简历: |
张艳,博士,特聘副研究员。江苏苏州人。2010年毕业于中国地震局-地球物理研究所,获硕士学位。2010-2011年中国地震台网中心工作,任助理工程师。2014年毕业于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,获博士学位。2014-2016年留所从事博士后研究。2017年起,任本所副研究员。2015年至2019年,多次赴加州大学伯克利分校地球与行星物理实验室进行短期学术交流访问。 主要依托原位实地观测数据从事地震地下流体(地震水文学)研究以及岩石物理研究。成果包括:(1)首次探索性地将地震地下流体(水位对潮汐、气压加载的响应)研究与CO2地质封存、页岩气勘探开发有毒废水封存所涉及的上覆盖层封闭性的研究相结合;提出基于月亮主半日波M2+月亮主日波O1潮汐响应成分相结合的算法,探究上覆盖层的垂向渗透率和裂隙分布;(2)定量获得孔隙弹性理论适用的尺度范围(1.5个破裂长度范围);探究得出大地震导致远场区域同震体应变变化的物理机理;(3)运用有限差分方法,首次实现从含流体双相介质建模到全波形传播的数值模拟。迄今发表专业学术文章33篇, 其中第一作者国际SCI文章15篇。
社会任职: 中国岩石力学与工程学会-工程地质力学分会理事; The Innovation 青年编委 |
研究方向: |
- 地震地下流体(地震水文学)
- 机器学习及灾害前兆预测
- 岩石物理
获奖及荣誉: |
2011年度中国地震局优秀硕士学位论文奖 - 2013地球物理年会学生优秀论文奖
- 2016地球与行星全国博士后学术论坛优秀论文奖
承担科研项目情况: |
- 中国科学院青年创新促进会基金(2019069),2019/01/01—2022/12/31。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41874161),基于流体的潮汐-气压响应特征研究富含页岩含水层的渗流特性, 2019/01/01—2022/12/31。
- 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题(XDB10010401),页岩气储层有机质富集甜点区地球物理预测及可采性评价,2018/01-2018/12。
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金(41604035),地震波引起华北地区地下流体变化运移及潮汐响应特征研究,2017/01/01—2019/12/31。
- 中国博士后科学基金第九批特别资助(2016T90129),地震波振动引起多孔岩石中流体运移变化的规律探究,2016/06—2017/12。
- 中国博士后科学基金第57批面上资助一等资助(2015M570142),华北页岩区地下流体对远场大地震的同震响应特征研究,2015/06-2016/12。
代表论著: |
5篇代表论作: - Zhang, Y., Manga, M., Fu, L.-Y., Zhang, H., Huang, T., Yang, Q., et al., 2024. Long- and short- term effects of seismic waves and coseismic pressure changes on fractured aquifers. J. Geophys. Res.-Sol. Ea., 129, e2023JB027970. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2023JB027970.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.-Y., Zhu, A., Zhao, L., Qi, S., Huang, T., Ma, Y.C., Zhang, W., 2023. Anisotropy and heterogeneity induced by shale in aquifer lithology—Influence of aquifer shale on the leaky model with tidal response analysis. Water Resour. Res., 59, e2021WR031451. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031451.
- Zhang, Y., Manga, M., Fu, L.Y., Yang, Q.Y., Cui, Z.D., Huang, Y., 2022. Changes of hydraulic transmissivity orientation induced by tele-seismic waves. Water Resour. Res., 58, e2022WR033272. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022WR033272.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, C.Y., Fu, L.Y., Yang, Q.Y., 2021. Are deep aquifers really confined? Insights from deep groundwater tidal responses in the North China Platform. Water Resour. Res., 57, e2021WR030195.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, C.Y., Fu, L.Y., Zhao, B., Ma, Y.C., 2019. Unexpected far-field hydrological response to a great earthquake. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 519, 202–212.
- Zhang, Y., Chu, B., Huang, T., Qi, S., Manga, M., Zhang, H., Zheng, B., Zhou, Y., 2024. Using the Tidal Response of Groundwater to Assess and Monitor Caprock Confinement in CO2 Geological Sequestration. Water, 16, 868. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16060868.
- Zhang, Y., Manga, M., Fu, L.-Y., Zhang, H., Huang, T., Yang, Q., et al., 2024. Long- and short- term effects of seismic waves and coseismic pressure changes on fractured aquifers. J. Geophys. Res.-Sol. Ea., 129, e2023JB027970. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2023JB027970.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.-Y., Zhu, A., Zhao, L., Qi, S., Huang, T., Ma, Y.C., Zhang, W., 2023. Anisotropy and heterogeneity induced by shale in aquifer lithology—Influence of aquifer shale on the leaky model with tidal response analysis. Water Resour. Res., 59, e2021WR031451. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031451.
- Zhang, Y., Sun, X.L., Huang, T.M., Qi, S.W., Fu, L.Y., Yang, Q.Y., Hu, J.H., Zheng, B.W., Zhang, W., 2022. Possible continuous vertical water leakage of deep aquifer: records from a deep well in Tianjin province, North China. Geofluids, Article ID 4419310, 14 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4419310.
- Zhang, Y., Manga, M., Fu, L.Y., Yang, Q.Y., Cui, Z.D., Huang, Y., 2022. Changes of hydraulic transmissivity orientation induced by tele-seismic waves. Water Resour. Res., 58, e2022WR033272. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022WR033272.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, C.Y., Fu, L.Y., Yang, Q.Y., 2021. Are deep aquifers really confined? Insights from deep groundwater tidal responses in the North China Platform. Water Resour. Res., 57, e2021WR030195.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, C.Y., Fu, L.Y., Zhao, B., Ma, Y.C., 2019. Unexpected far-field hydrological response to a great earthquake. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 519, 202–212.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, C.Y., Fu, L.Y., Yan, R., Chen, X.Z., 2017. Mechanism of the coseismic change of volumetric strain in the far field of earthquakes. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 107, no. 1, 475–481.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.Y., Zhao, L.F., Chen, X.Z., 2017. Coupling mechanism of volume strain and water level in the Fuxin well located in a geo-thermal area before and after the 2011 MW 9.1 Tohoku earthquake. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 14, 61–71.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.Y., Ma, Y.C., Hu, J.H., 2016. Different hydraulic responses to the 2008 Wenchuan and 2011 Tohoku earthquakes in two adjacent far‑field wells: the effect of shales on aquifer lithology. Earth, Planets and Space, 68: 178. DOI 10.1186/s40623-016-0555-5.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.Y., Huang, F.Q., Chen, X.Z., 2015. Coseismic water-level changes in a well induced by teleseismic waves from three large earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 651–652, 232–241.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.Y., Huang, F.Q., Chen, X.Z., 2015. Permeability enhancement in the aquifer of Fuxin well in geothermal area of northeastern China induced by low-frequency teleseismic waves of the 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku earthquake. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 12, 29–38.
- Zhang, Y., Fu, L.Y., Zhang, L.X., Wei, W., Guan, X.Z., 2014. Finite difference modeling of ultrasonic propagation (coda waves) in digital porous cores with un-split convolutional PML and rotated staggered grid. J. Appl. Geophys., 104, 75–89.
- Zhang, Y., Huang, F.Q., 2011. Mechanism of Different Coseismic Water-Level Changes in Wells with Similar Epicentral Distances of Intermediate Field. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101, 1531–1541.
- 张艳,符力耘,陈学忠,曹呈浩,赵连锋,马玉川. 2019. 相邻两井对大地震的不同水力响应模型研究—页岩影响分析. 地球物理学报,62 (1): 143-158.
- Zhang, Y., Huang, F.Q., Lai, G.J., 2009. Research on Skempton’s coefficient B based on the observation of groundwater of Changping station. Earthquake Science, 22, 631−638.
- 张艳,黄辅琼,2010. 基于孔隙弹性理论探讨根据地下水观测资料求解Skempton系数B的方法. 中国地震26, 426–438.
通讯作者文章: - Chu, B.F., Feng, G.H., Zhang, Y.*, Qi, S.W., Li, P.S, and Huang, T.M., 2023. Residual Saturation Effects on CO2 Migration and Caprock Sealing: A Study of Permeability and Capillary Pressure Models : Water , 15(18), 3316.
- Xinyu Huang, Xu Han, Yunyun Dai, Xiaolong Xu, Yan Zhang,* Xiaobo Tian, Zhengyi Yuan, Jie Xing, Yeliang Wang,* and Yuan Huang*. Recent Progress in Two-Dimensional Material Exfoliation Technology and Enlightenment for Geological Sciences:J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 10181−10193.
- Yang, Q.Y., Zhang, Y.*, Fu, L.Y.*, Ma, Y.C., and Hu, J.H., 2021.Vertical leakage occurred after an earthquake: Suggestions for utilizing the mixed flow model: Lithosphere, Volume 2021, Article ID 8281428, 11 pages.
- 张旺,张艳*,符力耘,曹呈浩,赵连锋,龚丽文. 2019. 重庆地区侏罗系中统泥岩流体井的水力响应模型研究. 地球物理学进展34(5):1826–1834.
- 杨秋野,张艳*,符力耘等. 2020. 应力变化与流体(水位、水温、水化学、土壤气等)变化的耦合机理及其在川滇地区地震前兆研究中的应用. 地球物理学进展35(6):2124–2133.
非第一作者文章: - Hu, J., Zhang, G., Fu L., Zhang, Y., Li, S., 2021. Temporal variations in coda attenuation associated with the 2008 Wenchuan (MW7.9) Earthquake in SW, China. Geodesy and Geodynamics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2021.09.001.
- Cao, C. H., Fu, L.Y., Ba, J., Zhang, Y., 2019. Frequency- and incident-angle-dependent P-wave properties influenced by dynamic stress interactions in fractured porous media. Geophysics, 84(5), MR173 -MR184.
- Hu, J.H., Fu, L.Y., Sun, W.J., Zhang, Y., 2017. A study of the Coulomb stress and seismicity rate changes induced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 135, 303–319.
- Hu, J.H., Fu, L.Y., Wei, W., Zhang, Y., 2018. Stress-Associated Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation from Laboratory Ultrasonic Measurements on Shales. Pure and applied Geophysics, 175, 929–962.
- 王志伟,符力耘,张艳等. 2018. 龙马溪组页岩数字岩芯超声响应数值模拟及散射特征分析. 地球物理学报,61 (3): 1069-1082.
- Fu, B. Y., Fu, L. Y., Wei, W., & Zhang, Y. 2016. Boundary-reflected waves and ultrasonic coda waves in rock physics experiments. Applied Geophysics, 13(4), 667-682.
- Zhang, W.H., Fu, L.Y., Zhang, Y., Jin, W.J., 2016.Computation of elastic properties of 3D digital cores from the Longmaxi shale*. Applied Geophysics, 13(2), 364−374.
- Fu, L.Y., Zhang, Y., Pei, Z., Wei, W., Zhang, L.X., 2014. Poroelastic finite-difference modeling for ultrasonic waves in digital porous cores. Earthquake Science, 27, 285–299.
- Huang, F.Q.,Zhang, Y., Wu, Z.L., Ma, L.J., 2008. The Upper Limit Size of Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes. Earthquake Research in China, 22, 146–152.
- 董明荣,符力耘,杨军,李孝宾,叶泵,张艳,魏伟,卢晓林.2020. MCZT在气枪震源信号频谱分析中的应用.地震工程学报,42 (3): 646–652.
- Bowen Zheng, Shengwen Qi, Wei Lu, Songfeng Guo, Zan Wang, Xin Yu, Yan Zhang. Experimental research on supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing of sedimentary rock: a critical review. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2023, 97(3), 925-945.
科普宣传活动和译文: - 2019年7月参加中国科学院青年创新促进会-新疆女科学家论坛,介绍最新发表成果“Mw 9.0 Tohoku大地震引起左家庄井奇特的水力响应”。此成果科普性介绍网页
- 2018年9月翻译撰写国外最新研究前沿报道Science:注水井可诱发远距离地震。成果科普介绍网页