简历: |
学习经历 2011.09 – 2016.06,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 获博士学位, 期间曾访问中石油BGP休斯敦研发中心(2015.09-2015.12),西澳大学物理学系(2016.01-2016.04)。 2007.09 – 2011.06,北京大学,地球与空间科学学院,获学士学位。
工作经历 |
承担科研项目情况: |
国家自然科学基金,青年科学基金项目1项,在研,主持。 中国博士后科学基金,特别资助1项,已结题,主持。 中国博士后科学基金,面上资助1项,已结题,主持。
代表论著: |
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, Q. Luo, X. Chang, R. Zeng, B. Wang, and X. Zhao, 2019, Frequency-dependent reflection wave-equation traveltime inversion from walkaway vertical seismic profile data: Geophysics, 84(6), R947-R961.
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, and X. Chang, 2019, Least-squares data-to-data migration: an approach for migrating free-surface-related multiples: Geophysics, 84(2), S83-S94.
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, and X. Chang, 2018, 3D forward modeling of upgoing and downgoing wavefields using Hilbert transform: Geophysics, 83 (1), T49-T56.
- Wu, S., Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, and X. Chang, 2018, Microseismic source locations with deconvolution migration: Geophysical Journal International, 212(3), 2088-2115.
- Luo, Q., Y. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, Y. Zheng, S. Wu, X. Chang, and R. Zeng, 2018, Time-lapse VSP monitoring for CO 2 injection: A case study in ordos, China: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 75, 41-51.
- Wang, Y., Y. Zheng, Q. Xue, X. Chang, T. W. Fei, and Y. Luo, 2017, Reverse time migration of multiples: Reducing migration artifacts using the wavefield decomposition imaging condition: Geophysics, 82(4), S307-S314.
- 王一博, 郑忆康, 薛清峰, 常旭, Tong W. Fei, Luo Y., 2016, 基于Hilbert变换的全波场分离逆时偏移成像: 地球物理学报, 59(11), 4200-4211.
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, and X. Chang, 2016, Wave equation based microseismic source location and velocity inversion: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 261, 46-53.
- Zheng, Y., W. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Xue, and X. Chang, 2016, An application of full-waveform inversion to land data using the pseudo-Hessian matrix: Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 4(4), T627-T635.
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, and X. Chang, 2016, Eliminating artifacts in migration of surface-related multiples: An application to marine data: Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 4(4), SQ51-SQ57.
- 郑忆康, 王一博, 常旭, 姚振兴, 2016, 单程波角度域内压制多次波偏移假象: 地球物理学报, 59(12), 4584-4593.
- 郑忆康, 王一博, 徐嘉亮, 常旭, 姚振兴, 2015, 数据自相关多次波偏移成像: 地球物理学报, 58(3), 993-1001.
- Wu, S., Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, and X. Chang, 2015, Limited-memory BFGS based least-squares pre-stack Kirchhoff depth migration: Geophysical Journal International, 202(2), 738-747.
- Zhang, L., Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, and X. Chang, 2015, Deblending using a high-resolution radon transform in a common midpoint domain: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12(2), 167-174.
- Wang, Y., Y. Zheng, L. Zhang, X. Chang, and Z. Yao, 2014, Reverse time migration of multiples: Eliminating migration artifacts in angle domain common image gathers: Geophysics, 79(6), S263-S270.
- Wang, Y., Y. Zheng, X. Chang, and Z. Yao, 2014, Frequency-dependent wave equation traveltime inversion: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 23, 367-378.
- Zheng, Y., Y. Wang, and X. Chang, 2013, Wave-equation traveltime inversion: Comparison of three numerical optimization methods: Computers & Geosciences, 60, 88-97.