姓名: |
安志国 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
副研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
. |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
zgancas[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
2016.9-2017.2:加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,访问学者 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 国家自然科学面上基金,阿拉善地块及其邻区岩石圈三维电性结构及地学研究意义(2020-2023),在研,参与。
- 国家重点研发计划项目,地面地球物理勘探关键技术与装备(2018-2021),在研,参与。
- 国家重大科技基础设施项目,极低频探地(WEM)工程(2012-2016),已结题,参与。
- 国家青年科学基金-CSAMT频率域扩散信号到时间域波动信号的有效转换(2012-2014),已结题,主持。
- 深部资源探测核心装备研发子项目(多通道大功率电法勘探仪)-子课题(M-TEM数据预处理)(2013-2016),已结题,主持。
- 内蒙阿拉善高放废物地质处置备选场址预选及评价研究(2012-2015),已结题,参与。
- 中国科学院工程地质力学重点实验室开放基金,高放废物预选区花岗岩体深部地质结构三维电磁法模拟(2012-2014),已结题,主持。
- 江西省井冈山市地热资源地球物理勘查研究(2012-2013),已结题,主持。
获奖及荣誉: |
代表论著: |
- 屈文璋,安志国*. 时移音频大地电磁监测数值模拟研究[J]. 地球物理学进展; doi:10.6038/pg2020DD0312.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di*, Zhongxing Wang, Changmin Fu. Deep geological structures associated with terrestrial volcanic hydrothermal metallogenic system: Evidence from geophysical survey in Taohemu super-large silver-polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia.. (Under Review)
- Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An, Changmin Fu, ZhongxingWang. 2018. Imaging underground electric structure over a potential HLRW disposal site. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 155, 102–109.
- 陈润滋, 安志国*, 杨良勇. 2018. 基于MATLAB语言的二维大地电磁OCCAM快速反演. 地球物理学进展. 33(4):1461-1468.
- Di Qing-Yun, Fu Chang-Min, An Zhi-Guo, et al. 2017. Field testing of the surface electromagnetic prospecting system. Applied Geophysics. 10.1007/s11770-017-0639-4.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di*. 2016. Investigation of geological structures with a view to HLRW disposal, as revealed through 3D inversion of aeromagnetic and gravity data and the results of CSAMT exploration. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 135, 204-211.
- 薛融晖, 安志国*, 王显祥, 底青云. 2016. 利用电磁方法探测内蒙古塔木素高放废物预选场址岩体的内部构造. 地球物理学报. 59(6):2316-2325.
- 欧阳涛, 底青云, 安志国, 李萌, 栾晓东, 张文伟. 2016. 高速公路隧道岩溶区地质结构电磁法精细探测研究. 地球物理学进展. 31(3):1351-1357.
- 底青云, 许诚, 付长民, 王中兴, 张文秀, 安志国, 王若. 2015. 地面电磁探测(SEP)系统对比试验—内蒙曹四夭钼矿. 地球物理学报. 58(8):2654-2663.
- 底青云,安志国,马凤山,付长民,许诚,高速公路隧道岩溶区地质结构电磁法精细探测研究,2014,工程地质学报,22(4):692-698。
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Ruo Wang and Miaoyue Wang, Multi-geophysical Investigation of Geological Structures in a Pre-selected High-level Radioactive, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2013,18(2): 137-146.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Changmin Fu, Cheng Xu, Bo Cheng, Geophysical evidence of the deep geological structure through CSAMT survey at a potential radioactive waste site at Beishan, Gansu, China, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2013, 18(1): 43-54.
- Fu Changmin, Di Qingyun, An Zhiguo, 2013. Application of the CSAMT method to groundwater exploration in a metropolitan environment, Geophysics, 78(5): B201-B209.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Faquan Wu, Guangjie Wang, Ruo Wang, Geophysical exploration over a long deep shield tunnel, for the west route diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2012, 71: 195-200.
- Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An. CSAMT exploration over rock deep geology structure for radioactive waste repositories. The 9th International Workshop on the Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering, Beijing, China, 17, October 2011.
- Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An, Ruo Wang, Miaoyue Wang. Geophysical investigation on geological structures with different scale in preselected areas of high level radioactive waste. GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical and Magnetic Methods and Their Applications, Beijing, China, 10-13 October 2011.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Changmin Fu, Exploration study over rock deep geological structure in preselected site of high level waste with CSAMT method, IUGG 2011 General Assembly, Earth on the edge: Science for a sustainable planet, 28 June-7 July, 2011, Melbourne, Australia, A022-3077.00.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Application of the CSAMT Method for Exploring Deep Coal Mines in Fujian Province, Southeastern China, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2010, 15(4): 243-249.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Confirmation of geological structure with CSAMT method, The 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Giza, Egypt, September 18-24, 2010, S5_P13.
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Static correction for CSAMT data and its application on long and deep shield tunnel exploration, The 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Giza, Egypt , September 18-24, 2010, S5_P12.
- 张琦伟,安志国,林万顺,刘光华,北京市潮白河、怀河地区奥运应急水源地CSAMT勘查研究,地球物理学进展,2010,25(1):337-342。
- 安志国,底青云,王光杰,深埋长隧道洞线岩性CSAMT法分析研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2008,27(增1):3286-3297。
- 安志国,底青云,郭韶华,隐伏煤矿区CSAMT法煤系地层勘查研究,中国矿业大学学报,2008,37(1):118-124。
- Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Miaoyue Wang, Kirchhoff Integral Migration of Active Source EM Diffused Field for Stratified Media, The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, October 23-29, 2008, volume 2 of 2, S5_E07, 526-530.
- 安志国,黄兆辉,底青云,王光杰,静态校正在隧道勘查中的研究,工程地质学报,2007,15(增),213-217。
- 安志国,底青云,CSAMT法对薄层结构分辨能力的探讨,地震地磁观测与研究,2006,27(2):213-217。
- 底青云,王光杰,安志国,龚飞,石昆法,李英贤,王若,王妙月,南水北调西线千米深长隧洞围岩构造地球物理勘探,地球物理学报,2006,49(6):1836-1842。
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