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姓名: 孟令通 性别:
职称: 特聘副研究员 学历: 博士
电话: 传真: 010-62010846
Email: tone18@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所


  1. 克拉通变形过程和机制
  2. 造山带构造演化
  3. 花岗岩构造和侵位机制
  4. 构造控矿规律研究
  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(42202241),主持,在研
  2. 中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助(2022M713128),主持,结题
  3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(2024T170911),主持,结题
  4. 中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目,主持,结题


  1. Meng Lingtong, Chu Yang, Lin Wei, Mitchell Ross, Zhao Liang, 2024. Bulldoze and rebuild: Modifying cratonic lithosphere via removal and replacement induced by continental subduction. Geology, 52, 245-250.
  2. Meng Lingtong, Chu Yang, Lin Wei, Zhao Liang, Wei Wei, Liu Fei, Wang Yin, Song Chao, Wu Qinying, 2023. Decoding the Link Between Magmatic Cyclicity and Episodic Variation of Tectonics and Crustal Thickness in the Overriding Plate. Tectonics, 42, e2023TC008040.
  3. Meng Lingtong, Lin Wei, Li Shuangjian, Chu Yang, Wei Wei, Wang Yin, Song Chao, Qiu Huabiao, Ren Zhiheng, Zeng Jipei, Wu Qinying, 2022. Latest Triassic and Late Jurassic extensional tectonics of the Sulu UHP orogenic belt, East China: Evidence from geological and geophysical data. Tectonophysics, 838, 229473.
  4. Meng Lingtong, Lin Wei, 2021. Episodic crustal extension and contraction characterizing the Late Mesozoic tectonics of East China: Evidence from the Jiaodong Peninsula, East China. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006318.
  5. Meng Lingtong, Lin Wei, 2021. Late Triassic contractional tectonics in the overriding plate of the Sulu orogenic belt, Eastern China. Tectonophysics, 806, 228793.
  6. Meng Lingtong, Chen Bailin, Wu Yu, Wang Yong, 2021. Constraints of Fe isotopes on the origin of volcanic-hosted Fe-oxide deposits: A case study of the Late Cambrian 7918 Fe deposit, North Altun orogenic belt, Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 212, 104723.
  7. Meng Lingtong, Chen Bailin, Zhao Nina, Wu Yu, Zhang Wengao, He Jiangtao, Wang Bin, Han Meimei, 2017. The distribution, geochronology and geochemistry of early Paleozoic granitoid plutons in the North Altun orogenic belt, NW China: Implications for the petrogenesis and tectonic evolution. Lithos, 268-271, 399-417.
  8. 孟令通, 林伟, 任志恒, 杨进辉, 李金雁, 2024. 上覆板块对大陆深俯冲构造响应:以胶辽地区为例. 岩石学报, 40, 2287-2305.
  9. 孟令通, 陈柏林, 王永, 孙岳, 吴玉, 张文高, 何江涛, 2016. 北阿尔金早古生代构造体制转换的时限: 来自花岗岩的证据. 大地构造与成矿学, 40(2), 295-307.
  10. 孟令通, 陈柏林, 罗迪柯, 王永, 孙岳, 吴玉, 张昊, 王铜, 2015. 北阿尔金喀腊大湾地区4337高地北花岗闪长岩SHRIMP U-Pb定年及其构造意义. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 5(6), 1757-1771.

  11. Lin Wei, Liu Fei, Wang Yin, Meng Lingtong, Faure Michel, Chu Yang, Vuong Van Nguyen, Wu Qinying, Wei Wei, Hoai Luong Thi Thu, Tich Van Vu, 2024. Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of the Ailaoshan–SongMa–Song Chay ophiolitic mélange, and its significance on the evolution of Paleo-Tethys. C. R. Geosciences, 356, 115-136.
  12. Chu Yang, Liu Tanjie, Lin Wei, Meng Lingtong, Feng Zhentian, Wei Wei, Ji Wenbin, Xue Zhenhua, 2024. Lithospheric reworking and thinning by cyclical continental extension: a synthesis of Cretaceous extensional domes in the South China Block. C. R. Geosciences, 356, 137-162.
  13. Liu Fei, Lin Wei, Wang Yin, Meng Lingtong, Faure Michel, Vuong Van Nguyen, Wu Qinying, Chu Yang, Wei Wei, Hoai Luong Thi Thu, Tich Van Vu, Li Qiuli, Wang Hao, Chen Ke, 2023. Heterogeneity of the Ailaoshan–Song Ma ophiolitic mélange and its paleogeographic implications for the evolution of Eastern Paleo-Tethys. Tectonophysics, 858, 229848.
  14. Zeng Jipei., Lin Wei, Qiu Huabiao, Wei Wei, Meng Lingtong, Chu Yang, Ren Zhiheng, Wang Yin, Feng Zhentian, 2022. When did the large-scale extensional tectonics begin in North China Craton? Tectonophysics, 840, 229563.
  15. Wang Yin, Lin Wei, Faure Michel, Vuong Van Nguyen, Meng Lingtong, Chu Yang, Wei Wei, Hoai Luong Thi Thu, Lepvrier Claude, Tich Van Vu, Li Qiuli, Wang Hao, Chen Zechao, Wu Lin, Wang Fei, 2022. Correlation among the Ailaoshan-Song Ma-Song Chay orogenic belts and implications for the evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Tectonophysics, 843, 229618.
  16. Feng Zhentian, Chu Yang, Wei Wei, Xue Zhenhua, Xin Guangyao, Meng Lingtong, Zhang Di, Lin Wei, 2022. Basal décollement splaying induces mid-crustal tectonic imbrication in an intracontinental orogen. Tectonics, 41, e2022TC007583.
  17. Li Qiuli, Lin Wei, Wang Yin, Faure Michel, Meng Lingtong, Wang Hao, Vuong Van Nguyen, Hoai Luong Thi Thu, Lepvrier Claude, Chu Yang, Wei Wei, Tich Van Vu, 2021. Detrital zircon U–Pb age distributions and Hf isotopic constraints of the Ailaoshan-Song Ma Suture Zone and their paleogeographic implications for the Eastern Paleo-Tethys evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 221, 103789.
  18. Lin Wei, Zeng Jipei, Meng Lingtong, Qiu Huabiao, Wei Wei, Ren Zhiheng, Chu Yang, Li Shuangjian, Song Chao, Wang Qingchen, 2021. Extensional tectonics and North China Craton destruction: Insights from the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy (AMS) of granite and metamorphic core complex. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 1557-1589.
  19. Ren Zhiheng, Lin Wei, Faure Michel, Meng Lingtong, Qiu Huabiao, Zeng Jipei, 2021. Triassic−Jurassic evolution of the eastern North China Craton: Insights from the Lushun-Dalian area, South Liaodong Peninsula, NE China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 133, 393-408.
  20. Qiu Huabiao, Lin Wei, Chen Yan, Faure Michel, Meng Lingtong, Ren Zhiheng, Zeng Jipei, Hou Quanlin, 2021. Magma chamber-related transition from magmatic to solid-state fabrics within the Late Triassic granitic Dushan pluton (North China). Geophysical Journal International, 227, 759-775.
  21. Zeng Jipei, Wei Wei, Lin Wei, Meng Lingtong, Qiu Huabiao, Chu Yang, Ren Zhiheng, Feng Zhentian, Li Qiuli, Ling Xiaoxiao, 2021. The Late Jurassic extensional event in the Yanshan fold and thrust belt (North China): New insights from an integrated study of structural geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of the Siganding granitic pluton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 211, 104708.
  22. Qiu Huabiao, Lin Wei, Faure Michel, Chen Yan, Meng Lingtong, Zeng Jipei, Ren Zhiheng, Wang Yin, Li Qiuli, 2020. Late Triassic extensional tectonics in the northern North China Craton, insights from a multidisciplinary study of the Wangtufang pluton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 200, 104462.
  23. 林伟, 王印, 刘飞, 孟令通, 吴钦颖, 郭钊, 李金雁, 2024. 印支造山带: Song Chay 构造带. 岩石学报, 40(01), 1-28.
  24. 林伟, 王印, 刘飞, 孟令通, 冀文斌, 卫巍, 褚杨, 宋超, 吴钦颖, 2022. 蛇绿混杂岩的基质组成及其构造内涵: 以东古特提斯为例. 地质学报, 96(10), 3449-3467.
  25. 林伟, 许德如, 侯泉林, 李双建, 孟令通, 任志恒, 邱华标, 褚杨, 2019. 中国大陆中东部早白垩世伸展穹隆构造与多金属成矿. 大地构造与成矿学, 43(3), 409-430.
  26. 陈柏林, 孟令通, 2018. 阿尔金喀腊大湾铁矿田褶皱构造特征及找矿意义. 大地构造与成矿学, 42(1), 32-49.

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