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姓名: 黄北秀 性别:
职称: 特聘副研究员 学历: 博士
电话: - 传真: 010-62010846
Email: huangbeixiu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所

English岩石圈演化与环境演变重点实验室地质工程学科中心 工程地质力学与碳中和地质工程学科组


  主要研究领域为岩体工程地质力学,致力于岩体微破裂萌生机制与演化模型研究。通过自主搭建微破裂实时显微观测系统,获取微破裂萌生的关键证据,揭示出微破裂演化的岩桥效应,构建了岩体破裂脆性表征新模型。相关成果发表在JGR-Solid Earth、RMRE等国际重要期刊。

  1. 微细观岩体结构力学
  2. 微破裂演化机制
  3. 高温岩体力学

  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,热力耦合作用下陆相富有机质页岩结构力学特性及缝网演化规律,42207219,2023.01-2025.12,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,陆相富有机质页岩人工压裂机理,42090023,2021.01-2025.12,参与
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,陆相页岩结构面精细表征与三维模型构建,41977248,2020.01-2023.12,参与
  4. 国家重点研发计划专题,石窟寺岩体稳定性评估技术研究,2019YFC1520602-1,2020.01-2022.12,参与
  5. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题,储层物质非均质性及脆性特征,XDB10030101,2014.01-2018.12,参与



20. Huang Beixiu, Qiao Sijia, Li Lihui, Gao Xiangbo, Li Xiao, Ranjith Pathegama Gamage. (2024) Influence of natural fractures and laminae on fracture propagation and failure mode of continental shale, Materials, 17(18): 4655.

19. Huang Beixiu, Qiao Sijia, Chen Xulei, Li Lihui, Qi Shengwen. (2024) Dynamic response of mountain tunnel, bridge, and embankment along the Sichuan-Tibet transportation corridor to active fault based on model tests, Journal of Mountain Science, 21(1): 182-199.

18. Huang Beixiu, Li Lihui, Li Chenglong, Qiao Sijia, Ranjith Pathegama Gamage. (2024) Influence of welding degree on the meso-mechanical anisotropy, fracture propagation, and fracture surface roughness of welded tuff, Materials, 17(11): 2573.

17. Qiao Sijia, Zhu Kelei, Zhang Chaoqun, Sha Xuechao, Liang Chao, Huang Beixiu, Han Bing, Cao Chunjie, Liu Di, Dong Yujie, Gu Lixin, Tang Xu, Li Lihui, Li Jinhua. (2024) Multimodal particle size estimation of lunar soil simulants towards a non-destructive analytical strategy for extraterrestrial samples, Atomic Spectroscopy, 45(4): 246-258.

16. 黄北秀, 李丽慧, 薛媛, 李承隆, 高歌, 李晓. (2024) 准噶尔盆地东北缘平地泉组岩体结构特征与三维模型构建, 工程地质学报, 32(4): 1234-1248.


15. Huang Beixiu, Li Lihui, Wang Ming, Li Xiao, Ranjith P. G. (2023) Conversion models between elements and mineral compositions and their applications for rapid determination of the brittleness of shale, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(7): 4939-4958.

14. Li Lihui, Li Chenglong, Huang Beixiu, Li Jianguang, Li Shouding, Li Xiao. (2023) Meso-mechanical anisotropy and fracture evolution of reef limestones from the Maldives Islands and the South China Sea, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15(12): 3173-3187.


13. Li Lihui, Huang Beixiu, Tan Yufang, Li Xiao, Ranjith P. G. (2022) Using micro-indentation to determine the elastic modulus of shale laminae and its implication: Cross-scale correlation of elastic modulus of mineral and rock, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 143: 105740.

12. Li Lihui, Li Chenglong, Huang Beixiu, Wang Ming, Bai Zhida, Qi Shengwen. (2022) Influence of the welding degree on the strength and failure modes of tuff, Materials (Basel), 15(24): 8757.


11. Tan Yufang, Li Lihui, Huang Beixiu. (2021) Contrasting characteristics and origin of Danxia arched rock shelters in Zhejiang, China, and natural arches and bridges on the Colorado Plateau, USA, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 31(6): 802-818.


10. Huang Beixiu, Li Lihui, Tan Yufang, Hu Ruilin, Li Xiao. (2020) Investigating the meso-mechanical anisotropy and fracture surface roughness of continental shale, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8): e2019JB017828.

9. Li Lihui, Huang Beixiu, Huang Xiaolin, Wang Ming, Li Xiao. (2020) Tensile and shear mechanical characteristics of Longmaxi Shale laminae dependent on the mineral composition and morphology, Energies, 13(11): 2977.

8. Li Lihui, Tan Yufang, Huang Beixiu, Deng Xiaolong. (2020) Pore property as an indicator of macro-deterioration in slightly weathered tuffs, Engineering Geology, 267: 105492.


7. 李丽慧, 黄北秀, 李严严, 邵鹏, 高相波, 胡瑞林, 李晓. (2019) 考虑页岩纹层与裂缝网络的延长组页岩多尺度三维地质结构模型, 工程地质学报, 27(1): 69-79.

6. 李晓, 赫建明, 尹超, 黄北秀, 李关访, 张召彬, 李丽慧. (2019) 页岩结构面特征及其对水力压裂的控制作用, 石油与天然气地质, 40(3): 653-660.

5. 王明, 李丽慧, 廖小辉, 黄北秀, 王学良, 陈子干, 杨福华, 刘建立. (2019) 基于无人机航摄的高陡/直立边坡快速地形测量及三维数值建模方法, 工程地质学报, 27(5): 1000-1009.


4. Li Lihui, Huang Beixiu, Li Yanyan, Hu Ruilin, Li Xiao. (2018) Multi-scale modeling of shale laminas and fracture networks in the Yanchang formation, Southern Ordos Basin, China, Engineering Geology, 243: 231-240.

3. 杨志法, 李丽慧, 黄北秀, 孙亚丽. (2018) 工程地质领域的3个值得关注的研究方向——以此纪念中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所水文地质工程地质研究室60周年, 工程地质学报, 26(01): 1-9.


2. Li Lihui, Huang Beixiu, Tan Yufang, Deng Xiaolong, Li Yanyan, Zheng Hu. (2017) Geometric heterogeneity of continental shale in the Yanchang Formation, Southern Ordos Basin, China, Scientific Reports, 7(1): 6006.


1. Li Lihui, Deng Xiaolong, Tan Yufang, Huang Beixiu, Yang Zhifa. (2016) Siting method of the ancients in the excavation of Longyou Caverns, 2000 years ago, Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 27(1): 197-206.


3. Huang Beixiu, Li Lihui, Li Xiao. 2024. Method and system for acquiring elastic modulus of rock containing sedimentary rhythms. US 11,965,839.

2. 李丽慧, 黄北秀, 杜忠明. 2023. 一种集加热与观测于一体的细观力学测试系统及方法. 中国, ZL202310896766.1.

1. 黄北秀, 李丽慧, 李晓. 2022. 一种含沉积韵律层的岩石弹性模量获取方法及系统. 中国, ZL202110901612.8.

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