姓名: |
陈棋福 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
010-82998296 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
chenqf@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
2004~2007 中国-加拿大“地震前兆研究”合作项目协调人
2011.10~: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员
2005.10-2012.6 International Seismological Centre(国际地震中心)理事会理事(2005.10.2-2012.6.15)、执委会委员(2005.10.2-2011.6.29)
1991- 中国地球物理学会会员,2008年10月17日-2012年10月15日任中国地球物理学会理事
1990- 中国地震学会会员,2006年10月21日以来任中国地震学会理事,2011年8月至今任地震学专业委员会副主任 |
研究方向: |
现主要从事地幔转换带和深俯冲及地震构造探测研究。曾从事破坏性地震事例研究和地震灾害损失预测研究。 |
承担科研项目情况: |
18、 |
国家自然科学重大研究计划重点支持项目, 西北太平洋俯冲板片形态与岩浆响应活动的地震精细成像(91958209), 2020.1-2023.12 |
17、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 长白山火山区的岩石圈精细结构研究(41974057), 2020.1-2023.12 |
16、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 太平洋俯冲滞留板片与阿巴嘎火山关联性的地震探测研究(41774058), 2018.1-2021.12 |
15、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 中国东北强震与太平洋俯冲作用的地震观测研究(41474041), 2015.1-2018.12 |
14、 |
国家自然科学基金重点项目, 中国东北太平洋深俯冲的地震台阵观测及其动力学研究(41130316), 2012.1-2016.12 |
13、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 太行山和燕山带交汇区的地震活动机制研究(41074038), 2011.1-2013.12 |
12、 |
中国地震局地震行业专项, 首都圈地区地震精细构造与强震潜势研究(200708008), 2007.12-2011.6 |
11、 |
国际科技合作项目, 基于脉动阵列观测和高速模拟计算的大北京地区高分辨率地震破坏评估图(2006DFA21650), 2007.1-2010.4 |
10、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 利用波形及全波三维Fréchet核反演首都圈地下精细结构(40674020), 2007.1-2009.12 |
9、 |
973项目《活动地块边界带的动力过程与强震预测》子课题, 断层系统强震孕育过程的动力学模拟研究(2004CB418405), 2005.5-2009.11 |
8、 |
国际科技合作项目, 地震前兆成因机理的对比研究(2005DFA20980), 2005.6-2007.12 |
7、 |
发改委项目子专题, 首都圈重大城市深部发震条件的探测研究(国家发改委项目2004-1138专题), 2004.8-2006.12 |
6、 |
国家社会公益研究专项, 城市突发性自然灾害的网络快速评估体系(2002DIB10042), 2002.12-2005.6 |
5、 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 地震三维精定位和丽江、宁蒗地震破裂成核过程的研究(40174014),2002.1-2004.12 |
4、 |
国家社会公益研究专项, 中国灾害性地震震例综合研究(2000DIB20097), 2001.1-2003.1 |
3、 |
973项目《大陆强震机理与预测》子课题, 区域能量背景、局部孕震过程与强震预测物理方法的研究(95130407), 1998.12-2003.8 |
2、 |
中国地震局, 地震震情和大震速报信息处理子系统(95020201), 1997.1-2000.12 |
1、 |
中国地震局, 中短期前兆及预报效能评价(95040105), 1996.9-2000.12 | |
获奖及荣誉: |
1988年:中国地震局科技进步三等奖(个人排名第三) |
代表论著: |
84. |
Wang, Xin;Chen, Qi-Fu; Niu, Fenglin; Wei, Shengji; Ning, Jieyuan; Li, Juan; Wang, Weijun; Buchen, Johannes; Liu ,Lijun. 2020. Distinct slab interfaces imaged within the mantle transition zone.Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/s41561-020-00653-5. |
83. |
Zhang, Limeng, Li, Juan, Wang, Tao, Yang, Fan,Chen, Qi-Fu. 2020. Body waves retrieved from noise cross‐correlation reveal lower mantle scatterers beneath the Northwest Pacific subduction zone.Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19), e2020GL088846. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL088846 |
82. |
范兴利,陈棋福,郭震. 2020. 长白山火山区高精度Rayleigh面波相速度结构与岩浆系统.岩石学报, 36(7): 2081-2091. doi:10.18654/1000-0569/2020. 07.10 |
81. |
陈棋福,李乐,姜金钟. 2020. 中国大陆强震孕育深处的变形模式构建,地震研究,43(2): 232-240 |
80. |
张凯文,陈棋福, 陈赟 .2020.接收函数揭示的兴蒙造山带西南部的地壳结构特征.地球物理学报,63(4): 1484-1504,doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0048 |
79. |
Fan, Xingli;Chen, Qi-Fu, Legendre, C. P.; Guo, Zhen. 2020. Intraplate volcanism and regional geodynamics in NE Asia revealed by anisotropic Rayleigh-wave tomography. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1), e2019GL085623. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085623 |
78. |
姜金钟,陈棋福, 李姣. 2019.中国东北的深源地震波形匹配检测及定位. 地球物理学报, 62(8): 2930-2945, doi: 10.6038/cjg2019M0210 |
77. |
李天觉,陈棋福. 2019.利用接收函数方法研究中国东北东南部地区不同构造体的地壳特征. 地球物理学报, 62(8): 2899-2917,doi: 10.6038/cjg2019M0379 |
76. |
Chen, Qi-Fu; Ai, Yinshuang; Chen, Yun. 2019. Overview of deep structures under the Changbaishan volcanic area in Northeast China.SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 62(6): 935–952. doi:10.1007/s11430-018-9300-1/陈棋福,艾印双, 陈赟. 2019. 长白山火山区深部结构的探测研究进展与挑战.中国科学:地球科学, 49(5): 778-795. doi: 10.1360/N072018-00040 |
75. |
李天觉,陈棋福. 2019. 西北太平洋俯冲带日本本州至中国东北段应力场反演.地球物理学报, 62(2):520-533. doi: 10.6038/cjg2019M0044 |
74. |
Fan, Xingli;Chen, Qi-Fu. 2019. Seismic constraints on the magmatic system beneath the Changbaishan volcano: Insight into its origin and regional tectonics.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2): 2003-2024.https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB016288 |
73. |
Wang, Teng; Shi, Qibin; Nikkhoo, Mehdi; Wei, Shengji; Barbot, Sylvain; Dreger, Douglas; Bürgmann, Roland; Motagh, Mahdi;Chen, Qi-Fu. 2018. The rise, collapse, and compaction of Mt. Mantap from the 3 September 2017 North Korean nuclear test.Science, 361 (6398), 166-170. DOI: 10.1126/science.aar7230 |
72. |
Xu, Xiaoming; Niu, Fenglin; Ding, Zhifeng;Chen, Qifu. 2018. Complicated crustal deformation beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent areas revealed by multi-station receiver-function gathering,Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497: 204–216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.06.010 |
71. |
陈棋福, 李乐,2018. 2008年汶川地震与龙门山断裂带的深浅部变形及启示,科学通报,63 (19):1917-1933. doi: 10.1360/N972018-00362 |
70. |
白一鸣, 艾印双, 姜明明, 何玉梅,陈棋福. 2018. 利用P波接收函数研究青藏高原东南缘地幔转换带结构. 地球物理学报,61(2): 570-583,doi: 10.6038/cjg2018L0182 |
69. |
He, Yumei; Zheng, Tianyu; Ai, Yinshuang; Hou, Guangbing;Chen, Qi-Fu; 2018, Growth of the lower continental crust via the relamination of arc magma,Tectonophysics, 724–725: 42-50, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.01.006 |
68. |
王武,陈棋福. 2017. 长白山火山区地壳S波速度结构的背景噪声成像. 地球物理学报, 60(8): 3080-3095, doi: 10.6038/cjg20170816 |
67. |
Lü, Yan; Ni, Sidao; Chen, Ling;Chen, Qi-Fu, 2017. Pn tomography with Moho depth correction from eastern Europe to western China. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth,122(2), 1284-1301. doi:10.1002/2016JB013052. |
66. |
Wang, Xin; Li, Juan;Chen, Qi-Fu. 2017, Topography of the 410km and 660km discontinuities beneath Japan Sea and adjacent regions by analysis of multiple-ScS waves,J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 122,1264-1283, doi: 10.1002/2016JB013357 |
65. |
Li, Le; Niu, Fenglin;Chen, Qi-Fu;Su, Jinrong; He, Jiabin. 2017, Postseismic velocity changes along the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake rupture zone revealed by the variations in S coda of repeating events,Geophys. J. Int., 208(2): 1237-1249, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw454 |
64. |
Legendre, Cédric P.; Zhao, Li; Deschamps, Frédéric;Chen, Qi-Fu.2016, Layered anisotropy within the crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the Sea of Japan,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 128: 181-195, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.010 |
63. |
Wang, Xin;Chen, Qi-Fu;Li, Juan; Wei, Shengji. 2016, Seismic sensor misorientation measurement using P wave particle motion: an application to the NECsaids Array,Seismol. Res. Lett.87(4), 901-911. doi: 10.1785/ 0220160005 |
62. |
Yu, Hongyu; Zhao, Li; Liu, Yajing; Ning, Jieyuan;Chen, Qi-Fu;Lin, Jian. 2016, Stress adjustment revealed by seismicity and earthquake focal mechanisms in northeast China before and after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake,Tectonophysics,666: 23-32,doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.10.009 |
61. |
姜金钟, 付虹,陈棋福. 2016.位于构造活跃区的小湾水库地震活动特征——基于地震精定位的分析.地球物理学报, 59(7): 2468-2485, doi: 10.6038/cjg20160713 |
60. |
Liu, Lanbo; Mehl, Robert; Wang, Weijun;Chen, Qi-Fu, 2015. Applications of the hilbert-huang transform for microtremor data analysis enhancement. Journal of Earth Science, 26(6), 799-806. doi: 10.1007/ s12583-015-0594-z |
59. |
Zhao, Lian-Feng; Xie, Xiao-Bi; Tian, Bao-Feng;Chen,Qi-Fu;Hao, Tian-Yao; Yao, Zhen-Xing. 2015, Pn wave geometrical spreading and attenuation in Northeast China and the Korean Peninsula constrained by observations from North Korean nuclear explosions, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 7558–7571, doi:10.1002/2015JB012205. |
58. |
陈棋福, 华诚,李乐,程晋. 2015. 龙门山断裂带深部构造变形的黏弹性模拟及其与强震活动的关联性探讨,地球物理学报,58(11): 4129-4137. doi: 10.6038/cjg20151101 |
57. |
李乐,陈棋福, 钮凤林,苏金蓉. 2015. 鲜水河断裂带南段深部变形的重复地震研究.地球物理学报, 58(11): 4138-4148,doi: 10.6038/cjg20151121 |
56. |
Legendre, Cédric P.; Deschamps, Frédéric;Zhao, Li;Chen, Qi-Fu. 2015. Rayleigh-wave dispersion reveals crust-mantle decoupling beneath eastern Tibet.Scientific Reports, 5, 16644, doi: 10.1038/srep16644 |
55. |
Legendre, Cédric P.; Zhao, Li;Chen, Qi-Fu. 2015, Upper-mantle shear-wave structure under East and Southeast Asia from Automated Multimode Inversion of waveforms, Geophysical Journal International, 203 (1): 707-719, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv322 |
54. |
Wang, Weijun; Meng, Xiaofeng; Peng, Zhigang;Chen,Qi-Fu;Liu,Ning. 2015. Increasing background seismicity and dynamic triggering behaviors with nearby mining activities around Fangshan Pluton in Beijing, China,J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 5624–5638, doi:10.1002/2015JB012235. |
53. |
齐刚,陈棋福. 2015. 太行山与燕山交汇部位的地壳厚度与泊松比分布特征.地球物理学报,58(9): 3239-3250, doi:10.6038/cjg20150919 |
52. |
Xu, Xiang, Wenbin Chen,Qi-Fu Chen,Jin Cheng, 2015. New regularized algorithms based on the spectral method for solving deformable layer tomography,Applicable Analysis, 94(3): 506-523, doi: 10.1080/00036811.2014.901504 |
51. |
Legendre, C. P.,Q.-F. Chen, L. Zhao, 2014. Lithospheric Structure beneath the East China Sea Revealed by Rayleigh-wave Phase Velocities.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 96, 213–225, DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.08.037 |
50. |
Legendre, C. P., F. Deschamps, L. Zhao,S. Lebedev,Q.-F. Chen, 2014, Anisotropic Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps of eastern China,J. Geophys.Res. Solid Earth,119, 4802–4820, doi:10.1002/2013JB010781. |
49. |
Liu, Lanbo,Qi-Fu Chen, Wenjun Wang, Eric Rohrbach, 2014, Ambient noise as the new source for urban engineering seismology and earthquake engineering: a case study from Beijing metropolitan area. Earthquake Science, 27(1): 89-100. |
48. |
龚萱,陈棋福, 彭志刚, 王伟君, 吴春泉, 吴晶. 2014. 2010年智利8.8级地震在北京房山岩体附近的动态触发活动,地球物理学报,57(1): 115-128. |
47. |
李乐,陈棋福,钮凤林,何家斌,付虹,地球物理学报,2013,基于重复微震的小江断裂带深部滑动速率研究,地球物理学报,56(10): 3373-3384. |
46. |
李圣强,陈棋福, 赵里, 朱露培, 高金哲, 李闽峰, 刘桂平, 王斌, 2013. 2011年5月中国东北Mw5.7深震的非同寻常震源机制:区域波形反演与成因探讨. 地球物理学报, 56(9): 2959-2970 |
45. |
谭毅培,陈棋福,2013.6级左右历史地震震源参数的模拟估计,地球物理学报,56 (8): 2701-2717. |
44. |
Wu, Jing, Zhigang Peng, Weijun Wang, Xuan Gong,Qi-fu Chen, Chunquan Wu, 2012, Comparisons of dynamic triggering near Beijing, China following recent large earthquakes in Sumatra,Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L21310. |
43. |
Hua, Cheng, Jin Cheng,Qi-Fu Chen, 2012, A viscoelastic model for time-dependent simulating analysis of the Wenchuan earthquake fault,Journal of Math-for-Industry, 4(A): 79-83 |
42. |
Le Li,Qi-fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, Jinrong Su,2011,Deep slip rates along the Longmen Shan fault zone estimated from repeating microearthquakes,J. Geophys.Res.,116, B09310 |
41. |
Zhongjie Zhang,Qifu Chen, Zhiming Bai, Yong Chen and José Badal, 2011. Crustal structure and extensional deformation of thinned lithosphere in Northern China, Tectonophysics, 508(2011): 62-72 |
40. |
Chunquan Wu, Zhigang Peng, Weijun Wang,Qi-Fu Chen, 2011, Dynamic triggering of shallow earthquakes near Beijing, China,Geophys. J. Int.,185:1321-1334 |
39. |
王伟君,陈棋福,齐诚,谭毅培,张项,周青云,2011,利用噪声HVSR方法探测近地表结构的可能性和局限性—以保定地区为例,地球物理学报,54(7): 1783~1797 |
38. |
Qifu Chen, Le Li, Fenglin Niu, Jinrong Su. 2011, Large slip rate detected at the seismogenic zone of the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Earthquake Science,24(1): 101-106 |
37. |
王力伟,陈棋福, 2010. 以2008年汶川8.0级地震为例分析地震触发的静态库仑应力计算的不确定性,中国地震,26(3): 251-264。 |
36. |
Peng, Z., W. Wang,Q.-F. Chen, T. Jiang, 2010, Remotely triggered seismicity in northeast China following the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Earth Planets Space,62(11): 893-898. |
35. |
Qi-fu Chen, Kelin Wang, 2010, The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Earthquake Prediction in China,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(5B): 2840-2857. (中译稿:陈棋福,王克林,2010,2008年汶川地震与中国的地震预报,世界地震译丛,5:34-54.) |
34. |
Tao, J., Z. Peng, W. Wang,Q.-F. Chen, 2010, Remotely triggered seismicity in Continental China by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(5B): 2574-2589 |
33. |
李乐,陈棋福,2010. 利用重复地震估算北京平原区隐伏断裂深部活动速率,地震地质,32(3):508-519 |
32. |
陈棋福,2010, 汶川地震引发的中国地震预报探讨,第四纪研究,30(4):721-735 |
31. |
郑钊,赵里,陈棋福,周仕勇,2009. 2006年文安Mw 4.9级地震的有限震源波形模拟研究.地球物理学报, 52(4):976-982. |
30. |
李乐,陈棋福,钮凤林,付虹,刘瑞丰,侯燕燕,2008,利用"重复"地震估算丽江-宁蒗断裂带的深部滑动速率,科学通报,53(23):2925-2932 |
29. |
陈棋福, 刘澜波, 王伟君, Eric Rohrbach,2008,利用地脉动探测北京城区的地震动场地响应,科学通报,53(18): 2229-2235。 |
28. |
F. Niu,Q.-F. Chen, 2008, Seismic evidence for a distinctly anisotropic innermost inner core,Nature Geoscience, 1(10): 692-696. |
27. |
陈棋福,郑大林,车时,黄蔚北主编,2008,中国震例(2000~2002),pp570,北京:地震出版社 |
26. |
Juan Li,Qi-fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, 2008. Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China: Implications for a retrograde motion of the subducting Pacific slab,Geophys. Res. Lett.,35(1),L01302 |
25. |
Le Li,Qi-Fu Chen, Xin Cheng, Fenglin Niu, 2007. Spatial clustering and repeating of seismic events observed along the 1976 Tangshan fault, North China,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(23), L23309 |
24. |
陈棋福,张肇诚,车时,郑大林,刘桂萍,粟生平,2007,震例总结规范,中华人民共和国地震行业标准DB/T24-2007,ICS 91.120.25,北京:地震出版社。 |
23. |
Yinshuang Ai,Qi-fu Chen, Fei Zeng, Xing Hong, Wenyan Ye, 2007, The crust and upper mantle structure beneath southeastern China,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 260(3-4): 549-563 |
22. |
刘宁,陈棋福,钮凤林,陈颙, 2007,利用初至压缩波对2004年苏门答腊—安达曼地震破裂直接成像,科学通报,52(11): 1312-1316 |
21. |
李乐,陈棋福,陈颙, 2007. 首都圈地震活动构造成因的小震精定位分析,地球物理学进展, 22(1) : 24-34. |
20. |
Kelin Wang,Qi-fu Chen, Shihong Sun, Andong Wang, 2006. Predicting the 1975 Haicheng Earthquake,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 96(3): 757-795 |
19. |
嘉世旭,齐诚,王夫运,陈棋福,张先康,陈颙,2005,首都圈地壳网格化三维结构,地球物理学报,48(6),1316-1324 |
18. |
Qi-fu Chen, Hongliang Mi,Jing Huang, 2005. A Simplified Approach to Earthquake Risk in China Mainland,Pure Appl. Geophys., 162: 1225-1269. |
17. |
陈棋福,李丽,李纲,陈凌,彭文涛,汤毅,陈颙,王夫运,2004,列车振动的地震记录信号特征,地震学报,26(6):651-659。 |
16. |
陈棋福,郑大林,高荣胜主编,2003,中国震例(1997~1999),pp468,北京:地震出版社。 |
15. |
陈棋福,郑大林,刘桂萍,李明主编,2002,中国震例(1995~1996),pp489,北京:地震出版社. |
14. |
陈棋福,郑大林,车时主编,2002,中国震例(1992~1994),pp429,北京:地震出版社. |
13. |
Dongping Wei,Qi-fu Chen, 2002. Implicit randomness in earthquakes,Geophys. Res. Lett.29(8):36, 10.1029/2001GL013795 |
12. |
Chen Yong,Chen Qi-fu, Liu Jie, Chen Ling, Li Juan, 2002. Seismic hazard and risk analysis: a simplified approach, pp227,Beijing: Science Press. |
11. |
Chen Q. F., R. J. Willemann, 2001. Global test of seismic event locations using three dimensional earth models.Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 91: 1704-1716. |
10. |
Chen Yong,Chen Qi-fu,Chen Ling, 2001. Vulnerability Analysis in Earthquake Loss Estimate,Natural Hazards, 16: 1-16. |
9. |
陈顒,刘杰,陈棋福,陈凌,李闽峰, 1999,地震危险性分析和震害预测, pp155,北京:地震出版社。 |
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