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姓名: 赵俊兴 性别:
职称: 副研究员 学历: 博士
电话: 010-82998190 传真: 010-62010846
Email: zhaojunxing[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所
  • 2003.09-2007.07,中山大学,地球科学系,地质学专业,获学士学位 
  • 2007.09-2013.06,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业,获博士学位 
  • 2013.06-2017.01,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,固体矿产资源研究室,博士后 
  • 2015.04-2016.04,澳大利亚James Cook大学,EGRU,访问学者(CSC资助)
  • 2019.11-2020.11,加拿大多伦多大学,Department of Earth Sciences,,访问学者(中科院资助)
  • 2017.01——至今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,固体矿产资源研究室,副研究员
  1. 花岗岩型与花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属成矿作用(Li-Be-Nb-Ta-W-Sn);
  2. 中酸性岩浆有关的流体出溶过程和金属沉淀;
  3. 岩浆-热液成矿系统成矿作用(热液蚀变和流体作用);
  4. 热液矿床剥露过程与保存条件。
  • 2019年获中国科学院青促会会员
  • 2021年度中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所优秀科技成果奖(喜马拉雅锂矿选区研究与发现,排名第一)
  • 2023年获自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程(地质找矿方向)青年科技人才



第一作者和通讯作者发表SCIEI (其中*为通讯作者)

1.赵俊兴, 刘小驰. 2024. 青藏高原锂资源成岩-成矿作用研究进展:前言. 岩石学报, 40(2): 339-346.

2. 施睿哲, 赵俊兴*, 何畅通, 秦克章, 赵永能, 曹明坚, 贾丽辉. 2024. 西藏琼嘉岗伟晶岩型锂矿矿物包裹体形成过程及其对熔-流体特征的指示. 岩石学报, 40(2): 450-464.

3. Shi, R.Z., Zhao, J.X.*, Evans, N.J., Qin, K.Z., Wang, F.Y., Li, Z.Z., Han, R., Li, X.H., 2021. Temporal-spatial variations in Li-Fe mica compositions from the Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit (NE China): Implications for deposit-scale fluid evolution. Ore Geology Reviews, 134. 104132

4. Zhao, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Evans, N.J., Li, G.M., Shi, R.Z., 2020. Volatile components and magma-metal sources at the Sharang porphyry Mo deposit, Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews, 126, 103779.

5. Zhao, J. X., Qin, K. Z.*, Xiao, B., McInnes, B. A., Li, G. M., Evans, N., Cao, M.J., Li, J. X., 2016. Thermal history of the giant Qulong Cu–Mo deposit, Gangdese metallogenic belt, Tibet: Constraints on magmatic–hydrothermal evolution and exhumation. Gondwana Research, 36: 390-409.

6. Zhao, J. X., Li, G. M.*, Evans, N. J., Qin, K. Z., Li, J. X., Zhang, X. N., 2016. Petrogenesis of Paleocene-Eocene porphyry deposit-related granitic rocks in the Yaguila-Sharang ore district, central Lhasa terrane, Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 129: 38-53.

7. Zhao, J.X., Qin, K.Z.*, Li, G.M., Cao, M.J., Evans, N., McInnes, B.A., Li, J.X., Xiao, B., Chen, L., 2015. The exhumation history of collision-related mineralizing systems in Tibet: Insights from thermal studies of the Sharang and Yaguila deposits, central Lhasa. Ore Geology Reviews, 65: 1043-1061.

8. Zhao, J.X., Qin, K.Z.*, Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Xiao, B., Chen, L., Yang, Y.H., Li, C., Liu, Y.S., 2014. Collision- related genesis for the Sharang porphyry molybdenum deposit, Tibet: Evidence from zircon UPb ages, Re-Os ages and Lu-Hf isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews, 56: 312-326.

9. Zhao, J.X., Qin, K.Z.*, Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Xiao, B. and Chen, L., 2012. Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of granitoids at Eocene Sharang porphyry Mo deposit in the main-stage of India-Asia continental collision, northern Gangdese, Tibet. Resource Geology, 62(1): 84-98.

10.赵俊兴, 何畅通, 施睿哲, 秦克章, 余可龙, 邱骏挺, 李真真, 周起凤. 2022. 西藏雅拉香波穹窿淡色花岗岩-伟晶岩矿物学特征: 对稀有金属成矿指示意义. 岩石学报, 38(7): 1981-2002.

11.赵俊兴, 何畅通, 秦克章, 施睿哲, 刘小驰, 胡方泱, 余可龙, 孙政浩. 2021a. 喜马拉雅琼嘉岗超大型伟晶岩锂矿的形成时代、源区特征及分异特征. 岩石学报, 37(11): 3325-3347. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2021.11.06.

12. 赵俊兴, 苏本勋, UYSAL ?brahim, AYDIN Faruk, 肖燕, SEN Cuneyt, 回凯旋, 秦克章. 2021b. 土耳其西部新生代斑岩成矿岩浆氧逸度-挥发份元素组成演化特征——来自锆石和磷灰石组成约束.岩石学报, 37(8): 2339-2363. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2021.08.06.

13. 赵俊兴, 李光明, 秦克章, 唐冬梅. 2019. 富含钴矿床研究进展与问题分析.科学通报, 64(24): 2484-2500.


1.Hui KX, Rottier B, Qin KZ, Zajacz Z, Tsay A, Zhao JX, Gao S, Shi RZ. 2024. Silver behavior during magmatic and magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of a highly evolved reduced granitic system related to the giant Shuangjianzishan Ag-Pb-Zn-(Sn) epithermal deposit, northeast China. Economic Geology, accepted and in press.

2.Jin, L.-Y., Qin, K.-Z., Rusk, B., Zhao, J.-X., Li, Z.-Z., Li, G.-M. and Song, G.-X., 2024. A transition from porphyry Mo to vein-style Zn-Pb mineralization: Insights from hydrothermal fluid evolution of the Chalukou deposit, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 261: 105968.

3. Liu YC, Qin KZ, Zhao JX, Zhou QF, Shi RZ, He CT, GaoYY. 2023. Feldspar traces mineralization processes in the Qongjiagang giant lithium ore district, Himalaya, Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews, 157, 105451.

4. He CT, Qin KZ*, ZhaoJX, Evans NJ, Li JX, Zhou QF, Wang FY, Li GM. 2023. Late beryllium enrichment during dynamic growth of vesuvianite and scapolite from the Cuonadong Sn-W-Be skarn, Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews, 157, 105442.

5. Jin LY*, Qin KZ*, Li GM, Zhao JX, Li ZZ, Chu ZY, Song GX. 2023. Formation of the Chalukou High Fluorine-Type Mo(–Zn–Pb) Deposit, NE China:Constraints from Fluorite and Sphalerite Rare Earth Elements and Sr–Nd Isotope Compositions. Minerals, 13(1): 77.

6. He CT, Qin KZ*, Zhao JX, Evans NJ, Li JX, Zhou QF, Li GM. 2022. Multiple skarn generations related to composite leucogranites in the Cuonadong Sn-W-Be deposit, Himalaya. Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105161

7.Yu, K.L., Li, G.M., Zhao, J.X., Evans, N.J., Li, J.X., Jiang, G.W., Zou, X.Y., Qin, K. Z. and Guo. H. 2022. Biotite composition as a tracer of fluid evolution and mineralization center: a case study at the Qulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Tibet. Mineralium Deposita, (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-021-01085-w.

8. Cao, M.J., Qin, K.Z., Evans, N.J., Li, G.M., Ling, X.X., McInnes, B.I.A., Zhao, J.X., 2021. Titanite in situ SIMS U–Pb geochronology, elemental and Nd isotopic signatures record mineralization and fluid characteristics at the Pusangguo skarn deposit, Tibet. Mineralium Deposita, 56, 907-916.

9. Hui, K.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, Z.Z., Wang, F.Y., Gao, S., Han, R., Kan, J., Zhao, J.X., Li, G.M., 2021. The linkage between the Jiawula-Chaganbulagen Ag-Pb-Zn and adjacent porphyry Mo-Cu mineralization, Inner Mongolia, northeast China. Ore Geology Reviews, 134, 104153.

10. Chen, L., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X., 2020. In situ major and trace elements of garnet and scheelite in the Nuri Cu–W–Mo deposit, South Gangdese, Tibet: Implications for mineral genesis and ore-forming fluid records. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103549.

11. Zhang, X.-N., Li, G.-M., Qin, K.-Z., Lehmann, B., Li, J.-X., Zhao, J.-X., 2020. Porphyry to epithermal transition at the Rongna Cu-(Au) deposit, Tibet: Insights from H-O isotopes and fluid inclusion analysis. Ore Geology Reviews, 123, 103585.

12. Kouhestani, H., Mokhtari, M.A.A., Qin, K.Z., Zhao, J.X., 2019a. Origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the Marshoun epithermal Pb–Zn–Cu (Ag) deposit, Tarom-Hashtjin metallogenic belt, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 113, 103087.

13. Kouhestani, H., Mokhtari, M.A.A., Qin, K.Z., Zhao, J.X., 2019b. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope constraints on ore genesis of the Zajkan epithermal base metal deposit, Tarom–Hashtjin metallogenic belt, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews,109:564-584.

14. Cao, M.J., Qin, K.Z., Li, G. M., Evans, N.J., McInnes, B., Li, J.X., Zhao, J.X.. 2018. Oxidation state inherited from the magma source and implications for mineralization: Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granitoids, Central Lhasa subterrane, Tibet. Mineralium Deposita, 53(3):299-309.

15. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Evans, N.J., Huang, F., Zhao JX. 2018a. Iron isotope fractionation during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution: A case study from the Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Tibet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 238: 1-15.

16. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Evans, N.J., Zhao, J.X., Yue, Y.H., Xi, J. 2018b. Volatile variations in magmas related to porphyry Cu-Au deposits: Insights from amphibole geochemistry, Duolong district, central Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews, 95: 649 – 662.

17. Zhang, X.N., Li, G.M., Qin, K.Z., Lehmann, B., Li, J.X., Zhao, J.X., Cao, M.J., Zou, X.Y.. 2018. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of Early Cretaceous granodioritic porphyry from the giant Rongna porphyry Cu deposit, central Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 161: 74-92.

18. Li, G.-M., Qin, K.-Z., Li, J.-X., Evans, N.J., Zhao, J.-X., Cao, M.-J., Zhang, X.-N., 2017. Cretaceous magmatism and metallogeny in the Bangong–Nujiang metallogenic belt, central Tibet: Evidence from petrogeochemistry, zircon U–Pb ages, and Hf–O isotopic compositions. Gondwana Research 41, 110-127.

19. Li, J.-X., Qin, K.-Z., Li, G.-M., Evans, N.J., Zhao, J.-X., Cao, M.-J., Huang, F., 2016a. The Nadun Cu–Au mineralization, central Tibet: Root of a high sulfidation epithermal deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 371-387.

20. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X., Chen, L., 2016b. Petrogenesis of Cretaceous igneous rocks from the Duolong porphyry Cu–Au deposit, central Tibet: evidence from zircon U–Pb geochronology, petrochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope characteristics. Geological Journal, 51, 285-307.

21. Li, J.-X., Qin, K.-Z., Li, G.-M., Zhao, J.-X., Cao, M.-J., 2015. Petrogenesis of diabase from accretionary prism in the southern Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet: Evidence from U–Pb geochronology, petrochemistry and Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotope characteristics. Island Arc, 24, 232-244.

22. Chen, L. Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X. and Fan, X. 2015. Zircon U–Pb ages, geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes of the Nuri intrusive rocks in the Gangdese area, southern Tibet: Constraints on timing, petrogenesis, and tectonic transformation. Lithos, 212-215: 379-396.

23. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X., Cao, M.J., Chen, L., 2013. Petrogenesis of ore-bearing porphyries from the Duolong porphyry Cu–Au deposit, central Tibet: Evidence from U–Pb geochronology, petrochemistry and Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotope characteristics. Lithos, 160–161, 216-227.

24. Chen, L., Qin, K.Z., Li, J.X., Xiao, B., Li, G.M., Zhao, J.X. and Fan, X., 2012. Fluid inclusions and hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur isotopes of Nuri Cu-W-Mo deposit in the southern Gangdese, Tibet. Resource Geology, 62(1): 42-62.

25. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Cao, M.J., Xiao, B., Chen, L., Zhao, J.X., Evans, N., McInnes, B.A., 2012a. Petrogenesis and thermal history of the Yulong porphyry copper deposit, Eastern Tibet: insights from U-Pb and U-Th/He dating, and zircon Hf isotope and trace element analysis. Mineralogy and Petrology 105, 201-221.

26. Li, J.X., Li, G.M., Qin, K.Z., Xiao, B., Chen, L. and Zhao, J.X., 2012b. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Cretaceous Duolong gold-rich porphyry copper deposit in the Bangongco Arc, northern Tibet. Resource Geology, 62 (1): 19-41.

27. Xiao, B., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Xia, D.X., Chen, L. and Zhao, J.X., 2012. Highly oxidized magma and fluid evolution of Miocene Qulong giant porphyry Cu- Mo deposit, southern Tibet, China. Resource Geology, 62 (1): 4-18.

28. Li, G.M., Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Duo, J., Zhang, T.P., Xiao, B. and Zhao, J.X., 2012. Geology and hydrothermal alteration of the Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper district in the Bangongco metallogenetic belt, northwestern Tibet. Resource Geology, 62(1): 99-118.

29. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Xiao, B., Zhao, J.X., Chen, L., 2011a. Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Cretaceous Duolong gold-rich porphyry copper deposit in the Bangongco metallogenic belt, Tibet: Evidence from U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 525-536.

30. Li, J.X., Qin, K.Z., Li, G.M., Xiao, B., Chen, L., Zhao, J.X., 2011b. Post-collisional ore-bearing adakitic porphyries from Gangdese porphyry copper belt, southern Tibet: Melting of thickened juvenile arc lower crust. Lithos, 126, 265-277.


1.朱丽群, 秦克章, 赵俊兴, 李俊瑜, 何畅通, 赵永能, 刘宇超. 2024. 石榴子石中的“水”揭示喜马拉雅错热锂辉石伟晶岩快速形成. 岩石学报, 40(2): 465-483.

2.周起凤, 秦克章, 刘宇超, 何畅通, 赵俊兴, 李俊瑜, 朱丽群, 赵永能, 张昕. 2024. 喜马拉雅东段库曲锂辉石伟晶岩锡石研究及指示意义. 岩石学报, 40(2): 433-449.

3.周家喜, 吕志成, 陈书富, 孙载波, 陈辉, 王小虎, 李艳军, 赵俊兴. 2024. 滇中地区新发现高品位氧化物型钴矿点. 岩石学报, 40(2): 623-628.

4.吴福元, 郭春丽, 胡方泱, 刘小驰, 赵俊兴, 李晓峰, 秦克章. 2023. 南岭高分异花岗岩成岩与成矿. 岩石学报, 39(1):1-36.

5.周起凤,秦克章,朱丽群,赵俊兴.2023.花岗伟晶岩成因探讨:岩浆分异与深熔. 地学前缘,30(5), doi. 10. 13745/j. esf. sf. 2023. 5. 8

6.秦克章, 赵俊兴, 何畅通, 施睿哲. 2021. 喜马拉雅琼嘉岗超大型伟晶岩型锂矿的发现及意义. 岩石学报, 37(11): 3277-3286. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2021.11.02.

7. 周起凤, 秦克章, 何畅通, 吴华英, 刘宇超, 牛向龙, 莫凌超, 刘小驰, 赵俊兴. 2021. 喜马拉雅东段库曲岩体锂、铍和铌钽稀有金属矿物研究及指示意义. 岩石学报, 37(11): 3305-3324. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2021.11.05.

8. 秦克章, 周起凤, 赵俊兴, 何畅通, 刘小驰, 施睿哲, 刘宇超. 2021. 喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩带伟晶岩的富铍成矿特点及向更高处找锂. 地质学报, 95(10): 3146-3162.

9. 回凯旋, 秦克章, 韩日, 赵俊兴, 王乐, 高燊, 张夏楠. 2021. 岩浆热液型银矿床、银矿省及形成的控制因素. 岩石学报, 37(8): 2502-2520. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2021.08.15.

10. 秦克章, 赵俊兴, 范宏瑞, 唐冬梅, 李光明, 余可龙, 曹明坚, 苏本勋. 2021. 试论主要类型矿床的形成深度与最大延深垂幅. 地学前缘, 2021, 28(03): 271-294. doi:10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.1.30.

11. 金露英, 秦克章, 张西平, 赵俊兴, 曾敏. 2021. 秘鲁中部超大型特罗莫克斑岩-矽卡岩铜钼矿地质特征及区域成矿作用.矿床地质,40 (03): 587-602. doi:10.16111/j.0258-7106.2021.03.012.

12. 金露英, 秦克章, 李光明, 赵俊兴, 李真真. 2020. 斑岩钼-热液脉状铅锌银矿成矿系统特征、控制因素及勘查指示. 岩石学报, 36(12): 3813-3839. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2020.12.15.

13. 李真真, 秦克章, 裴斌, 赵俊兴, 施睿哲, 赵泽龙, 韩日. 2020. 大兴安岭南段白音查干Sn-Ag-Zn-Pb矿床电气石矿物学特征及对岩浆-热液演化过程的启示. 岩石学报, 36(12): 3797-3812. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2020.12.14.

14. 何畅通, 秦克章, 李金祥, 周起凤, 赵俊兴, 李光明. 2020. 喜马拉雅东段错那洞钨--铍矿床中铍的赋存状态及成因机制初探. 岩石学报, 36(12): 3593-3606. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2020.12.03.

15. 邹心宇, 秦克章, 李光明, 张西平, 赵俊兴, 张裴培, 张夏楠, 张金树. 2019. 冈底斯中段白容-白容西斑岩铜钼矿区的岩浆-热液-矿化中心厘定. 岩石学报, 35(7): 2026-2044. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2019.07.06.

16. 李真真, 秦克章, 赵俊兴, 李光明, 苏仕强. 2019. -银多金属成矿系统的基本特征、研究进展与展望. 岩石学报, 35(7): 1979-1998. doi: 10.18654/1000-0569/2019.07.03.

17. 秦克章, 翟明国, 李光明, 赵俊兴, 曾庆栋, 高俊, 肖文交, 李继亮, 孙枢. 2017. 中国陆壳演化、多块体拼合造山与特色成矿的关系. 岩石学报, 33(2): 305-325.

18. 李光明, 张夏楠, 秦克章, 孙兴国, 赵俊兴, 印贤波, 李金祥, 袁华山. 羌塘南缘多龙矿集区荣那斑岩-高硫型浅成低温热液Cu-(Au)套合成矿:综合地质、热液蚀变及金属矿物组合证据. 岩石学报, 2015, 31(8): 2307-2324.

19. 秦克章, 夏代祥, 李光明, 肖波, 多吉, 蒋光武, 赵俊兴. 2014.西藏驱龙斑岩-矽卡岩铜钼矿床.科学出版社, 1-316.

20. 陈雷,秦克章,李光明,李金祥,肖波,江化寨,赵俊兴,范新,江善元.2012.冈底斯东段南缘努日铜钨钼矿床地质特征与矽卡岩矿物学研究.矿床地质313):417-437

21. 赵俊兴, 秦克章*, 李光明, 李金祥. 2011.冈底斯北缘沙让斑岩钼矿蚀变矿化特征及与典型斑岩钼矿床的对比. 地质与勘探, 47(1): 54-70.

22. 肖波, 秦克章, 李光明, 李金祥, 夏代祥, 陈雷, 赵俊兴. 2009. 西藏驱龙巨型斑岩Cu Mo矿床的富S、高氧化性含矿岩浆——来自岩浆成因硬石膏的证据. 地质学报, 83(12): 1860-1868.

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