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姓名 祁生文 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 - 传真: 010-62040574
Email: qishengwen@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

  长期从事岩体工程地质力学的科研教学工作,参与三峡、锦屏、小湾、双江口、新京张铁路、川藏铁路等多项重大工程中的重大滑坡、高边坡、地下厂房、深埋隧道变形稳定性评价工作,在岩体结构动力学效应与岩体动力灾变方面有突出贡献。已在Engineering Geology、IJRMMS、RMRE、Geology、GRL、JGR-Solid Earth、RSE、科学通报等国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文200余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文100余篇,入选全球高被引科学家榜单。


  • 2014.12至今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员; 
  • 2012.5-2013.6,加拿大University of Alberta访问教授; 
  • 2007.12-2014.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员;  
  • 2004.10-2007.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所助理研究员,
    期间曾在香港大学土木工程系任Research Associate 一年; 
  • 2002.7-2004.10,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所地球物理博士后流动站工作; 
  • 1999.9-2002.7,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所地质工程专业,获工学博士学位; 
  • 1996.9-1999.7,中国地质大学(北京)水文地质工程地质专业,获工学硕士学位; 
  • 1992.9-1996.7,长安大学(原西安地质学院)水文地质与工程地质专业,获工学学士学位。


  • 国际工程地质与环境协会副主席;
  • 国际地质灾害与减灾协会副理事长;
  • 国际工程地质与环境学会(IAEG)岩土体结构性委员会主席
  • 国际工程地质与环境学会(IAEG)中国委员会秘书长 
  • International Consortium on Geo-Disaster Reduction(ICGDR)终身理事 
  • 中国地质学会工程地质专委会秘书长
  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会工程地质力学分会 理事长
  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会常务理事
  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石动力学专委会副主任委员 
  • 中国水力发电学会地质勘探专业委员会委员 
  • 中国第四纪研究会应用第四纪专委会委员 
  • 中国科学院创新促进会会员
  • 《Engineering Geology》编委 
  • 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》编委 
  • 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》编委
  • 《Geoenvironmental Disasters》副主编 
  • 《中国科学D辑》编委
  • 《工程地质学报》执行副主编


  • 2024年,中国公路学会科技进步一等奖(排名第一R01)
  • 2024年,中国地质学会会士;
  • 2023年,朱李月华奖;
  • 2023年,国际地质灾害与减灾协会科学成就奖
  • 2020年,中国电建科学技术奖一等奖(排名第八R08)
  • 2020年,中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学一等奖(排名第一),工程岩体强震动力响应规律及损伤灾变机理,2020YK(Z)-1-01-R01;
  • 2018年获科技部中青年科技创新“领军人才”;
  • 2018年,国际地质灾害与减灾协会荣誉会士;
  • 2018年获国家基金委杰出青年基金;
  • 2016年,中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学一等奖,高储能岩体开挖卸荷变形破坏成因及其工程环境效应,2016YK(Z)-1-01-R02;
  • 2014年获国际工程地质与环境协会Richard Wolters Prize;
  • 2013年获国家基金委优秀青年基金;
  • 2011年获中国科学院卢嘉锡青年科技奖;
  • 2010年获中国岩石力学与工程学会青年科技奖;
  • 2008年获中国地质学会第11届青年地质科技奖“金锤奖”;
  • 2006年获新疆科技进步三等奖(排名第7);
  • 2006年,世界水资源和环境大会上获美国土木工程师学会颁发的年度International Fellowship,为获奖4人之一;
  • 2002年获中国科学院院长奖优秀奖;
  • 2001年获第七届全国岩石动力学大会优秀论文奖;


  • 2019.11-2024.10,科技基础资源调查专项,2019QZKK0904,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究-地质环境与灾害-重大工程扰动灾害及风险
  • 2022.1-2025.12,国家自然科学基金专项项目面向国家碳中和的重大基础科学问题与对策方向九,42141009,CO2封存的地质体结构透明化表征方法与埋存场地选址
  • 2019.1-2023.12,国家杰出青年科学基金,41825018,岩体工程地质力学
  • 2018.1-2022.12,国家自然科学基金重大项目,41790442,压实黄土湿陷沉降机理与平山造城工程灾变效应
  • 2020.1-2024.12,国家自然科学基金川藏铁路重大基础科学问题专项项目,41941018,川藏铁路深埋超长隧道工程灾变机制及防控方法,穿越活动断裂带超长隧道工程断错灾变机制与防控技术,活动构造工程地质特征及其深埋隧道工程效应
  • 2019.9-2022.7,中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司委托项目,双江口水电站高地应力条件下地下洞室岩爆预测预报与防治对策施工期跟踪研究(第二阶段)
  • 2019.1-2023.12,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)课题,XDA23090400,美丽中国生态文明建设科技工程-气候变化条件下山地致灾风险绿色调控关键技术与示范-生态工程措施与岩土工程措施协同的绿色减灾关键技术与示范
  • 2019.9-2020.2,国铁集团川藏铁路有限公司专题研究项目,川藏铁路技合[2019]01号,新建铁路川藏线雅安至林芝段毛垭坝斜坡稳定性评估专题研究
  • 2019.7-2021.6,中国科学院重点部署项目,KFZD-SW-422,交通廊道活动构造与地应力分布规律

专 利

  1. 祁生文,郑博文,伍法权,黄晓林,詹志发,邹宇.一种用于岩体结构面性能测试的试验系统及试验方法.ZL201410078860.7(CN103792133B),2016-07-06. (发明专利)
  2. 祁生文,黄晓林,郭松峰.一种岩体结构面冲击剪切仪.ZL201210276330.4(CN102759486B),2014-11-19.(发明专利)
  3. 祁生文,黄晓林,郑博文,郭松峰,邹宇,詹志发,汪冲浪.一种间接测量粗糙结构面动态刚度的装置.ZL20171023786.1,2019-05-10. (发明专利)
  4. 祁生文,郑博文,郭松峰,黄晓林,邹宇,梁宁,马丽娜.测试岩体结构面剪切各向异性的剪切盒.ZL201721707121.5,2018-03-13. (实用新型专利)
  5. 黄晓林,祁生文,郭松峰.一种岩体试件超声波测试设备.ZL201210275641.9(CN102830171B),2014-10-22. (发明专利)
  6. 詹志发,祁生文,黄晓林.一维应力波岩体试件动态试验仪.ZL201310298673.5(CN103323346B),2015-07-08. (发明专利)
  7. 郑博文,祁生文,张世殊,郭松峰,马东辉,马金根,冉从彦,石定国.一种岩体结构面剪切性能测试系统的剪切盒.ZL201610348937.7,2018-05-25. (发明专利)
  8. 郑博文,祁生文,张世殊,郭松峰,马东辉,马金根,冉从彦,石定国.一种岩体结构面剪切性能测试系统的剪切盒.ZL201620479223.5,2016-11-09. (实用新型专利)
  9. 张世殊,詹志发,祁生文,胡金山,姚林林,赵小平,袁国庆,冉从彦,马行东,崔中涛,单诗涵,谢剑明.岩体结构面摩擦角测量装置.ZL201510420666.7,2017-12-01. (发明专利)
  10. 张世殊,詹志发,祁生文,胡金山,姚林林,赵小平,袁国庆,冉从彦,马行东,崔中涛,单诗涵,谢剑明.便携式岩体结构面摩擦角测量装置专利.ZL201520519178.7,2015-11-18. (实用新型专利)
  11. 郑博文,祁生文,黄晓林,郭松峰,邹宇.用于岩体结构面剪切试验的制样模具.ZL201822013825.3,2019-08-02. (实用新型专利)
  12. 邹宇,祁生文,郑博文,黄晓林,郭松峰,夏加国,李星星.用于模拟岩体崩塌的试验设备.ZL201811417926.5,2019-11-21. (发明专利)
  13. 郑博文,祁生文,郭松峰,黄晓林,詹志发,邹宇,马东辉.一种模拟顺向边坡动力反应的试验方法.ZL201611261324.6,2020-01-24. (发明专利)
  14. 郑博文,祁生文,郭松峰,黄晓林,梁宁,邹宇,詹志发,姜立波,王鑫.用于测试岩体结构面循环剪切特性的剪切盒.ZL201910633628.8,2020-02-14. (发明专利)
  15. 邹宇,祁生文,何乃武,詹志发,韩文军,张苏,郭松峰. 一种手动取样器.ZL201922020046.0.2020-07-31. (实用新型专利)
  16. 郑博文,祁生文,刘方翠,郭松峰,黄晓林,梁宁,邹宇,罗光明,詹志发,姜立波,王鑫.用于测试岩体和土体剪切特性的剪切盒.ZL202010114962.5,2020-08-25. (发明专利)
  17. 郑博文,祁生文,盛谦,黄晓林,梁宁,郭松峰,罗光明,汪冲浪. 模拟地下洞室地震动力反应的试验装置及方法.ZL202010325289.X.2020-11-27. (发明专利)
  18. Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Ning Liang,Yu Zou,Guangming Luo,Luqing Zhang,Haijun Zhao,Lei Xue,Zhiqing Li,Jie Guo,Libo Jiang,Xin Wang. Rock Mass Shear Test System for Computed Tomography Scanning with High-Energy Accelerator. 2020103675. 2021-01-20. (澳大利亚革新专利)
  19. Shengwen Qi,Songfeng Guo,Zhifa Zhan,Yu Zou,Bowen Zheng,Xiaokun Hou,Shishu Zhang,Jingen Ma,Congyan Ran,Dingguo Shi,Xingdong Ma,Guoqing Yuan,Xiuhua Wang. An experimental instrument for rock mass tension and compression synergy. 2020101815. 2020-09-02. (澳大利亚革新专利)
  20. Shengwen Qi,Xiaolin Huang,Xiaohui Zhang,Bowen Zheng,Zhiqing Li,Lihui Li,Shouding Li,Fengshan Ma,Siqing Qin,Yanjun Shang,Lei Xue. Shear box for simulating motion characteristics of active fault. 2020102283. 2020-10-14. (澳大利亚革新专利)
  21. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi,Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Yu Zou,Zhifa Zhan,Libo Jiang,Xin Wang. SHEAR BOX FORTESTINGCYCLIC SHEARCHARACTERISTICS OF A ROCK MASSDISCONTINUITY. US 10876944 B1. 2020-12-29. (美国发明专利)
  22. 祁生文,郑博文,郭松峰,黄晓林,邹宇. 一种岩体结构面动态循环直剪试验方法. 发明专利,ZL201811168752.3,授权公告日:2021年6月29日
  23. 祁生文,黄晓林,张晓辉,郑博文,李志清,李丽慧,李守定,马凤山,秦四清,尚彦军,薛雷.一种用于模拟活动断层运动特性的剪切盒.ZL.202010835052.6. (发明专利)
  24. 祁生文,郑博文,黄晓林,郭松峰,梁宁,邹宇,罗光明,张路青,赵海军,薛雷,李志清,郭捷,姜立波,王鑫.用于高能加速器CT扫描的岩体剪切试验系统.ZL.202011256870.7.(发明专利)
  25. 邹宇,罗光明,郑博文,祁生文,周辉,何满潮.模拟断裂粘滑错动对隧道工程影响的实验系统及方法.ZL2021100491304 (发明专利)
  26. 邹宇,祁生文,黄晓林,罗光明,郑博文,郭松峰,夏加国.用于霍普金森杆砂土动态压缩试验的工况调节装置和方法,ZL202110089656.5(发明专利)
  27. Yu Zou,Guangming Luo,Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi,Hui Zhou,Manchao He. Experimental system and method for simulating effect of fault stick-slip displacement on tunnel engineering. (美国发明专利)
  28. 罗光明;祁生文;郑博文;邹宇;何满潮;周辉;黄晓林;郭松峰;梁宁. 一种模拟断层蠕滑和粘滑错动隧道结构的实验系统,ZL202110822363.3,2021-10-29. (发明专利)
  29. Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Ning Liang,Yu Zou,Guangming Luo,Luqing Zhang,Haijun Zhao,Lei Xue,Zhiqing Li,Jie Guo,Libo Jiang,Xin Wang. ROCK MASS SHEAR TEST SYSTEM FOR HIGH-ENERGYACCELERATORCOMPUTEDTOMOGRAPHY (CT)SCANNING. US17,361,332B1. 2021-11-25. (美国发明专利)
  30. Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang,Yu Zou. Method for dynamic cyclic direct shear test of rock mass discontinuities. 2019359149. 2021-09-16. (澳大利亚标准专利)
  31. Shengwen Qi,Xiaolin Huang,Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou,Zhifa Zhan,Chonglang Wang. Device for indirectly measuring dynamic stiffness of rough structural surface. 2021105145. 2021-09-22. (澳大利亚革新专利)
  32. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi,Fangcui Liu,Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Yu Zou,Guangming Luo,Zhifa Zhan,Libo Jiang,Xin Wang. Shear Box for Testing Shear Characteristics of Rock Mass and Soil Mass. 2020244513. 2021-03-18. (澳大利亚标准专利)
  33. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou. SAMPLEPREPARATION MOULD FOR SHEAR TEST OF ROCK MASSDISCONTINUITIES. 2019392985. 2021-10-14. (澳大利亚标准专利)
  34. 郭松峰,祁生文,张世殊,马行东,袁国庆,王修华,郑博文,邹宇,黄晓林,梁宁. 一种伞状结构吸能锚杆装置.ZL202010654811.9,2021-05-14. (发明专利)
  35. 邹宇,郭松峰,祁生文,黄晓林,郑博文.一种建立峡谷区斜坡地应力场分布的方法.ZL202110828137.6,2021-10-08. (发明专利)
  36. 邹宇,祁生文,黄晓林,郭松峰,杜佳虎,侯晓坤,郑博文,梁宁,夏加国,李星星,熊峰,王信通,任贵阳.用于水合物动力学试验的霍普金森杆装置.ZL202110855697.0,2021-11-09. (发明专利)
  37. 郑博文,祁生文,郭松峰,黄晓林,梁宁,罗光明,邹宇.一种夹具及剪切试验装置.ZL202110707117.3,2021-09-21. (发明专利)
  38. Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Guangming Luo,Luqing Zhang,Haijun Zhao,Lei Xue,Zhiqing Li,Jie Guo,Libo Jiang,Xin Wang. ROCK MASS SHEAR TEST SYSTEM FOR HIGH-ENERGYACCELERATORCOMPUTEDTOMOGRAPHY (CT)SCANNING.US11215543B1. 2022-01-04. (美国发明专利)
  39. Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang,Yu Zou,Ning Liang,Lina Ma. SHEAR BOX FORTESTINGSHEARANISOTROPY OF ROCK MASSDISCONTINUITIES. G82584799. 2022-06-01. (英国发明专利)
  40. Shengwen Qi,Xiaolin Huang,Xiaohui Zhang,Bowen Zheng,Zhiqing Li,Lihui Li,Shouding Li,Fengshan Ma,Siqing Qin,Yanjun Shang,Lei Xue,Hui Zhou,Manchao He. SHEAR BOX FORSIMULATING MOTIONCHARACTERISTICS OF ACTIVE FAULT. 2021203989. 2022-10-27. (澳大利亚标准专利)
  41. Bowen Zheng, Shengwen Qi, Songfeng Guo, Xiaolin Huang, Ning Liang, Guangming Luo, Yu Zou, Shuaihua Song, Zhendong Cui, Lei Xue, Guoliang Li, Tianming Huang, Yiman Li, Yanhui Dong, Liheng Wang, Guiyang Ren, Qingze Hao, Libo Jiang, Xin Wang, Wenjiao Xiao. CLAMP AND SHEAR TEST DEVICE.US11371921B1. 2022-06-28. (美国发明专利)
  42. Bowen Zheng;Shengwen Qi;Qian Sheng;Xiaolin Huang;Ning Liang;Songfeng Guo;Guangming Luo;Chonglang Wang;Wenjiao Xiao. TESTAPPARATUS AND METHOD FORSIMULATINGSEISMICDYNAMICRESPONSE OFUNDERGROUND CAVERN. US11,047,782B1. 2021-06-29. (美国发明专利)
  43. Guangming Luo,Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Yu Zou,Manchao He,Hui Zhou,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Ning liang.EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM FORSIMULATING CREEP AND STICK-SLIPDISLOCATIONS OF FAULT IN TUNNELSTRUCTURE.US11333590B1. 2022-05-17. (美国发明专利)
  44. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi,Shishu Zhang,Xingdong Ma,Guoqing Yuan,Xiuhua Wang,Bowen Zheng,Yu Zou,Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Hang Li,Yubo Liu,Jianxian He,Xianglong Yao,Daping Tai,Guangming Luo. TYPE OFENERGYABSORBINGROCKBOLT DEVICE WITHUMBRELLA-SHAPEDSTRUCTURE.US11268383B2. 2022-03-08. (美国发明专利)
  45. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi,Ming Cai,Yanjun Shang,Qingze Hao,Haijun Zhao,Zhendong Cui,Lei Xue,Xueliang Wang,Zhaobin Zhang,Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Bowen Zheng,Yu Zou,Xin Wang,Xiaokun Hou,Shuaihua Song,Feng Xiong,Yongchao Li,Lina Ma,Fengjiao Tang,Xin Wang,Libo Jiang,Jinxuan Li,Yidong Xiao.VARIABLE ANGLELOADINGTESTINGMACHINE.US11287356B1. 2022-03-29. (美国发明专利)
  46. 祁生文,刘方翠,崔鹏,陈剑刚,徐梦珍,王学良,薛雷,柳金峰,李丽慧,黄科翰,孙娟娟,郑博文. 小流域坡面与沟道全范围协同减灾的综合评价方法和装置.ZL202210483330.5. 2022-07-01. (发明专利)
  47. 郑博文,祁生文,马行东,郭松峰,张永双,梁宁,宋帅华,李永超,安志国,雷达,杨国香,宋凡,黄晓林,邹宇,马丽娜,熊峰,唐凤娇,鲁晓,朱梓方. 一种复杂山区长大线状工程的工程地质区划方法及系统.ZL202211075429.8. 2022-12-02. (发明专利)
  48. 郑博文,祁生文,李永超,郭松峰,崔振东,黄天明,赵海军,黄晓林,马丽娜,侯晓坤,付雷,董平川. 一种多尺度三维工程地质模型构建系统及方法.ZL202210934929.6. 2022-11-18. (发明专利)
  49. 郑博文,祁生文,何满潮,周辉,张永双,郭松峰,黄晓林,梁宁,邹宇. 一种适用于活动断裂区和高地应力区的隧道防护结构.ZL202111132144.9. 2022-01-04. (发明专利)
  50. 郭松峰,祁生文,唐凤娇,郑博文,詹志发,赵星光,赵延林,梁宁,黄晓林,邹宇,陈亮,张海洋,赵海军,薛雷,李航,刘宇博. 一种定量刻画岩体渐进破坏强度参数的试验方法.ZL202011404732.9. 2022-01-12. (发明专利)
  51. 郭松峰,祁生文,邹宇,郑博文,梁宁,黄晓林,姚翔龙,唐凤娇,王鑫,姜立波,李金轩. 一种模拟拉压动力波作用下岩土体性能的试验设备及方法.ZL202110798206.3. 2022-05-10. (发明专利)
  52. 侯晓坤,祁生文,黄晓林,郭松峰,郑博文,马丽娜,邹宇,李永超,宋帅华. 用于水合物沉积物土水特征曲线测试的装置.ZL202210919677.X. 2022-09-30. (发明专利)
  53. 郭松峰,祁生文,何满潮,周辉,邹宇,李志清,李丽慧,郑博文,李金轩,罗光明,唐凤娇,温蔚銮. 一种跨活动断裂可调节轨道装置.ZL202210274400.6. 2022-05-27. (发明专利)
  54. 郭松峰,祁生文,蔡明,尚彦军,郝庆泽,赵海军,崔振东,薛雷,王学良,张召彬,黄晓林,梁宁,郑博文,邹宇,汪昕,侯晓坤,宋帅华,熊峰,李永超,马丽娜,唐凤娇,王鑫,姜立波,李金轩,肖易东. 一种变角加载试验机.ZL202110813429.2. 2022-04-08. (发明专利)
  55. 祁生文,郑博文,郭松峰,等. 一种二氧化碳注入多尺度岩体的扰动响应预测方法及系统.ZL202111329545.3. (发明专利)


  1. 童立强,祁生文,安国英,刘春玲. 2012. 喜马拉雅山地区重大地质灾害遥感调查研究. 北京,科学出版社. 
  2. 伍法权,祁生文,宋胜武,巩满福. 2008. 复杂岩质高陡边坡变形与稳定性研究—以锦屏一级水电站为例. 北京,科学出版社. 
  3. 祁生文,伍法权,严福章,刘春玲. 2007. 岩质边坡动力反应分析. 北京,科学出版社:页码1-245. 
  4. 祁生文. 3.3.3 工程地质与水文地质条件. 见樊杰主编,《国家玉树地震灾后重建规划—资源环境承载能力评价》.2010. 科学出版社. 
  5. 祁生文,第五章,强震触发斜坡失稳机理及动力过程研究,见《汶川地震地质灾害研究》(黄润秋等著),2010,科学出版社 
  6. 祁生文. 3.3.3 工程地质与水文地质条件. 见樊杰主编,《国家汶川地震灾后重建规划—资源环境承载能力评价》.2009. 科学出版社. 
  7. Qi Shengwen,Chapter 2,Atlas of remote sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake (Edited by Guo Huadong),2009,Taylor & Fancis Group CRC Press  
  8. 祁生文,第2章,地质灾害(次生灾害部分). 见郭华东主编,《汶川地震灾害遥感图集》,2008,科学出版社. 
  9. 张世殊,冉从彦,赵小平,祁生文,李攀峰. 高山峡谷区大型水库岸坡变形破坏机理与防治研究.2019. 中国水利水电出版社. 


  1. Faquan Wu and Shengwen Qi. 2013,Geological view of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Beijing,China,24-25 Sept,CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group,ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0.
  2. Shengwen Qi,Keh-Jian Shou,Haris Saroglou,Renato Macciotta. 2020. Advances in Rock Mass Engineering Geomechanics. Engineering Geology,17 Apr.,Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,ISSN: 0013-7952.
  3. Jianbing Peng,Tom Dijkstra,Ann Williams,Shengwen Qi. 2018. Special issue on “Loess engineering properties and loess geohazards”. Engineering Geology,26 March,Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,ISSN: 0013-7952.



  1. Shengwen Qi*,Songfeng Guo,Muhammad Faisal Waqar,Guangming Luo,Shishu Zhang. 2024. Brittle Rock Failure Severity Prediction: A Novel Approach Based on Rock Mass Failure Progress. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 16,No. 12,4852-4865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.03.005
  2. Zan Wang,Shengwen Qi*,Yu Han,Bowen Zheng;Yu Zou;Yue Yang,Delimitation of Landslide Areas in Optical Remote Sensing Images across Regions via Deep Transfer Learning,IEEE Access,doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3514216.
  3. Lina Ma,Shengwen Qi*,Songfeng Guo*,Qiangbing Huang,Xiaokun Hou,Linxin Zhang,.Investigation on the Deformation and Failure Patterns of Loess Cut Slope Based on the Unsaturated Triaxial Test in Yan’an,China. Journal of Earth Science,2024,35(1):235-247.
  4. Wang X,Clague J J,Qi S,et al. River incision and fracture density controls on the style and pattern of slope failure on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Natural Hazards,2024,120(4):3349-3361.
  5. Liu F,Qi S*,Qi S,et al. In-situ Horizontal Extrusion Test of Herbaceous Root-Soil with Different Root Types. Journal of Earth Science,2024,35(3):918-928.
  6. Yan Zhang,Hao Zheng,Huiling He,Peng Sha,Linlin Wang,Shengwen Qi, Xiaolin Huang,Jianhong Ye. Measurement of Elastic Bi-modulus of Rock-type Materials: Insight from comparative and parallel tests. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2024,83(6):247.
  7. Demisie T,Getahun E,Jothimani M,Shengwen Qi. Geotechnical Study for Assessing Slope Stability at the Proposed Weito Dam Site in Ethiopia: Implications for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience. Eng,2024,5(2):1140-1154.
  8. Li Y,Zheng B,Guo S,…, X Han,K Zada,MF Waqar,Shengwen Qi*,Jianping Chen*. Assessment of debris flow risk in Mentougou District,Beijing,based on runout of potential debris flow. Frontiers in Earth Science,2024,12: 1426980.
  9. Bingfei Chu,Yan Zhang,Liyun Fu,Shengwen Qi,* Gaoxiang Chen,Zheming Shi,Tianming Huang* Zhonghe Pang* and Huai Zhang,*. Deep learning for identifying earthquake precursors: Applications and challenges in subsurface fluid signals. The Innovation Geoscience,2024: 100093-1-100093-2.
  10. Weiwei Zhu,Xupeng He,Tadeusz Wiktor Patzek,Zhiqiang Chen,Hussein Hoteit,Derek Elsworth,Shengwen Qi*,and Moran Wang*. (2024). A novel connectivity metric of identified multi‐cluster fracture networks in permeable formations. Geophysical Research Letters,51(14),e2024GL109569.
  11. Yu X,Tan Y*, Qi S*,et al. Damage index correlation in massive granite-porous backfills under hydromechanical triaxial cyclic loading using acoustic emissions and X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,33: 3659-3671.
  12. Hasan M,Shang Y,Qi S,et al. Estimation of rock core indices for development of underground infrastructure using non-invasive geophysical methods. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2024,180: 105816.
  13. Luo G,Qi S*,Zheng B. A comparative study of progressive failure of granite and marble rock bridges under direct shearing. Scientific Reports,2024,14(1):10865.
  14. Li,J.,Guo,S.,Qi,S.,Wei,Q.,Zheng,B.,Zou,Y.,...& Lu,X. (2024). Spatial Variations of Deformation along a Strike-Slip Fault: A Case Study of Xianshuihe Fault Zone,Southwest China. Applied Sciences,14(6),2439.
  15. Bowen Zheng *,Shengwen Qi *,Songfeng Guo,Ning Liang,Guangming Luo,Xiaohui Zhang,Wei Lu,Chao Jin,Yongchao Li,Xin Yu,Zifang Zhu. 2024. Experimental study of direct shear behaviours of anisotropic reservoir shale. Energies. 17(8),1977.
  16. Zhang,Y.,Chu,B.,Huang,T.,Qi,S.,Manga,M.,Zhang,H.,...& Zhou,Y. 2024. Using the Tidal Response of Groundwater to Assess and Monitor Caprock Confinement in CO2 Geological Sequestration. Water,16(6),868.
  17. Gao,Q.,Hasan,M.,Shang,Y.,& Qi,S. 2024. Geophysical estimation of 2D hydraulic conductivity for groundwater assessment in hard rock. Acta Geophysica,1-12.
  18. Zhang,Y.,Manga,M.*,Fu,L.‐Y.,Zhang,H.,Huang,T. *,Yang,Q.,Cui Z.,Qi,S.*& Huang,Y. . (2024). Long‐ and short‐term effects of seismic waves and coseismic pressure changes on fractured aquifers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129,e2023JB027970. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2023JB027970
  19. Xiaokun Hou,Shengwen Qi*,Yan Li,Tonglu Li,Songfeng Guo,Hua Li,Yu Wang. 2024. Hydraulic conductivity over a wide suction range of loess with different dry densities. Journal of Rock Mechanic and Geotechnical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.02.006.
  20. Zan Wang*,Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng*. 2024. Uncertainty Analysis of the Storage Efficiency Factor for CO2 Saline Resource Estimation. Energies 17(6),1297,https://doi.org/10.3390/en17061297.
  21. Beixiu Huang,Sijia Qiao,Xulei Chen,Lihui Li,Shengwen Qi,2024,Dynamic response of mountain tunnel,bridge,and embankment along the Sichuan-Tibet transportation corridor to active faults based on model tests,Journal of Mountain Sciences,21,182–199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-023-8143-1.
  22. Guo,S.,Wei,Q.,Qi,S., Xue,L.,Zheng,B.,Wang,H.,...& Huang,Z. (2024). Research Progress on the Geomechanical Properties of Block-in-Matrix Rocks. Materials,17(5),1167.
  23. Guo,S.,Li,J.,Qi,S., Zheng,B.,Zhang,Y.,Zou,Y.,...& Zada,K. Stress Disturbance around Xianshuihe Fault Zone in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Implication for Fault Stability. Frontiers in Earth Science,12,1373353.
  24. Xin Yu,Yuye Tan,Weidong Song,John Kemeny,Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo. 2024. Damage Transformation of Rock-encased-backfill Structure under Triaxial Stepwise-increasing-amplitude Cyclic Loading. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2023.11.015,Vol 16,Issue 2,February 2024,Pages 597-615
  25. Wang,X.,Clague,J. J.,Frattini,P.,Qi,S.,Lan,H.,Zhang,W.,...& Crosta,G. B. (2024). Effect of short-term,climate-driven sediment deposition on tectonically controlled alluvial channel incision. Geology, 52(1),17-21.
  26. 刘春玲,司维兵,姚翔龙,刘海洋,祁生文*. 藏北高原班戈县地质灾害综合风险评价. 地质科学,2024,59(1):249-258.
  27. 祁生文*,刘方翠,徐梦珍,等. 特约论文:小流域生态-岩土协同减灾原理与方法初探. 水力发电学报,2024,43(2):1-14.
  28. 郭福钟,郑博文,祁生文,等. 三维地质建模技术与方法综述. 工程地质学报,2024,32(3):1143-1153.
  29. 祁生文*,李永超,刘春玲,等. 横断山区水电工程扰动灾害及风险分析. 工程地质学报,2024,32(3):729-759.


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Zan Wang,Haijun Zhao,Zhendong Cui,Tianming Huang,Songfeng Guo,Lei Fu,Pingchuan Dong. 2023. Geological Evaluation for the Carbon Dioxide Geological Utilization and Storage (CGUS) Site: A review. Science China: Earth Sciences,66(9):1917–1936,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-022-1107-x祁生文*,郑博文,王赞,赵海军,崔振东,黄天明,郭松峰,付雷,董平川. 2023. 二氧化碳地质利用与封存场址的地质评价. 中国科学:地球科学,53(9):1937–1957,doi: 10.1360/N072022-0351.)
  2. 祁生文,郑博文,路伟,王赞,郭松峰,2023. 二氧化碳地质封存选址指标体系及适宜性评价. 第四纪地质. 43(2),523-550.
  3. Daping Tai,Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Guangming Luo,Jianxian He,Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou,Zan Wang. Effect of excitation frequency and joint density on the dynamic amplification effect of slope surface on jointed rock slopes. Engineering Geology 107385.
  4. 鲁晓,祁生文*,郑博文,郭忻怡,李永超,郭松峰,邹宇,唐凤娇,姚翔龙,宋帅华,马丽娜,张琳鑫,刘方翠,罗光明,梁宁,台大平. 川藏交通廊道崩滑灾害分布及其危险性评价. 工程地质学报,2023,31(3),718-735.
  5. 李金轩,郭松峰,祁生文,张亚国,郑博文,唐凤娇,马行东,张世殊.青藏高原东缘应力场及地下工程灾害风险研究.工程地质学报,2023,31(3),736-749.
  6. Guangming Luo,Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo,Manchao He*. 2023. Shear performance of quasi-NPR steel bolted rock joints at different shear rates. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2023.105542
  7. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*,Wei Lu,Songfeng Guo,Ning Liang,Xin Yu,Zan Wang*. 2023. Laboratory test study on supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing granite: a quantitative review. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 9,98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40948-023-00636-x
  8. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*,Wei Lu,Songfeng Guo*,Zan Wang,Xin Yu,Yan Zhang. 2023. Experimental research on supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing sedimentary rock: a critical review. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition),97(3):925–945
  9. Zhang,Y.,Fu,L. Y.,Zhu,A.,Zhao,L.,Qi,S.,Huang,T.,...& Zhang,W. (2023). Anisotropy and Heterogeneity Induced by Shale in Aquifer lithology—Influence of Aquifer Shale on the Leaky Model With Tidal Response Analysis. Water Resources Research, 59(2),e2021WR031451.
  10. Xiaokun Hou,Shengwen Qi*,Yongtang Yu,Jianguo Zheng. 2023. Long-term settlement characterization of high-filling foundation in the mountain excavation and city construction area of the Yan'an New District,China. Journal of Earth Sciences. 34,1908–1915. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-023-1950-x
  11. Li,G.,Zang,M*.,Qi,S*.,Bo,J.,Yang,G.,& Liu,T. (2023). An Infinite Slope Model Considering Unloading Joints for Spatial Evaluation of Coseismic Landslide Hazards Triggered by a Reverse Seismogenic Fault: A Case Study of the 2013 Lushan Earthquake. Sustainability, 16(1),138.
  12. Wang,X. L.,Sun,J. J.,Wang,S. S.,Qi,S. W.,Zhao,H. J.,Guo,S. F.,& Wang,X. H. 2023. Spatiotemporal distribution of regional landslides and erosion rates in Southeastern Tibet. Journal of Mountain Science,20(6),1650-1659.
  13. Chu,B.,Feng,G.,Zhang,Y.*,Qi,S.,Li,P.,& Huang,T. 2023. Residual Saturation Effects on CO2 Migration and Caprock Sealing: A Study of Permeability and Capillary Pressure Models. Water, 15(18),3316.
  14. Hou,X.,Qi,S.,& Liu,F. 2023. Soil Water Retention and Pore Characteristics of Intact Loess Buried at Different Depths. Sustainability, 15(20),14890.
  15. Guo,X.,Fu,B.,Du,J.,Qi,S.,Shi,P.,& Hou,X. 2023. Enhancing post-seismic landslide susceptibility modeling in China through a time-variant approach: a spatio-temporal analysis. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(2),4265-4295.
  16. Yongchao Li, Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Xianglong Yao,Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou,Xiao Lu,Fengjiao Tang,Xinyi Guo,Muhammad Faisal Waqar and Khan Zada. 2023. Multi-Scale Engineering Geological Zonation for Linear Projects in Mountainous Regions: A Case Study of National Highway 318 Chengdu-Shigatse Section. Remote Sensing, 15(13),3273.
  17. Jinhao Dai,Fengqiang Gong*,Shengwen Qi,Lei Xu,2023,Quantitative evaluation of rockburst proneness for surrounding rocks considering combined effects of the structural plane and excavation disturbance. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2023.105335
  18. Sun,J.,Wang,X.,Guo,S.,Liu,H.,Zou,Y.,Yao,X.,...& Qi,S*. 2023. Potential Rockfall Source Identification and Hazard Assessment in High Mountains (Maoyaba Basin) of the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing,15(13),3273.
  19. Wang,X.,Zhang,Y.,Clague,J. J.,Guo,S.,Jiao,Q.,Wang,J.,...& Qi,S. (2023). Study of a Steady-State Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis. Remote Sensing,15(10),2583.
  20. Waqar,M. F.,Guo,S.,& Qi,S. (2023). A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms,Predictive Techniques,and Control Strategies of Rockburst. Applied Sciences, 13(6),3950.
  21. Zhang,X.,Huang,X.,Qi,S.,Zheng,B.,Guo,S.,& Lu,W. (2023). Numerical Simulation on Shale Fragmentation by a PDC Cutter Based on the Discrete Element Method. Energies,16(2),965.


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Jianxian He,Zhifa Zhan. 2022. A single surface slope effects on seismic response based on shaking table test and numerical simulation,Engineering Geology,306,106762.
  2. Guangming Luo,Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng*. 2022. Rate effect on the direct shear behavior of granite rock bridges at low to subseismic shear rates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,127,e2022JB024348.
  3. Yu Zou,Shengwen Qi*,Songfeng Guo,Bowen Zheng,Zhifa Zhan,Naiwu He,Xiaokun Hou,Haiyang Liu. 2022. Factors Controlling the Spatial Distribution of Coseismic Landslides Triggered by the Mw 6.1 Ludian Earthquake in China,Engineering Geology,106477,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106477
  4. Jianxian He,Zhifa Zhan,Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Guoxiang Yang,Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang,Yu Zou,Ning Liang. 2022. Seismic response of a rock slope under wide frequency shear loads using a large-scale shaking table test,Natural Hazards. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05782-1
  5. Daping Tai,Shengwen Qi*,Bowen Zheng,Chonglang Wang,Songfeng Guo,Guangming Luo. 2022. Investigation on Shear Mechanical properties and Energy evolution of Rock-like samples Containing multiple combination of non-persistent joints. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.11.014
  6. Xiaolin Huang*,Shengwen Qi*,Songfeng Guo,Bowen Zheng,Qi Zhao,Peng Sha,Tianzuo Wang,Xianglong Yao,Ning Liang. 2022. Effect of the Crystal Habit on Micromechanical Extensile Behaviors of Crystalline Rocks during Compression. Engineering Geology,310,106874.
  7. Xiaokun Hou,Shengwen Qi*,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou,Lina Ma,Linxin Zhang. 2022. Hydrate morphology and mechanical behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments: A critical review,Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources,8(5):161.
  8. Guo,S.,Qi,S., Zheng,B.,Xue,L.,Wang,X.,Liang,N.,...& Yu,X. (2022). The Confinement-Affected Strength Variety of Anisotropic Rock Mass. Materials, 15(23),8444.
  9. Yanfang Wu,Xiao Li*,Luqing Zhang,Shengwen Qi,Jian Zhou,Jianming He,Zhaobin Zhang,Xiukuo Sun. 2022. Heterogeneity induced strain localization in block-in-matrix-soils subjected to uniaxial loading using real-time CT scanning. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.11.008
  10. Yan Zhang,Xiaolong Sun,Tianming Huang,Shengwen Qi,Li-Yun Fu,Qiu-Ye Yang,Junhua Hu,Bo-wen Zheng,Wang Zhang. 2022. Possible Continuous Vertical Water Leakage of Deep Aquifer:Records from a Deep Well in Tianjin Province,North China,Geofluids,4419310.
  11. Mingdong Zang,Guoxiang Yang,Jinyu Dong,Shengwen Qi,Jianxian He,Ning Liang. 2022. Experimental study on seismic responses and progressive failure characteristics of bedding rock slope. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.06.004
  12. Shishu Zhang,Songfeng Guo*,Shengwen Qi,Fengjiao Tang,Jinshan Hu,Xiaoping Zhao,Congyan Ran,Xin Wang,Yu Zou,Xiaolin Huang,Bowen Zheng,Ning Liang. 2022. Investigation on long-term progressive deformation of engineering slope based on comprehensive monitoring,Journal of Mountain Science,19(6),1576-1587.
  13. Fangcui Liu,Shengwen Qi*,Shenglin Qi,Xiaokun Hou,Yanrong Li,Guangming Luo,Lei Xue,Xueliang Wang,Juanjuan Sun,Songfeng Guo*,Bowen Zheng. 2022. In-situ horizontal extrusion test of herbaceous root-soil with different root types. Journal of Earth Science,doi: 10.1007/s12583-022-1661-x.
  14. Zuan Chen,Zhihe Jin,Xiaoge Huang,Shengwen Qi. 2022. A damage mechanics analysis on Rheological failure of rocks under high temperatures and pressures. American Journal of Physics and Applications,10(2):24-32.
  15. Tang H,Luo J,Duan Z, Qi,S. 2022. Experimental investigation of the creep behaviour of remoulded loess under different levels of compactness. PloS one, 17(1):e0262456.
  16. Li,L.,Li,C.,Huang,B.,Wang,M.,Bai,Z.,& Qi,S. (2022). Influence of the Welding Degree on the Strength and Failure Modes of Tuff. Materials, 15(24),8757.
  17. Cui,Z.,Qi,S.,& Han,W*. 2022. The role of weak bedding planes in the cross-layer crack growth paths of layered rocks. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources,8(1),1-21.
  18. 祁生文,侯晓坤,于永堂,张亚国,胡燮,张琳鑫,李志清,郭松峰,张帆宇,李同录,彭建兵. 压实黄土场地湿陷沉降机理与黄土高原平山造城适宜性. 2022. 科学通报https://doi.org/10.1360/TB-2022-0686
  19. 祁生文, 李永超,宋帅华,兰恒星,马凤山,李志清,...& 郭松峰. (2022). 青藏高原工程地质稳定性分区及工程扰动灾害分布浅析. 工程地质学报,30(3),599-608.
  20. 唐凤娇,祁生文,郭松峰,邹宇,李永超,鲁晓,...& 侯晓坤. (2022). 金沙江溪洛渡库区水库诱发滑坡时空分布规律及易发性研究.工程地质学报,30(3),609-620.
  21. 刘春玲,祁生文,王凤新,& 刘海洋. (2022). 基于高分遥感数据的东南亚跨境区重大工程扰动滑坡灾害分布规律研究浅析.工程地质学报, 30(3),648-655.
  22. 李萍,李丽慧,刘昊磾,祁生文,& 邓清海. (2022). 澜沧江流域重大水电工程扰动灾害风险评价. 工程地质学报, 30(3),635-647.
  23. 方文欣,王学良,王俊飞,孙娟娟,祁生文,邓清海,& 刘顺. (2022). 深切河谷区河流陡峭指数与岩体质量的空间分布特征及其相关关系研究. 工程地质学报, 30(3),720-728.


  1. Xie Hu*,Liang Xue,Yongtang Yu,Songfeng Guo,Yifei Cui,Yao Li,Shengwen Qi*. 2021. Remote Sensing Characterization of Mountain Excavation and City Construction in Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letter,DOI: 10.1029/2021GL095230
  2. Linxin Zhang, Shengwen Qi*, Yongtang Yu,Yaguo Zhang,Zhiqing Li,Xiaokun Hou,Lina Ma,Yu Zou,Songfeng Guo*,Jianbing Peng,2021. A comparative study on the physical properties of natural sedimentary loess and manual filling compacted loess. Environment Earth Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-10047-4
  3. Zhiqing Li*,Shengwen Qi, Zhiyu Qi,Qi Liu,Linxin Zhang,2020,Microstructural changes and micro–macro-relationships of an intact,compacted and remolded loess for land-creation project from the Loess Plateau, Environmental Earth Sciences 80(17). http:// DOI: 10.1007/s12665-021-09872-4
  4. Lina Ma, Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo*,Qiangbing Huang,Xiaokun Hou,Linxin Zhang,Investigation on the deformation and failure patterns of loess cut slope in Yan'an,China. Journal of Earth Sciences URL:https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1788.P.20210928.1821.002.html
  5. Xiaokun Hou,Tonglu Li*,Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo,Ping Li,Xu Yi,Xianli Xin,2021,Investigation of cumulative influence of infiltration on the slope stability with a thick unsaturated zone,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02287-2
  6. Xueliang Wang*,Giovanni Battista Crosta*,Douglas Stead, Shengwen Qi, Paolo Frattini,Juanjuan Sun,Haiyang Liu. Fault controls on spatial variation of fracture density and rock mass strength within the Yarlung Tsangpo Fault damage zone (southeastern Tibet). Engineering Geology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106238
  7. Xueliang Wang*,John J. Clague*,Giovanni Battista Crosta,Juanjuan Sun,Douglas Stead,Shengwen Qi, Luqing Zhang. Relationship between the spatial distribution of landslides and rock mass strength,and implications for the driving mechanism of landslides in tectonically active mountain ranges. Engineering Geology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106281
  8. Jianxian He,Zhifa Zhan,Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo,Chunlei Li,Bowen Zheng,Xiaolin Huang,Yu Zou,Guoxiang Yang,Ning Liang. 2021. Dynamic response of a bedding rock slope and progressive failure characteristics using a large-scale shaking table,Landslides. 18(8) https://DOI: 10.1007/s10346-021-01682-w
  9. Xuguo Shi,Xie Hu*,Nicholas Sitar,Robert Kayen,Shengwen Qi, Houjun Jiang,Xudong Wang. 2021. Hydrological control shift from river level to rainfall in the reactivated Guobu Slope besides the Laxiwa hydropower station (China). Remote Sensing of Environment 265(S1):112664 https://DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2021.112664
  10. 马振宁,钱荣毅,Rufus Catchings,Mark Goldman,祁生文. 2020. 南加州Ridgecrest Mw6.4-Mw7.1地震地表破裂特征及意义. 地球物理学报 64(4):1206-1214,https://doi: 10.6038/cjg2021O0061.
  11. Hua Li,Jianhui Deng,JianhuaYin,Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng,Jianbo Zhu,An experimental and analytical study of rate-dependent shear behaviour of rough joints. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Volume 142,June 2021,104702,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2021.104702


  1. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi *, Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Songfeng Guo. Compression-Induced Tensile Mechanical Behaviors of the Crystalline Rock under Dynamic Loads. Materials https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13225107
  2. Zhiqing Li,Feng Hu,Shengwen Qi, Ruilin Hu,Yingxin Zhou,Yawei Bai. Deformation Characteristics of the Shear Zone and Movement of Block Stones in Soil–Rock Mixtures Based on Large-Sized Shear Test. Appl. Sci.2020,10(18),6475;https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186475
  3. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang,Ning Liang,Yu Zou,and Guangming Luo. A new shear strength criterion for rock masses with non-persistent discontinuities considering the nonlinear progressive failure process. Materials 2020,13(21),4694;https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13214694
  4. Xiaolin Huang*,Shengwen Qi*, Bowen Zheng,Ning Liang,Lihui Li,Lei Xue,Songfeng Guo,Xiang Sun,Daping Tai. An advanced grain-based model to characterize mechanical behaviors of crystalline rocks with different weathering degrees. Engineering Geology 2020,105951,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105951
  5. Songfeng Guo*, Shengwen Qi*, Charalampos Sarolgou. A-BQ,A classification system for anisotropic rock mass based on China National Standard. J. Cent. South Univ. (2020) 27.
  6. Xiaolin Huang,Shengwen Qi *, Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo,Ning Liang,Zhifa Zhan. 2020. Progressive Failure Characteristics of the Brittle Rock under High-strain-rate Compression Using the Bonded Particle Model. Materials, 13(18),3943 doi:10.3390/ma13183943.
  7. Xianglong Yao,Shengwen Qi*, Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo. 2020. An empirical attenuation model of peak ground acceleration (PGA) in the near field of a great earthquake. Natural Hazards. 105(1),691-715. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-04332-x,
  8. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*, Guangming Luo,Fangcui Liu,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo. 2020. Quantitative characterization of the discontinuity morphology with ArcGIS modeling. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-020-02011-6
  9. Xiaolin Huang,Shengwen Qi *, Bowen Zheng,Youshan Liu,Lei Xue,Ning Liang. Stress Wave Propagation through Rock Joints Filled with Viscoelastic Medium Considering Different Water Contents. Applied Sciences 2020,10,4797;doi:10.3390/app10144797
  10. Xiaokun Hou,Shengwen Qi*, Tonglu Li*,Songfeng Guo,Wang Yu,Yan Li,Linxin Zhang,2020,Microstructure and soil water retention behavior of compacted and intact silt loess,Engineering Geology. Volume 277,November 2020,105814,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105814
  11. Lina Ma,Shengwen Qi *, Bowen Zheng,Songfeng Guo *,Qiangbing,Huang,Xinbao Yu,Comparisons Study on Physical-mechanical Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Backfilled Loess farmland in Yan'an with different age. Sustainability 12(14),5516;https://doi.org/10.3390/su12145516
  12. Bowen Zheng*,Shengwen Qi*, Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo. 2020. A new shear strength formula for discontinuities considering size and low shear rate effect. Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app10124095
  13. Shengwen Qi*, Bowen Zheng,Faquan Wu,Xiaolin Huang,Songfeng Guo,Zhifan Zhan,Yu Zou,Barla Giovanni. 2020. A new dynamic direct shear testing device on rock joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 12(14),5516;https://doi.org/10.3390/su12145516
  14. Jian Zhou,Luqing Zhang,Shengwen Qi, Duoxing Yang. Measurement of the ratio of dynamic to static stiffness of propped artificial fractures under varying normal stress,Engineering Geology,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105683
  15. Zhiqing Li*,Feng Hu,Shengwen Qi, Ruilin Hu. 2020,Strain-softening failure mode after post-peak as a unique mechanism of ruptures for frozen soil-rock mixture,Engineering Geology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105725
  16. Linxin Zhang,Shengwen Qi*, Lina Ma,Songfeng Guo,Zhiqing Li,Guoliang Li,Jijin Yang,Tonglu Li,Xiaokun Hou. Three-dimensional pore characterization of intact loess and compacted loess with micron scale computed tomography and mercury intrusion porosimetry,Scientific Report. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65302-8
  17. Mingdong Zang,Shengwen Qi*, Yu Zou,Zhuping Sheng,Blanca S. Zamora. 2020 .An improved method of Newmark analysis for mapping hazards of coseismic landslides. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 20,712-726.
  18. Shengwen Qi*, Renato Macciotta,K. Shou,C. Saroglou,2020. Preface to the Special Issue on “Advances in Rock Mass Engineering Geomechanics”. Engineering Geology,266,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105642.
  19. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*, Zhifa Zhan,Lina Ma,Ephrem Getahun,Shishu Zhang. (2020). Numerical study on the progressive failure of heterogeneous geomaterials under varied confining stresses. Engineering Geology,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105556.
  20. Di,Q.,Fu,C.,An,Z.,Wang,R.,Wang,G.,Wang,M.,Qi,S. & Liang,P. (2020). An application of CSAMT for detecting weak geological structures near the deeply buried long tunnel of the Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger railway line in the Taihang Mountains. Engineering Geology,105517,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105517.
  21. Li,G.,Li,G.,Wang,Y.,Qi,S., Yang,J. (2020). A rock physics model for estimating elastic properties of upper Ordovician-lower Silurian mudrocks in the Sichuan Basin,China. Engineering Geology,266,105460,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.105460.
  22. Jianxian He,Shengwen Qi*, Yunsheng Wang,Charalampos Saroglou. 2020. Seismic response of the Lengzhuguan slope caused by topographic and geological effects. Engineering Geology,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo. 2019.
  23. Shengwen Qi*, Hengxing Lan,Derek Martin,Xiaolin Huang. 2019. Factors Controlling the Difference in Brazilian and Direct Tensile Strengths of the Lac du Bonnet Granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-019-01946-x


  1. Ephrem Getahun,Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo,Yu Zou,Ning Liang. 2019. Characteristics of grain size distribution and the shear strength analysis of Chenjiaba long runout coseismic landslide,J. Mt. Sci. 16(9):2110-2125,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-019-5535-3.
  2. Mingdong Zang,Jianbing Peng*,Shengwen Qi*. 2019. Earth fissures developed within collapsible loess area caused by groundwater uplift in Weihe watershed,northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,173,364–373,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.01.034
  3. Bin Zhang,Lei Shi,Xiong Yu,Shengwen Qi. 2019. Assessing the water-sealed safety of an operating underground crude oil storage adjacent to a new similar cavern–A case study in China. Engineering Geology. 249,31,257-272
  4. Xiaolin Huang,Shengwen Qi,Wei Yao,Kaiwen Xia*. Effect of Filling Humidity on the Propagation of High-Amplitude Stress Waves through an Artificial Joint. Geotechnical Testing Journal,2019,42(1). (online)
  5. 詹志发,贺建先,郑博文,祁生文. 2019. 边坡模型相似材料配比试验研究. 地球物理学进展,(3),48.
  6. 詹志发, 祁生文,何乃武,郑博文,葛传峰. 2019. 强震作用下均质岩质边坡动力响应的振动台模型试验研究.工程地质学报,27(5),946-954.


  1. Xiaolin Huang,Shengqwen Qi*, Kaiwen Xia,Xiaoshan Shi. 2018. Particle crushing of a filled fracture during compression and its effect on stress wave propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,123,5559–5587.
  2. Xing Xie,Shengwen Qi*, Fasuo Zhao,Donghong Wang. 2018. Creep behavior and the microstructural evolution of loess-like soil from Xi'an area,China. Engineering Geology,236: 43-59.
  3. Jianbing Peng, Shengwen Qi*, Ann Williams,Tom A. Dijkstra. 2018. Preface to the special issue on “Loess engineering properties and loess geohazards”. Engineering Geology,236: 1-3.
  4. Guoxiang Yang,Shengwen Qi*, Faquan Wu,Zhifa Zhan,2018. Seismic amplification of the anti-dip rock slope and deformation characteristics: A large-scale shaking table test. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.Vol.115,907-916.
  5. Charalampos Saroglou,Shengwen Qi,Songfeng Guo,Faquan Wu. ARMR,a new classification system for the rating of anisotropic rock masses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2018: 1-16.
  6. 汪冲浪,祁生文. 3D 打印技术在岩石试验中的应用现状与展望. 地球物理学进展,2018,33(2):842-849.


  1. Xiaolin Huang,Qi Zhao,Shengwen Qi*, Kaiwen Xia,Giovanni Grasselli,Xuguang Chen. 2017. Numerical Simulation on Seismic Response of the Filled Joint under High Amplitude Stress Waves Using Finite-Discrete Element Method (FDEM). Materials,10,13;doi:10.3390/ma10010013
  2. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*, Yu Zou and Bowen Zheng. 2017. Numerical Studies on the Failure Process of Heterogeneous Brittle Rocks or Rock-Like Materials under Uniaxial Compression. Materials,10(4),378.
  3. Shengwen Qi*, Yu Zou,Faquan Wu,Changgen Yan,Jinghui Fan,Mingdong Zang,Shishu Zhang and Ruyi Wang. 2017. A Recognition and Geological Model of a Deep-Seated Ancient Landslide at a Reservoir under Construction. Remote Sens. 2017,9,383;doi:10.3390/rs9040383
  4. Zhifa Zhan,Shengwen Qi*, 2017,Numerical study on dynamic response of a horizontal layered-structure rock slope under a normally incident Sv wave,Applied Science,2017. 7,716;doi:10.3390/app7070716
  5. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*, Guoxiang Yang,Shishu Zhang,& Saroglou,C. (2017). An Analytical Solution for Block Toppling Failure of Rock Slopes during an Earthquake. Applied Sciences,7(10),1008.
  6. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*, Bowen Zheng and Zhifa Zhan (2017). Plastic-strain-dependent strength model to simulate the cracking process of brittle rocks with an existing non-persistent joint. Engineering Geology,231,114-125.
  7. 伍法权,祁生文. 2017. 第 10 届全国工程地质大会学术总结. 工程地质学报,25(1),246-256.
  8. 黄润秋,祁生文. 2017. 工程地质:十年回顾与展望. 工程地质学报,25(2),257-266


  1. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*, Ming Cai. 2016. Influence of tunnel wall roughness and localized stress concentrations on the initiation of brittle spalling. Bull Eng Geol Environ,75(6):1597-1607,DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0816-8
  2. Xiaolin Huang, Shengwen Qi,Kaiwen Xia*,Hong Zheng,Bowen Zheng. 2016. Propagation of high amplitude stress waves through a filled artificial joint: An experimental study,Journal of Applied Geophysics,130,1-7.
  3. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*. 2016. A new index to describe joint roughness coefficient (JRC) under cyclic shear. Engineering Geology. 212,72-85.
  4. 刘春玲,祁生文,童立强,张世殊,邹宇. 2016. 喜马拉雅山地区泥石流发育特征研究.工程地质学报. 24(3),435-441.
  5. 刘春玲,童立强,祁生文,张世殊,郑博文. 2016. 喜马拉雅山地区冰川湖溃决灾害隐患遥感调查及影响因素分析. 国土资源遥感. 28(3),110-115.
  6. 刘方翠,祁生文,彭建兵,罗勇,张彬. 2016. 北京市地裂缝分布与发育规律. 工程地质学报. 24(6),1269-1277.
  7. 杨静熙,舒建平,刘忠绪,何 刚,郭松峰,祁生文. 2016. 锦屏一级坝基岩体质量爆破开挖损伤评价. 工程地质学报. 24(6),1318-1326.
  8. 郭松峰,祁生文,李星星,邹宇,张世殊. 2016. 含结构面岩体试样单轴强度与变形特征. 工程地质学报. 24(5),891-898.
  9. 郭松峰,祁生文,李星星,邹宇,廖海军,张世殊. 2016. 北京市门头沟区某公路岩质边坡稳定性分级研究. 中国地质调查,3(3),55-61.
  10. 张世殊,郭松峰,祁生文,施裕兵,赵小平.我国西南某水电站右岸边坡变形破坏特征及机理. 地下空间与工程学报,2016,12(Supple 2):870-874.


  1. Xiaolin Huang,Shengwen Qi*, Youshan Liu,Zhifa Zhan. 2015. Stress wave propagation through viscous-elastic jointed rock masses using propagator matrix method (PMM). Geophysical Journal International. 200,452–470.
  2. Shengwen Qi*, Hengxing Lan,Jinyu Dong,2015. An analytical solution to slip buckling slope failure triggered by earthquake,Engineering Geology,194,4-11,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.06.004
  3. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi*. 2015. Numerical study on progressive failure of hard rock samples with an unfilled undulate joint. Engineering Geology. 193. 173-182.
  4. Xiaoling Huang,Shengwen Qi*, Ann Williams,Yu Zou,Bowen Zheng. 2015,Numerical simulation of stress wave propagating through filled joints by particle model. International Journal of Solids and Structures 69–70,23–33
  5. Shengwen Qi*,Xingxing Li,Songfeng Guo,Zhifa Zhan,Haijun Liao. 2015. Landslide-risk zonation along mountainous highway considering rock mass classification. Environ Earth Sci,74,4493-4505. DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4453-0  
  6. 郑博文,祁生文*,詹志发,邹宇,张世殊.2015,剪切速率对岩石节理强度特性的影响.地球科学与环境学报,37,5,101-110. 
  7. 郑博文,祁生文*.2015,岩体结构面动态剪切试验研究现状评述.地球物理学进展. 30(4),1971-1980. 
  8. 伍法权,祁生文.2015. 工程地质:科学、艺术和挑战—从2014年全国工程地质年会看工程地质学科发展.工程地质学报,23(1),1-6. 


  1. Xiaolin Huang,Shengwen Qi*, Songfeng Guo,Wanli Dong. 2014. Experimental study of ultrasonic waves propagating across rock mass with single joint and multiple parallel joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Volume 47,No. 2,549-559.
  2. 伍法权, 祁生文. 2014. 岩体结构力学效应的统计岩体力学研究.工程地质学报,22(4):601-609.


  1. 郭松峰,祁生文*黄晓林,2013. 岩体强度各向异性及其转化的应力条件. 岩石力学与工程学报,32(z2):3222-3227. 


  1. Shengwen Qi*, Faquan Wu,Zhong Qi Yue,Chunling Liu,2012,Characteristics and mechanism of deep weathering of argillaceous limestones at Fengjie County,Three Gorges Region,Central China,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,Volume 71,No. 2,285-295,DOI: 10.1007/s10064-011-0405-4  
  2. Hanhua Tan,Jiahui Huang and Shengwen Qi*,2011,Application of cross-hole radar tomography in karst Area,Environmental Earth Sciences,66,355-362,DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1244-0  
  3. Shengwen Qi*,Qiang Xu,Hengxing Lan,Bing Zhang and Jianyou Liu. 2012,Resonance effect existence or not for landslides triggered by 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A reply to comment by Drs. Xu Chong and Xu Xiwei, Engineering Geology,151,128-130. 
  4. 王根龙,伍法权,祁生文等. 塑流–拉裂式崩塌机制及评价方法. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2012,Vol.31,supp2,4271-4277. 
  5. 王根龙,伍法权,祁生文等. 悬臂-拉裂式崩塌破坏机制研究. 岩土力学, 2012,Vol.33 Supp.2,269-274. 
  6. 杨国香,伍法权,董金玉,祁生文. 地震作用下岩质边坡动力响应特性及变形破坏机制研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2012,Vol.31 No.4,696-702.  
  7. 杨国香,叶海林,伍法权,祁生文. 反倾层状结构岩质边坡动力响应特性及破坏机制振动台模型试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2012,Vol.31 No.11,2214-2221.  


  1. Shengwen Qi*, Qiang Xu,Bing Zhang,Yuande Zhou,Hengxing Lan and Lihui Li,2011,Source characteristics of long runout rock avalanches triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,China,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,40,896–906. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.05.010  
  2. 祁生文*伍法权. 2011,高地应力地区河谷应力场特征. 岩土力学,Vol.32,No.5,1460-1464.
  3. 祁生文*,伍法权. 2011. 基于模糊数学的TBM施工岩体质量分级研究,岩石力学与工程学报,Vol.30,No.6,1225-1229 
  4. 董金玉,杨国香,伍法权,祁生文. 2011. 地震作用下顺层岩质边坡动力响应和破坏模式大型振动台试验研究. 岩土力学, Vol.32,No.10,2977-2982.
  5. 郭松峰,祁生文,李正熔,马健,柴建峰,翟文龙,2011,云南龙江特大悬索桥锚碇稳定性分析,工程地质学报,Vol.19,6,909-916.  


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Faquan Wu,Yuande Zhou , Yuhuan Song, Manfu Gong,2010,Influence of deep seated discontinuities on the left slope of Jinping I Hydropower Station and its stability analysis,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,69:333–342. DOI 10.1007/s10064-010-0268-0 
  2. Shengwen Qi*,Qiang Xu,Hengxing Lan,Bing Zhang and Jianyou Liu. 2010,Spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by 2008.5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake,China,Engineering Geology,116 95–108
  3. Manfu Gong,Shengwen Qi*,Jianyou Liu. 2010,Engineering geological problems related to high geo-stresses at the Jinping I Hydropower Station,Southwest China,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,69:373–380,DOI 10.1007/s10064-010-0267-1  
  4. 祁生文*,刘春玲,常中华,翟文龙,2010,2010玉树Ms7.1地震灾区灾后重建工程地质与水文地质条件分区评价,岩土力学,vol.31,supp2,224-241.  
  5. 刘春玲,祁生文,童立强,安国英,李小慧,2010,喜马拉雅山地区重大滑坡灾害及其与地层岩性的关系研究,工程地质学报,Vol.18,5,669-676.  
  6. 廖海军,祁生文*,祁生林,赵忠海,2010,北京市门头沟规划新城国矿采空区引起地面变形的预测研究,工程地质学报,Vol.18,supp,132-137. 
  7. 伍法权,伍劼,祁生文,2010,关于脆性岩体岩爆成因的理论分析,工程地质学报,18(5),589-595.  
  8. 刘建友,伍法权,赵振华,李生清,祁生文,刘 彤,董金玉,2010,锦屏一级水电站地下厂房下游拱腰喷层裂缝成因分析,岩石力学与工程学报,Vol.29 Supp.2,3777-3784. 


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Zhong Qi Yue,Chunling Liu,Yuande Zhou,2009. Significance of outward dipping strata in argillaceous limestones in the area of the Three Gorges reservoir,China,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,68: 195-200. DOI 10.1007/s10064-009-0206-1
  2. Shengwen Qi,Zhongqi Yue *,Faquan Wu,Zhonghua Chang.,2009. Deep weathering of a group of thick argillaceous limestone rocks near Three Gorges Reservoir,Central China. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,46,929–939 
  3. 祁生文*许强,刘春玲,张兵,梁宁,童立强. 2009. 汶川地震极重灾区地震斜坡次生灾害空间发育规律. 工程地质学报,2009,Vol. 17,No. 1,39-49. 
  4. 姚攀峰,祁生文,张 明,2009,基于路径的非饱和土抗剪强度指标确定方法,岩土力学,Vol.30,No.9,2605-2608..
  5. 晏长根,伍法权,祁生文,刘彤等. 2009,随机节理岩体变形与强度参数及尺寸效应数值模拟. 岩土工程学报,Vol.31,No.6,875-885  
  6. 陈晓利,冉洪流,祁生文. 2009,1976 年龙陵地震诱发滑坡的影响因子敏感性分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版) ,Vol.45,No.1 104-110. 


  1. 祁生文*,伍法权,庄华泽,刘彤,晏长根,柴建峰. 2008,小湾水电站坝基开挖岩体卸荷裂隙的发育特征. 岩石力学与工程学报, 27,Suppl.1,2907-2912. 
  2. 祁生文,杨小永,伍法权,柴建峰,胡秀宏. 2008. 沙湾水电站原厂房后边坡变形体变形规律研究. 工程地质学报,Vol. 16,suppl.451-455  
  3. 和海芳,祁生文,伍法权,贺可强. 抗滑桩设计推力计算方法研究. 工程地质学报. 2008,Vol.16,No.5,694-698.  
  4. 陈晓利,祁生文,叶洪,2008,基于GIS的地震滑坡危险性的模糊综合评价研究,北京大学学报(自然科学版),No.3,434-438. 
  5. 童立强,刘春玲,祁生文.2008.  02B中巴卫星数据在汶川大地震唐家山堰塞湖抢险应急遥感解译中的应用. 河北遥感,Vol. 3,12-14. 


  1. 祁生文*. 2007. 考虑结构面退化的岩质边坡地震永久位移研究. 岩土工程学报,No.3,452-457.  
  2. 廖海军,祁生文*,杨存进,王桢.2007. 北京市戒台寺滑坡发生发展机理研究,工程地质学报15 (5),585-592.
  3. 柴建峰,祁生文, 2007. 高山峡谷地区高陡边坡深部裂缝一般特征分析.工程地质学报,15(6). 730-738.   
  4. 童立强,祁生文*,刘春玲,2007. 喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害发育规律研究. 工程地质学报,15(6). 721-729.  
  5. 晏长根,祁生文,伍法权,石玉玲,2007. 莫洛村滑坡稳定性的历史地质分析. 煤炭地质与勘探. Vol. 35 No. 5,46-49.  
  6. 伍法权,祁生文,刘彤. 2007. 高地应力条件下边坡岩体卸荷变形的两种表现形式. 工程地质学报,15,suppl. 60-67.  
  7. 谭捍华,罗强,祁生文,2007.全强风化岩高边坡破坏模式与加固效果分析. 公路. No. 12,21-25. 
  8. 王根龙,伍法权,祁生文. 2007. 加锚岩质边坡稳定性评价的极限分析上限法研究,岩石力学与工程学报,26(12),2556-2563. 
  9. 王根龙,门玉明,陈志新,伍法权,祁生文. 2007, 基于等分圆弧滑面土质边坡的稳定性极限分析方法. 地球科学与环境学报,Vol. 29,No.2,178-182.  
  10. 祝介旺,刘建友,伍法权,杨志法,张路青,祁生文. 2007. 锦屏一级水电站左岸深部卸荷裂隙的加固方案及数值模拟研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 26(12),2541-2548.  


  1. 祁生文*.2006. 单面边坡的两种动力反应形式及其临界高度. 地球物理学报.Vol.49,No.2,518-523.
  2. QI Sheng-wen*,2006. TWOPATTERNS OFDYNAMICRESPONSES OF SINGLE-FREESURFACE SLOPE AND THEIRTHRESHOLD HEIGHT. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,Vol.49,No.2,2006,pp: 458-464
  3. Shengwen Qi*,Fuzhang Yan, Sijing Wang,Ruichun Xu,2006. Characteristics,mechanism and development tendency of deformation of Maoping landslide after commission of Geheyan reservoir on the Qingjiang River,Hubei Province,China. Engineering Geology,86,37-51.  
  4. 祁生文*,伍法权,常中华,刘海燕,司维兵.2006. 三峡地区奉节县城缓倾层状岸坡变形破坏模式及成因机制.岩土工程学报,Vol.28,No.1,88-91.. 
  5. 晏长根,祁生文,伍法权,廖荣贵,苏天明. 2006. 大渡河猴子岩水电站库尾段藏碉群斜坡巨型堆积体的成因分析.工程地质学报,14(2)159-164.  
  6. 晏长根,杨晓华,石玉玲,祁生文. 2006,土工格室在公路中的试验研究及应用. 岩石力学与工程学报. vol.25 supp.1 Feb.,3235-3238. 
  7. 刘海燕,伍法权,祁生文,常中华,崔拥军. 2006,三峡库区泥质灰岩溶蚀作用与边坡岩体破坏. 煤田地质与勘探,38(4),37-40. 
  8. 刘海燕,伍法权,祁生文,常中华,李淑进. 2006,白衣庵滑坡的新认识.工程地质学报,14(6),782-787. 


  1. Wu Faquan,Qi Shengwen*,Lan Hengxing. 2005,Mechanism of uplift deformation of the dam foundation of Jiangya Water Power Station,Hunan Province,P.R. China. Hydrogeology Journal,13: 451-466.
  2. 王东红,谢星,张炜,祁生文,赵法锁. 2005,黄土地区超长钻孔灌注桩荷载传递性状试验研究,工程地质学报. Vol.13,No.1,117-123. 
  3. 常中华,伍法权,刘海燕,祁生文. 2005,三峡库区奉节县新县城库岸边坡类型及岩体结构特征,岩石力学与工程学报, 24(17),3057-3063 
  4. 李丽慧,杨志法,张路青,祁生文,陆民,郑舰. 2005,关于龙游石窟斜顶设计中工程科学问题的探讨. 岩石力学与工程学报,Vol. 24,No. 2,336-343. 
  5. 姚攀峰,张民,张振刚,祁生文. 2005,非饱和土土力学工程应用方法.工程地质学报. 13(3),346-352.


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Faquan Wu,Fuzhang Yan,Hengxing Lan. 2004,Mechanism of deep cracks in the left bank slope of Jinping first stage hydropower station. Engineering Geology ,73,No.1-2,129-144.  
  2. 祁生文*,伍法权. 2004,江垭水库大坝及近坝山体抬升发展趋势.岩土工程学报. Vol.26,No.2,259-262. 
  3. 祁生文*,伍法权,丁振明,刘彤.2004,从工程地质类比的角度看锦屏一级水电站左岸深部裂缝的形成.岩石力学与工程学报,Vol.23,No.8,1380-1384.  
  4. 祁生文*,伍法权,刘春玲,丁彦慧.2004,地震边坡稳定性的工程地质分析.岩石力学与工程学报. Vol.23,16,2792-2797.
  5. 刘春玲,祁生文*,赵法锁. 2004,某边坡地震稳定性的拉格朗日元分析.岩石力学与工程学报. Vol.23,16,2792-2797.
  6. 祁生林,祁生文*,伍法权. 2004,基于剩余推力法的地震滑坡永久位移研究.工程地质学报. Vol.12,No.1,63-68.
  7. 祁生文*,聂洪峰,严福章,刘春玲. 2004,茅坪滑坡稳定性的尖点突变分析.工程地质学报. Vol.12,Suppl.,519-522. 
  8. 黄骁,祁生文*,孙进忠. 2004,山脚建筑物场地边坡稳定分析评价.工程地质学报. Vol.12,Suppl.,297-301. 
  9. 刘春玲,赵法锁,祁生文*,孙伟清. 2004,单桩桩土相互作用及荷载传递机理探讨.工程地质学报. Vol.12,Suppl.,406-410. 
  10. 孙进忠,祁生文,张辉. 2004,瑞雷波探测方法在工程无损检测中的应用. 工程地质学报. Vol.12,Suppl.,427-432. 


  1. QI Shengwen*,WU Faquan and SUN Jinzhong. 2003,General regularity of dynamic responses of slopes under dynamic input. Science in China,Series E,Vol.46,Supp.,120-132.  
  2. 祁生文*,伍法权,孙进忠. 2003,边坡动力响应规律研究.中国科学(E辑)Vol.33,Supp.,28-40.  
  3. 伍法权,祁生文*. 2003,江垭水库大坝及近坝山体抬升变形机理.岩土工程学报. Vol.25,No.4,449-454.  


  1. 祁生文*,伍法权,兰恒星. 2002,盘石头水库泄洪洞、导流洞进出口高边坡稳定性分析.岩石力学与工程学报,Vol.21,No.3 -353-359 
  2. 祁生文*,伍法权,兰恒星. 2002,锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟左岸深部裂缝成因的工程地质分析.岩土工程学报. Vol.23,No.5,596-599. 
  3. 祁生文*,伍法权. 锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟左岸深部裂缝变形模式. 2002,Vol.23,No.6,817-820. 
  4. 祁生文*,孙进忠,何华. 2002,瑞雷波勘探的研究现状及展望.地球物理学进展,.Vol.17,No.4,630-635.  
  5. 伍法权,祁生文*. 2002. 江垭模式—水库蓄水引起大坝抬升变形实例简介.岩土工程界,6(1),27-29. 
  6. 聂洪峰,祁生文*,孙进忠. 2002,重庆市区域稳定性层次分析模糊综合评判.工程地质学报,Vol.10,No.4,408-414.  


  1. 祁生文,郑惜萍,孙进忠. 2001,夯扩异形桩施工振动效应分析.工程地质学报, Vol.9,No.3,326-330
  2. 祁生文,伍法权,严福章,2001,阿坝铝厂地基与边坡稳定性预测.岩土工程学报,Vol.23,No.6. 659-663. 
  3. 祁生文,孙进忠,万志清,2001,瞬态瑞雷波勘探方法的一点改进. 辽宁工程技术大学学报,20 (4):466-468.  
  4. 兰恒星,祁生文,伍法权,李文纲,2001,溪洛度水电站干海子滑坡非线性动力学模拟. 湘潭矿业学院学报. Vol.16,No.3: 5-10.
  5. 万志清,秦四清,祁生文. 2001. 桂林市岩溶塌陷及防治. 工程地质学报,Vol.9,No.2,199-203. 
  6. Sun Jinzhong,Tan Hanhua,Qi Shengwen,Wang Shuli. 2001. Frequency Analysis of Heavy Tamping Vibration. Journal of China of Geosciences,Vol.12,No.2,150-154. 
  7. 谭捍华,孙进忠,祁生文.强夯振动衰减规律的研究. 工程勘察.2001,No.5,11-14 


  1. 孙进忠,谭捍华,祁生文,2000,影响强夯地面振动衰减的因素分析. 中国地质大学研究生院学报—现代地质,14 (2 ):230-234 
  2. 孙进忠,谭捍华,祁生文,2000,强夯振动的频域分析. 岩土工程学报,22(4):412-415. 
  3. 孙进忠,谭捍华,祁生文. 2000. 强夯振动研究中震源体边界的确定. 工程地质学报,8,suppl.,369-371. 



  1. Zhifa Zhan, Shengwen Qi*, Xiaolin Huang,and Yu Zou,2015. Discussion of Some Fundamental Issues of FLAC3D in Research of Dynamic Response of Rock Slope,ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings - Int'l Symposium on Rock Mechanics - ISBN: 978-1-926872-25-4
  2. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi*,Songfeng Guo,Xiaolin Huang. 2015. The influence of shear velocity on the strength characteristics of rock joints. ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings - Int'l Symposium on Rock Mechanics - ISBN: 978-1-926872-25-4


  1. Chunling Liu,Liqiang Tong,Shengwen Qi*,2014. Susceptibility of Rocky Desertification Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process and Certainty Factor (AHP-CF) Method: A Case from Changshun County,Guizhou Province,SW of China,G. Lollino et al. (eds.),Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2_106,? Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 
  2. Shengwen Qi *,C.D Martin,Shenglin Qi,Yu Zou,2014. In situ test on dynamic response of single surface slope,G. Lollino et al. (eds.),Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_305,Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014  


  1. Hengxing Lan,Martin,CD,Shengwen Qi. (2013). A 3D grain based model for characterizing the geometric heterogeneity of brittle rock. Arma13-194. 
  2. Songfeng Guo,Shengwen Qi,Bowen Zheng & Xingxing Li (2013). The deformation and strength properties of Jinping Marble with different confining pressure under cyclic loading-unloading tests. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium and 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Edited by Wu F & Qi S,pp. 413-417. ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0. 
  3. Bowen Zheng,Shengwen Qi,Songfeng Guo and Xingxing Li (2013). Experimental research on deformability and strength of Marble in Jinping under different confining pressure. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium and 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Edited by Wu F & Qi S,pp. 419-425. ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0. 
  4. Genlong Wang,Shengwen Qi,Hengxing Lan (2013). Numerical simulation of limit pressure against debris flow for the 8th August,2010 Sanyanyu debris flow in China: A case study. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium and 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Edited by Wu F & Qi S,pp. 173-177. ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0. 


  1. Shengwen Qi *, Faquan Wu. Yuhuan Song and Zhiqing Li. Reactivation of an overlooked landslide in site of powerplant of Shawan hydropower station, Sichuan, China. In Landslides and engineered slopes Protecting Society through Improved Understanding. 675-680. Editors: Erik Eberhardt, Corey Froese, A. Keith Turner and Serge Leroueil. Proceedings of the 11th international and 2nd north American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, 3-8 June, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-63302-4.
  2. Shengwen Qi *, Changgen Yan,  and Chunling Liu. Two typical types of earthquake triggered landslides and their mechanisms. In Landslids and engineered slopes Protecting Society through Improved Understanding. 1819-1823. Editors: Erik Eberhardt,Corey Froese,A. Keith Turner and Serge Leroueil. Proceedings of the 11th international and 2nd north American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes,Banff,Canada,3-8 June,CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group,ISBN 978-0-415-63303-1.


  1. Shengwen Qi *, Faquan Wu. Numerical simulation excavation disturbed zone (EDZ) of granite gneiss dam foundation in high geostress area-a case from Xiaowan hydropower station,China. In Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety,176-176. International Conference EngeoPro-2011,Moscow,6-8.09.2011,ISBN 978-5-903926-20-6
  2. Yuhuan Song,Shengwen* Qi,Runqiu Huang. Deformation and stability of the outlet slope of water diversion tunnel,the flood discharge tunnel and the tail water tunnel at right bank of first level hydropower station of Jinping. In Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety,114-114. International Conference EngeoPro-2011,Moscow,6-8.09.2011, ISBN 978-5-903926-20-6


  1. Shengwen Qi*, Faquan Wu and Chunling Liu,2010,Effects of single face slope on seismic ground responses,3461-3468,In Geologically Active – Williams et al. (eds) Taylor & Francis Group,London,ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7, 
  2. Chunling Liu,Shengwen Qi* and Liqiang Tong,Distribution of groundwater discharge points in karstic mountainous terrain,Southwest China,4279-4285,In Geologically Active – Williams et al. (eds) Taylor & Francis Group,London,ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7
  3. Changgen Yan,Faquan Wu,Tong Liu,Shengwen Qi,Unloading phenomena characteristics in brittle rock masses by a large-scale excavation in dam foundation,3889-3896,In Geologically Active – Williams et al. (eds) Taylor & Francis Group,London,ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7
  4. 祁生文、伍法权、宋胜武、巩满福. “锦屏深裂缝”现象及其工程地质意义,夏才初主编,和谐地球上的水工岩石力学——第三届全国水工岩石力学学术会议,上海,同济大学出版社,2010,399-404. 


  1. Shengwen Qi*,Faquan Wu,Jianfeng Chai,Deep seated cracks developed in the high-steep slopes around eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Proceedings of the international Symposium and the 7th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG (Edited by Runqiu Huang,Niek Rengers etal ),Sept. 9-11,2009,Chengdu,China.376-376. 
  2. Jianyou Liu,Faquan Wu,Shengwen Qi and Xiaoqiang Yi,Key Engineering Geological problems in construction of underground powerhouse of Jinping I Hydropower station,274-274,Proceedings of the international Symposium and the 7th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG (Edited by Runqiu Huang,Niek Rengers etal ),Sept. 9-11,2009,Chengdu,China.274-274. 
  3. Yuling Shi,Changgen Yan, Shengwen Qi and Faquan Wu,Histroci geology method analysis stability of Moluocun Landslide,281-285, Proceedings of the international Symposium and the 7th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG (Edited by Runqiu Huang,Niek Rengers etal ),Sept. 9-11,2009,Chengdu,China.281-285. 


  1. Shengwen Qi,Zhong Qi Yue,Chun-ling Liu and Zhong-hua Chang,Instability of Cut Slopes Comprising Deep Weathered Argillaceous Limestone in New Fengjie County on three Gorges Reservoir in Central China. Kyoji Sassa,Proceedings of The First World Landslide Forum 18-21 November 2008,United Nations University,Tokyo,Japan,Poster Session Volume,95-99. 
  2. Shengwen Qi,Zhong QI Yue and Chunling Liu. Ground environmental problems encountered during development of a new town for resettlement of huge number of people before impounding of Three Gorges Reservoir on Yangtze River in China. World Engineering Conference. 2008 In Brazil 
  3. Liqiang Tong,Shengwen Qi*,Chunling Liu,Remote sensing based investigation of landslides in Himalaya mountains. Kyoji Sassa,Proceedings of The First World Landslide Forum 18-21 November 2008,United Nations University,Tokyo,Japan,Parallel Session Volume,593-594. 
  4. Chunling Liu,Liqiang Tong and Shengwen Qi. Remote sensing based investigation of rock desertification development in karst mountainous region,Southwest China. World Engineering Conference. 2008 In Brazil 


  1. 祁生文*,刘春玲,2007. 单面边坡动力稳定性分析简化算法.全国边()坡工程建设与防护技术交流研讨会,深圳,342-348. 
  2. 祁生文*,伍法权,王大国,李晓,李守定.2007. 岩石隧道掘进机(TBM)的施工速度(AR)与围岩分类. 隧道、地下工程与岩石破碎学术研讨会论文集. 大连,67-76. 
  3. 姚攀峰,祁生文,张明,张震刚. 2007. 非饱和土土压力理论工程应用化探讨. 全国岩土工程大会,武汉.  


  1. Shengwen Qi, Faquan Wu,ChanggenYan,Zhuping Shen. 2006,Impacts of Inundation of Houziyan Reservoir on Zang Nationality Blockhouse Group Relics along the Dadu River. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006 (CD)(ASCE)


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