姓名: |
杨蕾 |
性别: |
女 |
职称: |
特聘研究员 |
学历: |
博士 |
电话: |
010-82998520 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
yanglei2@mail.iggcas.ac.cn; yanglei0910@outlook.com |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
研究聚焦陆内、俯冲带的断层系统,通过发展超密集台阵地震观测技术、机器学习数据去噪算法和高精度波动方程数值解法,提高微地震监测和结构成像的精度,提升对地球内部结构和活动性的认识。在Science子刊及地球物理领域重要国际期刊发表论文13篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文8篇(3篇发表在 Science Advances期刊)。以主持人或共同主持人身份承担由美国国家科学基金(NSF)和美国地质调查局(USGS)联合资助的项目共3项。获批国家发明专利一项。担任地球物理学会地震学专委会秘书。 |
研究方向: |
获奖及荣誉: |
北京市青年人才托举工程 (2023)
SEG/Chevron Scholarship (2016)
SEG/WesternGeco/Carl Savit Memorial Scholarship (2015)
SEG Foundation Scholarship (2015)
Michael T. Spradley Memorial Scholarship (2014)
中国科学院院长奖 (2016年度、2017年度)
代表论著: |
Lei Yang, Xin Liu, Weiqiang Zhu, Liang Zhao, Gregory C. Beroza. 2022. Toward Improved Urban Earthquake Monitoring through Deep-Learning-Based Noise Suppression. Science Advances, 8, eabl3564.
Lei Yang, Xin Liu, Gregory C. Beroza. 2021. Revisiting Evidence for Widespread Seismicity in the Upper Mantle under Los Angeles. Science Advances, 7, eabf2862.
Xin Liu, Gregory C. Beroza*, Lei Yang*, William Ellsworth. 2021. Ambient noise Love wave attenuation tomography for the LASSIE array across Los Angeles basin. Science Advances, 7, eabe1030.
Lei Yang, Hongyong Yan, Hong Liu. 2017. Optimal staggered-grid finite-difference schemes based on the minimax approximation method with the Remez algorithm. Geophysics, 82(1), T27-T42.
Lei Yang, Hongyong Yan, Hong Liu. 2017. An optimal implicit staggered-grid finite-difference scheme based on the modified Taylor-series expansion with minimax approximation method for elastic modeling. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 138, 161-171.
Lei Yang, Hongyong Yan, Hong Liu. 2016. Optimal implicit staggered-grid finite-difference schemes based on the sampling approximation method for seismic modelling. Geophysical Prospecting, 64, 595-610.
Lei Yang, Hongyong Yan, Hong Liu. 2015. Optimal rotated staggered-grid finite-difference schemes for elastic wave modeling in TTI media. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 122, 40-52.
Lei Yang, Hongyong Yan, Hong Liu. 2014. Least squares staggered-grid finite-difference for elastic wave modelling. Exploration Geophysics, 45(4), 255-260.
Hongyong Yan, Lei Yang, Xiang-Yang Li. 2016. Optimal staggered-grid finite-difference schemes by combining Taylor-series expansion and sampling approximation for wave equation modeling. Journal of Computational Physics, 326, 913-930.
Hongyong Yan, Lei Yang, Hengchang Dai, Xiang-Yang Li. 2016. Implementation of elastic prestack reverse-time migration using an efficient finite-difference scheme. Acta Geophysica, 64(5), 1605-1625.
Hongyong Yan, Lei Yang, Xiang-Yang Li, Hong Liu. 2016. Acoustic VTI modeling using an optimal time-space domain finite-difference scheme. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 24, 1650016.
Hongyong Yan, Lei Yang. 2017. Seismic modeling with an optimal staggered-grid finite-difference scheme based on combining Taylor-series expansion and minimax approximation. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 61(3), 560-574.
Hongyong Yan, Lei Yang, Hong Liu. 2015. Acoustic reverse-time migration using optimal staggered-grid finite-difference operator based on least squares. Acta Geophysica, 63(3), 715-734.
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