简历: |
- 2003-2007,中国科学技术大学,学士
- 2007-2010,中国科学技术大学,硕士
- 2010-2015,苏黎世联邦理工学院,博士
- 2015.6-2017.2,台湾中研院地球科学研究所,博士后
- 2017.3-2017.12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,助理研究员
- 2018.1-至今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,副研究员
研究方向: |
1. 行星物理:行星内部结构演化 2. 地球动力学:全球地幔对流 招生信息:点击查看 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 国家科技部重点研发项目《火星圈层过程》,2022-2027,子课题负责人
- 中国科学院国际合作伙伴计划重点项目《冰岛地幔柱-洋中脊系统的综合地球物理研究》,2021-2023,主持 (结题)
- 国家自然基金青年项目, 2018-2020,主持 (结题)
- 中国科学院青年人才资助, 2017-2022, 主持(结题)
代表论著: |
#指导研究生 *通讯作者 2024. - #刘瑞熙,李杨*,张志刚,何雨旸,徐长仪,王巍,孙伟家,惠鹤九,陈凌,潘永信。火幔对流对火壳二分性和火幔内部热—化学结构长期演化的影响:三维动力学数值模拟。地球物理学报 已录用
- #Shi, Z., R. Mitchell, Y. Li*, B. Wan, L. Chen, P. Peng, L. Zhao, L. Liu, R. Zhu. Sluggish basal mantle structures support their long-lived stability. Nat. Comms. 15, 10000.
- Zhang, L., C. Li, J. Zhang, B. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Y. Liu, K. Di, R. Mitchell, J. Li, Z. Zhang, L. Chen, X. Liang, W. Sun, Y. Liu, X. Zhao, C. Xu, Y. Zheng, Y. Wang, X. Wang, P. Zhao, W. Lv, Y. Li, H. Lan, Y. Li, W. Wang, Y. Lu, H. Lin, P. Fang, W. Lin, Y. Wei, L. Chen, G. Fang, Y. Lin, Z. Yao, Y. Pan, 2024. Buried palaeo-polygonal terrain detected underneath Utopia Planitia on Mars by the Zhurong radar. Nat. Astron. 8, 69-74.
- Yang, F., C. Yu, J. Li, S. Chen, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, W. Wang. Complicated thermo-chemical heterogeneity of the mantle transition zone beneath the Philippine Sea Plate revealed by SS precursors investigation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 668, 119092.
- Liu, X., F. Tian, J. Li, Y. Li, W. Sun. The evolution of dense ULVZs originating outside LLSVPs and implications for dynamics at LLSVP margins. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth.
- Liu, Y., T. Yang, K. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Li. Influence of Grain Size Evolution on Mantle Plume and LLSVPs Dynamics. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 25, e2024GC011807.
2023. - Li, Y., Z. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Shi, L. Zhao,2023. Effects of depth- and composition-dependent thermal conductivity and the compositional viscosity ratio on the long-term evolution of large thermochemical piles of primordial material in the lower mantle of the Earth: Insights from 2-D numerical modeling. Sci. China. Earth Sci. 66 (8):1865-1876.
- Li, Y., Y. Wang, L. Zhao, L. Chen, J. Huang, 2023. The role of mantle viscosity heterogeneities on the development of secondary plumes in the upper mantle. Geophys. J. Int. 235,2900-2915.
- Li, Y., X. Niu, S. Liu, Z. Shi, Z. Zhang, J. Li, L. Zhao, 2023. Influence of the miscibility of bridgmanite and davemaoite on the long-term evolution of large low shear velocity provinces: insights from 2-D numerical models. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese). 66(10),4241-4252.
- Liang, X.-F., Y. Chu, B. Wan, L. Chen, L. Chen, E. Sandvol, S. Grand, Y. Li, M. Wang, X. Tian, Y. Chen, T. Xu, Y. Li, W. Ji, 2023. Fragmentation of continental subduction is ending the Himalayan orogeny. Sci Bull. 68, 3048-3054.
- Guerrero, J., F. Deschamps, Y. Li, W. Hsieh, P. Tackley, 2023. Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of the lower mantle thermochemical structure: implications for primordial reservoirs. Solid Earth. 14, 119-135.
- Zhao, L., Z. Guo, H. Yuan, X. Wang, H. Shen, J. Yang, B. Sun, N. Tan, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Li, J. Wang, W. Ji, R. Zhu. Dynamic modeling of tectonic carbon processes: state of art and conceptual workflow. Sci. China Earth Sci. 66 (3), 456-471.
- Yang, J., L. Zhao, Y. Li. Tectonic deformation at the outer rise of subduction zone. Geophys. J. Int.232(3) ,1533-1544
2022. - Li, Y., F. Deschamps, Z. Shi, J. Guerrero, W.-P. Hsieh, L. Zhao, P.J. Tackley, 2022. Influence of composition-dependent thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of primordial reservoirs in Earth's lower mantle. Earth Planets Space , 74:46.
- #Huang, M., Y. Li*, L. Zhao,2022. Effects of thermal, compositional and rheological properties on the long-term evolution of large thermochemical piles of primordial material in the deep mantle. Sci. China Earth Sci. 65 (12), 2405-2416.
- Liu, C., H. Dick, R. Mitchell, W. Wei, Z. Zhang, A. Hofmann, J. Yang, Y. Li, 2022. Archean cratonic mantle recycled at a mid-ocean ridge. Sci. Adv.8.
2021. - Vilella, K., T. Bodin, B. Charles-Eadouard, F. Deschamps, J. Badro, M. Ballmer, Y. Li, 2021. Constraints on the composition and temperature of LLSVPs from seismic properties of lower mantle minerals. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 554, 116685.
- Wang, X., B.J.P. Kaus, J. Yang, K. Wang, Y. Li, L. Chen, L. Zhao,2021. 3D geodynamic models for HP-UHP rock exhumation in opposite-dip double subduction-collision system. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022326.
2020. - Chen, L., L. Liu, F. Capitanio, T. Gerya, Y. Li, 2020. The role of pre-existing weak zones in the formation of the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau: 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling. Geophys. J. Int. 221(3),1971-1983.
- Yang, J., B. Kaus., Y. Li, P. Leloup, A. Popov, G. Lu, K. Wang, L. Zhao, 2020. Lower crustal rheology controls the development of large offset strike-slip faults. Geophys. Res.Lett., 47
- Yang, J., G. Lu, T. Liu, Y. Li, K. Wang, X. Wang et al, 2020. Amagmatic subduction produced by mantle serpentinization and oceanic crust delamination. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086257.
2019. - Li, Y., F. Deschamps, J. Yang, L. Chen, L. Zhao, P. J. Tackley, 2019. Effects of the compositional viscosity ratio on the long-term evolution of thermo-chemical reservoirs in the deep mantle. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 9591-9601.
- Deschamps, F., Y. Li, 2019. Core-mantle dynamic topography: influence of post-perovskite viscosity. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124, 9247-9264.
- Wang, X., B. Kaus*, L. Zhao*, J. Yang, Y. Li*, 2019. Mountain building in Taiwan: insights from 3-D geodynamic models. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124, 5924-5950.
2018. - Li, Y., K. Vilella, F. Deschamps, L. Zhao, P. J. Tackley, 2018. Effects of iron spin transition on the structure and stability of large primordial reservoirs in Earth’s lower mantle. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 5918-5928.
- Chen, C., Z. Ren, K. Pan, J. Tang, T. Kalscheuer, H. Maurer, Y. Sun, Y. Li, 2018. Exact solutions of the vertical gravitational anomaly for a polyhedral prism with vertical polynomial density contrast of arbitrary orders. Geophys. J. Int., 214 (1), 2115-2132
- Ren, Z., Y. Zhong, C. Chen, J. Tang, T. Kalscheuer, H. Maurer, Y. Li, 2018. Gravity gradient tensor of arbitrary 3D polyhedral bodies with up to third-order polynomial horizontal and vertical mass contrasts. Surv. Geophys. 39(5), 901-935
2014-2017 - Li. Y., F. Deschamps, P. J. Tackley, 2016. Small post-perovskite patches at the base of lower mantle primordial reservoirs: Insights from 2-D numerical modeling and implications for ULVZs, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 3215-3225.
- Li. Y., F. Deschamps, P. J. Tackley, 2015. Effects of the post-perovskite phase transition properties on the stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 432, 1-12.
- Deschamps, F., Y. Li, P.J. Tackley, 2015. Large-scale thermo-chemical structure of the deep mantle : observations and models, in A. Khan and F. Deschamps (eds.), The Earth's heterogeneous mantle, Springer Geophysics, 479-515
- Li. Y., F. Deschamps, P. J. Tackley, 2014. Effects of low-viscosity post-perovskite on the stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7089-7097.
- Li. Y., F. Deschamps, P. J. Tackley, 2014. The stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle: insights from models of thermochemical convection in three-dimensional spherical geometry, Geophys. J. Int., 119, 914-930.