所属系统: 地质年代学测定系统
实验室主任: 孙继敏
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本实验室拥有Ris?-TL/OSL-DA-15光释光年代分析仪一台, 可对第四纪不同类型碎屑沉积物的年龄进行测定。释光测年方法测定的是第四纪沉积物中石英、长石等矿物最后一次曝光后被埋藏的年龄,即沉积年龄。该技术已经广泛应用于第四纪地质、环境、水文地质、新构造活动等研究。此外,矿物释光技术也被广泛应用于古陶器、瓷器、燧石石器等考古器物测年以及第四纪火山喷发事件年龄测定。
自然界的沉积物中均含有微量铀、钍、钾等放射性元素,这些元素在衰变过程中会释放α、β、γ 射线而使石英、长石等矿物晶体电离,产生游离电子。一些游离电子被晶格缺陷陷获后贮藏在陷阱中,为陷获电子。当石英、长石等矿物受到热或者光照时, 陷获电子可获得能量, 逃出陷阱, 并在此过程中出现发光现象。光释光测年方法就是通过光束激发使晶体中储存的电离辐射能释放出来。本实验室的Ris?-TL/OSL-DA-15光释光年代分析仪是由丹麦技术大学的核技术中心研发,该释光试验系统全自动运作。每次样品最大容量48片,该仪器可产生高能的蓝色和红外激发光,测年范围数十至几十万年,测年精度5-10%。
- Gong, Z., Li, B., and Li, S.-H., 2015, Further studies on the relationship betwee IRSL and BLSL at relatively high temperatures for potassium-feldspar from sediments: Journal of Luminescence, v. 159, p. 238-245.
- Gong, Z., Sun, J., and Lü, T., 2015, Investigating the components of the optically stimulated luminescence signals of quartz grains from sand dunes in China: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 29, p. 48-57.
- Gong, Z., Sun, J., Lü, T., and Tian, Z., 2014, Investigating the optically stimulated luminescence dose saturation behavior for quartz grains from dune sands in China: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 22, p. 137-143.
- Lü, T., Sun, J., Li, S.-H., Gong, Z., and Xue, L., 2014, Vertical variations of luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains from loess/paleosol of Luochuan section in the central Chinese Loess Plateau since the last interglacial: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 22, p. 107-115.
- Pengfei Wang, Jian Chen, Fuchu Dai, Wei Long, Chong Xu, Jimin Sun, Zhijiu Cui, 2014, Chronology of relict lake deposits around the Suwalong paleolandslide in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau: Implications to Holocene tectonic perturbations: Geomorphology, v. 217, p. 193–203.
- Jian Chen, Fuchu Dai, Tongyan Lv, Zhijiu Cui, 2013, Holocene landslide-dammed lake deposits in the Upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau and their ages: Quaternary International, v. 298, p. 107–113.
- Lü, T., and Sun, J., 2011, Luminescence sensitivities of quartz grains from eolian deposits in northern China and their implications for provenance: Quaternary Research, v. 76, p. 181-189.
- Jian Chen, Fuchu Dai, Xin Yao, 2008, Holocene debris-flow deposits and their implications on the climate in the upper Jinsha River valley, China: Geomorphology, v. 93, p.493-500.
- 孙高元, 龚志军, 2013, 乌兰巴托以西断裂活动时代的光释光年代学研究: 地震地质, v. 35, p. 322-327.
- 薛蕾, 张振卿, 刘维明, 吕同艳, 孙继敏, 2010, 西藏色林错12ka以来的湖泊退缩过程--基于古湖岸线的OSL测年: 地质科学, v. 45, p. 428-439.
- 韩鹏, 孙继敏,2004,浑善达克沙地的光释光测年研究:第四纪研究,v. 24(4).
石英3000元/样品, 钾长石 4000 元/样品。
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