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姓名 刘传周 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 010-82998044 传真: 010-62010846
Email: chzliu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

  迄今总共已经发表SCI文章70余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Nature、EPSL、Geology和Lithos等国际地学主流期刊上发表论文28篇。主持国家杰出青年基金(2020年)、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(2012年)、基金面上项目(3项)和中国博士后科学基金特别资助。荣获2009年全国优秀博士论文、2010年中国科学院卢嘉锡青年科技奖、2014年中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封奖”、2014年中国地质学“银锤奖”、2015年青藏高原青年科技奖和2019年“孙贤鉥”奖。目前担任Frontiers in Earth Sciences、Ofioliti和《地学前缘》等学术刊物的编委。


  • 1997.09-2001.07,焦作工学院,地质矿产勘查专业,学士学位
  • 2001.09-2007.07,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,地球化学专业,博士学位


  • 2007.07-2009.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,博士后
  • 2010.01-2014.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,副研究所
  • 2015.01-至今, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,研究员
    2017.11-2017.12,美国Woods Hole海洋研究所,访问学者



  1. 蛇绿岩成因及其与大洋岩石圈的对比
  2. 洋壳增生机制与演化过程
  3. 大陆岩石圈地幔的形成时代与演化


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(西藏拉昂错蛇绿岩中古老地幔的识别及其地球化学特征,2009/01-2012/12)
  2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(地幔交代作用,2013/01-2015/12)
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(克拉通地区岩石圈-软流圈边界层的年龄与水含量研究,2012/01-2016/12)
  4. 国家自然科学基金中俄合作项目(西伯利亚金伯岩和下地壳的U-Pb同位素年代学研究,2014/01-2015/12)
  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(西南印度洋U1473A钻孔大洋斜长花岗岩的成因:副矿物Sr-Nd-Hf-O同位素制约,2017/01-2020/12)
  6. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(岩石学,2021/01-2025/12)


  1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(青藏高原南部淡色花岗岩成因与深部地壳流动,2012/01-2016/12)
  2. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(地球早期演化的微区同位素制约,2013/01-2015/12)
  3. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(地球早期演化的微区同位素制约,2016/01-2018/12)
  1. 中国科学院优秀博士论文(2008年)
  2. 全国优秀博士论文(2009年)
  3. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年科技奖(2010年)
  4. 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封奖”(2014年)
  5. 中国地质学“银锤奖”(2014年)
  6. 青藏高原青年科技奖(2015年)
  7. “孙贤鉥”奖(2019年)
  1. Liu, C.Z., Snow, J.E., Hellebrand, E., Brugmann, G., von der Handt, A., Buchl, A., Hofmann, A.W. 2008. Ancient, highly heterogeneous mantle beneath Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean. Nature 452, 311-316.
  2. Liu, C.Z., Snow, J.E., Brugmann, G., Hellebrand, E., Hofmann, A.W. 2009. Non-chondritic HSE budget in Earth’s upper mantle evidenced by abyssal peridotites from Gakkel ridge (Arctic Ocean). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 283, 122-132.
  3. Liu C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Wilde, S.A., Yu, L.J., Li, J.L. 2010. Anorthitic plagioclase and pargasitic amphibole in mantle peridotites from the Yungbwa ophiolite (southwestern Tibetan Plateau) formed by hydrous melt metasomatism. Lithos 114, 413-422.
  4. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Zhao, Z.D. 2011. Fragments of hot and metasomatized mantle lithosphere in Middle Miocene ultrapotassic lavas, southern Tibet. Geology 39(10), 923-926.
  5. Liu, C.Z., Liu, Z.C., Wu, F.Y., Chu, Z.Y. 2012. Mesozoic accretion of juvenile sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath South China and its implications: Geochemical and Re-Os isotopic results from Ningyuan mantle xenoliths. Chemical Geology 291, 186-198.
  6. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Chu, Z.Y., Ji, W.Q., Yu, L.J., Li, J.L. 2012. Preservation of ancient Os isotope signatures in the Yungbwa ophiolite (southeastern Tibet) after subduction modification. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 53, 38-50.
  7. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Sun, J., Chu, Z.Y., Qiu, Z.L. 2012. The Xinchang peridotite xenoliths reveal mantle replacement and accretion in southeastern China. Lithos 150, 171-187.
  8. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Sun, J., Chu, Z.Y., Yu, X.H. 2013. Petrology, geochemistry and Re-Os isotopes of peridotite xenoliths from Maguan, Yunnan Province: Implications for the Cenozoic mantle replacement in southwestern China. Lithos 168-169, 1-14.
  9. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Li, Q.L., Sun, W.D., Ji, W.Q. 2014. A ‘hidden’ 18O-enriched reservoir in the sub-arc mantle. Scientific Reports 4, 4232, doi: 10.1038/srep04232.
  10. Liu, C.Z., Zhang, C., Yang, L.Y., Zhang, L.L., Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y. 2014. Formation of gabbronorites in the Purang ophiolite (SW Tibet) through melting of hydrothermally altered mantle along a detachment fault. Lithos 205, 127-141.
  11. Liu, C.Z., Chung, S.L., Wu, F.Y., Zhang, C., Xu, Y., Wang, J.G., Chen, Y., Guo, S. 2016. Tethyan suturing in Southeast Asia: Zircon U-Pb and Hf-O isotopic constraints from Myanmar ophiolites. Geology 44 (4), 311-314.
  12. Liu, C.Z., Zhang, C., Xu, Y., Wang, J.G., Chen, Y., Guo, S., Wu, F.Y., Kyaing Sein. 2016. Petrology and geochemistry of mantle peridotites from the Kalaymyo and Myitkyina ophiolites (Myanmar): Implications for tectonic settings. Lithos 264, 495-508.
  13. Liu, C.Z., Yang, L.Y., Li, X.H., Tchouankoue, J.P. 2017. Age and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Constraints from the Nyos mantle xenoliths. Chemical Geology 455, 84-97.
  14. Liu, C.Z., Zhang C., Liu, Z.C., Sun, J., Qiu, Z.L., Wu, F.Y. 2017. Formation age and metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath southeast China: Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotopes of Mingxi mantle xenoliths. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 591-604.
  15. Liu, C.Z., Xu, Y., Wu, F.Y. 2018. Limited recycling of crustal Os in forearc mantle during slab dehydration. Geology 46(3), 239-242.
  16. Zhang, Y.L., Liu, C.Z.*, Ge, W.C., Wu, F.Y., Chu, Z.Y. 2011. Ancient sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB): Implications for crust-mantle decoupling. Lithos 126, 233-247.
  17. Sun, J., Liu, C.Z.*, Wu, F.Y., Yang, Y.H., Chu, Z.Y. 2012. Metasomatic origin of clinopyroxene in Archean mantle xenoliths from Hebi, North China Craton: Trace-element and Sr-isotope constraints. Chemical Geology 328, 123-136.
  18. Sun, J., Liu, C.Z.*, Tappe, S., Kostrovitsky, S., Wu, F.Y., Yakovlev, D., Yang, Y.H., Yang, J.H. 2014. Repeated kimberlite magmatism beneath Yakutia and its relationship to Siberian flood volcanism: Insights from in situ U–Pb and Sr–Nd perovskite isotope analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 404, 283-295.
  19. Zhang, L.L., Liu, C.Z.*, Wu, F.Y., Ji, W.Q., Wang, J.G. 2014. Zedong terrane revisited: An intra-oceanic arc within Neo-Tethys or a part of the Asian active continental margin? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 80, 34-55.
  20. Zhang, C., Liu, C.Z.*, Wu, F.Y., Zhang, L.L., Ji, W.Q. 2016. Geochemistry and geochronology of mafic rocks from the Luobusa ophiolite, South Tibet. Lithos 245, 93-108.
  21. Zhang, L.L., Liu, C.Z.*, Wu, F.Y., Zhang, C., Ji, W.Q., Wang, J.G. 2016. Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes of the intrusive rocks in the Cretaceous Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet: Constraints on its formation setting. Lithos 258-259, 133-148.
  22. Xu, Y., Liu, C.Z.*, Chen, Y., Guo, S., Wang, J.G., Kyaing Sein. 2017. Petrolgenesis and tectonic implications of gabbro and plagiogranite intrusions in mantle peridotites of the Myitkyina ophiolite, Myanmar. Lithos 284-285, 180-193.
  23. Zhang, C., Liu, C.Z.*, Wu, F.Y., Ji, W.B., Liu, T., Xu, Y. 2017. Ultra-refractory mantle domains in the Luqu ophiolite (Tibet): Petrology and tectonic setting. Lithos 286-287, 252-263.
  24. Xu, Y., Liu, C.Z.* 2019. Subduction-induced fractionated highly siderophile element patterns in forearc mantle. Minerals 9, 339; doi:10.3390/min9060339.
  25. Zhang, C.*, Liu, C.Z.*, Xu, Y., Ji, W.B., Wang, J.M., Wu, F.Y., Liu, T., Zhang, Z.Y., Zhang, W.Q. 2019. Subduction re-initiation at dying ridge of Neo-Tethys: Insights from mafic and metamafic rocks in Lhaze ophiolitic mélange, Yarlung-Tsangbo Suture Zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 523, 115707.
  26. Zhang, C., Liu, C.Z., Liu, T., Wu, F.Y. 2020. Evolution of mantle peridotites from the Luobusa ophiolite in the Tibetan Plateau: Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotope constraints. Lithos 362-363, 105477.
  27. Zhang, W.Q., Liu, C.Z.*, Liu, T., Zhang, C., Zhang, Z.Y. 2020. Subduction initiation triggered by accretion of a Jurassic oceanic plateau along the Bangong–Nujiang Suture in central Tibet. Terra Nova, 10.1111/ter.12500.
  28. 刘传周,肖文交,袁超,闫臻. 2005. 祁连山扎麻什基性杂岩体岩石地球化学特征及其大地构造意义. 岩石学报21(1),57-64.
  29. 孙晶,刘传周,吴福元. 2012. 熔体再富集作用对大陆岩石圈地幔的影响. 高校地质学报,18, 52-61.
  30. 刘传周. 2014. 华南显生宙时期岩石圈地幔的性质与形成时代. 岩石矿物学杂志,32,637-651.
  31. 刘传周. 2015. 蛇绿岩中辉长苏长岩的成因. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,34 (3) 481-490.

  32. An, Y.J., Huang, J.X., Griffin, W.L., Liu, C.Z., Huang, F. 2017. Isotopic composition of Mg and Fe in garnet peridotites from the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 200, 167-185.
  33. Chen, L., Jiang, M.M., Yang, J.H., Wei, Z.G., Liu, C.Z., Ling, Y. 2014. Presence of an intralithospheric discontinuity in the central and western North China Craton: Implications for destruction of the craton. Geology, 42 (3), 223-226.
  34. Chu, Z.Y., Harvey, J., Liu, C.Z., Guo, J.H., Wu, F.Y., Tian, W., Zhang, Y.L., Yang, Y.H. 2013. Source of highly potassic basalts in northeast China: Evidence from Re-Os, Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes and PGE geochemistry. Chemical Geology, 357, 52-66.
  35. Dick, H.B.J., MacLeod, C.J., Blum, P., Abe, N., Blackman, D.K., Bowles, J.A., Cheadle, M.J., Cho, K., Ciazela, J., Deans, J.R., Edgcomb, V.P., Ferrando, C., France, L., Ghosh, B., Ildefonse, B., John, B., Kendrick, M.A., Koepke, J., Long, J.A.M., Liu, C., Ma, Q., Morishita, T., Morris, A., Natland, J.H., Nozaka, T., Pluemper, O., Sanfilippo, A., Sylvan, J.B., Tivey, M.A., Tribuzio, R., Viegas, G. Dynamic accretion beneath a slow-spreadding ridge segment: IODP Hole 1473A and the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016858
  36. Guo, S., Chen, Y., Liu, C.Z., Wang, J.G., Su, B., Gao, Y.J., Wu, F.Y., Kyaing Sein, Yang, Y.H., Mao, Q. 2016. Scheelite and coexisting F-rich zoned garnet, vesuvianite, fluorite, and apatite in calc-silicate rocks from the Mogok metamorphic belt, Myanmar: Implications for metasomatism in marble and the role of halogens in W mobilization and mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 117, 82-106.
  37. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Li, J.X., Liu, C.Z. 2009. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet. Chemical Geology 262, 229-245.
  38. Ji, W. Q., Wu, F. Y., Chung, S. L., Liu, C. Z., 2009. Geochronology and petrogenesis of granitic rocks in Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet. Science in China Series D-Earth Science, 52: 1240-1261.
  39. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Liu, C.Z. 2012. Identification of Early Carboniferous granitoids from southern Tibet and implications for terrane assembly related to the Paleo-Tethyan evolution. Journal of Geology 120, 531-541.
  40. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Liu, C.Z., Chung, S.L. 2012. Early Eocene crustal thickening in southern Tibet: New age and geochemical constraints from the Gangdese batholith. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 53, 82-95.
  41. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Liu, C.Z. 2014. The Gangdese magmatic constraints on a latest Cretaceous lithospheric delamination of the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet. Lithos 210, 168-180.
  42. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Wang, X.C., Liu, C.Z., Li, Q.L., Liu, Z.C., Liu, X.C., Wang, J.G. 2016. Eocene Neo-Tethyan slab breakoff constrained by 45 Ma oceanic island basalt-type magmatism in southern Tibet. Geology 44, 283-286.
  43. Ji, W.Q., Wu, F.Y., Liu, C.Z., Zhang, H. 2017. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of granitic rocks and river sands in the Nyingchi region, Tibet: Constraints on evolution of the deep crust beneath the southeast Lhasa terrane. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 613-625.
  44. Li, W., Liu, C.Z., Tao, C.H., Jin, Z.M. 2019. Osmium isotope compositions and highly siderophile element abundances in abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for evolution of the oceanic upper mantle. Lithos 346-347, 105167.
  45. Li, X.H., Chen, Y., Tchouankoue, J.P., Liu, C.Z., Li, J., Ling, X.X., Tang, G.Q., Liu, Y. 2017. Improving geochronological framework of the Pan-African orogeny in Cameroon: New SIMS zircon and monazite U-Pb age constraints. Precambrian Research 294, 307-321.
  46. Liu, Z.C., Wu, F.Y., Ji, W.Q., Wang, J.G., Liu, C.Z. 2014. Petrogenesis of the Ramba leucogranite in the Tethyan Himalayan and constraints on the channel flow model. Lithos 208, 118-136.
  47. Liu, Z.C., Wu, F.Y., Qiu, Z.L., Wang, J.G., Liu, X.C., Ji, W.Q., Liu, C.Z. 2017. Leucogranite geochronological constraints on the termination of the South Tibetan Detachment in eastern Himalaya. Tectonophysics 721, 106-122.
  48. Liu, T., Wu, F.Y., Zhang, L.L., Zhai, Q.G., Liu, C.Z., Ji, W.B., Zhang, C., Xu, Y. 2016. Zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints on rapid exhumation of the mantle peridotite of the Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet. Chemical Geology 443, 67-86.
  49. Liu, T., Wu, F.Y., Liu, C.Z., Tribuzio, R., Ji, W.B., Zhang, C., Xu, Y., Zhang, W.Q. 2018. Variably evolved gabbroic intrusions within the Xigaze ophiolite (Tibet): new insights into the origin of ophiolite diversity. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 91.
  50. Liu, T., Wu, F.Y., Liu, C.Z., Zhang, C., Ji, W.B., Xu, Y. 2019. Reconsideration of Neo-Tethys evolution constrained from the nature of the Dazhuqu ophiolitic mantle, southern Tibet. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174, 23.
  51. Neguyen, D.K., Morishita, T., Soda, Y., Tamura, A., Ghosh, B., Harigane, Y., France, L., Liu, C.Z., Natland, J.H., Sanfilippo, A., MacLeod, C.J., Blum, P., Dick, H.J.B. 2019.
  52. Nie, H., Yang, J.Z., Zhou, G.Y., Liu, C.Z., Zheng, J.P., Zhang, W.X., Zhao, Y.J., Wang, H., Wu, Y.B. 2017. Geochemical and Re-Os isotope constraints on the origin and age of the Songshugou peridotite massif in the Qingling orogeny, central China. Lithos 292, 307-319. Occurrence of Felsic Rocks in Oceanic Gabbros from IODP Hole U1473A: Implications for Evolved Melt Migration in the Lower Oceanic Crust. Minerals 8, 583. doi:10.3390/min8120583
  53. Nie, H., Yang, J.Z., Zhou, G.Y., Liu, C.Z., Zheng, J.P., Zhang, W.X., Zhao, Y.J., Wang, H., Wu, Y.B. 2017. Geochemical and Re-Os isotope constraints on the origin and age of the Songshugou peridotite massif in the Qingling orogeny, central China. Lithos 292, 307-319.
  54. Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Kostrovisky, S.I., Wu, F.Y., Yang, J.H., Chu, Z.Y., Yang, Y.H., Kalashnikova, T., Fan, S. 2017. Composition of the lithospheric mantle in the northern part of Siberian craton: Constraints from peridotites in the Obnazhennaya kimberlite. Lithos 294, 383-396.
  55. Sun, J., Tappe, S., Kostrovitsky, S.I., Liu, C.Z., Skuzovatov, S.Y., Wu, F.Y. 2018. Mantle sources of kimberlites through time: A U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope study of zircon megacrysts from the Siberian diamond fields. Chemical Geology 479, 228-240.
  56. Tappe, S., Brand, N.B., Stracke, A., van Acken, D., Liu, C.Z., Strauss, H., Wu, F.Y., Luguet, A., Mitchell, R.H. 2017. Plates or plumes in the origin of kimberlites: U/Pb perovskite and Sr-Nd-Hf-Os-C-O isotope constraints from the Superior craton (Canada). Chemical Geology 455, 57-83.
  57. Tappe, S., Dongre, A., Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y. 2018. ‘Premier’ evidence for prolonged kimberlite pipe formation and its influence on diamond transport from deep Earth. Geology 46(10) 843-846.
  58. Xiao, W.J., Windley B.F., Liu D.Y., Jian P., Liu C.Z., Yuan C., Sun M. 2005. Accretionary tectonics of the western Kunlun orogen, China: a Paleozoic-early Mesozoic, long-lived active continental margin with implications for the growth of southern Eurasia. Journal of Geology 113, 687-705.
  59. Xiao, W.J., Windley B.F., Yong Y., Yan Z., Yuan C., Liu C.Z., Li J.L. 2009. Early Paleozoic to Devonian multiple-accretionary model for the Qilian Shan, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35, 323-333.
  60. Xu, W.X., Link, K., Liu, C.Z., Kiefert, L. 2020. Age determination of zircon inclusions in Kashmir sapphire with U-Pb dating. Journal of Gems and Gemmology 22, 1-12. 
  61. Wang, J.G., Wu, F.Y., Tan, X.C., Liu, C.Z. 2014. Magmatic evolution of the Western Myanmar Arc documented by U-Pb and Hf isotopes in detrital zircon. Tectonophysics 612, 97-105.
  62. Wu, F.Y., Ji, W.Q., Liu, C.Z., Chung, S.L. 2010. Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data from the Xigaze fore-arc basin: constraints on Transhimalayan magmatic evolution in southern Tibet. Chemical Geology 271, 13-25.
  63. Wu, F.Y., Mitchell, R.H., Li, Q.L., Sun, J., Liu, C.Z., Yang, Y.H. 2013. In situ U-Pb age determination and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis of perovskite from the Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite, South Africa. Chemical Geology 353, 83-95.
  64. Wu, F.Y., Ji, W.Q., Wang, J.G., Liu, C.Z., Chung, S.L., Clift, P.D. 2014. Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic constraints on the onset time of India-Asia collision. American Journal of Science 314 (2), 548-579.
  65. Zhang, C., Liu, C.Z., Ji, W.B., Liu, T., Wu, F.Y. 2020. Heterogeneous sub-ridge mantle of the Neo-Tethys: Constraints from Re-Os isotope and HSE compositions of the Xigaze ophiolites. Lithos 378-379, 105819. 
  66. 闫臻,肖文交,刘传周,袁超,王宗超,李继亮. 2006, 祁连山老君山砾岩的碎屑组成和源区大地构造背景. 地质通报,25 (1-2):83-98.
  67. 纪伟强, 吴福元, 锺孙霖, 刘传周, 2009. 西藏南部冈底斯岩基花岗岩时代与岩石成因.中国科学, 39: 849-871.
  68. 周琴,吴福元,刘传周. 2010. 月球同位素地质年代学与月球演化. 地球化学,39, 37-49.
  69. 周新华,张宏福,郑建平,夏群科,刘勇胜,汤艳杰,黄方,刘传周. 2013. 新世纪十年地幔地球化学研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,32,379-391.
  70. 吴福元,刘传周,张亮亮,张畅,王建刚,纪伟强,刘小驰. 2014.雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩—事实与臆想. 岩石学报,30,293-325.
  71. 吴福元,王建 刚,刘传周,刘通,张畅,纪伟强. 2019. 大洋岛弧的前世今生. 岩石学报,35,1-15.

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