姓名: |
陈竑然 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
特聘副研究员 |
学历: |
博士 |
电话: |
/ |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
chenhongran[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
陈竑然,特聘副研究员,1990年生,福建漳州人。主要从事岩石脆性破裂机理、滑坡和构造地震成因机制与预测方法研究,通过剖析主控锁固型滑坡与构造地震演化的地质结构——锁固段的渐进破裂物理机制和力学规律,推动上述灾害物理预测难题的解决。研究成果主要发表于Engineering Geology等国际专业SCI期刊。
承担科研项目情况: |
国家自然科学基金青年项目,锁固段加速破裂阶段微震活动模式的成因机制与能量特征, 2022.1-2024.12,主持
中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助),锁固段峰值强度点与体积膨胀点处破裂事件能级的关系, 2018.11-2023.1,主持
代表论著: |
Xu Chao, Cui Yuan, Xue Lei, Chen Hongran, Dong Jinyu, Zhao Haixi. 2023. Experimental study on mechanical properties and failure behaviours of new materials for modeling rock bridges. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 23: 1696-1711.
Chen Hongran, Qin Siqing, Xue Lei, Yang Baicun, Zhang Ke. 2022. Universal precursor seismicity pattern before locked-segment rupture and evolutionary rule for landmark earthquakes. Geoscience Frontiers, 13: 101314.
Chen Hongran, Niu Jingrui, Zhai Mengyang. 2022. An evaluation index of fracability for reservoir rocks based on fracture process zone. Materials, 15: 8485.
Chen Hongran, Niu Jingrui, Zhai Mengyang. 2022. Characteristics of the fracture process zone for reservoir rock with various heterogeneity. Energies, 15: 8332.
翟梦阳, 秦四清, 薛雷, 陈竑然, 张珂. 2022. 白龙江引水工程代古寺水库及其周围地区地震危险性评估. 工程地质学报, 30(3): 920-930.
Chen Hongran, Qin Siqing, Xue Lei, Xu Chao. 2021. Why the Xintan landslide was not triggered by the heaviest historical rainfall: Mechanism and review. Engineering Geology, 294: 106379.
Chen Hongran, Di Qingyun, Zhang Wenxiu, Li Yuan, Niu Jingrui. 2021. Effects of bedding orientation on the failure pattern and acoustic emission activity of shale under uniaxial compression. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7(1): 20.
Zhai Mengyang, Xue Lei, Chen Hongran, Xu Chao, Cui Yuan. 2021. Effects of shear rates on the damaging behaviors of layered rocks subjected to direct shear: insights from acoustic emission characteristics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 258(1): 108046.
Yang Baicun, Qin Siqing, Xue Lei, Chen Hongran. 2021. The reasonable range limit of the shape parameter in the Weibull distribution for describing the brittle failure behavior of rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54(6): 1-9.
Chen Hongran, Zhai Mengyang, Xue Lei. 2021. Energy characteristics of acoustic emission at the volume-expansion point of a rock bridge: a new insight into the evolutionary mechanism of coastal cliff collapse. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12): 1338.
吴晓娲, 秦四清, 薛雷, 张珂, 陈竑然, 翟梦阳. 2021. 孕震构造块体与相应地震区划分方法. 地质论评, 67(2): 325-339.
Chen Hongran, Xue Lei. 2020. Numerical investigation on progressive fracture behaviours of macroscopic heterogeneous rock bridge. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 24(5): 603-619.
杨百存, 秦四清, 薛雷, 陈竑然. 2020. 锁固段损伤过程中的能量转化与分配原理. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 41(7): 975-981.
陈竑然, 秦四清, 薛雷, 杨百存, 张珂. 2019. 锁固段之间的力学作用模式. 工程地质学报, 27(1): 1-13.
Chen Hongran, Qin Siqing, Xue Lei, Yang Baicun, Zhang Ke. 2018. A physical model predicting instability of rock slopes with locked segments along a potential slip surface. Engineering Geology, 242: 34-43.
薛雷, 秦四清, 泮晓华, 陈竑然, 杨百存, 张珂. 2018. 锁固型斜坡失稳机理及其物理预测模型. 工程地质学报, 26(1): 179-192.
陈竑然, 秦四清, 薛雷, 杨百存, 张珂, 吴晓娲. 2017. 岩石脆性破坏表征与Weibull分布适用范围. 地球物理学进展, 32(5): 2200-2206.
杨百存, 秦四清, 薛雷, 陈竑然, 吴晓娲, 张珂. 2017. 岩石加速破裂行为的物理自相似律. 地球物理学报, 60(5): 1746-1760.
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