简历: |
2005.09-2009.06,中国地质大学(武汉),地球科学学院,地球化学专业,获学士学位 2009.09-2014.06,中国地质大学(武汉),地球科学学院,地球化学专业,获博士学位 2014.07-2016.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室,助理研究员 2016.02-2016.07,台湾大学地质科学系,客座助研究员 - 2017.01-2024.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室,副研究员
- 2020.08-今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所多接收-电感耦合等离子质谱实验室主任
- 2024.12-今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,岩石圈演化与环境演变重点实验室岩石圈演化学科中心,研究员
获奖及荣誉: |
- 湖北省优秀学士学位论文奖(2009)
- 湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖(2015)
- 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员(2020)
- 侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖(2024)
- 2020年度研究所优秀科技成果奖(排名:6/8)
- 2021年度研究所优秀科技成果特别成果奖(排名:7/38)
- 2023年度研究所优秀科技成果奖(排名:6/8)
- 2023年度研究所优秀科技成果奖(排名:9/14)
学术任职: 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会化学地球动力学专业委员会委员(2021.11-2025.04) - 《岩矿测试》杂志编委(聘期:2024.01-2028.12)
- 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》杂志编委(聘期:2024.01-2027.12)
《Journal of Earth Science》杂志青年编委(聘 期:2022.01-2023.12) 《地球科学》杂志青年编委(聘期:2022.01-2023.12) 《地球化学》杂志青年编委(聘期:2022.06-2025.05)
承担科研项目情况: |
主持国家自然科学优秀青年基金项目一项(批准号:42322203,年限:2024.01-2026.12) 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目一项(批准号:41503026,年限:2016.01-2018.12) 主持国家自然科学面上基金项目一项(批准号:41973035,年限:2020.01-2023.12) 主持岩石圈演化国家重点实验室青年人才计划项目(批准号:SKL-Z201901-YT,年限:2019.06-2022.05) 参与国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项1项(批准号:2016YFC0600109,年限:2016.01-2020.12) - 参与国家自然科学创新研究群体科学基金1项(批准号:41521062,年限:2016.01-2018.12)
- 参与中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“类地行星的形成演化及其宜居性”(批准号:XDB41000000,年限:2020.01-2024.12)
- 参与中国科学院重点部署项目“嫦娥五号着陆区火山成因与喷发机理”(批准号:(ZDBS-SSW-JSC007-15,年限:2021.06-2024.06)
- 参与中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所自主部署项目“嫦娥五号月球样品综合研究”(批准号:IGGCAS-202101,年限:2021.01-2024.12)
- 参与中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“岩石圈驱动的地球系统过程及表生资源效应”(批准号:XDB0710000,年限:2023.12-2028.11)
代表论著: |
2025 |
Yan, Y.Q.,Wang, H.*, Yang, J.H., Wu, S.T., Ran, J., Zhou, B.Q., Wu, Y.D., 2025. Carboniferous, not Paleoproterozoic, eclogite-facies metamorphism in the northern North China Craton as revealed by in situ garnet Lu-Hf and U-Pb geochronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 653, 119207. |
Ran, J.,Wang, H.*, Yang, J.H., Yan, Y.Q., Zhu, Y.S., Zhou, B.Q., 2025. Petrogenesis of rodingites along the northern margin of the North China Craton: Constraints from zirconology and whole-rock geochemistry. Science China Earth Sciences, 10.1007/s11430-024-1486-0. |
Huang, C.,Wang, H., Xie, L., Xu, L., Wu, S., Yang, Y., Yang, J., 2025. High-precision Rb-Sr isotope analysis with Neoma MS/MS: Enhancing in situ geochronology by laser ablation. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 224, 107117. |
140. |
Chen, R., Wu, S.,Wang, H., Senger, M., Paul, A.N., Sylvester, P.J., Yang, Y., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2025. Baddeleyite SK10-3: A natural reference material for microbeam U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic measurements. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12591. |
139. |
Yang, Y.H., Wu, S.T.,Wang, H., Kamo, S.L., Ma, Q., Liang, T., Xu, L., Xie, L.W., Huang, C., Wan, B., Yang, J.H., Wu, F.Y., 2025. Three new natural secondary reference materials for in situ andradite U-Pb geochronology. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 40, 326-337. |
138. |
Zhou, B.Q., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F.,Wang, H., Zhu, Y.S., Wu, Y.D., Mei, Q.F., Xu, L., Ran, J., 2025. Apatite geochemical indicators for magma mixing and fractional crystallization in the origin of A-type granite. Lithos 492-493, 107873. |
137. |
Wu, S.T., Xue, D.S., Yang, Y.H.,Wang, H., Li, C.L., Wu, F.Y., 2025. Chemical analysis of Chang'e-5 lunar soil using LA-ICP-MS in highly diluted fused glass discs. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 40, 98-103. |
136. |
Wu, Y., Yang, J., Sun, J.,Wang, H., Zhou, B., 2025. The role of sub-continental lithosphere mantle in deep F and Cl cycling: Insight from the Dabeigou basalts, North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences68(2), 564-580. |
135. |
Qiu, M., Hu, S., He, H., Yue, Z., Hui, H., Hao, J., Li, R., Gou, S., Gu, L., Tang, X., Li, J., Yang, W., Tian, H., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L., Li, X., Chen, Y., Wu, S.,Wang, H., Lin, Y., Li, X., Wu, F., 2025. Discovery of a highly shocked alkali suite clast in the Chang'e-5 lunar soils. Icarus 429, 116448. |
134. |
王浩, 吴石头, 杨进辉, 闫垚琪, 杨岳衡, 2025. 稀土矿物微区Lu-Hf定年的初步研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 10.3724/j.issn.1007-2802.20240142. |
133. |
冉静,王浩*, 杨进辉, 闫垚琪, 朱昱升, 周宝全, 2025. 华北克拉通北缘异剥钙榴岩成因: 来自锆石学和全岩地球化学的制约. 中国科学: 地球科学, 10.1360/SSTe-2024-0210. |
132. |
吴亚东, 杨进辉, 孙金凤,王浩, 周宝全, 2025. 大陆岩石圈地幔在深部F和Cl循环中作用——来自华北克拉通大北沟玄武岩的启示. 中国科学: 地球科学 55(2), 578-595. |
李友连, 郭敬辉, 欧阳东剑,王浩, 彭澎, 钱青, 杨进辉, 2025. 燕山地区北京中生代上庄辉长岩-闪长岩-花岗岩杂岩体的壳幔岩浆混合成因及意义. 岩石学报 41, 31-65. |
Ran, J., Wang, H.*, Yang, J.H., Wu, S.T., Zhu, Y.S., Wu, Y.D., Xu, L., Huang, C., Zhou, B.Q., 2024. Direct dating rodingitization in the northern North China Craton using garnet U-Pb geochronometry. Terra Nova, 36(4), 275-283. |
Huang, C., Wang, H., Yang, J.H., Kamo, S.L., Tu, J.R., Hou, Z.H., Zhang, L., Yang, Y.H., Xie, L.W., Wu, S.T., Xu, L., 2024. RKV01 rutile – A new potential Archaean reference material for microbeam U-Pb dating. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 48 (1), 245-267. |
128. |
Meng, J., Wu, S.*,Wang, H.*, Yang, Y., Huang, C., Zhang, C., Yang, W., Tu, J., Yang, S., Ma, Q., Wang, Q., Xu, L., Xie, L., 2024. The KNW rutile—a natural reference material for microbeam U-Pb age and trace element determination. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39, 2488-2501. |
127. |
Wu, S., Yang, Y.,Wang, H., Roberts, N.M.W., Niu, J., Wang, Y., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2024. In situ Lu-Hf dating of allanite by LA-ICP-MS/MS: Implications for geochronology. Chemical Geology 670, 122383. |
Xu, L., Yang, J.H., Wang, H., Ye, H., Xie, L.W., Yang, Y.H., Huang, C., Wu, S.T., 2024. Non-matrix-matched analysis of Fe isotopes in silicates by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS and potential silicate in-house standards for microbeam Fe isotopic analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39 (3), 900-916. |
Wei, Q.D., Yang, Y.H., Wang, H., Wu, S.T., Yang, M., Huang, C., Xu, L., Xie, L.W., Yang, J.H., Wu, F.Y., 2024. In situ Sr-Nd isotope analysis of vesuvianite by LA-MC-ICP-MS: methodology and application. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39, 1284-1301. |
124. |
Niu, J., Wu, S.T., Yang, Y.H.,Wang, H., Huang, C., Xu, L., Xie, L.W., 2024. Robust determination of low Ti contents in zircon using LA-ICP-MS/MS with NH3 reaction gas. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39, 3060-3068. |
123. |
Wu, S., Niu, J., Yang, Y.,Wang, H., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2024. First demonstration of in situ Lu–Hf dating using LA-ICP-MS/MS applied to monazite. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39, 2703-2715. |
122. |
Xu, L., Yang, J.H., Zeng, Q.D.,Wang, H., Xie, L.W., 2024. Pyrite in-situ S-Fe isotope constraints on the ore-forming sources and mineralization processes of gold and polymetallic deposits in the Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews 173, 106274. |
Zhu, Y.S., Yang, J.H., Li, Q.L., Wang, H., Wu, Y.D., Wu, F.Y., 2024. A craton-like subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Trans-North China Orogen revealed by the ca. 1.54 Ga kimberlites. Terra Nova, 36(1), 1-7. |
Wu, Y.D., Yang, J.H., Kamenetsky, V.S.,Wang, H., Li, X.G., 2024. Remobilization of carbon in the lithospheric mantle during decratonization. Lithos 472-473, 107574. |
119. |
Sheng, S.Z., Su, B., Wang, S.J., Chen, Y., Li, Q.L.,Wang, H., Hui, H., Wu, S., Zhang, B., Yuan, J.Y., 2024. Orthopyroxene-dominated upper mantle melting built the early crust of the Moon. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 403. |
Wu, F.Y., Li, Q.L., Chen, Y., Hu, S., Yue, Z.Y., Zhou, Q., Wang, H., Yang, W., Tian, H.C., Zhang, C., Li, J.H., Li, L.X., Hui, H.J., Li, C.L., Lin, Y.T., Li, X.H. Delano, J.W., 2024. Lunar evolution in light of the Chang'e-5 returned samples. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 52(1):159-194. |
Yang, Y.H., Tang, S.H., Liu, W.G., Yan, Y., Xie, L.W., Huang, C., Wu, S.T., Wang, H., Yang, J.H., Wu, F.Y., 2024. Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd elemental concentrations and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of 13 Chinese rock reference materials using isotope dilution TIMS and MC-ICP-MS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 500, 117234. |
116. |
Xie, L.W., Fan, H.R., Yu, H.M., Huang, C., Xu, L., Yang, Y.H., Wu, S.T.,Wang, H., 2024. A potential natural chalcopyrite reference material for in situ copper, iron, and sulfur isotope measurements. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39 (9), 2207-2219. |
Mei, Q.F., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Li, Q.L., Wu, S.T., Ling, X.X., Peng, P. Wang, H., 2024. Multiple thermal events recorded in the Acasta Gneiss Complex: Evidence from in-situ dating of zircon, titanite, and apatite. Science China Earth Sciences 67, 673-686. |
114. |
Jiang, J., Zou, X., Mitchell, R.N., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Yin, Q.Z., Yang, W., Zhou, X.,Wang, H., Spencer, C.J., Shan, X., Wu, S., Li, G., Qin, K., Li, X.H., 2024. Sediment subduction in Hadean revealed by machine learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2405160121. |
Mazoz, A., Gonçalves, G.O., Lana, C., Buick, I.S., McSwiggen, P.L., Corfu, F., Kamo, S.L., Fu, B.,Wang, H., Moreira, H., Scholz, R., Martins, L., Peixoto, E., Dantas, E.L., Santos, R.V., 2024. Vermilion monazite: A new Archean reference material for U-Pb and Sm-Nd microanalysis. Chemical Geology 658, 122121. |
Xie, L.W., Wang, X.J., Yu, H.M., Gao, J.F., Xu, L., Huang, C., Tang, G.Q., Mao, Q., Feng, L.J., Yang, Y.H., Wu, S.T., Wang, H., 2024. A study on a natural pyrite sample as a potential reference material for simultaneous measurement of sulfur and iron isotopes using fs-LA-MC-ICP-MSs. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39 (3), 723-734. |
吕畅, 王浩*, 杨进辉, 冉静, 周宝全, 吴亚东, 2024. 华北克拉通始太古代演化——来自冀东38亿年片麻岩锆石Hf-O同位素的记录. 岩石学报, 40(3), 689-701. |
牛俊龙, 吴石头, 杨岳衡, 张超,王浩, 龚庆杰, 2024. 石英和锆石Ti温度计在地学中的应用及其Ti含量的微区分析技术进展. 岩石学报, 40(1), 323-337. |
杨岳衡, 吴石头, 车旭东, 杨明, 黄超,王浩, 杨进辉, 王汝成, 吴福元, 2024. 稀有金属矿物微区同位素定年与示踪. 岩石学报 40(4), 1023-1043. |
梅清风, 杨进辉, 孙金凤, 李秋立, 吴石头, 凌潇潇, 彭澎, 王浩, 2024. Acasta片麻杂岩多期次热事件: 来自锆石、榍石和磷灰石的原位微区年代学证据. 中国科学: 地球科学 54(3), 693-707. |
2023 |
107. |
Wang, H.,Wilson, A., Yang, J., Li, Q., Tang, G., Feng, L., Jia, L., 2023. No 18O-depleted mantle source for Archean komatiite. Science Bulletin, 68, 53-55. |
106. |
Wu, S., Wang, H.*,Yang, Y.*, Niu, J., Lan, Z., Zhang, L., Huang, C., Xie, L., Xu, L., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2023. In situ Lu-Hf geochronology with LA-ICP-MS/MS analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38, 1285-1300. |
105. |
Lei, K., Wang, H.,Wang, X.L., Zhang, Q., Li, X.H., 2023. Decoupled zircon Si-O isotopes tracing the supracrustal silicification and komatiitic-derived fluids in the source of TTGs. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2023GL104002. |
Huang, C., Wang, H., Shi, W.B., Sun, J.F., Hu, F.Y., Xu, L., Yang, Y.H., Wu, S.T., Xie, L.W., Yang, J.H., 2023. In situ Rb-Sr dating of mica by LA-ICP-MS/MS. Science China Earth Sciences 66, 2603-2621. |
Li, L., Hui, H., Hu, S., Wang, H., Yang, W., Chen, Y., Wu, S., Gu, L., Jia, L., Wu, F., 2023. Petrogenesis of Chang'E-5 young mare low-Ti basalts. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58, 1429-1448. |
Qin, Z.W., Siebel, W., Fu, J.M., Wang, H., Bao, B., Yu, Y.S., Shan, L., Lu, Y.Y., Wu, Y.B., 2023. Monazite and titanite U-Pb ages of granitoids from the North Qinling Terrane: Implications for the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean and accretionary processes. Lithos 460-461, 107386. |
101. |
Zhou, B.Q., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Wang, H.,Zhu, Y.S., Wu, Y.D., Xu, L., 2023. Apatite geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on the source and petrogenesis of alkaline volcanic-plutonic ring complex. Lithos 456-457, 107334. |
Zhu, Y.S., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Wang, H., Mei, Q.F., 2023. Magnesium isotopic constraints on the lithospheric mantle metasomatism beneath the craton margin. Lithos 460-461, 107372. |
99. |
Yang, M., Yang, Y., Romer, R.L., Wu, S., Wu, T., Wang, H.,2023. In situ Hf isotope analysis of cassiterite by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Protocol and applications. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38, 437-448 |
Wu, Y., Liao, S., Yan, P., Xiao, Z., Yin, Z., Yang, W., Wang, H., Tian, H., Hui, H., Pan, L., Ma, H., Wu, S., Hsu, W., 2023. Impact-related chemical modifications of the Chang'E-5 lunar regolith. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 363, 94-113. |
97. |
Huang, C., Chen, J.Y., Yang, Y.H., Xie, L.W., Wu, S.T., Xu, L., Wang, H.,Yang, J.H., 2023. A new reference material for O-Sr isotope determination in epidote using a micro-beam. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38, 1592-1601. |
96. |
Mei, Q.F., Yang, J.H., Li, C.F., Wang, X.C., Konnunaho, J., Wu, Y.D., Zhong, H., Xu, Y.G.,Wang, H.,2023. Modern ocean island basalt-like 182W signature in Paleoarchean mafic rocks: Implications for the generation, preservation, and destruction of early mantle heterogeneities. Geology, 51, 919-923. |
Wu, S.T., Yang, Y.H., Li, T.Y., Huang, C., Bao, Z.A., Li, Y.L., Li, C.F., Xu, L., Wang, H., Xie, L.W., Yang, J.H., Wu, F.Y., 2023. Calcite TLM and LSJ07- two natural low-Sr reference materials for microbeam Sr isotope analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38, 2528-2537. |
94. |
Liu, F., Lin, W., Wang, Y., Meng, L., Faure, M., Van Nguyen, V., Wu, Q., Chu, Y., Wei, W., Thu, H.L.T., Van Vu, T., Li, Q., Wang, H.,Chen, K., 2023. Heterogeneity of the Ailaoshan–Song Ma ophiolitic mélange and its palaeogeographic implications for the evolution of Eastern Palaeo-Tethys. Tectonophysics 858, 229848. |
93. |
He, H., Ji, J., Zhang, Y., Hu, S., Lin, Y., Hui, H., Hao, J., Li, R., Yang, W., Tian, H., Zhang, C., Anand, M., Tartèse, R., Gu, L., Li, J., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L., Li, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Ni, H., Wu, S., Wang, H.,Li, Q., He, H., Li, X., Wu, F., 2023. A solar wind-derived water reservoir on the Moon hosted by impact glass beads. Nature Geoscience 16, 294-300. |
92. |
黄超, 王浩,师文贝, 孙金凤, 胡方泱, 许蕾, 杨岳衡, 吴石头, 谢烈文, 杨进辉, 2023. 云母Rb-Sr等时线年龄原位微区LA-ICP-MS/MS测定. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53, 2648-2668. |
91. |
谢博航, 吴石头, 杨岳衡, 王浩,赵子福, 黄超, 谢烈文, 2023. LA-MC-ICP-MS方解石U-Pb定年技术. 岩石学报 39, 236-248. |
2022 |
90. |
Wang, H.,Yang, J.H., Zhu, Y.S., Huang, C., Xu, L., Wu, S.T., Liu, Y., 2022. Archean crustal growth and reworking revealed by combined U-Pb-Hf-O isotope and trace element data of detrital zircons from ancient and modern river sediments of the eastern Kaapvaal Craton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 320, 79-104. |
89 |
Huang, C., Wang, H.*,Xie, L.W., Nie, N.X., Yang, Y.H., Zhao, X.M., Li, J., Tian, H.C., Wu, S.T., Xu, L., Yang, J.H., 2022. In situ Ti isotopic analysis by femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 37, 2165-2175. |
88 |
Yang, W., Chen, Y., Wang, H.,Tian, H.C., Hui, H.J., Xiao, Z.Y., Wu, S.T., Zhang, D., Zhou, Q., Ma, H.X., Zhang, C., Hu, S., Li, Q.L., Lin, Y.T., Li, X.H., Wu, F.Y., 2022. Geochemistry of impact glasses in the Chang'e-5 regolith: Constraints on impact melting and the petrogenesis of local basalt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 335, 183-196. |
87. |
Huang, C., Yang, Y., Wang, H.,Xie, L., Wu, S., Xu, L., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2022. In-run measuring 177Hf16O/177Hf as a routine technique for in-situ Hf isotopic compositions analysis in zirconium-bearing minerals by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 194, 106486. |
86. |
Xu, L., Yang, J., Wang, H.,Li, Y., Zhou, B., Yang, Y., Huang, C., Xie, L., Wu, S., 2022. A natural plagioclase reference material for microbeam Sr isotopic analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37, 1706-1714. |
85. |
Xu, L., Yang, J.,Wang, H.,Xie, L., Yang, Y., Huang, C., Wu, S., 2022. Analytical feasibility of a new reference material (IRMM-524A Fe metal) for the in situ Fe isotopic analysis of pyrite and ilmenite without matrix effects by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37, 1835-1845. |
84. |
Wei, Q., Yang, M., Romer, R.L., Wang, H.,Yang, Y., Zhao, Z., Wu, S., Xie, L., Huang, C., Xu, L., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2022. In situ U-Pb geochronology of vesuvianite by LA-SF-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 37(1), 69-81. |
83. |
Xu, L., Yang, J., Xie, L., Wang, H.,Yang, Y., Huang, C., Wu, S., 2022. Evaluation of plasma condition, concentration effect, position effect, and nickel-doping method on non-matrix-matched Fe isotopic analysis by femtosecond laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 189, 106374. |
82. |
Wu, S., Audétat, A., Jochum, K.P., Wang, H.,Chen, J., Stoll, B., Zhang, C., Bao, Z., Yang, S., Li, C., Wang, X., Xu, C., Xu, L., Huang, C., Xie, L., Yang, Y., Yang, J., 2022. Three natural andesitic to rhyolitic glasses (OJY-1, OH-1, OA-1) as reference materials for in-situ microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 673-700. |
81. |
Qin, Z.W., Wu, Y.B., Siebel, W., Wang, H.,Fu, J.M., Lu, Y.Y., Shan, L., Yu, Y.S., 2022. Source nature and magma evolution of I-type granites from the North Qinling orogen, China, revealed by zircon morphology and grain-scale variations in Hf-O isotope composition. Lithos 428-429, 106819. |
80. |
Wu, Y.D., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Wang, H.,Zhou, B.Q., Xu, L., Wu, B., 2022. Revisiting the Late Jurassic adakitic rocks in the Yanshan fold and thrust belts, North China Craton: Partial melts from thickened continental crust? Lithos 430-431, 106885. |
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Yang, M., Romer, R.L., Yang, Y., Wu, S., Wang, H.,Tu, J., Zhou, H., Xie, L., Huang, C., Xu, L., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2022. U-Pb isotopic dating of cassiterite: Development of reference materials and in situ applications by LA-SF-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology 593, 120754. |
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Wu, S., Yang, Y., Roberts, N.M.W., Yang, M.,Wang, H.,Lan, Z., Xie, B., Li, T., Xu, L., Huang, C., Xie, L., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2022. In situ calcite U-Pb geochronology by high-sensitivity single-collector LA-SF-ICP-MS. Science China Earth Sciences 65, 1146-1160. |
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Hao, L., Nan, X., Kerr, A.C., Li, S., Wu, Y., Wang, H.,Huang, F., 2022. Mg-Ba-Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for a mélange origin of early Paleozoic arc magmatism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 577, 117263. |
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Wu, Y., Yang, J., Stagno, V., Nekrylov, N., Wang, J., Wang, H.,2022. Redox heterogeneity of picritic lavas with respect to their mantle sources in the Emeishan large igneous province. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 320, 161-178. |
75. |
Yang, M., Yang, Y., Kamo, S.L., Romer, R.L., Roberts, N.M.W.,Wang, H.,Xie, L., Huang, C., Yang, J., Wu, F., 2022. Natural allanite reference materials for in situ U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic measurements by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46(2), 169-203. |
74. |
Lan, Z., Wu, S., Roberts, N.M.W., Zhang, S., Cao, R.,Wang, H.,Yang, Y., 2022. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the origin of highly 13Ccarb-depleted calcite in basal Ediacaran cap carbonate. Geological Magazine, 159, 1323-1334. |
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Su, B., Yuan, J.Y., Chen, Y., Yang, W., Mitchell, R.N., Hui, H.J., Wang, H.,Tian, H.C., Li, X.H., Wu, F.Y., 2022. Fusible mantle cumulates trigger young mare volcanism on the cooling Moon. Science Advances 8, eabn2103. |
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Lana, C., Goncalves, G.O., Mazoz, A., Buick, I., Kamo, S., Scholz, R.,Wang, H.,Moreira, H., Babinski, M., Queiroga, G., 2022. Assessing the U-Pb, Sm-Nd and Sr-Sr isotopic compositions of the Sumé apatite as a reference material for LA-ICP-MS analysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46(1), 71-95. |
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Mazoz, A., Goncalves, G.O., Lana, C., Buick, I.S., Corfu, F., Kamo, S.L., Wang, H.,Yang, Y., Scholz, R., Queiroga, G., Fu, B., Martins, L., Schannor, M., de Abreu, A.T., Babinski, M., Peixoto, E., Ventura Santos, R., 2022. Khan River and Bear Lake: two natural titanite reference materials for high-spatial resolution U-Pb microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 46, 701-733. |
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Yan, P., Xiao, Z., Wu, Y., Yang, W., Li, J., Gu, L., Liao, S., Yin, Z., Wang, H.,Tian, H., Zhang, C., Wu, S., Ma, H., Tang, X., Wu, S., Hui, H., Xu, Y., Hsu, W., Li, Q., Luo, F., Liu, Y., Li, X., 2022. Intricate regolith reworking processes revealed by microstructures on lunar impact glasses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127, e2022JE007260. |
69. |
Wang, Y., Lin, W., Faure, M., Van Nguyen, V., Meng, L.T., Chu, Y., Wei, W., Thu, H.L.T., Lepvrier, C., Van Vu, T., Li, Q.L., Wang, H.,Chen, Z.C., Wu, L., Wang, F., 2022. Correlation among the Ailaoshan–Song Ma–Song Chay orogenic belts and implications for the evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Tectonophysics 843, 229618. |
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Ji, J., He, H., Hu, S., Lin, Y., Hui, H., Hao, J., Li, R., Yang, W., Yan, Y., Tian, H., Zhang, C., Anand, M., Tartèse, R., Gu, L., Li, J., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L., Chen, Y., Wu, S., Wang, H.,He, H., Li, X., Wu, F., 2022. Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 591, 117636. |
67. |
王浩, 杨岳衡, 杨进辉, 2022. 矿物微区 Lu-Hf 同位素分析技术研究进展. 岩矿测试 41(6), 881-905.(2023年度该期刊优秀论文) |
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吴石头, 杨岳衡, Roberts, N.M.W., 杨明, 王浩, 兰中伍, 谢博航, 李天义, 许蕾, 黄超, 谢烈文, 杨进辉, 吴福元, 2022. 高灵敏度-单接收杯LA-SF-ICP-MS原位方解石U-Pb定年. 中国科学: 地球科学, 52(7): 1375-1390. |
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李献华, 李扬, 李秋立, 吴黎光, 王浩, 杨传, 韦刚健, 张万峰, 2022. 同位素地质年代学新进展与发展趋势. 地质学报 96, 104-122. |
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杨蔚, 胡森, 李秋立, 田恒次, 王浩, 陈意, 林杨挺, 李献华, 2022. 月球火山活动究竟能持续多久?. 地球科学 47, 3789-3791. |
2021 |
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Tian, H.#, Wang, H.#,Chen, Y.#, Yang, W., Zhou, Q., Zhang, C., Lin, H., Huang, C., Wu, S., Jia, L., Xu, L., Zhang, D., Li, X., Chang, R., Yang, Y., Xie, L., Zhang, D., Zhang, G., Yang, S., Wu, F., 2021. Non-KREEP origin for Chang’e-5 basalts in the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Nature 600(7887), 59-63. |
62. |
Huang, C.,Wang, H.*,Yu, H., Feng, L., Xie, L., Yang, Y., Wu, S., Xu, L., Yang, J., 2021. Further characterization of SA01 and SA02 zircon reference materials for Si and Zr isotopic compositions via femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36(10), 2192-2201. |
61. |
Huang, C., Wang, H.,Yang, J., Yang, C., Li, Z., Yang, Y., Feng, L., Xie, L. Wu, S., 2021. Characterization of the potential reference material SA02 for micro-beam U–Pb geochronology and Hf-O isotopic composition analysis of zircon. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36(2), 368-374. |
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Yang, J., Wang, H.,Chung, S., Zhu, Y., Cole, R., 2021. Initial subduction-related magmatism in southern Alaska identified by geochemistry and zircon Hf-O isotopes. Science Bulletin 66(10), 1030-1036. |
59. |
Wu, Y., Yang, J., Wang, H.,Zhu, Y., Xu, L., Zhou, B., Li, R., 2021. Origin and tectonic implications of Early Cretaceous Siziwangqi volcanic rocks from the North China Craton. Lithos 400-401, 106431. |
58. |
Yang, Y.H., Yang, M.,Wang, H.,Yang, J.H. Wu, F.Y., 2021. Methodology for in situ wolframite U-Pb dating and its application. Science China Earth Sciences, 64 (1): 187-190. |
57. |
Li, R., Collins, W.J., Yang, J., Blereau, E., Wang, H.,2021. Two-stage hybrid origin of Lachlan S-type magmas: A re-appraisal using isotopic microanalysis of lithic inclusion minerals. Lithos 402-403, 106378. |
56. |
Li, Q., Lin, W., Wang, Y., Faure, M., Meng, L.,Wang, H.,Van Nguyen, V., Thu, H.L.T., Lepvrier, C., Chu, Y., Wei, W., Van Vu, T., 2021. Detrital zircon U-Pb age distributions and Hf isotopic constraints of the Ailaoshan-Song Ma Suture Zone and their paleogeographic implications for the Eastern Paleo-Tethys evolution. Earth-Science Reviews 221, 103789. |
55. |
Yang, J., Xu, L., Sun, J., Zeng, Q., Zhao, Y., Wang, H.,Zhu, Y., 2021. Geodynamics of decratonization and related magmatism and mineralization in the North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences 64(9), 1409-1427. |
54. |
Wu, S., Yang, Y., Jochum, K.P., Romer, R.L., Glodny, J., Savov, I.P., Agostini, S., De Hoog, J.C.M., Peters, S.T.M., Kronz, A., Zhang, C., Bao, Z., Wang, X., Li, Y., Tang, G., Feng, L., Yu, H., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Lin, J., Zeng, Y., Xu, C., Wang, Y., Cui, Z., Deng, L., Xiao, J., Liu, Y., Xue, D., Zhang, D., Jia, L., Wang, H.,Xu, L., Huang, C., Xie, L., Pack, A., Worner, G., He, M., Li, C., Yuan, H., Huang, F., Li, Q., Yang, J., Li, X., Wu, F., 2021. Isotopic Compositions (Li-B-Si-O-Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) and Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios of Three Synthetic Andesite Glass Reference Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 45(4), 719-745. |
53. |
杨明, 王浩,吴石头, 杨岳衡, 2021. 钨矿床地球化学研究进展:以黑钨矿U-Pb、Sm-Nd、Lu-Hf同位素年代学与微量元素为例. 高校地质学报 27(3), 249-263. |
52. |
杨岳衡, 杨明, 王浩,杨进辉 吴福元, 2021. 黑钨矿微区原位U-Pb年代学方法及应用. 中国科学: 地球科学51(1): 171-174. |
51. |
杨进辉, 许蕾, 孙金凤, 曾庆栋, 赵亚楠,王浩,朱昱升, 2021. 华北克拉通破坏与岩浆-成矿的深部动力学过程. 中国科学: 地球科学 51(9), 1401-1419. |
2020 |
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Wang, H.,Yang, J.H., Kroner, A., Zhu, Y.S., Wei, Q.D., Li, R., Xu, L., 2020. Extensive magmatism and metamorphism at ca. 3.2 Ga in the eastern Kaapvaal Craton. Precambrian Research, 351: 105952. |
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Huang, C., Wang, H.*,Yang, J., Ramezani, J., Yang, C., Zhang, S., Yang, Y., Xia, X., Feng, L., Lin, J., Wang, T., Ma, Q., He, H., Xie, L., Wu, S., 2020. SA01 – A Proposed Zircon Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Age and Hf-O Isotopic Determination. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 44(1): 103-123. |
48. |
Wei, Q., Wang, H.*,Yang, Y., Yang, J., Huang, C., Wu, S. Xie, L., 2020. KV01 zircon—A potential New Archean reference material for microbeam U-Pb age and Hf-O isotope determinations. Science China Earth Sciences. 63(11): 1780-1790. |
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Zhu, Y., Yang, J.,Wang, H.,Wu, F., 2020. Mesoproterozoic (~1.32 Ga) modification of lithospheric mantle beneath the North China craton caused by break-up of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research 342: 105674. |
46. |
Li, R., Yang, J., Wang, H.,Zhu, Y., Sun, J. Xu, L., 2020. Triassic lithospheric modification of the northern North China Craton: Evidences from the composite Kalaqin Batholith and ultramafic-mafic Heilihe Intrusive Complex in Inner Mongolia. Lithos, 362-363: 105501. |
45. |
Wu, S., Yang, Y., Wang, H.,Huang, C., Xie, L. Yang, J., 2020. Characteristic Performance of Guard Electrode in LA-SF-ICP-MS for Multi-Element Quantification. Atomic Spectroscopy, 41(4): 154-161. |
44. |
Zhu, Y.S., Yang, J.H., Wang, H.,Xu, L., Li, R. Wu, Y.D., 2020. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopic constraints on the source and petrogenesis of the Xiangshuigou silicic alkaline igneous complex from the northern margin of the North China Craton. Lithos, 378-379: 105866. |
43. |
Mei, Q., Yang, J., Wang, Y., Wang, H.,Peng, P., 2020. Tungsten isotopic constraints on homogenization of the Archean silicate Earth: Implications for the transition of tectonic regimes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 278: 51-64. |
42. |
Wu, S., Wu, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, H.,Huang, C., Xie, L. Yang, J., 2020. Simultaneous Quantification of Forsterite Content and Minor–Trace Elements in Olivine by LA–ICP–MS and Geological Applications in Emeishan Large Igneous Province. Minerals, 10(7): 634; doi:10.3390/min10070634. |
41. |
Huang, C., Yang, Y., Xie, L., Wu, S., Wang, H.,Yang, J., Wu, F., 2020. In situ sequential U–Pb age and Sm–Nd systematics measurements of natural LREE-enriched minerals using single laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 35(3): 510-517. |
40. |
Zhao, H., Zhao, X., Le Roux, P.J., Zhang, W., Wang, H.,Xie, L., Huang, C., Wu, S., Yang, J., Wu, F. Yang, Y., 2020. Natural Clinopyroxene Reference Materials for in situ Sr Isotopic Analysis via LA-MC-ICP-MS. Frontiers in chemistry, 8: 594316. |
39. |
Wu, S., Yang, M., Yang, Y., Xie, L., Huang, C.,Wang, H.,Yang, J., 2020. Improved in situ zircon U–Pb dating at high spatial resolution (5–16 μm) by laser ablation–single collector–sector field–ICP–MS using Jet sample and X skimmer cones. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 456: 116394. |
2019 |
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Wang, H.,Yang, J., Kroner, A., Zhu, Y., Li, R., 2019. Non-subduction origin for 3.2 Ga high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrane, South Africa. Terra Nova 31(4): 373-380. |
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Huang, C.,Wang, H.*,Yang, J., Xie, L., Yang, Y., Wu, S., 2019. Further Characterization of the BB Zircon via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS for Li, O, and Hf Isotopic Compositions. Minerals 9(12): 774. DOI: 10.3390/min9120774 |
36. |
Zhu, Y., Yang, J.,Wang, H.,Wu, F., 2019. A Palaeoproterozoic basement beneath the Rangnim Massif revealed by the in situ U–Pb ages and Hf isotopes of xenocrystic zircons from Triassic kimberlites of North Korea. Geological Magazine 156(10): 1657-1667. |
35. |
Wang, S., Rudnick, R.L., Gaschnig, R.M.,Wang, H.,Wasylenki, L.E., 2019. Methanogenesis sustained by sulfide weathering during the Great Oxidation Event. Nature Geoscience 12(4): 296-300. |
2018 |
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Zhang, W.X., Zhu, L.Q.,Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., 2018. Generation of post-collisional normal calc-alkaline and adakitic granites in the Tongbai orogen, central China. Lithos 296-299: 513-531. |
33. |
Zhou, G.Y., Wu, Y.B., Li, L., Zhang, W.X., Zheng, J.P.,Wang, H.,Yang, S.H., 2018. Identification of ca. 2.65 Ga TTGs in the Yudongzi complex and its implications for the early evolution of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research, 314: 240-263. |
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何宇, 赵宇洁, 张文祥, 王浩,周光颜, 吴元保, 2018. 北秦岭超高压榴辉岩中长英质脉体的锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 地球科学 43(02): 389-400. |
2017 |
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Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Yang, J.H., Qin, Z.W., Duan, R.C., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2017. Crustal basement controls granitoid magmatism, and implications for generation of continental crust in subduction zones: A Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopic study from the Paleozoic Tongbai orogen, central China. Lithos 282-283: 298-315. |
30. |
Zhou, G.Y., Wu, Y.B., Wang, H.,Qin, Z.W., Zhang, W.X., Zheng, J.P., Yang, S.H., 2017. Petrogenesis of the Huashanguan A-type granite complex and its implications for the early evolution of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 292: 57-74. |
29. |
Zhu, Y.S., Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Wang, H.,2017. Zircon Hf-O isotope evidence for recycled oceanic and continental crust in the sources of alkaline rocks. Geology 45(5): 407-410. |
28. |
Zhang, Y., Yang, J.H., Chen, J.Y.,Wang, H.,Xiang, Y.X., 2017. Petrogenesis of Jurassic tungsten-bearing granites in the Nanling Range, South China: Evidence from whole-rock geochemistry and zircon U-Pb and Hf-O isotopes. Lithos 278-281: 166-180. |
27. |
Abdallsamed, M.I.M., Wu, Y.B., Zhang, W.X., Zhou, G.Y.,Wang, H.,Yang, S.H., 2017. Early Paleozoic high-Mg granodiorite from the Erlangping unit, North Qinling orogen, central China: Partial melting of metasomatic mantle during the initial back-arc opening. Lithos 288: 282-294. |
26. |
Liu, X.C., Wu, Y.B., Fisher, C.M., Hanchar, J.M., Beranek, L., Gao, S.,Wang, H.,2017. Tracing crustal evolution by U-Th-Pb, Sm-Nd, and Lu-Hf isotopes in detrital monazite and zircon from modern rivers. Geology 45(2): 103-106. |
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Nie, H., Yang, J.Z., Zhou, G.Y., Liu, C.Z., Zheng, J.P., Zhang, W.X., Zhao, Y.J.,Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., 2017. Geochemical and Re-Os isotope constraints on the origin and age of the Songshugou peridotite massif in the Qinling orogen, central China. Lithos 292: 307-319. |
2016 |
24. |
Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Qin, Z.W., Hu, Z.C., Zheng, J.P., Yang, S.H., 2016. Continental growth through accreted oceanic arc: Zircon Hf-O isotope evidence for granitoids from the Qinling orogen. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 182: 109-130. |
23. |
Zhao, Y.J., Wu, Y.B., Liu, X.C., Gao, S.,Wang, H.,Zheng, J.P., Yang, S.H., 2016. Distinct zircon U-Pb and O-Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic behaviour during fluid flow in UHP metamorphic rocks: evidence from metamorphic veins and their host eclogite in the Sulu Orogen, China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 34(4): 343-362. |
2015 |
22. |
Qin, Z.W., Wu, Y.B., Siebel, W., Gao, S., Wang, H.,Abdallsamed, M.I.M., Zhang, W.X., Yang, S.H., 2015. Genesis of adakitic granitoids by partial melting of thickened lower crust and its implications for early crustal growth: A case study from the Huichizi pluton, Qinling orogen, central China. Lithos 238: 1-12. |
21. |
Zhou, G.Y., Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Yang, J.Z., Zheng, J.P., Qin, Z.W.,Wang, H.,Yang, S.H., 2015. The 2.65 Ga A-type granite in the northeastern Yangtze craton: Petrogenesis and geological implications. Precambrian Research 258: 247-259. |
2014 |
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Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Zheng, J.P., Liu, Q., Liu, X.C., Qin, Z.W., Yang, S.H., Gong, H.J., 2014. Deep subduction of continental crust in accretionary orogen: Evidence from U-Pb dating on diamond-bearing zircons from the Qinling orogen, central China. Lithos 190-191: 420-429. |
19. |
Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Li, C.R., Zhao, T.Y., Qin, Z.W., Zhu, L.Q., Gao, S., Zheng, J.P., Liu, X.M., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, S.H., 2014. Recycling of sediment into the mantle source of K-rich mafic rocks: Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopic evidence from the Fushui complex in the Qinling orogen. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 168(4): 1062. |
18. |
Wu, Y.B.,Wang, H.,Gao, S., Hu, Z.C., Liu, X.C., Gong, H.J., 2014. LA-ICP-MS monazite U-Pb age and trace element constraints on the granulite-facies metamorphism in the Tongbai orogen, central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 82(0): 90-102. |
17. |
Liu, Q., Wu, Y.B., Wang, H.,Gao, S., Qin, Z.W., Liu, X.C., Yang, S.H., Gong, H.J., 2014. Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of migmatites from the North Qinling terrane and their geological implications. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 32: 177-193. |
16. |
Qin, Z.W., Wu, Y.B., Wang, H.,Gao, S., Zhu, L.Q., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2014. Geochronology, geochemistry, and isotope compositions of Piaochi S-type granitic intrusion in the Qinling orogen, central China: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance. Lithos 202: 347-362. |
15. |
Liu, X.C., Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Wang, H.,Zheng, J.P., Hu, Z.C., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2014. Record of multiple stage channelized fluid and melt activities in deeply subducted slab from zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 144: 1-24. |
14. |
Wu, Y.B., Zhou, G.Y., Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Qin, Z.W., Wang, H.,Yang, J.Z., Yang, S.H., 2014. Petrogenesis of Neoarchean TTG rocks in the Yangtze Craton and its implication for the formation of Archean TTGs. Precambrian Research 254: 73-86. |
2013 |
13. |
Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Qin, Z.W., Zhu, L.Q., Liu, Q., Liu, X.C., Gao, S., Wijbrans, J.R., Zhou, L., Gong, H.J., Yuan, H.L., 2013. Age and geochemistry of Silurian gabbroic rocks in the Tongbai orogen, central China: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the North Qinling arc-back-arc system. Lithos 179: 1-15. |
12. |
Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Liu, Q., Qin, Z.W., Xie, S.W., Zhou, L., Yang, S.H., 2013. Continental origin of eclogites in the North Qinling terrane and its tectonic implications. Precambrian Research 230: 13-30. |
11. |
王浩, 吴元保, 2013. 秦岭造山带早古生代高压-超高压变质作用. 科学通报 58(22): 2124-2131. |
10. |
Qi, M., Xiang, H., Zhong, Z.Q., Qiu, H.N., Wang, H.,Sun, X.L., Xu, B., 2013. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology constraints on the formation age of Myanmar jadeitite. Lithos 162-163(0): 107-114. |
2012 |
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王浩, 凌文黎, 段瑞春, 杨红梅, 陈子万, 秦雅东, 2012. 扬子克拉通峡东地区新元古代-寒武纪黑色岩系Os同位素地球化学特征及其地质意义. 地球科学——中国地质大学学报 37(3): 451-462. |
8. |
Liu, X.C., Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Liu, Q.,Wang, H., Qin, Z.W., Li, Q.L., Li, X.H., Gong, H.J., 2012. First record and timing of UHP metamorphism from zircon in the Xitieshan terrane: Implications for the evolution of the entire North Qaidam metamorphic belt. American Mineralogist 97(7): 1083 -1093. |
7. |
Liu, X.C., Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Peng, M., Wang, J.,Wang, H.,Gong, H.J., Yuan, H.L., 2012. Triassic high-pressure metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone: Tracking the initial subduction of continental crust in the whole Dabie orogen. Lithos 136: 60-72. |
6. |
Xie, S.W., Wu, Y.B., Zhang, Z.M., Qin, Y.C., Liu, X.C., Wang, H.,Qin, Z.W., Liu, Q., Yang, S.H., 2012. U-Pb ages and trace elements of detrital zircons from Early Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Jiaolai Basin, north margin of the Sulu UHP terrane: Provenances and tectonic implications. Lithos 154(0): 346-360. |
5. |
Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Zhang, H.F., Zheng, J.P., Liu, X.C., Wang, H., Gong, H.J., Zhou, L., Yuan, H.L., 2012. Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of Paleoproterozoic arc related granitoid in the Northwestern Yangtze Block and its geological implications. Precambrian Research 200-203: 26-37. |
2011 |
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Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Liu, X.C., Gong, H.J., Li, Q.L., Li, X.H., Yuan, H.L., 2011. Eclogite origin and timings in the North Qinling terrane, and their bearing on the amalgamation of the South and North China Blocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 29(9): 1019-1031. |
3. |
Wang, H.,Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Zhang, H.F., Liu, X.C., Gong, H.J., Peng, M., Wang, J., Yuan, H.L., 2011. Silurian granulite-facies metamorphism, and coeval magmatism and crustal growth in the Tongbai orogen, central China. Lithos 125(1-2): 249-271. |
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