根据美国汤姆森公司(Thomson Corporation)ISI Web of Knowledge网页6月14日更新的数据显示,2008年前5个月,我所科研人员以我所为第一署名单位发表的论文已被SCI收录89篇,其中国际SCI论文63篇(41个刊物),国内SCI论文26篇(6个刊物,因目前为止《岩石学报》只收录了第一期的论文、《地球物理学报》只收录了前两期论文,故此数据可能偏低)。具体的收录刊物和论文数如下。
1. Nature(1篇)
2. Advances in Space Research(1篇)
3. Annales Geophysicae(1篇)
4. Applied Mathematics and Computation(1篇)
5. Boreas(1篇)
6. Chemical Geology(1篇)
7. Climate of the Past(1篇)
8. Comptes Rendus Geoscience(1篇)
9. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology(1篇)
10. Earth and Planetary Science Letters(1篇)
11. Energy & Fuels(1篇)
12. Environmental Geology(2篇)
13. Fems Microbiology Letters(1篇)
14. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems(1篇)
15. Geological Magazine(1篇)
16. Geophysical Prospecting(1篇)
17. Geophysical Research Letters(6篇)
18. Global and Planetary Change(1篇)
19. International Geology Review(3篇)
20. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences(1篇)
21. Island Arc(1篇)
22. Journal of Aerosol Science(1篇)
23. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences(4篇)
24. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics(2篇)
25. Journal of Geology(1篇)
26. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth(3篇)
27. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics(2篇)
28. Journal of Metamorphic Geology(1篇)
29. Journal of Paleolimnology(1篇)
30. Journal of Petroleum Geology(1篇)
31. Journal of Petrology(1篇)
32. Journal of Seismic Exploration(4篇)
33. Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision(1篇)
34. Lithos(2篇)
35. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology(2篇)
36. Quaternary Research(1篇)
37. Radio Science(2篇)
38. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry(1篇)
39. Resource Geology(1篇)
40. Science of the Total Environment(1篇)
41. Tectonophysics(2篇)
1. Acta Petrologica Sinica(岩石学报)(8篇)
2. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition(地球物理学报)(8篇)
3. Chinese Physics Letters(1篇)
4. Chinese Science Bulletin(6篇)
5. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences(中国科学D辑)(2篇)
6. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences(中国科学E辑)(1篇)