简历: |
杨蔚:男,1981年生,博士,研究员,纳米离子探针实验室主任,主要从事岩石地球化学学、比较行星学、离子探针分析技术研究。2001年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球化学专业,获学士学位;2007年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球化学专业,获博士学位;2007-2010年在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所从事博士后研究;2010-2015年任副研究员;2016年至今任研究员。已发表SCI论文140余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文40余篇,SCI总引4000余次,h-index 39。2010年,获得中国科学技术信息研究所评选的中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文;2016年,获得中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖”;2021年获得中华人民共和国科学技术部中国科学十大进展(排名第3)。 学习经历: 工作经历: 2017/06至今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所纳米离子探针实验室 主任 2016/01至今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 研究员 2010/03 – 2015/12 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 副研究员 2007/09 – 2010/03 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 博士后
其中: 2010/08 – 2010/11 美国华盛顿卡内基研究所 访问学者 2010/03 – 2010/06 美国阿肯色大学 访问学者 2008/09 – 2008/12 美国阿肯色大学 访问学者
研究方向: |
长期从事岩石地球化学、比较行星学、离子探针分析技术研究,取得如下成果: (1)建立了辽西中生代火山岩年代学格架和地球化学演化特征,对华北克拉通中生代减薄的时间和机制提供重要制约; (2)获得了地幔和深部地壳的平均Mg同位素组成,并率先应用Mg同位素示踪深部碳循环,揭示俯冲碳酸盐在地幔不同深度的循环机制; (3)参与建立国内首个纳米离子探针实验室,将U-Pb、Pb-Pb定年和微量元素分析的空间分辨提升到1微米,为微细锆石和复杂环带锆石的定年和微量元素分析提供有力的技术支持; (4)开展嫦娥三号粒子激发X射线谱仪和嫦娥四号红外光谱仪的地面验证实验和数据处理工作,获得嫦娥三号四号着陆区月壤的化学组成; (5)开展嫦娥五号月球玄武岩岩石地球化学研究,揭示其源区特征和形成机制。 目前主要聚焦于以下两个研究方向: (1)月球岩浆洋演化和火山活动历史; (2)离子探针超高空间分辨分析技术。 |
获奖及荣誉: |
2009年 安徽省优秀博士论文 2010年 中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文 中国科学技术信息研究所评选 2014年 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖 华北克拉通破坏研究集体 排名第19 2014年 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会 2016年 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封奖” 2021年 中华人民共和国科学技术部 中国科学十大进展 排名第3 |
承担科研项目情况: |
主持项目: - 国家杰出青年科学基金,42425303,月幔演化和火山活动历史,2025/01–2029/12。
- 国家自然科学基金专项项目,42241103,嫦娥五号月壤中非月海物质与月球早期演化,2023/01–2026/12。
- 中国科学院重点部署项目“嫦娥五号月球样品综合研究”课题,ZDBS-SSW-JSC007-15,嫦娥五号着陆区火山成因与喷发机理,2021/03 – 2023/03。
- 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所部重点部署项目“嫦娥五号月球样品综合研究“课题,IGGCAS-202101,着陆区火山成因与喷发机理,2021/01-2024/12。
- 国防科技工业局民用航天技术预先研究项目,D020203,月壳成因和演化研究,2020/01-2022/12。
- 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“类地行星的形成演化及其宜居性”课题,XDB41010400,类地行星生命起源环境,2020/01-2024/12。
- 中国科学院重点部署项目“月球科研站关键科学问题研究及有效载荷关键技术预先研究“课题,ZDRW-KT-2019-5-2,水分子和氢同位素分析仪关键技术研究,2020/01-2021/12。
- 国家重点研发计划项目“面向矿床学研究的变革性原位分析技术“课题,2018YFA0702601,微纳尺度元素-同位素高效分析与二维/三维可视化,2019/09-2024/02。
- 中国科学院交叉创新团队,2018/01-2020/12。
- 中国科学院“空间科学(二期)”战略性先导科技专项“空间科学预先研究项目”(第一批),XDA15011600,水分子和氢同位素分析仪原理样机研制,2018/01-2020/12。
- 中国科学院青年创新促进会,2014/01-2017/12。
- 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,41322022,同位素地球化学,2014/01-2016/12。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41173012,峨眉山大火成岩省玄武岩和苦橄岩的Mg同位素组成研究,2012/01-2015/12。
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,40803011,辽西北票地区兴隆沟组火山岩岩石地球化学及其动力学意义,2009/01-2011/12。
代表论著: |
5篇代表性论文: - Yang, W., Li, SG. (*), 2008. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Western Liaoning: Implications for lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton, Lithos, 102, 88-117.
- Yang, W. (*), Teng, FZ., Zhang, HF., 2009. Chondritic magnesium isotopic composition of the terrestrial mantle: A case study of peridotite xenoliths from the North China craton, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288, 475 – 482.
- Yang, W. (*), Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, H.-F., Li, S.-G., 2012. Magnesium isotopic systematics of continental basalts from the North China craton: Implications for tracing subducted carbonate in the mantle. Chemical Geology 328, 185-194.
- Li, S.-G.(*), Yang, W.(*), Ke, S., Meng, X., Tian, H., Xu, L., He, Y., Huang, J., Wang, X.-C., Xia, Q., Sun, W., Yang, X., Ren, Z.-Y., Wei, H., Liu, Y.-S., Meng, F. and Yan, J. 2017. Deep carbon cycles constrained by a large-scale mantle Mg isotope anomaly in eastern China. National Science Review 4, 111-120.
- Tian, H.-C.(#), Wang, H. (#), Chen, Y. (#), Yang, W. (*), Zhou, Q., Zhang, C., Lin, H.-L., Huang, C., Wu, S.-T., Jia, L.-H., Xu, L., Zhang, D., Li, X.-G., Chang, R., Yang, Y.-H., Xie, L.-W., Zhang, D.-P., Zhang, G.-L., Yang, S.-H., Wu, F.-Y. (2021) Non-KREEP origin for Chang’E-5 basalts in the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Nature 600, 59-63.
第一作者(#)或通讯作者(*): - 杨蔚, 何雨旸, 康晋霆, 陈瑞义, 程惠红, 孙粒, 邓攀, 魏勇, 林杨挺, 李献华(*) (2024) 基于载人月球探测科学发展战略的学科政策研究. 中国科学院院刊 39, 1931-1943.
- Zhang, H., Yang, W.(*), Zhang, D., Tian, H., Ruan, R., Hu, S., Chen, Y., Hui, H., Lin, Y., Mitchell, R.N., Zhang, D., Wu, S., Jia, L., Gu, L., Lin, Y., Li, X. and Wu, F. (2024) Long-term reduced lunar mantle revealed by Chang’e-5 basalt. Nature Communications 15, 8328.
- Ruan, R., Yang, W.(*), Zhang, D., Tian, H.-C., Zhao, Q., Zou, Y. and Yu, B. (2024) A moderate-Ti lunar mare soil simulant: IGG-01. Acta Astronautica 224, 148-160.
- Yang, W.(*), He, Y., Qian, Y. and Yue, Z. (2024) Scientists eager for Chang’e-6 lunar farside samples to bring new discoveries. The Innovation 5, 100660.
- Ruan, R., Yang, W.(*), Hao, J. and Guo, G. (2024a) Oven Design for In‐Situ Thermal Extraction of Volatiles From Lunar Regolith. Earth Space Sci. 11, e2024EA003556.
- Lin, H., Xu, R., Li, S., Chang, R., Hui, H., Liu, Y., Tian, H., Fan, K., He, Z., He, H., Yang, W.(*), Lin, Y.(*) and Wei, Y.(*) (2024) Higher water content observed in smaller size fraction of Chang'e-5 lunar regolith samples. Science Bulletin 69, 3723-3729.
- Hao, J.-L., Yang, W.(*), He, H.-C., Zhang, D., Hu, S., Tian, H.-C., Li, R.-Y., Lin, Y.-T. (2024). Submicron spatial resolution Pb-Pb dating for the formation age of Chang'e-5 basalt. Lithos, 107495.
- 杨蔚(*), 潘梓凌 (2023) 月球“土特产”:从阿波罗11号到嫦娥5号. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 42, 1211-1225.
- 张腾飞, 王燕海, 杨蔚(*), 刘洋, 吴登生, 吴伟, 魏勇, 林杨挺, 李献华 (2023) 基于文献计量的月球科学前沿研判. 岩石学报 39, 3169-3183.
- Li, R.-Y., Hao, J., Yang, W.(*), Tian, H.-C., Hu, S., Lin, Y. (2023) A silica-related matrix effect on NanoSIMS Li isotopic analysis of glasses and its online calibration. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38, 1962-1972.
- 杨蔚(*), 田恒次, 陈意, 胡森, 苏斌, 林杨挺, 李献华 (2023) 嫦娥五号玄武岩岩石地球化学特征及成因讨论. 矿物岩石地球化学通报 42, 442-461.
- Chang, R., Lin, H., Yang, W.(*), Ruan, R., Liu, X., Tian, H.-C., Xu, J. (2023) Comparison of laboratory and in situ reflectance spectra of Chang’e-5 lunar soil. Astronomy & Astrophysics 674, A68.
- Chen, Y.(#), Hu, S.(#), Li, J.-H.(#), Li, Q.-L.(#), Li, X.(#), Li, Y.(#), Liu, Y.(#), Qian, Y.(#), Yang, W.(#), Zhou, Q.(#), Lin, Y.(*), Li, C.(*), Li, X.-H.(*) (2023) Chang’e-5 lunar samples shed new light on the Moon. The Innovation Geoscience 1, 100014.
- Yang, W.(*), Wang, F., Ma, L., Zhao, W., Long, H., Zhu, H., Spotl, C., Cheng, H. (2023) The Innovation Geoscience: An international journal of Earth science. The Innovation Geoscience 1, 100001.
- Hao, J.-L. (*), Zhang, L.-P., Yang, W.(*), Li, Z.-Y., Li, R.-Y., Hu, S., Lin, Y.-T. (2023) NanoSIMS sulfur isotopic analysis at 100 nm scale by imaging technique. Frontiers in Chemistry 11, 1120092.
- Tian, H.(*), Yang, W.(*), Zhang, D., Zhang, H., Jia, L., Wu, S., Lin, Y., Li, X., Wu, F. (2023) Petrogenesis of Chang’E-5 mare basalts: Clues from the trace elements in plagioclase. American Mineralogist 108, 1669-1677.
- Yang, W.(*), Chen, Y., Wang, H., Tian, H.-C., Hui, H., Xiao, Z., Wu, S.-T., Zhang, D., Zhou, Q., Ma, H.-X., Zhang, C., Hu, S., Li, Q.-L., Lin, Y., Li, X.-H., Wu, F.-Y. (2022) Geochemistry of impact glasses in the Chang’e-5 regolith: Constraints on impact melting and the petrogenesis of local basalt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 335, 183-196.
- Chang, R., Yang, W.(*), Lin, H., Xu, R., Gou, S., Wang, R., Lin, Y. (2022) Lunar Terrestrial Analog Experiment on the Spectral Interpretations of Rocks Observed by the Yutu-2 Rover. Remote Sensing 14, 2323.
- Hao, J., Hu, S., Li, R., Ji, J., He, H., Lin, Y., Yang, W.(*) (2022) High Precision and Resolution Chlorine Isotopic Analysis of Apatite Using NanoSIMS. Atomic Spectroscopy. 43, 321-328.
- Li, R.Y., Hao, J.(*), Hu, S., Zhang, W.F., Xia, X.P., Lin, Y., Yang, W.(*) (2022) High-Spatial-Resolution Measurement of Water Content in Olivine Using NanoSIMS 50L. Atomic Spectroscopy. 43, 77-83.
- 杨蔚(*), 胡森, 李秋立, 田恒次, 王浩, 陈意, 林杨挺, 李献华 (2022) 月球火山活动究竟能持续多久?地球科学, 47, 3789-3791.
- Yang, W.(*), Wang, Y.(*), Gao, L.(*), Zhang, D., Yang, J. and Qiu, Z. (2022) Sci-tech arts on Chang'e-5 lunar soil. The Innovation 3, 100300.
- Yang, W.(*), Li, J.-H.(*), Li, X.-Y.(*), He, Y.-S.(*) (2022) Microanalysis Techniques Guarantee Long-Term Research On Chang’e-5 Lunar Samples. Atomic Spectroscopy, 43(4): 266-271.
- Li, J.H.(*), Yang, W.(*), Li, X.Y.(*), He, Y.S.(*) (2022) The Chang'e-5 Lunar Samples Stimulate the Development of Microanalysis Techniques. Atomic Spectroscopy, 43(1): 1-5.
- Tian, H.-C. (#), Wang, H. (#), Chen, Y.(#), Yang, W. (*), Zhou, Q., Zhang, C., Lin, H.-L., Huang, C., Wu, S.-T., Jia, L.-H., Xu, L., Zhang, D., Li, X.-G., Chang, R., Yang, Y.-H., Xie, L.-W., Zhang, D.-P., Zhang, G.-L., Yang, S.-H., Wu, F.-Y. (2021) Non-KREEP origin for Chang’E-5 basalts in the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Nature 600, 59-63.
- Liu, S., Zhou, Q., Li, Q., Hu, S., Yang, W. (*) (2021). Chang’e-5 samples reveal two-billion-year-old volcanic activity on the Moon and its source characteristics. Sci. China Earth Sci. 64, 1-7.
- Hao, J.-L., Yang, W. (*), Hu, S., Li, R.-Y., Ji, J.-L., Changela, H.G., Lin, Y.-T. (2021) Submicron spatial resolution Pb–Pb and U–Pb dating by using a NanoSIMS equipped with the new radio-frequency ion source. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36, 1625-1633.
- Yang, W. and Lin, Y. (2021) New lunar samples returned by Chang’E-5: Opportunities for new discoveries and international collaboration. The Innovation 2, 100070.
- 杨蔚, 李雄耀, 魏勇 (2021) 青年学者投身行星科学与深空探测的机遇和挑战. 中国科学院院刊 36, 597-601.
- Yan, H. (*), Liu, C., An, Z. (*), Yang, W. (*), Yang, Y., Huang, P., Qiu, S., Zhou, P., Zhao, N., Fei, H., Ma, X., Shi, G., Dodson, J., Hao, J., Yu, K., Wei, G., Yang, Y., Jin, Z. and Zhou, W. (2020) Extreme weather events recorded by daily to hourly resolution biogeochemical proxies of marine giant clam shells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201916784.
- Lin, Y., Hao, J., Miao, Z., Zhang, J.(*) and Yang, W.(*) (2020) NanoSIMS image enhancement by reducing random noise using low-rank method. Surface and Interface Analysis, 1-9.
- Hao, J., Yang, W. (*), Huang, W., Xu, Y., Lin, Y. and Changela, H. (2019) NanoSIMS measurements of sub-micrometer particles using the local thresholding technique. Surface and Interface Analysis, 1-6.
- Wang, X., Bei, Q. (*), Yang, W. (*), Zhang, H., Hao, J., Qian, L., Feng, Y., Xie, Z. (*), 2020. Unveiling of active diazotrophs in a flooded rice soil by combination of NanoSIMS and 15N2-DNA-stable isotope probing. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
- Tian, H.-C. (*), Zhang, C., Teng, F.-Z., Long, Y.-J., Li, S.-G., He, Y., Ke, S., Chen, X.-Y., Yang, W.(*), 2020. Diffusion-driven extreme Mg and Fe isotope fractionation in Panzhihua ilmenite: Implications for the origin of mafic intrusion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Long, Y.-J., Yang, W. (*), Lin, Y.-T., Yang, J.-H., Hao, J.-L., Zhang, J.-C., 2019. Sub-micron trace elemental distributions and U-Pb dating of zircon from the oldest rock in the Anshan area, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 322, 1-17.
- Tian, H.-C., Yang, W. (*), Li, S.-G. (*), Ke, S., Duan, X.-Z., 2018. Low δ26Mg volcanic rocks of Tengchong in Southwestern China: A deep carbon cycle induced by supercritical liquids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 240: 191-219.
- Tian, H.-C., Yang, W.(*), Li, S.-G.(*), Ke, S., 2017. Could sedimentary carbonates be recycled into the lower mantle? Constraints from Mg isotopic composition of Emeishan basalts. Lithos 292-293, 250-261.
- Li, S.-G.(*), Yang, W.(*), Ke, S., Meng, X., Tian, H., Xu, L., He, Y., Huang, J., Wang, X.-C., Xia, Q., Sun, W., Yang, X., Ren, Z.-Y., Wei, H., Liu, Y.-S., Meng, F. and Yan, J. 2017. Deep carbon cycles constrained by a large-scale mantle Mg isotope anomaly in eastern China. National Science Review 4, 111-120.
- Tian, H., Yang, W.(*), Li, S.-G.(*), Ke, S. and Chu, Z., 2016. Origin of low δ26Mg basalts with EM-I component: Evidence for interaction between enriched lithosphere and carbonated asthenosphere. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 93-105.
- Yang, W. (*), Lin, Y., Hao, J., Zhang, J., Hu, S., Ni, H., 2016. Phosphorus?controlled trace element distribution in zircon revealed by NanoSIMS. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171:28. doi:10.1007/s00410-016-1242-z
- Yang, W.(*), Teng, F.-Z.(*), Li, W.-Y., Liu, S.-A., Ke, S., Liu, Y.-S., Zhang, H.-F., Gao, S., 2016. Magnesium isotopic composition of the deep continental crust. American Mineralogist, 101(2): 243-252.
- Yang, W.(*), Hu, S., Zhang, J., Hao, J., Lin, Y., 2015. NanoSIMS analytical technique and its applications in earth sciences. Science China Earth Sciences 58(10): 1758-1767. 杨蔚,胡森,张建超,郝佳龙,林杨挺,2015. 纳米离子探针分析技术及其在地球科学中的应用. 中国科学:地球科学 45(9): 1335-1346.
- Yang, W.(*), Lin, Y.-T., Zhang, J.-C., Hao, J.-L., Shen, W.-J., Hu, S., 2012. Precise micrometre-sized Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating with NanoSIMS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27, 479-487.
- Yang, W.(*), Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, H.-F., Li, S.-G., 2012. Magnesium isotopic systematics of continental basalts from the North China craton: Implications for tracing subducted carbonate in the mantle. Chemical Geology 328, 185-194.
- Yang, W.(*), Zhang, H.-F., 2012. Zircon geochronology and Hf isotopic composition of Mesozoic magmatic rocks from Chizhou, the Lower Yangtze Region: Constraints on their relationship with Cu–Au mineralization. Lithos 150, 37-48.
- Yang, W.(*), Teng, FZ., Zhang, HF., 2009. Chondritic magnesium isotopic composition of the terrestrial mantle: A case study of peridotite xenoliths from the North China craton, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288, 475 – 482.
- Yang, W., Li, SG.(*), 2008. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Western Liaoning: Implications for lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton, Lithos, 102, 88-117.
- Yang, W., Li, SG.(*), Jiang, BY., 2007. New evidence for Cretaceous age of the feathered dinosaurs of Liaoning: zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating of the Yixian Formation in Sihetun, northeast China, Cretaceous Research, 28, 177-182.
合作作者: - Qiu, M., Hu, S., He, H., Yue, Z., Hui, H., Hao, J., Li, R., Gou, S., Gu, L., Tang, X., Li, J., Yang, W., Tian, H., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L., Li, X., Chen, Y., Wu, S., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Li, X. and Wu, F. (2025) Discovery of a highly shocked alkali suite clast in the Chang'e-5 lunar soils. Icarus 429, 116448.
- Gou, S., Yue, Z., Lin, Y., Di, K., Pinet, P.C., Bugiolacchi, R., He, Y., Yang, W., Lin, H., Tian, H. and Hu, S. (2024) Complex basalt evolution in the Chang'e-6 landing area. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 648, 119091.
- Hu, S., Anand, M., Franchi, I.A., Zhao, X., Stephant, A., Bonifacie, M., He, H., Yang, W., Hao, J. and Lin, Y. (2024) Multiple hydrothermal events at martian surface revealed by H and Cl isotope systematics of melt inclusions and hydrous minerals from chassignite NWA 2737. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 648, 119072.
- Zhou, Q., Tian, H.-C., Shan, L., Hu, S., Yang, W., He, M., Zhang, L., Lin, Y. and Li, X. (2024) Revisiting the formation of lunar anorthosites via the Rb Sr isotope systematics. Lithos 486-487, 107780.
- Huang, L., Xu, Y., Qin, L., Liu, Y., Gu, L., Tian, H.-C., Hao, J., Zhang, F., Du, W., Yang, J., Hui, H., Yang, W., Lin, Y. and Zou, Y. (2024) Petrography, Crystallography, and Geochronology of Baddeleyite With Two Morphologies in a Chang'e-5 Lunar Basalt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 129, e2023JE007955.
- Zhang, Y., Hui, H., Hu, S., Hao, J., Li, R., Yang, W., Li, Q., Lin, Y., Li, X. and Wu, F. (2024b) Extremely large Cl isotopic fractionation in Chang'e-5 impact glass beads. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 644, 118933.
- Zou, Y., Wu, H., Chai, S., Yang, W., Ruan, R. and Zhao, Q. (2024) Development and characterization of the PolyU-1 lunar regolith simulant based on Chang’e-5 returned samples. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 34, 1317-1326.
- Liu, C., Yan, H., Zhao, L., Zhao, N., Luo, F., Wen, H., Yang, H., Yang, W., Hao, J., Liang, C., Tanaka, K., Murakami-Sugihara, N., Shirai, K., Takahata, N., Dodson, J. and Schöne, B.R. (2024) Potential environment effect on ultrahigh resolution Sr/Ca of giant clam shells from South China Sea. Coral Reefs 43, 1511-1521.
- Qian, Y., Head, J., Michalski, J., Gong, S., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Xiao, L., Li, X. and Zhao, G. (2024) Extensive Intrusive Magmatism in the Lunar Farside Apollo and South Pole–Aitken Basins, Chang’e-6 Landing Site. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 971, L39.
- Jiang, J., Zou, X., Mitchell, R.N., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Yin, Q.-Z., Yang, W., Zhou, X., Wang, H., Spencer, C.J., Shan, X., Wu, S., Li, G., Qin, K. and Li, X.-H. (2024) Sediment subduction in Hadean revealed by machine learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2405160121.
- Qian, Y., Head, J., Michalski, J., Wang, X., van der Bogert, C.H., Hiesinger, H., Sun, L., Yang, W., Xiao, L., Li, X. and Zhao, G. (2024b) Long-lasting farside volcanism in the Apollo basin: Chang'e-6 landing site. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 637, 118737.
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