简历: |
张朝群,特聘副研究员。主要研究领域为黏土矿物学、行星矿物学、矿物晶体化学、矿物演化等。擅长通过实验室模拟矿物演化过程,并结合显微学与显微谱学分析手段,深入探究黏土矿物演化中系列元素(如Al、Mg、Ni、Fe、Zn、Li)的迁移与富集规律,揭示黏土型关键金属资源的富集机制与赋存状态。同时还致力于利用高分辨透射电镜结合热力学计算,从原子尺度揭示月表矿物在月球外动力作用下的演化特征。相关成果发表在American Mineralogist、Applied Clay Science、JGR: Planets等矿物学和行星科学权威期刊。 学习和工作经历: 2011/09-2015/07,福州大学,资源勘查工程,本科 2015/09-2021/07,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,博士 2016/10-2017/09,法国普瓦捷大学-CNRS-IC2MP,联合培养 2019/02-2020/07,法国普瓦捷大学-CNRS-IC2MP,联合培养 2021/08-2022/01,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,科研助理 2022/02-2024/11,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,行星矿物学,博士后 2024/12-今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,特聘副研究员 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2023-2024,主持
- 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2023-2024,主持
- 国家自然科学基金专项项目,2023-2026,骨干
- 国家自然科学基金专项项目,2023,骨干
- 国际黏土学会研究基金项目,2020-2021,主持
获奖及荣誉: |
- 2021,中国科学院院长优秀奖
- 2019,国际黏土学会旅程奖
- 2017,研究生国家奖学金
代表论著: |
- Zhang, C. Q.; He, H. P.*; Petit, S.*; Baron, F.; Tao, Q.; Gregoire, B.; Zhu, J. X.; Yang, Y. P.; Ji, S. C.; Li, S. Y., The evolution of saponite: An experimental study based on crystal chemistry and crystal growth. American Mineralogist 2021, 106 (6), 909-921.
- Zhang, C. Q.; He, H. P.; Qin, X. R.; Decarreau, A.; Baron, F.; Tao, Q.; Zhu, J. X.; Xi, Y. F.; Petit, S.*, The growth process of saponite: A study based on particle size distributions and morphological evolution. Applied Clay Science 2022, 221.
- Zhang, C. Q.; He, H. P.; Tao, Q.; Ji, S. C.; Li, S. Y.; Ma, L. Y.; Su, X. L.; Zhu, J. X.*, Metal occupancy and its influence on thermal stability of synthetic saponites. Applied Clay Science 2017, 135, 282-288.
- Zhang, C. Q.#; Niu, X. G.#; Gu, L. X.; Tang, X.; Chen, Y.; Cai, C. R.; Dai, Y. C.; Li, G.; He, H. P.; Pan, Y. X.; Zhang, Z. G.*; Li, J. H.*, Atomic-Level Structural Responses of Chang'e-5 Ilmenite to Space Weathering. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 2024, 129 (11).
- Zhang, C. Q.; Petit, S.*; He, H. P.*; Villiéras, F.; Razafitianamaharavo, A.; Baron, F.; Tao, Q.; Zhu, J. X., Crystal Growth of Smectite: A Study Based on the Change in Crystal Chemistry and Morphology of Saponites with Synthesis Time. Acs Earth and Space Chemistry 2020, 4 (1), 14-23.
- Zhang, C. Q.; Li, J. H.*, Non-destructive Identification and Quantification of Ilmenite from a Single Particle of the Chang'E-5 Lunar Soil Sample. Atomic Spectroscopy 2022, 43 (4), 284-291.
- Zhang, C. Q.; Decarreau, A.; Blanc, P.; Baron, F.; Yuan, Y. H.; Tao, Q.; Gregoire, B.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P.*; Petit, S.*, Kinetics of Mg-Ni saponite crystallization from precursor mixtures. Clays and Clay Minerals 2024, 72.
- 张朝群; 谭伟; 苏菲; 唐座; 代启勇; 何宏平; 贺怀宇*; 朱日祥, 黔西北毕节地区富锂铝质岩的矿物学特征和锂的赋存状态研究. 岩石学报. 2024, 40 (08), 2321-2333.
- Li, Y.; Zhang, C. Q.; Yang, M. J.; He, H. P.; Arai, Y.*, Carbonate accelerated transformation of ferrihydrite in the presence of phosphate. Geoderma 2022, 417.
- Li, Y.*; Zhang, C. Q.; Yang, M. J.; Liu, J.; He, H. P.; Ma, Y. B.; Arai, Y., Effects of carbonate on ferrihydrite transformation in alkaline media. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts 2024, 26 (2), 288-297.
- Liu, Y.; Zhang, C. Q.; Zhang, D.; Liu, T.; Qiu, H.; Li, Q. L.; Li, J. H.*, Non-destructive Micro X-ray Fluorescence Quantitative Analysis of Geological Materials. Atomic Spectroscopy 2022, 43 (5), 378-387.
- Cheng, S. Q.; Feng, L. J.; Zhang, C. Q.; Cui, L. H.; Liu, W.; Qiu, H.; He, S.; Chu, X. L.; Zhang, X. L.; Li, J. H.*, Nanoscale characterization of Ediacaran microfossils from lower Doushantuo formation chert nodules. Chemical Geology 2024, 662.
- Li, S. Y.; Tao, Q.; Ma, L. Y.; Zhang, C. Q.; Yang, Y. X.; Du, P. X.; Liu, J. C.; Zhu, J. X.*, Release of mg and fe from the octahedral sheets during the transformation of montmorillonite into kaolinite. Clays and Clay Minerals 2021, 69 (4), 453-462.
- Qiao, S. J.; Zhu, K. L.; Zhang, C. Q.; Sha, X. C.; Liang, C.; Huang, B. X.; Han, B.; Cao, C. J.; Liu, D.; Dong, Y. J.; Gu, L. X.; Tang, X.; Li, L. H.*; Li, J. H.*, Multimodal Particle Size Estimation of Lunar Soil Simulants Towards a Non-destructive Analytical Strategy for Extraterrestrial Samples. Atomic Spectroscopy 2024, 45 (4).
- Sun, Y.*; Li, Y. L.; Zhang, C. Q.; Qin, X. R.; Shen, J. X.; He, H. P.; Pan, Y. X., Weathering of Chlorite Illite Deposits in the Hyperarid Qaidam Basin: Implications to Post-Depositional Alteration on Martian Clay Minerals. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022, 9.
- Tan, W.*; Qin, X. R.; Liu, J. C.; Michalski, J.; He, H. P.; Yao, Y. Z.; Yang, M. J.; Huang, J.; Lin, X. J.; Zhang, C. Q.; Liang, X. L., Visible/near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectral features of ion-exchangeable Rare earth elements hosted by clay minerals: Potential use for exploration of regolith-hosted REE deposits. Applied Clay Science 2021, 215.
- Zhu, K. L.; Liu, J. W.; Zhao, M. Y.; Fu, L. L.; Du, Z. F.; Meng, F. Q.; Gu, L.; Liu, P. Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, C. Q.; Zhang, X.; Li, J. H.*, An intrusion and environmental effects of man-made silver nanoparticles in cold seeps. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 912.
- Li, J.*; Liu, P.; Menguy, N.; Benzerara, K.; Bai, J.; Zhao, X.; Leroy, E.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, H.; Liu, J.; Zhang, R.; Zhu, K.; Roberts, A. P.; Pan, Y., Identification of sulfate-reducing magnetotactic bacteria via a group-specific 16S rDNA primer and correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy: Strategy for culture-independent study. Environmental Microbiology 2022, 24 (11), 5019-5038.
- Li, S. Y.; He, H. P.*; Tao, Q.; Xi, Y. F.; Chen, A. Q.; Ji, S. C.; Zhang, C. Q.; Yang, Y. P.; Zhu, J. X., Transformation of boehmite into 2:1 type layered aluminosilicates with different layer charges under hydrothermal conditions. Applied Clay Science 2019, 181.
- Li, S. Y.; He, H. P.*; Tao, Q.; Zhu, J. X.; Tan, W.; Ji, S. C.; Yang, Y. P.; Zhang, C. Q., Kaolinization of 2:1 type clay minerals with different swelling properties. American Mineralogist 2020, 105 (5), 687-696.