简历: |
王佳敏,男,1987年生于浙江省杭州市。主要从事变质与变形及喜马拉雅碰撞造山过程研究,运用的手段包括变质岩石学、U-Th-Pb年代学和构造变形解析等。学术成果包括:(1)揭示喜马拉雅核部高级变质岩的两阶段折返,厘定了“高喜马拉雅逆冲断层”的空间分布和活动时代,提出碰撞带有序向南构造挤出的造山模型,为解决争论了20年的碰撞造山模型(临界楔和隧道流)提供重要制约;(2)首次报道喜马拉雅榴辉岩叠加超高温变质作用,揭示其热源为加厚地壳放射性生热与岩石圈减薄共同作用;提出碰撞初期形成冷的榴辉岩vs.成熟期由于地壳加厚而形成麻粒岩化榴辉岩的新模式,限定20-18亿年前地球板块构造样式为现代板块构造类型;(3)刻画喜马拉雅山脉在40百万年前由于地壳加厚而隆升的详细过程和机制;(4)发展独居石激光原位定年技术,丰富了独居石在高温变质作用中生长行为的认识。 2018.01-现在,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,副研究员 2016.12-2017.12,德国波鸿鲁尔大学,岩石学系,访问学者 2015.06-2018.01,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,博士后 2013.09-2014.09,澳大利亚国立大学,地球化学系,访问博士生 2010.09-2015.07,北京大学,构造地质学专业,获博士学位 2006.09-2010.07,吉林大学,地质学专业,获学士学位
获奖及荣誉: |
2010年吉林大学“五四青年地质学家奖” 2022年度“中国科学院青年创新促进会”会员
承担科研项目情况: |
国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:41972065,执行年限:2020.01-2023.12,主持) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号:41602054,执行年限:2017.01-2019.12,主持) 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助(批准号:2016M600126,执行年限:2016.11-2018.01,主持) 支持“率先行动”中国博士后科学基金会与中国科学院联合资助优秀博士后项目(批准号:2015LH0002,执行年限:2016.01-2018.01,主持) 国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目“大陆演化与季风系统演变”(批准号:41888101,执行年限:2019.01-2028.12,参与) 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究(批准号:2019QZKK0703,执行年限:2019.01-2023.12,参与) 国家重点研发计划/项目“白垩纪–古近纪深部碳循环与热室地球演变”(批准号:2022YFF0800800,执行年限:2022.12-2027.11,参与) 中科院地质地球所所自主部署项目“碳中和与地质增汇” (批准号:IGGCAS-202201,执行年限:2023.01-2025.12,课题一负责人)
指导研究生情况: - Gautam P. Khanal, 2020, 尼泊尔喜马拉雅变质-深熔作用和构造演化: 博士学位论文, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京. 270 pp. (与吴福元院士共同指导、现为尼泊尔地矿部高级研究员)
- 杨雷, 2020, 喜马拉雅造山带深熔作用与淡色花岗岩成因关系研究: 博士学位论文, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京. 253 pp. (与吴福元院士共同指导、现为成都理工大学讲师)
- 田雨露,2020年入学,博士在读,研究方向:榴辉岩变质作用及俯冲带碳循环
- 侯康师,2020年入学,博士在读,研究方向:喜马拉雅接触变质作用及构造演化
代表论著: |
第一作者及通讯作者文章: *通讯作者,#学生为第一作者 - Wang, J.-M.*, Larson, K.P., Zhang, J.-J., Zhao, L., Wu, F.-Y., 2023. Buchan-type metamorphic decarbonation during the upward expansion of the South Tibetan Detachment System: A new carbon source in the Himalaya. Lithos, 107428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107428
- Wang, J.-M. *, Hou, K.-S., Yang, L., Liu, X.-C., Wang, R.-C., Li, G.-M., Fu, J.-G., Hu, F.-Y., Tian, Y.-L., Wu, F.-Y., 2023. Mineralogy, petrology and P-T conditions of the spodumene pegmatites and surrounding meta-sediments in Lhozhag, eastern Himalaya. Lithos 456-457, 107295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107295
- Wang, J.M.*, Wu, F., Zhang, J., Khanal, G., Yang, L., 2022. The Himalayan Collisional Orogeny: A Metamorphic Perspective. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition 96, 1842-1866.王佳敏*, 吴福元, 张进江, Khanal G., 杨雷, 2022. 喜马拉雅碰撞造山过程:变质地质学视角. 地质学报, 96(9), 30. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-6724.15022
- Yang, L.#, Wang, J.-M.*, Liu, X.-C., Khanal, G. P., & Wu, F.-Y., 2022. Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Disequilibrium During the Partial Melting of Metasediments: Insight From Himalayan Leucosome. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.891960
- Wang, J.-M.*, Lanari, P., Wu, F.-Y., Zhang, J.-J., Khanal, G.P., Yang, L, 2021. First evidence of eclogites overprinted by ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in Everest East, Himalaya: Implications for collisional tectonics on early Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 558, 116760. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116760
- Khanal, G.P.#, Wang, J.-M.*, Larson, K.P., Wu, F.-Y., Rai, S.M., Wang, J.G., Yang L., 2021. Eocene Metamorphism and Anatexis in the Kathmandu Klippe, Central Nepal: Implications for Early Crustal Thickening and Initial Rise of the Himalaya. Tectonics, 40(4): e2020TC006532. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006532
- Khanal, G.P.#, Wang, J.-M.*, Wu, F.-Y., Wang, J.G. Yang L., 2020. In-sequence buoyancy extrusion of the Himalayan Metamorphic Core, central Nepal: Constraints from monazite petrochronology and thermobarometry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 199, 104406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104406
- Wang, J.-M.*, Wu, F.-Y., Rubatto, D., Liu, K., Zhang, J.-J., Liu, X.-C., 2018. Early Miocene rapid exhumation in southern Tibet: Insights from P-T-t-D-magmatism path of Yardoi dome. Lithos 304-307, 38-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.02.003
- Wang, J.-M.*, Wu, F.-Y., Rubatto, D., Liu, S.-R., Zhang, J.-J., Liu, X.-C., Yang, L., 2017. Monazite behaviour during isothermal decompression in pelitic granulites: A case study from Dinggye, Tibetan Himalaya. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, 81. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-017-1400-y
- Wang, J.-M.*, Zhang, J.-J., Liu, K., Zhang, B., Wang, X.-X., Rai, S., Scheltens, M., 2016. Spatial and temporal evolution of tectonometamorphic discontinuities in the central Himalaya: Constraints from P-T paths and geochronology. Tectonophysics 679, 41-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.04.035
- Wang, J.-M., Rubatto, D., Zhang, J.-J.*, 2015. Timing of Partial Melting and Cooling across the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex (Nyalam, Central Himalaya): In-sequence Thrusting and its Implications. Journal of Petrology 56, 1677-1702. https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egv050
- Wang, J., Zhang, J.*, Wei, C., Rai, S., Wang, M., Qian, J., 2015. Characterising the metamorphic discontinuity across the Main Central Thrust Zone of eastern-central Nepal. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 101, 83-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.01.027
- Wang, J.M., Zhang, J.J.*, Wang, X.X., 2013. Structural kinematics, metamorphic P-T profiles and zircon geochronology across the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex in south-central Tibet: Implication for a revised channel flow. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31, 607-628. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12036
代表性合作文章: - 姜禾禾, 王佳敏, 万博. 国际岩矿地球化学固碳技术研究进展[J]. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(2): 494-508.
- Liu, X.-C., Wu, F.-Y., Kohn, M.J., Liu, Z.-C., Ji, W.-Q., Wang, J.-M., Yang, L., He, S.-X., 2022. Plutonic-subvolcanic connection of the Himalayan leucogranites: Insights from the Eocene Lhunze complex, southern Tibet. Lithos 434-435, 106939.
- Zhao, L., Guo, Z., Yuan, H., Wang, X., Shen, H., Yang, J., Sun, B., Tan, N., Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Wang, J., Ji, W., Zhu, R., 2023. Dynamic modeling of tectonic carbon processes: State of the art and conceptual workflow. Sci. China Earth Sci. 66, 456-471.
- Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Candan, O., Wang, J.-M., Okay, A.I., Wu, F.-Y., Ergen, A., Zack, T., Siebel, W., Shangh, C.K., Schwarz, W.H., Meyer, H.-P., Sat?r, M., 2023. Carboniferous mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Pontides (Pulur Complex): Implications for the source of coeval voluminous granites. Lithos 436-437, 106946.
- Liu, X.-C., Wu, F.-Y., Kohn, M.J., Liu, Z.-C., Ji, W.-Q., Wang, J.-M., Yang, L., He, S.-X., 2022. Plutonic-subvolcanic connection of the Himalayan leucogranites: Insights from the Eocene Lhunze complex, southern Tibet. Lithos 434-435, 106939.
- Babaoglu, C., Topuz, G., Okay, A.I., Koksal, S., Wang, J.-M., Toksoy-Koksal, F., 2023. Middle Permian basic and acidic volcanism in the Istanbul zone (NW Turkey): evidence for post-variscan extensional magmatism. International Geology Review, 1-18.
- Zhang, L., Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Cai, F., Zhao, Z., . . . Li, X., 2022. The rheology and deformation of the South Tibetan Detachment System as exposed at Zherger La, east-central Himalaya: Implications for exhumation of the Himalayan metamorphic core. Journal of Structural Geology, 157, 104559.
- Wang, D., Liu, F.-L., Palin, R., Wang, J.-M., Wolf, M., Ji, L., & Wang, F., 2021. A newly discovered Late Cretaceous metamorphic belt along the active continental margin of the Neo-Tethys ocean. GSA Bulletin, 134 (1-2): 223–240.
- He, S.-X., Liu, X.-C., Yang, L., Wang, J.-M., Hu, F.-Y., & Wu, F.-Y., 2021. Multistage magmatism recorded in a single gneiss dome: Insights from the Lhagoi Kangri leucogranites, Himalayan orogen. Lithos, 398-399, 106222.
- Topuz, G., Candan, O., Wang, J.-M., Li, Q.-L., Wu, F.-Y., Yilmaz, A., 2021. Silurian A-type metaquartz-syenite to -granite in the Eastern Anatolia: Implications for Late Ordovician-Silurian rifting at the northern margin of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 91, 1-17.
- Wu, F.-Y., Liu, X.-C., Liu, Z.-C., Wang, R.-C., Xie, L., Wang, J-M., Ji, W.-Q., Yang, L., Liu, C., Khanal, G.P., He, S.-X., 2020. Highly fractionated Himalayan leucogranites and associated rare-metal mineralization. Lithos 352-353: 105319.
- Ji, W.-Q., Wu, F.-Y., Wang, J.-M., Liu, X.-C., Liu, Z.-C., Zhang, Z.-Y., Cao, W.-R., Wang, J.-G., Zhang,C., 2020. Early Evolution of Himalayan Orogenic Belt and Generation of Middle Eocene Magmatism: Constraint From Haweng Granodiorite Porphyry in the Tethyan Himalaya. Frontiers in Earth Science 8(236).
- 何少雄, 刘小驰, 王佳敏, 胡方泱, 吴福元, 2020. 淡色花岗岩中红柱石的成因研究. 南京大学学报 (自然科学) 56.
- Yang, L.#, Liu, X.-C., Wang, J.-M., Wu, F.-Y., 2019. Is Himalayan leucogranite a product by in situ partial melting of the Greater Himalayan Crystalline? A comparative study of leucosome and leucogranite from Nyalam, southern Tibet. Lithos 342-343: 542-556.
- Zhang, C., Liu, C.-Z., Xu, Y., Ji, W.-B., Wang, J.-M., Wu, F.-Y., Liu, T., Zhang, Z.-Y., Zhang, W.-Q., 2019. Subduction re-initiation at dying ridge of Neo-Tethys: Insights from mafic and metamafic rocks in Lhaze ophiolitic mélange, Yarlung-Tsangbo Suture Zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 523: 115707.
- 凌逸云, 张进江, 王佳敏, 王洋, 刘世然, 2018. 藏南定结地区喜马拉雅造山带新生代的隆升剥蚀历史及其地质意义. 地质科学 53, 1375-1388.
- Wu, F., Liu, X., Ji, W., Wang, J., Yang, L., 2017. Highly fractionated granites: Recognition and research. Science China Earth Sciences 60, 1201-1219.
- Wang, R., Wu, F., Xie, L., Liu, X., Wang, J., Yang, L., Lai, W., Liu, C., 2017. A preliminary study of rare-metal mineralization in the Himalayan leucogranite belts, South Tibet. Science China Earth Sciences 60, 1655-1663.
- Zhang, B., Yin, C.Y., Zhang, J.J., Wang, J.M., Zhong, D.L., Wang, Y., Lai, Q.Z., Yue, Y.H., Zhou, Q.Y., 2017. Midcrustal shearing and doming in a Cenozoic compressive setting along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18, 400-433.
- Ling, Y.-Y., Zhang, J.-J., Liu, K., Ge, M.-H., Wang, M., Wang, J.-M., 2017. Geochemistry, geochronology, and tectonic setting of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the northern segment of the Tan–Lu Fault region, northeast China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 144, 303-322.
- Ge, M.-H., Zhang, J.-J., Li, L., Liu, K., Ling, Y.-Y., Wang, J.-M., Wang, M., 2017. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Heilongjiang Complex and the granitoids from the Lesser Xing'an-Zhangguangcai Range: Implications for the late Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonics of eastern NE China. Tectonophysics 717, 565-584.
- Liu, K., Zhang, J., Wilde, S.A., Zhou, J., Wang, M., Ge, M., Wang, J., Ling, Y., 2017. Initial subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Oceanic plate in NE China: Constraints from whole-rock geochemistry and zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes of the Khanka Lake granitoids. Lithos 274–275, 254-270.
- Liu, K., Zhang, J., Wilde, S.A., Liu, S., Guo, F., Kasatkin, S.A., Golozoubov, V.V., Ge, M., Wang, M., Wang, J., 2017. U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopes of detrital zircons from the southern Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt, Russian Far East: Tectonic implications for the Early Cretaceous evolution of the Northwest Pacific margin. Tectonics, 2555-2598.
- 王晓先, 张进江, 王佳敏, 2016. 北喜马拉雅佩枯花岗岩年代学, 成因机制及其构造意义. 地球科学: 中国地质大学学报, 982-998.
- Zheng, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Zhang, B., Wang, X., Wang, M., 2014. Rapid denudation of the Himalayan orogen in the Nyalam area, southern Tibet, since the Pliocene and implications for tectonics–climate coupling. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 874-885.
- Wang, X., Zhang, J., Liu, J., Yan, S., Wang, J., 2013. Middle-Miocene transformation of tectonic regime in the Himalayan orogen. Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 108-117.
- 张进江, 王佳敏, 王晓先, 张波, 2013. 喜马拉雅造山带造山模式探讨. 地质科学 48, 362-383.