简历: |
2014.12~今,在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所任研究员,博士生导师,期间曾访问沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)、美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)、英国地质调查局(British Geological Survey)、捷克科学院(Czech Academy of Sciences)等高校和科研机构
2010.01~2014.12,在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所任副研究员,期间曾3次访问沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(Saudi Aramco)
2006.03~2010.01,先后在美国犹他大学(University of Utah)、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(Saudi Aramco)、英国石油美国分公司(BP America Inc.)、北京大学从事勘探地球物理的研究工作
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia编委
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors微地震专刊编委
Frontiers in Earth Science分布式光纤专刊编委
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) 教育委员会,委员
获奖及荣誉: |
2020 国家杰出青年科学基金
2019 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员
2017 国家人才计划青年拔尖人才
2014 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金
2012 中国地球物理学会“傅承义青年科技奖”
代表论著: |
- 常旭,王一博,2019,微地震反演研究,科学出版社,北京
- 常旭,王一博,2014,深水油气地震成像研究与实践,科学出版社,北京
- Shao J, Wang Y, Chen L, 2022, Near-surface characterization using high-speed train seismic data recorded by a distributed sensing array, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3153831
- Wu S, Wang Y, Xie F, Chang X, 2022, Crosscorrelation migration of microseismic source locations with hybrid imaging condition, Geophysics, 87(1): KS17–KS31
- Shao J, Wang Y, Chang X, 2021, Radon domain interferometric interpolation of sparse seismic data, Geophysics, 86(5); WC89–WC104
- Shao J, Wang Y, 2021, Simultaneous inversion of Q and reflectivity using dictionary learning, Geophysics, 86(5): R763–R776
- Wang S, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, Li J, Zeng R, 2021, Comparison of geological models for the simulation of CO2 migration: a case study in Ordos, China, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 11(2): 277–296
- Zhong S, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Wu S, Chang X, Zhu W, 2021, Electrical resistivity tomography with smooth sparse regularization, Geophysical Prospecting, 69(8-9): z1773–1789
- Munirdin T, Wang Y, Xiao W, Di Q, Zhou K, Wang J, An S, Liao S, 2021, Numerical simulation of seismic waves in 3-D orthorhombic poroelastic medium with microseismic source implementation, Geophysical Journal International, 227(2): 1012-1027
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2021, VSP Imaging Using Free-Surface Multiples with Wave?eld Decomposition: Synthetic and Field Data Examples, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 730184
- Yao Y, Wang Y, Xue Q, Chang X, 2021, Simulation of microseismic wave propagation using high-order finite difference velocity implementation on both source and media, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 30: 45-64
- Yao Y, Wang Y, 2021, Seismic radiation analyses in anisotropic media based on general dislocation source model, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 18: 231–240
- Luo Q, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, Wang B, Zeng R, 2020, High-dimensional co-occurrence matrix: A new tool for 3D seismic target visualization and interpretation,Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 8(4): T967- T979
- Zhong S, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, 2020, Reverse time migration of ground-penetrating radar with full wavefield decomposition based on the Hilbert transform, Geophysical Prospecting, 68(4): 1097-1112
- Munirdin T, Wang Y, Slob E, Zheng Y, Chang X, Yao Y, 2020, Seismoelectric numerical simulation in 2D vertical transverse isotropic poroelastic medium, Geophysical Prospecting, 68(6): 1927-1943
- Shao J, Wang Y, Yao Y, Wu S, Xue Q, Chang X, 2019, Simultaneous denoising of multicomponent microseismic data by joint sparse representation with dictionary learning, Geophysics, 84(5): KS155-KS172
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Luo Q, Chang X, Zeng R, Wang B, Zhao X, 2019, Frequency-dependent reflection wave-equation traveltime inversion from walkaway vertical seismic profile data, Geophysics, 84(6): R947-R961
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2019, Least-squares data-to-data migration: An approach for migrating free-surface-related multiples, Geophysics, 84(2): S83-S94
- Xue Q, Wang Y, Chang X,2018, Joint inversion of location, excitation time and amplitude of microseismic sources, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 108(3A): 1071-1079
- Xue Q, Wang Y, Zhai H, Chang X, 2018, Automatic Identification of Fractures Using a Density-Based Clustering Algorithm with Time-Spatial Constraints, Energies, 11: 563
- Wu S, Wang Y, Di Z, Chang X, 2018, Random noise attenuation by 3D Multi-directional vector median filter,Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159: 277-284
- Wu S, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, 2018, Microseismic source locations with deconvolution migration, Geophysical Journal International, 212(3): 2088-2115
- Wu S, Wang Y, Ma Y, Chang X, 2018, Super-resolution least-squares prestack Kirchhoff depth migration using the L0-norm, Applied Geophysics, 15(1): 69-77
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2018, 3D forward modeling of upgoing and downgoing wavefields using Hilbert transform, Geophysics, 83(1): F1-F8
- Luo Q, Wang Y, Wang Y, Chen M, Zheng Y, Wu S, Chang X, Zeng R, 2018, Time-lapse VSP monitoring for CO2 injection: A case study in ordos, China, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 75: 41-51
- Wang Y, Zheng Y, Xue Q, Chang X, Fei T, Luo Y, 2017, Reverse time migration of multiples: Reducing migration artifacts using the wavefield decomposition imaging condition, Geophysics, 82 (4): S307-S314
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2016, Wave Equation Based Microseismic Source Location and Velocity Inversion, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 261: 46-53
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2016, Eliminating artifacts in Migration ofsurface-related Multiples: An application to Marine Data, Interpretation, 4(4): SQ51-SQ57
Wu S, Wang Y, Chang X, 2016, Automatic Microseismic Events Detection by Band-limited Phase-Only Correlation, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 261: 3-16
Xue Q, Wang Y, Chang X, 2016, Fast 3D elastic micro-seismic sources locating using GPU new features, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 261: 24-35
郑忆康,王一博,常旭,姚振兴,2016,单程波角度域内压制多次波偏移假象,地球物理学报,59(12): 4584-4593 (Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, Yao Z, 2016, Eliminating Migration Artifacts in Angle Domain Based on One-way Wave Equation Migration of Multiples, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(12): 4584-4593)
- 王一博,郑忆康,薛清峰,常旭,2016,基于Hilbert变换的全波场分离逆时偏移成像,地球物理学报,59(11): 4200-4211 (Wang Y, Zheng Y, Xue Q, Chang X, 2016, Reverse Time Migration with Hilbert Transform based Full Wavefield Decompostion, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(11): 4200-4211)
- Wang Y, Xu J, Xie S, Zhang L, Du X, Chang X, 2015, Seismic imaging of subsurface structure using tomographic migration velocity analysis: a case study of South China Sea data, Marine Geophysical Research, 36: 127-137
- Wu S, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, 2015, Limited-memory BFGS based least-squares pre-stack Kirchhoff depth migration, Geophysical Journal International, 202: 738-747
- Xue Q, Wang Y, Zhan Y, Chang X, 2015, An efficient implementation for locating micro-seismic sources using 3D elastic wave time-reversal imaging, Computers & Geosciences, 82: 89-97
- Hu H, Wang Y, Chang X, 2015, Migration of free-surface-related multiples: removing artefacts using a water-layer model, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 112: 147-156
- Zhang L, Wang Y, Chang X, 2015, Wigner distribution based phase-only correlation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 123: 277-282
- Zhang L, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, 2015, De-blending using a high resolution radon transform in a common midpoint domain, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12(2): 167-174
- 郑忆康,王一博,徐嘉亮,常旭,姚振兴,2015,数据自相关多次波偏移成像,地球物理学报,58(3): 993-1001 (Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, Yao Z, 2015, Imaging multiples by data to data migration, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 58(3): 993-1001)
- Wang Y, Zheng Y, Zhang L, Chang X, Yao Z, 2014, Reverse Time Migration of Multiples: Eliminating Migration Artifacts in Angle Domain Common Image Gathers, Geophysics, 79(6): S263-S270
- Wang Y, Zheng Y, Chang X, Yao Z, 2014, Frequency-Dependent Wave Equation Traveltime Inversion, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 23: 367-378
- Wang Y, Chang X, Hu H, 2014, Simultaneous Reverse Time Migration of Primaries and Free-Surface Related Multiples without Multiple Prediction, Geophysics, 79(1): S1-S9
- Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chang X, 2013, Wave-equation Traveltime Inversion: Comparison of Three Numerical Optimization Methods, Computers & Geosciences, 60: 88-97
- 孔丽云,王一博,杨慧珠,2013,裂缝诱导TTI双孔隙介质波场传播特征,物理学报,62(13): 139101 (Kong L, Wang Y, Yang H, 2013, Wavefield Propagation Characteristics in Fracture-induced TTI Double-Porosity Medium, Acta Phys. Sin., 62(13): 139101)
- 袁艳华,王一博,刘伊克,常旭,2013,基于非二次幂Curvelet变换的最小二乘匹配算法及其应用,地球物理学报,56(4): 1340-1349 (Yuan Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Chang X, 2013, A Non-dyadic Curvelet Transform based Least-squares Matching Algorithm and Its Aplicaiton, Chinese J. Geophysics, 56(4): 1340-1349)
- 袁艳华,王一博,刘伊克,常旭,2013,非二次幂Curvelet变换及其在地震噪声压制中的应用,地球物理学报,56(3): 1023 -1032 (Yuan Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Chang X, 2013, Non-dyadic Curvelet Transform and Its Applicaiton in Seismic Noise Elimination, Chinese J. Geophysics, 56(3): 1023-1032)
- 谢宋雷,刘伊克,王一博,常旭,李鹏,金德刚,2013,深水陡坡带绕射多次波压制方法研究,地球物理学报,56(9): 3118-3123 (Xie S, Liu Y, Wang Y, Chang X, Li P, Jin D, 2013, Study of diffracted multiple elimination on steep slope zone in deep water. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(9): 3118-2123)
- 孔丽云,王一博,杨慧珠,2012,裂缝诱导HTI双孔隙介质中的裂缝参数分析,地球物理学报,55(1): 189-196 (Kong L, Wang Y, Yang H, 2012, Fracture Parameters Analyses in Fracture-induced HTI Double-Porosity Medium, Chinese J. Geophysics, 55(1): 189-196)
- Yuan Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Chang X, 2011, Curvelet Domain Adaptive Least-Squares Subtraction of Internal Multiples, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 20(3): 273-288
- Wang Y, Dong S, Luo Y, 2010, Model-based Interferometric Interpolation Method, Geophysics, 75(6): WB211-WB217
- Wang Y, Luo Y, Schuster G, 2009, Interferometric Interpolation of Missing Seismic Data, Geophysics, 74(3): SI37-SI45
- Li H, Chang X, Xie X, Wang Y, 2022, Spatiotemporal variations in seismic attenuation during hydraulic fracturing: A case study in a tight oil reservoir in the Ordos Basin, China. Geophysics, 87(2): B69–B79
- Li H, Chang X, Hao J, Wang Y, 2021, Comparison of single-well microseismic focal mechanism inversion with different source models. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111(6), 3103-3117
- Li H, Chang X, Xie X, Wang Y, 2021, Microseismic moment-tensor inversion and sensitivity analysis in vertically transverse isotropic media. Geophysics, 86(2), KS23-KS36
- Li H, Chang X, Hao J, Wang Y, 2021, The general dislocation source model and its application to microseismic focal mechanism inversion. Geophysics, 86(4), KS79-KS93
- Wang Y, Ning Y, Wang Y, 2020, Fractional Time Derivative Seismic Wave Equation Modeling for Natural Gas Hydrate, Energies, 13(22): 5901
- Zhai H, Chang X, Wang Y, Lei X, Xue Z, 2020, Characteristic analysis of acoustic emission events induced duringthe stress unloading process for hydraulic fractured Longmaxi shale sample, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 189: 106990
- Zhou X, Chang X, Wang Y, Yao Z, 2019, Amplitude-preserving scalar PP and PS imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration based on a wavefield decoupling method, Geophysics, 84(3): S113-S125
- 李政,常旭,姚振兴,王一博,2019, 微地震方法的裂缝监测与储层评价,地球物理学报,62(2): 707-719 (Li Z, Chang X, Yao Z, Wang Y, Fracture Monitoring and Reservoir Evaluation by Micro-seismic Method, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2019, 62(2): 707-719)
- 常旭,李政,王鹏, 姚振兴,王一博,王璐琛,桂志先,2018,基于频率衰减补偿的微地震定位方法,地球物理学报,61(1): 250-257 (Chang X., Li Z., Wang P., Yao Z., Wang Y., Wang L., Gui Z., 2018, Microseismic location based on frequency attenuation compensation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 61(1): 250-257)
- 周熙焱,常旭,王一博,姚振兴,2018,基于纵横波解耦的三维弹性波逆时偏移,地球物理学报,61(3): 1038-1052 (Zhou X Y, Chang X, Wang Y B, Yao Z, 2018, 3D elastic reverse time migration based on P-and S-wave decoupling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 61(3): 1038-1052)
- Zhu W, Chang X, Wang Y, Zhai H, Yao Z, 2018, Reconstruction of Hydraulic Fractures Using Passive Ultrasonic Travel-Time Tomography, Energies, 11(5): 1321
- Zhai H, Chang X, Wang Y, Xue Z, Lei X, Zhang Y, 2017, Sensitivity Analysis of Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Variations for Longmaxi Shale during Hydraulic Fracturing Testing in Laboratory, Energies, 10: 1393
- Kong L, Gurevich B, Zhang Y, Wang Y, 2017, Effect of fracture fill on frequency dependent anisotropy of fractured porous rocks, Geophysical Prospecting, 65(6): 1649–1661
- Zheng Y, Zhang W, Wang Y, Xue Q, Chang X, 2016, An Application of Full-Waveform Inversion to Land Data using the Pseudo-Hessian Matrix, Interpretation, 4(4): T627-T635
- 王璐琛,常旭,王一博,2016,TTI介质的交错网格伪P波正演方法,地球物理学报,59(3): 1046-1058 (Wang L, Chang X, Wang Y, 2016, Forward modeling of pseudo P waves in TTI medium using staggered grid, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(3): 1046-1058)
- 翟鸿宇,常旭,王一博,姚振兴,2016,含衰减地层微地震震源机制反演及其反演分辨率,地球物理学报,59(8): 3025-3036 (Zhai H, Chang X, Wang Y, Yao Z, 2016, Inversion for microseismic focal mechanisms in attenuated strata and its resolution, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(8): 3025-3036)
- 王璐琛,常旭,王一博,2016,干涉走时微地震震源定位方法,地球物理学报,59(8): 3037-3045 (Wang L, Chang X, Wang Y, 2016, Locating micro-seismic events based on interferometric traveltime inversion, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(8): 3037-3045)
- 段晓亮,翟鸿宇,王一博,杨慧珠,2016,地层衰减对地震波速度逆散射反演的影响研究,地球物理学报,59(10): 3788-3797 (Duan X, Zhai H, Wang Y, Yang H, 2016, Effect of stratigraphic attenuation on inverse-scattering seismic velocity inversion, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 9(10): 3788-3797)
- Xie S, Wang Y, Sun Z, Chang X, 2015, Internal multiple adaptive subtraction using Huber norm, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116: 104-109
- 徐嘉亮, 常旭, 王一博,2015,角度域剩余深度对剩余速度的敏感性分析,地球物理学报,58(3): 2927-2934 (Xu J, Chang X, Wang Y, 2015, Sensitivity analysis of the residual depth about the residual velocity in the angle domain, Chinese Journal Geophysics, 58(8): 2927-2934)
- 段晓亮,王一博,杨慧珠,2015,基于逆散射理论的地震波速度正则化反演,物理学报,64(7): 078901 (Duan X,Wang Y,Yang H, 2015, Regularized seismic velocity inversion based on inverse scattering theory, Acta Physica Sinica, 64(7): 078901)
- 王鹏,常旭,王一博,王璐琛,翟鸿宇,2014,基于时频稀疏性分析法的低信噪比微震事件识别与恢复,地球物理学报,57(8): 2656-2665 (Wang P, Chang X, Wang Y, Wang L, Zhai H, Automatic event detection and event recovery in low SNR microseismic signals based on time-frequency sparseness. Chinese Journal of Geophysics., 57(8): 2656-2665)
- 黄小刚,王一博,刘伊克,常旭,2014,半径-斜率域加权反假频地震数据重建,地球物理学报,57(7): 2278-2290 (Huang X, Wang Y, Liu Y, Chang X, Weighted Anti-alias Seismic Data Reconstruction in R-P Domain, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 57(7): 2278-2290)
- 白兰淑, 刘伊克, 卢回忆, 王一博,常旭,2014,基于压缩感知的Curvelet域联合迭代地震数据重建,地球物理学报,57(9): 2937-2945 (Bai L, Liu Y, Lu H, Wang Y, Chang X, 2014, Curvelet-domain joint iterative seismic data reconstruction based on compressed sensing, Chinese Journal Geophysics, 57(9): 2937-2945)
- Kong L, Gurevich B, Mueller T, Wang Y, Yang H, 2013, Effect of Fracture Fill on Seismic Attenuation and Dispersion in Fractured Porous Rocks, Geophysical Journal International, 195(3): 1679-1688
- 刘志远,常旭,刘伊克,王一博,杜向东,2013,基于Chebychev多项式的非对称走时Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移角道集求取,地球物理学报,56(8): 2783-2789 (Liu Z, Chang X, Liu Y, Wang Y, Du X, 2013, Using Chebyshev Polynomial Asymmetric Calculation to Obtain Angle Domain Common Imaging Gathers by Kirchhoff Pre-stack Time Migration, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(8): 2783-2789)
- 胡昊,刘伊克,常旭,王一博,杜向东,杨仁虎,2013,逆时偏移计算中的边界处理分析及应用,地球物理学报,56(6): 2033-2042 (Hu H, Liu Y, Chang X, Wang Y, Du X, Yang R, 2013, Analysis and Application of Boundary Treatment for the Computation of Reverse-Time Migration, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(6): 2033-2042)
- 陶杰,常旭,刘伊克,王一博,杜向东,2013,三维保幅弯曲射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移方法与应用,地球物理学报,56 (10): 3534-3541 (Tao J, Chang X, Liu Y, Wang Y, Du X, 2013, 3-D Bend-ray amplitude-preserving Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration and applications, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(10): 3534-3541)