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姓名 熊兴崟 性别:
职称 高级工程师 学历 博士
电话 010-82998609 传真: 010-62010846
Email: xiongxy@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所


  1. 高性能MEMS传感器
  2. 模数混合信号集成电路

  1. 中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖二等奖
  1. “智能导钻”专项子课题(负责人,在研)


[1].X. Xiong, Z. Li & K. Han, "A Nearing-Free Constrained Architecture for Systematic Design of Electromechanical Sigma-Delta Modulator," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 5648-5656, Dec. 2024

[2].Xiong, X., Zou, X., Wang, Z., Wang, K., Li, Z., & Yang, W. 2020. Using electrostatic spring softening effect to enhance sensitivity of MEMS resonant accelerometers. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(5), 5819-5827.

[3].Xiong, X., Cong, N., Li, Z., & Han, K. 2017. Using pseudo electrostatic spring constant to improve the resolution of micro-machined accelerometer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 265, 187-192.

[4].Ma, L., Wang, Z., Zhai, Z., Wang, K., Xiong, X*., & Zou, X*. 2024. A Temperature-Drift Suppression Phase-Locked-Loop With Tunable Locked Range and Frequency Division for MEMS Resonant Accelerometers. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(5), 5885-5894.

[5].Wang, Z., Ma, L., Bie, X., Xiong, X*., Zhai, Z., Yang, & Zou, X*. 2024. A 7.25 μK Ultra-High Resolution MEMS Resonant Thermometer. IEEE Sensors Journal,24(8), pp. 12161-12168

[6].Wang, K., Xiong, X*., Wang, Z., Ma, L., Zhai, Z., & Zou, X*. 2022. Phase Noise Optimization of MEMS Resonant Accelerometer Based on AC Polarization. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 32(1), 7-15.

[7].Ma, L., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Wang, K., Zhai, Z., Cai, P., Xiong, X*. & Zou, X*. (2022). An intrinsically temperature-drift suppression phase-locked loop with MEMS voltage controlled oscillator for micromechanical resonant accelerometer. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 31(6), 901-911.

[8].Zhai Z, Xiong X*, Ma L, Wang Z, Wang K, Wang B, Zhang M, Zou X*. 2023, A Scale Factor Calibration Method for MEMS Resonant Accelerometers Based on Virtual Accelerations. Micromachines, 14(7):1408.

[9].Cai, P., Xiong, X*., Wang, K., Ma, L., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., & Zou, X*. (2022). A novel self-temperature compensation method for mode-localized accelerometers. Micromachines, 13(3), 437.

[10].Wang, K., Xiong, X*., Wang, Z., Cai, P., Ma, L., & Zou, X*. (2022). Utilizing the Intrinsic Mode of Weakly Coupled Resonators   for Temperature Compensation. Micromachines, 13(9), 1447.

[11].Xiong, X., Zheng, W., Wang, K., Li, Z., Yang, W., & Zou, X. 2020. Sensitivity enhancement of Mems resonant accelerometers by using electrostatic spring. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

[12].Xiong, X., Zheng, W., Wang, K., Li, Z., Yang, W., & Zou, X. 2020. Sensitivity enhancement of Mems resonant accelerometers by using electrostatic spring. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

[13].Xiong, X., Cong, N., Li, Z., Han, K., Sun, C., Xin, W., & Nie, G. 2017. Using pseudo electrostatic spring constant to optimize the electromechanical Sigma-Delta accelerometer. In 2017 IEEE SENSORS (pp. 1-3). IEEE.


[1].熊兴崟; 邹旭东; 汪政; 李志天; 杨伍昊. 高灵敏度MEMS谐振式加速度传感器(ZL202010607120.3).中国发明专利. 2022.08.16

[2].熊兴崟; 王坤锋; 邹旭东; 汪政. 一种弱耦合谐振式加速度传感器(ZL202110963378.1).中国发明专利. 中国发明专利. 2023.07.11

[3].熊兴崟; 杨长春; 李宗伟; 丛宁; 韩可都. 一种基于sigma‑delta闭环控制的惯性传感器系统(ZL201610876016.8).中国发明专利. 2018.12.21

[4].熊兴崟; 韩可都; 李宗伟; 俞度立. 一种MEMS传感器控制器电路(ZL201810068856.0).中国发明专利. 2019.06.04

[5].熊兴崟; 李宗伟; 韩可都; 薛旭; 杨长春; 丛宁. 一种电容式惯性传感器数字伺服电路器(ZL201610105849.4).中国发明专利. 2018.09.14

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