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姓名: 黄圣轩 性别:
职称: 特聘副研究员 学历: 博士
电话: 传真: 010-62010846
Email: shengxuan.huang@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所

  黄圣轩,特聘副研究员。主要研究方向为地球与行星内部物质组成和挥发分循环。利用高温高压实验技术、同步辐射谱学以及第一性原理模拟等手段,约束了氮、碳在地球内部的分布、赋存形式和输运过程,进一步限定了地球氮、碳的起源、对地核密度亏损的贡献以及超深金刚石形成环境等。目前共发表学术论文三十篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在EPSL、GRL、JGR Solid Earth等期刊发表论文13篇。



  1. 挥发分深部循环与起源
  2. 核幔相互作用
  3. 高温高压实验技术开发

  1. 日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员项目,22F22020,主持(已结题)
  2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022M710194,主持(已结题)
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42072047,参与(已结题)



30. Huang Shengxuan*, Tsuchiya Taku* (2025) Nitrogen-carbon-argon features of the silicate Earth established by deep core-mantle differentiation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 657, 119291.

29. 张静宜, 黄圣轩, 秦善* (2025) NH4Cl的高压相变及弹性性质实验研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 61(1), 121-129.

28. Zhang Jingyi, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan*, Chariton Stella, Prakapenka Vitali B., Chen Bin (2025) Chemical stability and thermoelastic properties of Si3N4 at high pressures and temperatures: Implication for nitrogen storage in the deep Earth. Journal of Earth Science, doi: 10.1007/s12583-024-0014-3.


27. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Chariton Stella, Prakapenka Vitali B., Qin Shan, Chen Bin* (2024) Thermoelastic anomaly of iron carbonitride across the spin transition and implications for planetary cores. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(16), e2024GL108973.

26. Zhai Tianlei, Qin Fei, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan*, Gong Yu (2024) Effect of iron on the stability of rhodochrosite at the topmost lower mantle pressures. Journal of Earth Science, 35(2), 504-513.

25. Liang Lin, Zhang Guibin, Huang Shengxuan, Niu Jingjing, Zhang Dongzhou, Xu Jingui, Liang Wen, Qin Shan* (2024) High-pressure behavior of ferromagnesite (Mg0.81Fe0.19)CO3 by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy up to 53 GPa. Journal of Earth Science, 35(2), 525-535.


24. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Chariton Stella, Prakapenka Vitali B., Liang Lin, Zhang Dongzhou, Yang Yan, Chen Bin, Qin Shan* (2022) Experimental constraints on the fate of subducted sedimentary nitrogen in the reduced mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 127(12), e2022JB025169.

23. Huang Shengxuan, Hu Qingyang* (2022) Medium-range structure motifs of complex iron oxides. Journal of Applied Physics, 131(7), 070902.

22. Hou Bingxu, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan* (2022) Phase transitions and compressibility of alkali-bearing double carbonates at high pressures: A first-principles calculations study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 49(8), 34.


21. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Zhu Feng, Lai Xiaojing, Li Jie, Neill Owen K., Qin Shan, Rapp Robert, Zhang Dongzhou, Dera Przemyslaw, Chariton Stella, Prakapenka Vitali B., Chen Bin* (2021) High-pressure phase stability and thermoelastic properties of iron carbonitrides and nitrogen in the deep Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 126(6), e2021JB021934.

20. Zhai Tianlei, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan*, Niu Jingjing, Gong Yu (2021) Redox-induced destabilization of dolomite at Earth’s mantle transition zone. Journal of Earth Science, 32(4), 880-886.

19. 吴沈卉, 黄圣轩, 秦霏, 秦善* (2021) 黑柱石的高压相变及其压缩性研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 57(6), 1079-1086.


18. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Hou Bingxu, Qin Shan* (2020) Magnetism-vanishing stabilizes the pyrite-type 3d transition metal peroxides at high pressures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(18), 10085-10093.

17. Liu Yungui, Huang Shengxuan, Li Xiang, Song Haipeng, Xu Jingui, Zhang Dongzhou, Wu Xiang* (2020) Pressure-induced phase transition in Mn(Ta,Nb)2O6: An experimental investigation and first-principle study. Inorganic Chemistry, 59(24), 18122-18130.

16. Wu Ye*, Huang Shengxuan, Huang Haijun, Wu Xiang, Liu Hanyu* (2020) Structural characteristics and elasticities of coesite and coesite-II at high pressure. New Journal of Physics, 22(9), 093044.


15. Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan, Wu Xiang* (2019) Elasticity and anisotropy of the pyrite-type FeO2H-FeO2 system in Earth’s lowermost mantle. Journal of Earth Science, 30(6), 1293-1301.

14. Yuan Guan, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Shan*, Wu Xiang, Ding Hongrui, Lu Anhuai (2019) Structural, optical and thermal properties of Cs2SnI6-xBrx mixed perovskite solid solution. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2019(20), 2524-2529.

13. He Xuejing, Guo Jiazeng, Wu Xiang*, Huang Shengxuan, Qin Fei, Gu Xiangping, Qin Shan* (2019) Compressibility of natural schreibersite up to 50 GPa. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 46(1), 91-99.


12. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Qin Shan (2018) Ultra-high pressure phase transitions in FeS2 and FeO2: implications for super-Earths’ deep interior. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 123(1), 277-284.

11. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Qin Shan (2018) Stability and anisotropy of (FexNi1-x)2O under high pressure and implications in Earth’s and super-Earths’ core. Scientific Reports, 8, 236.

10. Huang Shengxuan, Wu Xiang*, Niu Jingjing, Qin Shan (2018) Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of CrO2 at multimegabar pressures. RSC Advances, 8(43), 24561-24570.

9.  Yuan Guan, Huang Shengxuan, Niu Jingjing, Qin Shan*, Wu Xiang, Ding Hongrui, Lu Anhuai (2018) Compressibility of Cs2SnBr6 by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Solid State Communications, 275, 68-72.

8.  Kang Duan, Wu Xiang*, Yuan Guan, Huang Shengxuan, Niu Jingjing, Gao Jing, Qin Shan (2018) High-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic study of plumbogummite. Chinese Physics B, 27(1), 17402.


7.  Huang Shengxuan, Kang Duan, Wu Xiang*, Niu Jingjing, Qin Shan (2017) Pressure-induced structural and spin transitions of Fe3S4. Scientific Reports, 7, 46334.


6.  黄圣轩, 巫翔*, 秦善 (2016) 高温高压下元素配分的原位实验与计算模拟研究进展. 岩矿分析, 35(2), 117-126.

5.  张晋丽*, 黄圣轩, 唐宾, 董俊才, 陈栋梁, 巫翔 (2016) 日本马氏贝珍珠化学组成的同步辐射 X 射线荧光光谱分析. 岩石矿物学杂志, 35(4), 729-734.

4.  张晋丽*, 黄圣轩, 唐宾, 巫翔 (2016) 基于同步辐射 X 射线荧光光谱研究日本马氏贝珍珠中 Zn 与 Hg 的元素相关性. 岩石矿物学杂志, 35(S1), 91-98.

3.  黄获*, 黄圣轩, 张晋丽, 严建国 (2016) 同步辐射射线荣光光谱研究台湾红珊瑚生长环带的元素分布. 岩石矿物学杂志, 35(S1), 106-110.

2.  李灵洁*, 张晋丽, 黄圣轩, 何丽伟, 唐宾 (2016) 紫色日本马氏贝珍珠颜色成因研究. 岩石矿物学杂志, 35(S1), 133-139.


1.  Huang Shengxuan, Lai Xiaojing, Zhu Feng, Wu Xiang*, Yang Ke, Qin Shan* (2015) Pressure-induced phase transition and dissociation of PbMoO4. Physica Status Solidi B, 252(10), 2215-2221.

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