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姓名: 潘文勇 性别:
职称: 特聘副研究员 学历: 博士
电话: 传真: 010-62010846
Email: wenyongp@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

  潘文勇,男,河北衡水人,特聘副研究员,长期从事地震全波形反演的理论和应用研究,在复杂介质(各向同性弹性、各向异性弹性以及黏弹性)多参数全波形反演方面有一系列创新性研究成果,并将弹性全波形反演成功应用于实际地震数据和储层预测。近年来在Geophysics和Geophysical Journal International等国际权威勘探地球物理期刊发表学术论文20多篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者15篇(含共一),发表国际学术会议论文30多篇,完成CREWES研究组科研报告25篇。

  •  2020.01 -- 至今 中科院地质与地球物理研究所,特聘副研究员
  •  2019.06 -- 2020.01 中科院地质与地球物理研究所,清华大学,访问学者
  •  2017.11 -- 2019.05 美国能源部洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,博士后
  •  2016.06 -- 2016.08 美国普林斯顿大学地质系,访问学者
  •  2015.09 -- 2016.05 加拿大卡尔加里大学地质系,兼职讲师
  •  2012.09 -- 2014.05 加拿大卡尔加里大学地质系,助教/助研
  •  2014.05 -- 2014.08 美国麻省理工学院,访问学者
  •  2012.09 -- 2017.11 加拿大卡尔加里大学,博士学位
  •  2005-09 -- 2012.09 中国地质大学(北京),本科与硕士学位
  • 弹性波成像理论与方法
  • 各向异性和(黏)弹性地震全波形反演
  • 人工智能地球物理
  • 高效、高精度(黏)弹性地震波正演模拟
  • 2024,2023年度Geophysics期刊最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)
  • 2023,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所优秀科技成果奖,(1/6)
  • 2023,采煤工作面地质构造全波地震精细探测和成像技术研究及应用,中国安全生产协会科技进步一等奖(省部级),(2/15)
  • 2023,第五届中国油气地球物理学术年会优秀论文一等奖,(1/3)
  • 2016,SEG/Chevron奖学金
  • 2015,加拿大卡尔加里大学“Eyes High (高瞻)”国际博士留学生奖
  • 2015,SEG/Chevron奖学金
  • Travel Grant:IPAM workshop (UCLA, 2017); University of Calgary (2016); SEG Annual Meeting (2015); EAGE Annual Meeting (2014)
  • 2012,加拿大卡尔加里大学博士全额奖学金
  • 2011,北京市“三好学生”奖
  • 2010,中国地质大学(北京)“地大十佳研究生”奖
  • 2009,中国地质大学(北京)优秀本科毕业论文
  • 2023-2024,中国科学院超算中心“东方之星”青年科学家创新基金,主持
  • 2023 -- 2024,波动方程反演技术加速模块开发,横向课题(中石油石勘院),主持
  • 2021 -- 2023,基于全波形反演技术的煤矿采煤工作面精细地质构造成像研究,横向课题(中矿大地),主持
  • 2021 -- 2023,青年科学基金项目,主持
  • 2020 -- 2024,弹性波成像理论与方法,地质地球所特聘副研资助项目,主持
  • 2017 -- 2019,增强型地热系统,美国能源部国家实验联合项目,参与(EGS Collab Team)
  • 2014 -- 2017,迭代模拟、成像和反演,加拿大自然科学基金联合项目,参与
  • 2012,中国南海北部天然气水合物与油气资源共生成藏模式研究,专项基金项目,参与
  • 2007 -- 2011,天然气水合物三维地震资料精细处理技术,国家“863”计划子课题,参与


  • 2023 -- 至今,Computers & Geosciences (IF 4.4) 期刊副主编
  • 2022 -- 2023, Frontiers in Earth Science (IF 3.661), 专刊“Seismic Full-Waveform Inversion for High-Resolution Subsurface Imaging” 客座编辑
  • 2018, Chair, Session: Full-waveform inversion, SEG
  • 2017, Chair, Session: Seismic Inversion I, GeoConvention (CSEG)
  • 2014, Chair, Session: Seismic Modeling and FWI (Full-waveform inversion), GeoConvention (CSEG)
  • 2015 -- 2016, Curriculum and Academic Review Committee, Faculty of Science, University of Calgary
  • 2015 -- 2016, Department Council Representative, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary


  1. Qu, L., Pan, W.*, Innanen, K., Macquet, M., and Lawton, D., 2024, Feasibility study of anisotropic full-waveform inversion with DAS data in a vertical seismic profile configuration at the Newell County Facility, Alberta, Canada: Surveys in Geophysics, Accepted.
  2. Song, J., Yang, Z., Cao, H., He, W., Pan, W., Li, M., and Tian, N, 2023, Full waveform inversion with combined misfit functions and application in land seismic data: Front. Earth Sci. 11:1264009.
  3. Tang, Z., D. Yang, W. Pan, X. Dong, N. Wang, and J. Xia, 2023, Adjoint Attenuation Tomography of Sichuan-Yunnan Region: Seismological Research Letters, 94 (2A): 898-912.
  4. Song, J., H. Cao, W. Pan#, Z. Yang, H. Li, M. Lu, and X. Hu, 2023, Attenuation Sensitivity Kernel Analysis in Viscoelastic Full-Waveform Inversion Based on the Generalized Standard Linear Solid Rheology: Surveys in Geophysics, 44, 1041-1073.
  5. 刘超, 刘鹏, 张慧峰, 白坤, 李志勇, 潘文勇, 2023, 三维弹性波全波形反演在小保当煤矿勘探中的应用研究, 煤炭工程,55, 66-71.
  6. 梁旭, 马越, 刘超, 陈真, 贾栋栋, 李志勇, 潘文勇, 2023, 基于多目标函数的黏弹性全波形反演: 煤田地质与勘探,51, 152-163.
  7. Pan, W., K. Innanen, and Y. Wang, 2023, Adjoint Q tomography with central-frequency measurements in viscoelastic medium: Geophysical Journal International, 233, 2, 1144-1165.
  8. Pan, W., L. Qu, K. A. Innanen, J. Dettmer, M. Macquet, D. Lawton, and Y. Wang, 2023, Imaging near-surface S-wave velocity and attenuation models by full-waveform inversion with distributed acoustic sensing-recorded surface waves: Geophysics, 88, 1, R65-R78. (Featured Publication)
  9. Pan, W., N. Ma, and Y. Wang, 2022, An Envelope Travel-Time Objective Function for Reducing Source–Velocity Trade-Offs in Wave-Equation Tomography: Remote Sensing, 14, 20, 5223.
  10. Zhang, D., W. Pan, D. Yang, L. Qiu, X, Dong, and W, Meng, 2021, Three-dimensional frequency-domain full waveform inversion based on the nearly-analytic discrete method: Earth and Planetary Physics, 5, 2, 149-157.
  11. Geng, Y., K. A. Innanen and W. Pan, 2020, Subspace methods in multiparameter seismic full-waveform inversion: Communications in Computational Physics, 28, 228-248.
  12. Tang, C., L. Fu, W. Pan, Q. Li, and J. Huang, 2020, Optimized pseudo-Padé Fourier migrator in terms of propagation angles: IEEE Access, 8, 32054-32065.
  13. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, Y. Wang, 2020, SeisElastic2D: An open-source package for multiparameter full-waveform inversion in isotropic-, anisotropic- and visco-elastic media: Computers & Geosciences, 145, 104586.
  14. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and Y. Wang, 2020, Parameterization analysis and field validation of VTI-elastic full-waveform inversion in a walk-away vertical seismic profile configuration: Geophysics, 85, no. 3, B87–B107.
  15. Pan, W. and Y. Wang, 2020, On the influence of different misfit functions for attenuation estimation in viscoelastic full-waveform inversion: synthetic study: Geophysical Journal International, 221, 1292–1319.
  16. Pan, W. and K. A. Innanen, 2019, Amplitude-based misfit functions in viscoelastic full-waveform inversion applied to walk-away vertical seismic profile data: Geophysics, 84, no. 5, B335–B351.
  17. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, Y. Geng, and J. Li, 2019, Interparameter trade-off quantification for isotropic-elastic full-waveform inversion with various model parameterizations: Geophysics, 84, no. 2, R185–R206.
  18. Geng. Y, W. Pan and K. A. Innanen, 2018 Frequency-domain full-waveform inversion with non-linear descent directions: Geophysical Journal International, 213, 739-756
  19. Pan, W., Y. Geng, and K. A. Innanen, 2018, Interparameter trade-off quantification and reduction in isotropic-elastic full-waveform inversion: synthetic experiments and Hussar land data set application: Geophysical Journal International, 213, 1305–1333. (Key Papers in GJI 2018)
  20. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and Y. Geng, 2018, Elastic full-waveform inversion and parameterization analysis applied to walk-away vertical seismic profile data for unconventional (heavy oil) reservoir characterization: Geophysical Journal International, 213, 1934–1968. (Key Papers in GJI 2018)
  21. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and W. Liao, 2017, Accelerating Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion via l-BFGS preconditioned conjugate-gradient algorithm: Geophysics, 82, R49-R64.
  22. Pan, W. and K. A. Innanen, 2016, A summary of several challenges facing multi-parameter elastic full waveform inversion: CSEG recorder, 41, 36-39.
  23. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, G. F. Margrave, M. C. Fehler, X. Fang, and J. Li, 2016, Estimation of elastic constants for HTI media using Gauss-Newton and full-Newton multiparameter full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 81, no. 5, R275–R291.
  24. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, G. F. Margrave, and D. Cao, 2015, Efficient pseudo-Gauss-Newton full waveform inversion in the τ-p domain: Geophysics, 80, no. 5, R225–R14.


  1. Pan, W., J. Song, and Y. Wang, 2022, Attenuation Sensitivity Kernel Calculation in Anelastic Wave Equation Tomography: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme, 1, 1-5.
  2. 潘文勇, 王彦飞, 2021,(粘)弹性全波形反演在勘探地球物理中的研究进展与展望, 中国地球科学联合学术年会.
  3. Pan, W., Y. Wang, and K. A. Innanen, 2021, Central-frequency misfit function for full-waveform Q inversion in 2D/3D viscoelastic medium: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 1, 1-5.
  4. Pan, W., L. Huang, K. Gao, J. Ajo-Franklin, T. Kneafsey and EGS Collab Team, 2019, Elastic-Waveform Inversion and Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration of CASSM Data for Experiment I of the EGS Collab Project. Proceedings: 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1385-1391.
  5. Pan, W., and L. Huang, 2018, Adaptive viscoelastic-waveform inversion using the local wavelet transform for geothermal reservoir characterization: AGU Fall Meeting.
  6. Pan, W., and L. Huang, 2018, Elastic-wave-equation traveltime tomography in anisotropic media using differential measurements of long-offset data: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 5233-5237.
  7. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and Y. O. Yuan, 2017, Inter-parameter tradeoff quantification and reduction in isotropic-elastic full-waveform inversion: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1539-1544.
  8. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and Y. O. Yuan, Interparameter tradeoffs quantification and reduction in isotropic-elastic FWI, IPAM workshop (UCLA): full waveform inversion and velocity analysis, 2017.
  9. Pan, W., Y. Yuan, F. Simons, and K. Innanen, 2017, The Role of Density in Elastic Full-waveform Inversion, GeoConvention, 1-5.
  10. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and W. Liao, 2016, Accelerating Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion via improved preconditioning strategies: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1455-1461.
  11. Pan, W., and K. A. Innanen, 2016, Source-independent Hessian-free Gauss-Newton Full-waveform Inversion: GeoConvention.
  12. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, G. F. Margrave, Mike Fehler, Xinding Fang and Junxiao Li, 2015, Multiparameter seismic fullwaveform inversion in fractured media: anisotropic parameter estimation and cross-talk suppression: AGU Fall Meeting.
  13. Pan, W., G. F. Margrave, and K. A. Innanen, 2014, Iterative modeling migration and inversion (IMMI): combining full-waveform inversion with standard inversion methodology: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 938-943.
  14. Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and G. F. Margrave, 2014, A comparison of different scaling methods for least-squares migration/inversion: EAGE Expanded Abstracts.
  15. Pan, W., and K. A. Innanen, 2013, AVO/AVF analysis of thin beds in elastic media: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 373-377.

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