专题,2019/11-2024/10
- 辽东金矿集中区短周期地震密集台阵观测,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室自主研究课题,2019/06-2022/05
- 胶辽地区岩石圈深部结构,国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项课题,2016/07-2020/12
- 武夷成矿带地壳速度结构宽角反射/折射地震探测,国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项子课题,2016/07-2020/12
- 地震学,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,2016/01-2018/12
- 三维壳幔精细结构的地震体波走时层析成像技术及其应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015/01-2018/12
- 地壳精细结构的宽角地震资料有限频率波形反演及其应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012/01-2015/12
- 长江中下游中段广角地震探测与技术研究,中国地质调查局地质调查项目,2012/01-2014/12
- 三维地壳各向异性结构的地震波走时和偏振信息联合反演及其应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2009/01-2011/12
- 综合利用地震波运动学和动力学信息联合反演三维地壳各向异性结构,中科院青年人才领域前沿项目,2009/10-2011/09
- 东南地区岩性结构地球物理约束重建,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2005/01-2007/12
代表论著: |
2024年 - Wu CL, Xu T*, Tian XB, Mitchell R N, Lin JY, Yang JF, Wang X, Lu ZW, 2024, Underthrusting of Tarim lower crust beneath the Tibetan Plateau revealed by receiver function imaging, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL108220.【PDF】
- Yang TW, Xu T*, Ai YS*, Yang JH, Yuan HY, 2024, Fine crust-mantle structure of the major tectonic boundaries between the North China Craton and Central Asian Orogenic Belt revealed from Rayleigh wave phase velocities and receiver functions, J. Geophy. Res. Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB028857.【PDF】
- Yang TW, Xu T*, Ai YS*, Zeng QD, Yang JH, Miao LC, Zheng F, Du NQ,2024,Crustal structure and its control on gold mineralization in Wulong Goldfield, Liaodong peninsula of China: Constraints from ambient noise tomography with a short-period dense array, Pure Appl. Geophys., 181:2973-2990.【PDF】
- Xie TT, Yang YJ*, Xu T*, Tian XB, Lin JY, Wu CL, Lu ZW, 2023, 2D Sedimentary structures at the southeast margin of the Tarim Basin, China, constrained by Love ambient noise tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 239: 1775-1788.【PDF】
- Zheng F, Xu T, Ai YS, Ge YP, Zeng QD, Miao LC, Dong WY, Badal J, 2024, Deep structure of the Wulong goldfield, Liaodong Peninsula, China, revealed by receiver functions: implications for the tectonic and mineralization dynamics, Front. Earth Sci., 12: 1437605.【PDF】
- Chen JL, Hao JL, Xu T, 2024. Complex conjugate rupture of the 2014 Mw 6.2 Ludian (Yunnan China) earthquake, J. Asian Earth Sci., 260, 105972.【PDF】
- Yao S, Xu T*, Sang YQ, Ye LL, Yang TW, Wu CL, Zhang MH, 2024, The seismicity in the middle section of the Altyn Tagh fault system revealed by a dense nodal seismic array, Earthq. Res. Adv., 4, 100308.【PDF】
- Du NQ, Yang TW, Xu T, Liu QY, 2024, Incorporating topographic effects in surface wave tomography based on shortest-path ray tracing, Geophys. J. Int., 237: 1235-1248.【PDF】
- Zhu RX, Yang JH, Wang GW, Zeng QD, Xue GQ, Xu T, Li XH, Zhang P, Lei D, Zhu G, 2024, The Genesis and resource potential of gold deposits in the Liaodong Peninsula. Science China Earth Sciences, 67(3): 657-672.【PDF】
- 朱日祥,杨进辉,王功文,曾庆栋,薛国强,徐涛,李兴辉,张朋,雷达,朱光,2024,辽东地区金矿床成因与资源潜力. 中国科学:地球科学,54(3): 677-692.【PDF】
- 贾民强,徐涛*,曾庆栋,苗来成,杨进辉,2024, 利用地震反射剖面研究辽东青城子矿集区浅层地壳结构,地球物理学报,67(10): 3781-3795.【PDF】
- 张晓青,徐涛*,陈立春,李喆祥,2024,华南地区地幔过渡带结构及其动力学意义,地球物理学报,67(3): 935-946.【PDF】
- 武振波,邹昆,苏金蓉,滑玉琎,李萍萍,徐涛*,2024,利用双差走时成像研究青藏高原东缘地壳速度结构,地球物理学报,67(3): 871-888.【PDF】
- 邱启佳,陈林,张智,向宵,徐涛,陈赟,白志明,梁晓峰,武澄泷,2024,岩石圈地幔分层性对克拉通稳定性的影响,地球物理学报,67(3): 916-934.【PDF】
2023年 - Xu T, Ai YS, Wu CL, Chen L, Fan EB, Li L, Dong WY, 2023, Subduction-induced asthenospheric flow around the Songliao Basin in NE China revealed by shear wave splitting measurements of dense seismic arrays, J. Geophy. Res. Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB026075.【PDF】
- Zheng MJ, Xu T*,
Lü QT*, Lin JY, Huang MF, Bai ZM, Deng YF, Zhang YQ, Badal J. 2023.
Upper crustal structure beneath Qin-Hang and Wuyishan metallogenic belts
in Southeast China as revealed by a joint active and passive seismic
experiment. Geophys. J. Int., 232: 190-200.【PDF】
- Xie TT, Xu T*, Yang YJ, Tian XB, Lin JY, Wu CL, Lu ZW, 2023, Observation of higher-mode Rayleigh waves from ambient noise in the Tarim Basin, China, Seismol. Res. Lett., 94, 1848-1859.【PDF】
- Wu CL, Xu T*, Bai ZM, 2023. Detailed crustal deformation in the Ailaoshan Orogenic Belt revealed by receiver functions from a dense array. Front. Earth Sci., 11:1343474. 【PDF】
- Zhang XQ, Thybo H, Artemieva IM, Xu T, Bai ZM. 2023. Enigmatic crustal and upper mantle structure in the NE Sino-Korean Craton based on nuclear explosion seismic data, J. Geodyn., 155, 101957.【PDF】
- Yang TW, Xu Y, Du NQ, Xu T, Cao DP, Nan FZ, Chu W, Liang C, Hao TY, Gravity inversion constrained by OBS receiver function reveals crustal structure in Ryukyu Trench, Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1187683.【PDF】
- Zhang YQ, Lü QT, Shi DN, Yang YJ, Afonso JC, Xu Y, Yan JY, Gong XJ, Xu T, 2023, The Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Vs Structure of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt: Implications for Metallogenic Process, J. Geophy. Res. Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB026817.【PDF】
- Bai ZM, Zhao L, Xiao WJ, Xu T, Badal J, 2023, P-wave velocity structure and implications for magmatism and metallogenesis in the southern Altaids: constraints from wide-angle seismic data along the Altai-Eastern Tianshan traverse, Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1078434.【PDF】
- Yu GP, Zhang Z, Xu T, Li XL, Wang ML, Guo X, Xu J, Hou J, Guo GH, Badal J. 2023. The urban underground space beneath the karst basin of Guilin, China, revealed by ambient seismic noise tomography. Seismol. Res. Lett., 94(1): 172-188.【PDF】
- Liang XF, Chu Y, Wan B, Chen L, Sandvol E, Grand S P, Li YB, Wang ML, Tian XB, Chen Y, Xu T, Li Y, Ji WQ, 2023, Fragmentation of continental subduction in ending the Himalayan Orogeny, Sci. Bull., 68: 3048-3054.【PDF】
- An JK, Huang S, Chen XY, Xu T, Bai ZM, 2023, Research progress in geophysical exploration of the Antarctic ice Sheet, Earthq. Res. Adv., 3, 100203.【PDF】
- Wang GC, Tian XB, Li YB, Xu T, Wan B, Chen Y, Nie ST, Yang XS, Zuo SC, Zhang JL, 2023, Indian plate blocked by the thickened Eurasian crust in the middle of the continental collision zone of southern Tibet, Earthq. Res. Adv., 3, 100233. 【PDF】
- Hou J, Xu T*, Ai YS, Yu GP, Yang YJ, Xu B, Wang QF*. 2023. Metallogenic model of Jiaodong giant gold province: constraints from crustal velocity structure, Science China Earth Sciences, 66(12): 2898-2913.【PDF】
- 侯爵,徐涛*,艾印双,俞贵平,杨英杰,许博,王庆飞*,2023,胶东成矿省巨量金成矿模型:来自地壳结构的约束,中国科学:地球科学,53(12): 2937-2952.【PDF】
- 侯爵,潘佳铁,李永华,武振波,俞贵平,徐涛,2023. 华北克拉通中西部地壳S波速度结构及其地质意义,地球物理学报,66(5): 1960-1975.【PDF】
- 张晓青, Thybo H, Artemieva IM, 徐涛, 白志明, 2023, 中朝克拉通东部上地幔精细圈层结构:来自朝鲜核爆源深地震测深剖面的约束,地球物理学报,66(7): 2843-2859.【PDF】
- 姚时,侯爵,黄跃鹏,徐涛,白志明,高正辉,2023. 基于深度神经网络EikoNet走时计算方法及应用,地球与行星物理论评(中英文),54(1): 81-90, doi:10.19975/j.dqyxx. 2021-049.【PDF】
- 翁雪飞,武振波,徐涛,唐国彬,周卿. 2023. 青藏高原东南缘深部地球物理探测与壳幔结构研究进展,地球物理学进展,38(2): 612-630.【PDF】
2022年 - Ma LX, Xu T*, Ai YS*, Yang JH, Yang YJ, Fan EB, Li L, Hou J, Dong WY. 2022. Hot Lithosphere beneath the northeastern North China Craton detected by ambient noise tomography. Tectonophysics, 839, 229551.【PDF】
- Dong WY, Xu T*, Ai YS*, Fan EB, Li L, Hou J, 2022, The boundary between the North China Craton and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in NE China: seismic evidence from receiver function imaging, J. Asian Earth Sci., 237, 105360.【PDF】
- Huang MF, Xu T*, Lü QT*, Lin JY, Bai ZM, Deng YF, Zhang YQ, Badal J, 2022, Crustal structure along the Wanzai-Yongchun profile in the Cathaysia Block, Southeast China, constrained by a joint active- and passive-source seismic experiment, Geophys. J. Int., 231: 384-393.【PDF】
- Zheng F, Xu T*, Ai YS, Yang YJ, Zeng QD, Yu B, Zhang W, Xie TT. 2022. Metallogenic potential of the Wulong goldfield, Liaodong Peninsula, China revealed by high-resolution ambient noise tomography, Ore Geol. Rev., 142, 104704.【PDF】
- Chen JL, Hao JL, Wang Z, Xu T, 2022, The 21 May 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi earthquake—A unilateral rupture event with conjugately distributed aftershocks. Seismol. Res. Lett., 93(3): 1382-1399.【PDF】
- Zheng Y, Liu YS, Xu T, Li ZY, 2022, Elastic correlative least-squares reverse time migration based on wave mode decomposition, Processes, 10, 288.【PDF】
- Hou J, Xu T*, Lü QT, Bai ZM, Zhang YQ, Zhang ZY, Yang D, 2022. The deep background of large-scale, Mesozoic Cu–Au–W metallogenesis in northeastern South China: constraints from Yingshan–Changshan wide-angle seismic reflection/refraction data, Science China Earth Sciences, 65(11): 2202-2218.【PDF】
- 侯爵,徐涛*,吕庆田,白志明,张永谦,张智宇,杨丹,2022, 华南东北部中生代铜金钨大规模成矿的深部背景: 来自英山-常山宽角地震资料的约束,中国科学:地球科学,52(11): 2305-2322.【PDF】
- 侯爵,徐涛*,吕庆田,郑孟杰,白志明,2022,双聚束噪声成像揭示钦杭与武夷山成矿带上地壳精细结构,地球物理学报,65(10): 3881-3899.【PDF】
- 侯爵,武澄泷,俞贵平,徐涛,艾印双,2022,胶东金矿集中区深部结构研究进展,地球物理学进展, 37(3): 952-963.【PDF】
2021年 - Xie TT, Xu T*, Ai YS, Zeng QD, Zhang W, Zheng F, 2021, Imaging the shallow crustal velocity structure of the Qingchengzi ore field on the Liaodong Peninsula, China, with a short-period dense array using ambient noise tomography, Tectonophysics, 813, 228913.【PDF】
- Lin JY, Xu T*, Cai HT*, Lü QT, Bai ZM, Deng YF, Zhang YQ, Huang MF, Badal J, Jin X, 2021, Crustal velocity structure of Cathaysia Block from an active-source seismic profile between Wanzai and Hui'an in SE China, Tectonophysics, 811, 228874.【PDF】
- Wu CL, Xu T*, Ai YS, Dong WY, Li L, Hou J, 2021, Crustal azimuthal anisotropy in the Jiaodong Peninsula: Evidence for the suture between the North China Craton and South China Block,Phys. Earth Planet Inter., 314, 106705. 【PDF】
- Zheng MJ, Bai ZM*, Xu T*, Badal J, 2021, Upper crustal velocity structure of the Ailaoshan-Red River shear zone and its implication for Cenozoic tectonic-magmatic activity: Evidence from ambient noise tomography using short-period dense seismic array, Phys. Earth Planet Inter., 311, 106643.【PDF】
- Meng FC, Ai YS, Xu T, Chen L, Wang X, Li L, 2021, Lithospheric structure beneath the boundary region of North China Craton and Xing Meng Orogenic Belt from S-receiver function analysis, Tectonophysics, 818, 229067. 【PDF】
- Zhang YQ, Shi DN, Lü QT, Xu Y, Xu ZW, Gong XJ, Yan JY, Xu T, 2021, A fine crustal structure and geodynamics revealed by receiver functions along the Guangchang-Putian line in the Cathaysia Block, South China, Tectonophysics, 815, 229007.【PDF】
- Zhang YQ, Shi DN, Lü QT, Xu Y, Xu ZW, Yan JY, Chen CX, Xu T, 2021, The crustal thickness and composition in the eastern South China Block constrained by receiver functions: Implications for the geological setting and metallogenesis, Ore Geol. Rev., 130,103988.【PDF】
- 王洪华,龚俊波,梁值欢,张智,徐涛,2021,基于电磁波衰减补偿的三维探地雷达逆时偏移成像,地球物理学报,64(6): 2141-2152.【PDF】
- 桑莹泉,刘有山,徐涛,白志明,解桐桐,2021,远震波场正演模拟方法及应用,地球与行星物理论评,52(6): 569-586.【PDF】
- 李奇,张智,侯爵,俞贵平,王敏玲,徐涛,2021,背景噪声提取体波方法研究进展,地震科学进展,51(10): 433-451.【PDF】
2020年 - Yu GP, Xu T*, Ai Y S, Chen L, Yang JH, 2020, Significance of crustal extension and magmatism to gold deposits beneath Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern North China Craton: Seismic evidence from receiver function imaging with a dense array, Tectonophysics, 789, 228532.【PDF】
- Wu CL, Xu T*, Ai YS, Dong WY, Li L, 2020, XKS splitting-based upper-mantle deformation in the Jiaodong Peninsula records the boundary between the North China Craton and South China Block. Geophys. J. Int., 222: 956-964.【PDF】
- Zhang YP, Wang BS, Xu T, Yang W, Wang WT, Xu YH, Li L. 2020. Three-dimensional crustal Vp and Vs structures beneath the southern segment of the Tan-Lu fault revealed by active source and earthquake data. Geophy. J. Int., 223: 2148-2165.【PDF】
- Nie ST, Tian XB, Liang XF, Chen Y, Xu T, 2020, Pn uppermost mantle tomography of Central Tibet: Implication for mechanisms of N-S rifts and conjugate faults, Tectonophysics, 788, 228449.【PDF】
- Zhang XQ, Lin JY, Zhang MH, Liu Z, Liu BF, Liu YS, Xu T, Bai ZM, 2020, Multiple phases analysis of deep seismic sounding records in North China Craton, Earthquake Science, 33(1): 34-41.【PDF】
- Zhang L, Bai ZM, Xu T, Wu ZB, Huang MF, Yu GP, Chen JL, Zheng MJ, 2020, Cenozoic magmatic activity and oblique uplifting of the Ailao Mountain: Evidence from a short-period dense seismic array, Science China: Earth Sciences, 63(9): 1294-1308.【PDF】
- 张路,白志明*,徐涛,武振波,黄敏夫,俞贵平,陈俊磊,郑孟杰,哀牢山地区新生代岩浆活动与掀斜式抬升: 来自短周期密集台阵观测的证据,中国科学: 地球科学,50(8): 1069-1082.【PDF】
- 俞贵平,徐涛*,刘俊彤,艾印双,2020. 胶东地区晚中生代伸展构造与金成矿:短周期密集台阵背景噪声成像的启示. 地球物理学报,63(5): 1878-1893.【PDF】
- 林吉焱,唐国彬,徐涛*,蔡辉腾,吕庆田,白志明,邓阳凡,黄敏夫,金星. 2020. 钦杭-武夷山成矿带上地壳速度结构与基底特征:万载-惠安宽角反射/折射地震剖面约束,地球物理学报,63(12): 4396-4409.【PDF】
- 武振波,唐国彬,徐涛*,梁春涛,翁雪飞,2020,印度板块下地壳北向俯冲与榴辉岩化的地震学证据:接收函数成像结果,地球物理学报,63(11): 3996-4011.【PDF】
- 陈俊磊,郑勇,张路,武振波,侯爵,郭桂红,刘有山,徐涛,白志明,2020. 基于分频波形拟合方法的鲁甸Ms6.5地震序列震源机制解研究,地球物理学报,63(4): 1472-1483.【PDF】
- 张智,孙丽霞,唐国彬,徐涛,王赟,王敏玲,郭希,2020,六分量弹性波场数值模拟与分析,地球物理学报,63(6): 2375-2385.【PDF】
- 张明辉,武振波,马立雪,郑凡,解桐桐,郑孟杰,侯爵,刘有山,张永谦,徐涛,白志明,2020. 短周期密集台阵被动源地震探测技术研究进展,地球物理学进展,35(2): 495-511.【PDF】
2019年 - Wu CL, Tian XB*, Xu T*, Liang XF, Chen Y, Taylor M, Badal J, Bai ZM, Duan YH, Yu GP, Teng JW, 2019, Deformation of crust and upper mantle in central Tibet caused by the northward subduction and slab tearing of the Indian lithosphere: New evidence based on shear wave splitting measurements, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 514: 75-83.【PDF】
- Wu CL, Tian XB, Xu T*, Liang XF, Chen Y, Zhu GH, Badal J, Bai ZM, Yu GP, Teng JW, 2019. Upper-crustal anisotropy of the conjugate strike-slip fault zone in central Tibet analyzed using local earthquakes and shear-wave splitting. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 109(5): 1968-1984.【PDF】
- Liu YS, Xu T*, Wang YH, Teng JW, Badal J, Lan HQ, 2019, An efficient source wavefield reconstruction scheme using single boundary layer values for the spectral element method, Earth and Planetary Physics, 3: 342-357.【PDF】
- Lin JY, Mooney WD, Wang FY, Duan YH, Tian XF, Xu T, Deng YG, 2019, Crustal P wave velocity structure beneath the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau from deep seismic sounding results, Tectonophysics, 755: 109-126.【PDF】
- Deng, YF, Li J T, Song X D, Li HY, Xu T, 2019. The lithospheric-scale deformation in NE Tibet from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30, 1-11.【PDF】
- Chen L., Song X D, Gerya T V, Xu T, Chen Y., Crustal melting beneath orogenic plateaus: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling, Tectonophysics, 2019, 761: 1-15.【PDF】
- 滕吉文,杨顶辉,田小波,徐涛,陈赟,白志明,梁晓峰,张晰,吴晶,刘有山,2019. 青藏高原深部地球物理探测70年,中国科学,49(10): 1546-1564.【PDF】
- 张明辉,刘有山,侯爵,徐涛,白志明,2019,近地表地震层析成像方法综述,地球物理学进展,34(1): 48-63.【PDF】
2018年 - Wu ZB, Xu T*, Liang CT, Wu CL, Liu ZQ, 2018, Crustal shear wave velocity structure in the northeastern Tibet based on the Neighbourhood algorithm inversion of receiver functions, Geophys. J. Int., 212: 1920-1931.【PDF】
- Xu YH, Wang BS, Xu T, 2018, Steepest descent integration: A novel method for computing wavefields radiated from borehole sources, Geophysics, 83(4): D151-D164.【PDF】
- Wang X, Chen L, Ai YS, Xu T, Jiang MM, Ling Y, 2018, Crustal structure and deformation beneath eastern and northern Tibet revealed by P-wave receiver functions, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 497: 69-79.【PDF】
- Zhang XY, Bai ZM, Xu T, Gao R, Li QS, Hou J, Badal J, 2018, Joint tomographic inversion of first-arrival refraction and reflection traveltimes for velocity models with an irregular surface, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2: 220-230.【PDF】
- Zhang X, Wang P, Xu T, Chen Y, Badal J, Teng JW, 2018, Density structure of the crust in the Emeishan large igneous province revealed by the Lijiang-Guiyang gravity profile, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2: 74-81.【PDF】
- 侯爵,刘有山,兰海强,徐涛,白志明,2018,基于起伏地形平化策略的弹性波逆时偏移成像方法,地球物理学报,61(4): 1434-1446.【PDF】
- 杨颖航,王真理,徐涛,杨长春,2018,三维TTI介质高效射线追踪方法,地球物理学报,61(4): 1421-1433.【PDF】
2017年 - Wu ZB, Xu T*, Badal J, Yao HJ, Wu CL, Zhang ZJ, Teng JW, 2016,Crustal shear-wave velocity structure of northeastern Tibet revealed by ambient seismic noise and receiver functions, Gondwana Research, 41: 400-410.【PDF】
- Zhang MH, Xu T, Bai ZM, Liu YS, Hou J, Yu GP, 2017, Ray tracing of turning wave in elliptically anisotropic media with an irregular surface, Earthq. Sci., 30(5-6): 219-228. 【PDF】
- Liu YS, Teng JW, Xu T, Badal J, 2017. Higher-order triangular spectral element method with optimized cubature points for seismic wavefield modeling, Journal of Computational Physics, 336: 458-480.【PDF】
- Liu YS, Teng JW, Xu T, Wang YH, Liu QY, Badal J, 2017, Robust time-domain full waveform inversion with normalized zero-lag cross-correlation objective function, Geophys. J. Int., 209: 106-122.【PDF】
- Liu YS, Teng JW, Xu T, Badal J, Liu QY, Zhou B. 2017. Effects of conjugate gradient methods and step-length formulas on the multiscale full waveform inversion in time domain: numerical Analysis. Pure Appl. Geophys., 174: 1983-2006.【PDF】
- Zhang XY, Wang YH, Gao R, Xu T, Bai ZM, Tian XB, Li QS, 2017, Vertical crustal motions across Eastern Tibet revealed by topography-dependent seismic tomography, Scientific Reports, 7: 3243.【PDF】
- Deng YF, Chen L, Xu T, Wu J, Romanelli F, Panza GF, 2017, Lateral variation in seismic velocities and rheology beneath the Qinling-Dabie orogeny. Science China Earth Sciences. 59: 1-13.【PDF】
- Zhang YQ, Teng JW, Wang QS, Lü QT, Si X, Xu T, Badal J, Yan JY, Hao ZB, 2017. A gravity study along a profile across the Sichuan Basin, the Qinling Mountains and the Ordos Basin (central China): Density, isostasy and dynamics, Jouranl of Asian Earth Sciences, 147: 310-321.【PDF】
- Liu Z, Tian XB, Chen Y, Xu T, Bai ZM, Liang XF, Iqbal J, Xu YG, 2017, Unusually thickened crust beneath the Emeishan large igneous province detected by virtual deep seismic sounding, Tectonophysics, 721: 387-394.【PDF】
- Berntsson F, Chen L, Xu T, Wokiyi D, 2017, An efficient regularization method for a large scale ill-posed geothermal problem, Computers & Geosciences, 105: 1-9.【PDF】
- 俞贵平,徐涛*,张明辉,白志明,刘有山,武澄泷,滕吉文,2017,三维复杂地壳结构非线性走时反演,地球物理学报,60(4): 1398-1410.【PDF】
- 张新彦,徐涛,白志明,高锐,刘有山,张智,2016,起伏地形下的高精度反射波走时层析成像方法,地球物理学报.【PDF】
- 张新彦,高锐,白志明,徐涛,李秋生,2017, 阿坝-遂宁宽角地震剖面重建藏东缘龙门山地区地壳速度结构,地球物理学报,60(6): 2200-2212.【PDF】
- 郭希,陈赟,李士东,邓阳凡,徐涛,李玮,谭萍,2017,峨眉山大火成岩省地壳横波速度结构特征及其动力学意义,地球物理学报,60(9): 3338-3351.【PDF】
- 陈赟,王振华,郭希,邓阳凡,徐涛,梁晓峰,田小波,吴晶,陈林,张晰,唐国彬,徐义刚,2017,古地幔柱作用遗迹的深部地球物理探测-以峨眉山大火成岩省为例,矿物岩石地球化学通报,36(3): 394-403. 【PDF】
2016年 - Liu YS, Teng JW, Xu T, Bai ZM, Lan HQ, Badal J, 2016, An efficient step-length formula for correlative least-squares reverse time migration, Geophysics, 81: S221-S238.【PDF】
- Liang XF, Chen Y, Tian XB, Chen Y J, Ni J, Gallegos A, Klemperer SL, Wang ML, Xu T, Sun CQ, Si SK, Lan HQ, Teng JW, 2016, 3D imaging of subducting and fragmenting Indian continental lithosphere beneath southern and central Tibet using body-wave finite-frequency tomography, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 443, 162-175. 【PDF】
- Liang XF, Tian XB, Zhu GH, Wu CL, Duan YH, Li W, Zhou BB, Zhang MH, Yu GP, Nie ST, Wang GC, Wang ML, Wu ZB, Liu Z, Guo X, Zhou XP, Wei Z, Xu T, Zhang X, Bai ZM, Chen Y, Teng JW, 2016, SANDWICH: A 2D broadband seismic array in central Tibet, Seismological Research Letters, 87(4): 864-873【PDF】
- Deng Y, Chen Y, Wang P, Essa K S, Xu T, Liang X, Badal J, 2016. Magmatic underplating beneath the Emeishan large igneous province (South China) revealed by the COMGRA-ELIP experiment. Tectonophysics, 672-673: 16-23. 【PDF】
武振波,徐涛*,武澄泷,张明辉,田小波,滕吉文,2016,利用接收函数反演青藏高原西部地壳S波速度结构,地球物理学报,59(2): 516-527. 【PDF】 白志明,吴庆举,徐涛,王晓,2016,中国大陆下扬子及邻区地壳结构基本特征:深地震测深研究综述,中国地震,32(2): 180-192. 【PDF】
- Xu T, Zhang ZJ, Liu BF, Chen Y, Zhang MH, Tian XB, Xu YG, Teng JW, 2015, Crustal velocity structure in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province and evidence of the Permian mantle plume activity, Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(7): 1133-1147.【PDF】
- Wu CL, Xu T*, Badal J, Wu ZB, Teng JW, 2015,Seismic anisotropy across the Kunlun fault revealed by SKS-wave splitting measurements in northeastern Tibet, Tectonophysics, 659: 91-101. 【PDF】
- Deng YF, Shen WS, Xu T, Ritzwoller M, 2015, Crustal layering in northeastern Tibet: A case study based on joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion, Geophys. J. Int., 203: 692-706. 【PDF】
- Tian XB, Chen Y, Tseng TL, Klemperer SL, Thybo H, Liu Z, Xu T, Liang XF, Bai ZM, Zhang X, Si SK, Sun CQ, Lan HQ, Wang EC, Teng JW, 2015, Weakly coupled lithospheric extension in southern Tibet, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 430: 171-177. 【PDF】
- Chen Y, Xu YG, Xu T, Si SK, Liang XF, Tian XB, Deng YF, Chen L, Wang P, Xu YH, Lan HQ, Xiao FH, Li W, Zhang X, Yuan XH, Badal J, Teng JW, 2015, Magmatic underplating and crustal growth in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China, revealed by a passive seismic experiment, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 432: 103-114. 【PDF】
- 徐涛,张忠杰,刘宝峰,陈赟,张明辉,田小波,徐义刚,滕吉文,2015, 峨眉山大火成岩省地壳速度结构与古地幔柱活动遗迹:来自丽江-清镇宽角地震资料的约束,中国科学:地球科学,45(5): 561-576. 【PDF】
- 张明辉,徐涛,吕庆田,白志明,武澄泷,武振波,滕吉文,2015, 长江中下游成矿带及邻区三维Moho面结构:来自人工源宽角地震资料的约束,地球物理学报, 58(12): 4360-4372. 【PDF】
- 徐逸鹤,徐涛*,王敏玲,白志明,张忠杰,滕吉文,2015. 井中震源的远场波场特征研究,地球物理学报,58(8): 2912-2926. 【PDF】
- 韩颜颜,张忠杰,梁锴,刘有山,徐涛,滕吉文,2015, 基于非均匀多尺度方法的自组织介质波前愈合效应波场模拟,地球物理学报,58(2): 643-655. 【PDF】
2014年 - Xu T.,Wu Z.B., Zhang Z.J., Tian X.B., Deng Y.F., Wu C.L., Teng J.W., 2014, Crustal structure across the Kunlun fault from passive source seismic profiling in east Tibet, Tectonophysics, 627: 98-107. 【PDF】
- Xu T., Li F., Wu Z.B., Wu C.L., Gao E.G., Zhou B., Zhang Z.J., Xu G.M., 2014, A successive three-point perturbation method for fast ray tracing in complex 2D and 3D geological models, Tectonophysics, 627: 72-81. 【PDF】
- Zhang ZJ, Wang YH, Houseman GA, Xu T, Wu ZB, Yuan XH, Chen Y, Tian XB, Bai ZM, Teng JW, 2014, The Moho beneath western Tibet: Shear zones and eclogitization in the lower crust, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 408, 370-377. 【PDF】
- Li F, Xu T., Zhang MH, Wu ZB, Wu CL, Zhang ZJ, Teng JW, 2014, Seismic traveltime inversion of 3D velocity model with triangulated interfaces, Earthq. Sci., 27(2): 127-136. 【PDF】
- Xu Y.H., Xu T., 2014, An interactive program on digitizing historical seismograms, Computers & Geosciences, 63, 88-95. 【PDF】
- Chen L., Berntsson F., Zhang Z.J., Wang P., Wu J., Xu T., 2014, Seismically constrained thermo-rheological structure of the eastern Tibetan margin: Implication for lithospheric delamination, Tectonophysics, 627: 122-134. 【PDF】
- Lü Y., Zhang Z.J., Pei S.P., Sandvol E., Xu T., Liang X.F., 2014, 2.5-Dimensional tomography of uppermost mantle beneath Sichuan-Yunnan and surrounding regions, Tectonophysics, 627: 193-204. 【PDF】
- 徐涛,张忠杰,田小波,刘宝峰,白志明,吕庆田,滕吉文,2014, 长江中下游成矿带及邻区地壳速度结构:来自利辛-宜兴宽角地震资料的约束,岩石学报,30(4): 918-930. 【PDF】
- 徐涛,张明辉,田小波,郑勇,白志明,武澄泷,张忠杰,滕吉文,2014, 丽江—清镇剖面上地壳速度结构及其与鲁甸MS6.5级地震孕震环境的关系,地球物理学报,57(9): 3069-3079. 【PDF】
- 吕庆田,董树文,史大年,汤井田,江国明,张永谦,徐涛,2014, SinoProbe-03-CJ项目组,长江中下游成矿带岩石圈结构与成矿动力学-深部探测进展综述,岩石学报,30(4): 889-906. 【PDF】
- 张永谦,吕庆田,滕吉文,王谦身,徐涛,2014, 长江中下游及邻区的地壳密度结构与深部成矿背景探讨-来自重力学的约束,岩石学报,30(4): 931-940. 【PDF】
- 王芃,张忠杰,张晰,韩颜颜,王敏玲,侯爵,徐涛,2014, 龙门山中段及邻区地壳密度结构及其地球动力学启示,岩石学报,30(4): 1179-1187. 【PDF】
- 赵烽帆,张明辉,徐涛*,2014, 地震体波走时层析成像研究方法综述,地球物理学进展,29(3): 1090-1101. 【PDF】
- 赵烽帆,马婷,徐涛*,2014, 地震波初至走时的计算方法综述,地球物理学进展,29(3): 1102-1113. 【PDF】
- 刘有山,滕吉文,徐涛,刘少林,司芗,马学英,2014, 三角网格谱元法地震波场数值模拟,地球物理学进展,29(4): 1715-1726. 【PDF】
- 侯爵,张忠杰,兰海强,马婷,王芃,徐涛,滕吉文,2014, 起伏地表下地震波传播数值模拟方法研究进展,地球物理学进展,29(2): 0488-0497. 【PDF】
2013年 - Zhang Z. J., Xu T., Zhao B., Badal J., Systematic variations in seismic velocity and reflection in the crust of Cathaysia: New constraints on intraplate orogeny in the South China continent, Gondwana Res. 2013, 24, 902-917. 【PDF】
- Zhang ZJ, Bai ZM, Klemperer SL, Tian XB, Xu T., Chen Y., Teng JW, 2013, Crustal structure across the northeastern Tibet from wideangle seismic profiling: constraints on Caledonian Qilian orogeny and its reactivation, Tectonophysics, 606, 140-159. 【PDF】
- Zhang Z.J., Chen Y., Yuan X.H., Tian X.B., Klemperer S.L., Xu T., Bai Z.M., Zhang H.S., Wu J., Teng J.W., 2013, Normal faulting from simple shear rifting in South Tibet, using evidence from passive seismic profiling across the Yadong-Gulu Rift. Tectonophysics, 606, 178-186. 【PDF】
- Zhao B., Bai Z.M., Xu T.,Zhang X., Badal J., 2013, Lithological model of the South China crust based on integrated geophysical data, J. Geophys. Eng., 10, 025005(12pp), doi:10.1088/1742-2132/10/2/025005.
- 李飞,徐涛,武振波,张忠杰,滕吉文,2013, 三维非均匀地质模型中的逐段迭代射线追踪,地球物理学报,56(10):3514-3522. 【PDF】
- 刘有山,滕吉文,刘少林,徐涛,2013, 稀疏存储的显式有限元三角网格地震波数值模拟及其PML吸收边界条件,地球物理学报,56(9): 3085-3099. 【PDF】
- 张智,刘有山,徐涛,白志明,2013, 弹性波逆时偏移中的稳定激发振幅成像条件,地球物理学报,56(10):3523-3533. 【PDF】
2012年 - Zhang X. Y., Zhang Z. J., Xu T., Bai Z. M., Harris J. M., 2012, Phase shift approximation for the post-critical seismic wave, J. Geophys. Eng., 9: 482-493. 【PDF】
- 兰海强,张智,徐涛,白志明,2012, 贴体网格各向异性对坐标变换法求解起伏地表下地震初至波走时的影响,地球物理学报,55(10): 3355-3369. 【PDF】
- 兰海强,张智,徐涛,白志明,梁锴,2012, 地震波走时场模拟的快速推进法和快速扫描法比较研究,地球物理学进展, 27(5): 1863-1870. 【PDF】
- 赵爱华,徐涛,2012, 提高规则网格最短路径方法反射波走时计算精度的走时校正技术,地球物理学进展, 27(5): 1854-1862. 【PDF】
2012年以前 - Xu T., Zhang Z., Gao E., Xu G. and Sun L., 2010, Segmentally iterative ray tracing in complex 2D and 3D heterogeneous block models, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100, 841-850. 【PDF】
- Xu T., Z. Zhang, A. Zhao, A. Zhang, X. Zhang, H. Zhang, 2008, Sub-triangle shooting ray tracing in complex 3D VTI media, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 17: 133-146. 【PDF】
- 徐涛,宁俊瑞,刘春成,李守林,地球介质自组织性对地震波旅行时和振幅的影响,地球物理学报,2007,50(4): 1174-1181. 【PDF】
- 刘永霞,徐涛,赵兵,刘春成,自相似型各向异性自组织介质中地震波场动力学响应,地球物理学报,2007, 50(1): 221-232. 【PDF】
- Xu T, Xu G, Gao E, Li Y, Jiang X, Luo K. Block modeling and segmentally iterative ray tracing in complex 3D media, Geophysics, 2006, 71(3): T41-T51. 【PDF】
- 徐涛、徐果明、高尔根、蒋先艺、罗开云,三维试射射线追踪子三角形法,石油地球物理勘探,2005, 40(4):391-399. 【PDF】
- 徐涛、徐果明、高尔根、朱良保、蒋先艺,三维复杂介质的块状建模和试射射线追踪,地球物理学报,2004, 47(6):1118-1126. 【PDF】
- 徐涛,徐果明,高尔根,蒋先艺,复杂介质的折射波射线追踪,石油地球物理勘探, 2004, 39(6):690-693. 【PDF】
- 李迎春,徐果明,徐涛,地下介质三维模型中界面的描述方法,地球物理学进展,2002,17(3): 445-450. 【PDF】