简历: |
郭顺,男,1982年9月生于辽宁鞍山,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员,现任“岩矿制样与分析”实验室主任。主要从事俯冲带变质岩石学、岩石地球化学和宝玉石矿床学研究工作。已在Geology、EPSL、GCA、JGR、JMG、CMP、CG、AM、EG等国内外地学期刊发表论文40余篇。主持国家自然基金项目5项,国家重点实验室前沿项目1项。入选中科院青促会会员、优秀会员。获基金委“优青”项目资助。荣获中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封”青年科学家奖。 学术任职: 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会变质岩专业委员会委员 国际期刊《Terra Nova》副主编 国际期刊《Science Bulletin》和《科学通报》特邀编委 国际期刊《Frontiers in Earth Science》编委 教育经历: 2005/09-2010/06 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,博士 2001/09-2005/07 中国地质大学(北京),宝石学,学士 工作经历: 2021/01-至今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 研究员 2018/12-2019/12 瑞士Bern大学 访问学者 2013/01-2020/12 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 副研究员 2010/06-2013/01 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,博士后 |
研究方向: |
超高压变质作用和大陆深俯冲 俯冲带深部流体活动和元素迁移 俯冲—碰撞带变质脱碳及效应 宝玉石矿床成因 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金项目“变质岩石学”(41922013)
- 国家自然基金委面上基金项目三项(41372079、41672059、42172063)
- 国家自然基金委青年基金项目一项(41102034)
- 岩石圈国家重点实验室前沿项目一项(Z202002)
- 博士后科学基金面上资助一项(2011M500384)
获奖及荣誉: |
- 2021年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员
- 2020年获中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封”奖
- 2019年获中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所年度优秀成果奖
- 2017年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会
- 2010年获中国科学院优秀毕业生
- 2009年获中国科学院“科教结合”教育创新项目优秀学生奖
代表论著: |
- Guo, S., Hermann, J., Chu, X., Hu, Y.X., Chen, Y., Fei, C.H., Li, Q.L., 2025. Substantial carbon dioxide release from subducted dolomitic carbonate driven by episodic infiltration of eclogite-facies fluids. Geology, https://doi.org/10.1130/G52670.1.
- Xue, D.S., Guo, S.*, Liu, Y.H., Zhang, D.P., Zhang, D., Li, X.G., Liu, S.K., 2025. Accurate determination of halogens in geological materials using an automated pyrohydrolysis system with a liquid nitrogen cold trap, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1345, 343732.
- Liu, Y. H., Xue, D. S.*, Li, W. J., Wang, Z. Q., Liang, Y., Guo, S.*, Wan, B., 2024. Trace element determination by femtosecond LA-ICP-MS in 10 mg extraterrestrial geological samples prepared as lithium borate glasses. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 39(11), 2728-2736.
- Guo, S., Chen, A.P., Cai, X.R., Chen, Y., Tang, P., Li, Q.L., 2024. Cold deep subduction of Indian continental crust and release of ultrahigh-pressure fluid during initial exhumation: Insights from coesite-bearing eclogite-vein systems in Kaghan Valley, Pakistan. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12760.
- Guo, Q., Guo, S.*, Yang, Y.H., Mao, Q., Yuan, J.Y. Wu, S.T., Liu, X.C., Kyaing, S., 2024. Multiple growth of zirconolite in marble (Mogok metamorphic belt, Myanmar): Evidence for episodes of fluid metasomatism and Zr-Ti-U mineralization in metacarbonate systems. European Journal of Mineralogy, 36, 11-29.
- Tang, P., Guo, S.*, 2023. Corundum-bearing and spinel-bearing symplectites in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites record high-temperature overprint and partial melting during slab exhumation, European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 569-588.
- Guo, S., Hermann, J., Tang, P., Chu, X., Chen, Y., Su, B., 2022. Formation of carbon-bearing silicate melts by melt-metacarbonate interaction at convergent plate margins. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117816.
- Guo, S., Su, B., John, Timm, Zhao, K.D., Tang, P., Chen, Y., Li, Y.B., 2022. Boron release and transfer induced by phengite breakdown in subducted impure metacarbonates. Lithos. 408-409, 106548.
- Guo, S., Chu, X., Hermann, J., Chen, Y., Li, Q.L., Wu, F.Y., Liu, C.Z., Sein K., 2021. Multiple episodes of fluid infiltration along a single metasomatic channel in metacarbonates (Mogok Metamorphic Belt, Myanmar) and Implications for CO2 release in orogenic belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020988.
- Tang, P., Guo, S.*, Yang Y.H., Chen, Y., Su, B., 2021. Evolution of fluids and melts in deeply subducted continental crust: Insights from an UHP eclogite–vein system in the Dabie terrane, China. Lithos, 398-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106325.
- Zhang, D., Guo, S.*, Chen, Y., Li, Q.L., Ling, X.X., Liu, C.Z., Sein, K., 2021. ~25 Ma Ruby mineralization in the Mogok Stone Tract, Myanmar: New evidence from SIMS U–Pb dating of coexisting titanite. Minerals, 11, 536. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11050536.
- Guo, S., Zhao, K.D., John, T., Tang, P., Chen, Y., Su, B., 2019. Metasomatic flow of metacarbonate-derived fluids carrying isotopically heavy boron in continental subduction zones: Insights from tourmaline-bearing ultra-high pressure eclogites and veins (Dabie terrane, eastern China). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 159-200.
- Guo, S., Tang, P., Su, B., Chen, Y., Ye, K., Zhang, L.M., Gao, Y.J., Liu, J.B., Yang, Y.H., 2017. Unusual replacement of Fe-Ti oxides by rutile during retrogression in amphibolite-hosted veins (Dabie UHP terrane): A mineralogical record of fluid-induced oxidation processes in exhumed UHP slabs. American Mineralogist, 102, 2268-2283.
- Guo, S., Yang, Y.H., Chen, Y., Su, B., Gao, Y.J., Zhang, L.M., Liu, J.B., Mao, Q., 2016. Grain-scale Sr isotope heterogeneity in amphibolite (retrograded UHP eclogite, Dabie terrane): implications for the origin and flow behavior of retrograde fluids during slab exhumation. Lithos, 266-267: 383-405.
- Guo, S., Chen, Y., Liu, C.Z., Wang, J.G., Su, B., Gao, Y.J., Wu, F.Y., Kyaing, Sein, Yang, Y.H., Mao, Q., 2016. Scheelite and coexisting F-rich zoned garnet, vesuvianite, fluorite, and apatite in calc-silicate rocks from the Mogok metamorphic belt, Myanmar: implications for metasomatism in marble and the role of halogens in W mobilization and mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 117, 82-106.
- Guo, S., Chen, Y., Ye, K., Su, B., Yang, Y.H., Zhang, L.M., Liu, J.B., Mao, Q., 2015. Formation of multiple high-pressure veins in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite (Hualiangting, Dabie terrane, China): fluid source, element transfer, and closed-system metamorphic veining. Chemical Geology, 417, 238-260.
- Guo, S., Ye, K., Cheng, N.F., Chen, Y., Su, B., Liu, J.B., 2015. Metamorphic P-T trajectory and multi-stage fluid events of vein-bearing UHP eclogite from the Dabie terrane: insights from key mineral compositional zonations. International Geology Review, 57, 1077-1102.
- Guo, S., Ye, K., Yang, Y.H., Chen, Y., Zhang, L.M., Liu, J.B., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2014. In situ Sr isotopic analyses of epidote: tracing the sources of multi-stage fluids in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite (Ganghe, Dabie terrane). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. DOI: 10.1007/s00410-014-0975-9.
- Guo S., Ye K., Wu T.F., Chen Y., Yang Y.H., Zhang L.M., Liu J.B., Mao Q., Ma Y.G., 2013. A potential method to confirm the previous existence of lawsonite in eclogite: the mass imbalance of Sr and LREEs in multi-stage epidote (Ganghe, Dabie UHP terrane). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 415-435.
- Guo S., Ye K., Chen Y., Liu J.B., Mao Q., Ma Y.G., 2012. Fluid-rock interaction and element mobilization in UHP metabasalt: Constraints from an omphacite-epidote vein and host eclogites in the Dabie orogen. Lithos, 136–139, 145–167.
- Guo S., Ye K., Chen Y., Liu J.B., 2009. A normalization solution to mass transfer illustration of multiple progressively altered samples using the Isocon diagram. Economic Geology, 104, 881–886.
- 郭顺, 俯冲-碰撞带硼循环, 2021. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 40, 1-12.
- 唐盼, 郭顺*, 2019. 绿帘石记录俯冲带变质流体活动. 岩石学报, 35(7), 2045-2060.
- 郭顺, 唐盼, 陈意, 2019. 超高压榴辉岩-脉体体系成因和俯冲带变质流体演化, 地球科学, 44(12): 1-17.
- 郭顺,叶凯,陈意,刘景波,毛骞. 2013. 大别山榴辉岩中超高压硬柱石脱水分解及其对俯冲带深部流体活动的制约. 科学通报,57(22),2186-2191.
- 郭顺, 叶凯, 陈意, 刘景波,张灵敏, 2013. 开放地质体系中物质迁移质量平衡计算方法介绍. 岩石学报, 29(5), 1486-1498.