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Advance of research on modern soil phytolith 温昌辉 Science China-Earth Sciences 2018 61 1169-1182
Human activity induced asynchronous dune mobilization in the deserts of NE China during the late Holocene 郭利成 Aeolian Research 2018 34 49-55
Human activity during the late Pleistocene in the Lop Nur region, northwest China: Evidence from a buried stone artifact 李康康 Science China-Earth Sciences 2018 61 1659-1668
Middle-Holocene sea-level fluctuations interrupted the developing Hemudu culture in the lower Yangtze River, China 贺可洋 Quaternary Science Reviews 2018 188 90-103
Geochemistry of the dissolved loads during high-flow season of rivers in the southeastern coastal region of China: anthropogenic impact on chemical weathering and carbon sequestration 刘文景 Biogeosciences 2018 15 4955-4971
Ash From the Changbaishan Qixiangzhan Eruption: A New Early Holocene Marker Horizon Across East Asia 孙春青 Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 2018 123 6442-6450
Geochemical composition and provenance of aeolian sands in the Ordos Deserts, northern China 刘倩倩 Geomorphology 2018 318 354-374
Sedimentary and geochemical evidence of Eocene climate change in the Xining Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau Abu Sadat Md Science China-Earth Sciences 2018 61 1292-1305
The 4.2 ka BP event: multi-proxy records from a closed lake in the northern margin of the East Asian summer monsoon 肖举乐 Climate of the Past 2018 14 1417-1425
Stable carbon isotope records of black carbon on Chinese Loess Plateau since last glacial maximum: An evaluation on their usefulness for paleorainfall and paleovegetation reconstruction 王旭 Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2018 509 98-104
Hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes in loess and floodplain deposits in northern China since the Last Glacial Maximum and their paleoclimatic significance 李阳阳 Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2018 509 91-97
Phenotypic plasticity of the gastropod Melanoides tuberculata in the Nile Delta: A pollution-induced stabilizing selection Ahmed Awad Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018 133 701-710
Distribution of strontium isotopes in river waters across the Tarim Basin: a map for migration studies 王学烨 Journal of the Geological Society 2018 175 967-973
Phytolith analysis for differentiating between broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and its weed/feral type (Panicum ruderale) 张健平 Scientific Reports 2018 8 -
Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental events recorded in a late Cenozoic sedimentary succession in Huaibei Plain, East China 张磊 Quaternary Science Reviews 2018 200 52-64
Chemical weathering of small catchments on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau I: Water sources, solute sources and weathering rates 蒋浩 Chemical Geology 2018 500 159-174
The ancient dispersal of millets in southern China: New archaeological evidence 邓振华 Holocene 2018 28 34-43
Hydrological change and human activity during Yuan-Ming Dynasties in the Loulan area, northwestern China 李康康 Holocene 2018 28 1266-1275
Multi-stage magmatic plumbing system of the volcano: A case study from Ulleung Island, South Korea 陈双双 Lithos 2018 314 201-215
Cluster Observations of a Dispersive Flapping Event of Magnetotail Current Sheet 戎昭金 Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics 2018 123 5571-5579
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