姓名: |
陈林 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
010-82998527 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
chenlin@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
陈林,2009年于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所获博士学位,主要从事地球动力学数值模拟研究。在GRL、JGR、EPSL、Nat. Commun.、Sci. Adv.等期刊上发表多篇论文,多次担任JGR、EPSL、Nat.Commun.、Sci. Adv.、Tectonics、Geology等期刊审稿人。主要研究兴趣包括:利用数值模拟方法研究板块俯冲、大陆碰撞、大陆张裂、地幔热柱等构造事件的动力学过程及其地表响应。
承担科研项目情况: |
代表论著: |
- Shun Yang, Xiaofeng Liang, Mingming Jiang, Lin Chen, Yumei He, Chit Thet Mon, Guangbing Hou, Myo Thant, Kyaing Sein, Bo Wan, 2022. Slab remnants beneath the Myanmar terrane evidencing double subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Science Advances, 8, eabo1027.
- Shuang Bian, Junfeng Gong, Andrew V. Zuza, Rong Yang, Lin Chen, Jianqing Ji, Xiangjiang Yu, Yihong Tian, Zhiquan Yu, Xiaogan Cheng, Xiubin Lin, Hanlin Chen, 2022. Along-strike variation in the initiation timing of the north-trending rifts in southern Tibet as revealed from the Yadong-Gulu rift. Tectonics, 41, e2021TC007091.
- Letian Ma, Lin Chen, Zihua Cheng, Taras Gerya, Jiabiao Li, 2022. Bathymetric highs control the along-strike variations of the Manila trench: 2D numerical modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:943147. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.943147.
- Pengpeng Zhang, Lin Chen*, Wenjiao Xiao*, Jien Zhang, 2022. Topographic response of hinterland basins in Tibet to the India-Asia convergence: 3D thermo-mechanical modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:845126. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.845126.
- Jiaxuan Tang, Lin Chen*, Lijun Liu, Zhiyong Yan, Wei Lin, Qingren Meng, 2022. The role of pre-existing weaknesses in intraplate metamorphic core complex formation during slab retreat: 2-D thermomechanical modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 231, 1688-1704.
- Zhiyong Yan, Lin Chen*, Andrew V. Zuza, Jiaxuan Tang, Bo Wan, Qingren Meng, 2022. The fate of oceanic plateaus: subduction versus accretion. Geophysical Journal International, 231, 1349-1362.
Lin Chen, 2021. The role of lower crustal rheology in lithospheric delamination during orogeny. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:755519. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.755519.
Zhiyong Yan, Lin Chen*, Xiong Xiong, Bo Wan, Houze Xu, 2021. Oceanic plateau and subduction zone jump: two-dimensional thermo-mechanical modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021855.
Renxian Xie, Lin Chen*, Xiong Xiong, Kai Wang, Zhiyong Yan, 2021. The role of pre-existing crustal weaknesses in the uplift of the eastern Tibetan Plateau: 2D thermo-mechanical modeling. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006444.
Xi Xu, Andrew V. Zuza, Lin Chen, Weilin Zhu, An Yin, Xiaowei Fu, Shunli Gao, Xuhui Xu, Xingtao Kuang, Fengqi Zhang, Lei Wu, Xiubin Lin, Hanlin Chen, Shufeng Yang, 2021. Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic extension in the Lower Yangtze region (East China) driven by Izanagi-Pacific plate subduction. Earth-Science Review, 221, 103790.
Kai Wang, Lin Chen*, Xiong Xiong, Zhiyong Yan, Renxian Xie, 2020. The role of lithospheric heterogeneities in continental rifting: Implications for rift diversity in the North China Craton. Journal of Geodynamics, 139, 101765.
Shuang Bian, Junfeng Gong, Andrew Zuza, Rong Yang, Yuntao Tian, Jianqing Ji, HanLin Chen, Qinqin Xu, Lin Chen, Xiubin Lin, Xiaogan Cheng, Jiyao Tu, Xiangjiang Yu, 2020. Late Pliocene onset of the Cona rift, eastern Himalaya, confirms eastward propagation of extension in Himalaya-Tibetan orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 116383.
Shuang Bian, Junfeng Gong*, Lin Chen*, Andrew Zuza, HanLin Chen, Xiubin Lin, Xiaogan Cheng, Rong Yang, 2020. Diachronous uplift in intra-continental orogeny: 2D thermo-mechanical modeling of the India-Asia collision. Tectonophysics, 775, 228310.
唐嘉萱,陈林*,孟庆任,武国利, 2020. 上覆大陆板块热状态对俯冲动力学的影响:二维热力学模拟. 中国科学:地球科学,50, 1424-1444.
颜智勇,陈林*,熊熊,王恺,谢仁先,许厚泽,2020. 平板俯冲及其地质效应的研究进展:观测与模拟. 中国科学:地球科学,2020,50,1044-1068.
Lin Chen, Lijun Liu, Fabio Capitanio, Taras Gerya, Yang Li, 2020. The role of pre-existing weak zones in the formation of the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau: 3-D thermomechanical modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 221, 1971-1983.
刘丹红,陈林*,2020. 边界驱动对流与克拉通岩石圈减薄:二维热-力学模拟. 中国科学:地球科学,2020, 50, 258-273.
Lin Chen, Manuele Faccenda, 2019. Subduction-induced upwelling of a hydrous transition zone: Implications for the Cenozoic magmatism in northeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 11489-11504.
Lin Chen, Xiaodong Song, Taras V. Gerya, Tao Xu, Yun Chen, 2019. Crustal melting beneath orogenic plateaus: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling. Tectonophysics, 761, 1-15.
王振华,陈赟,陈林,宋海斌,2018. 岩浆底侵的热-流变学效应及对峨眉山大火成岩省的启示. 岩石学报,34:91-104.
Lin Chen, Fabio A. Capitanio, Lijun Liu, Taras V. Gerya, 2017. Crustal rheology controls on the Tibetan plateau formation during India-Asia convergence. Nature Communications, 8, 15992, doi:10.1038/ncomms15992.
Lin Chen, Jiwei Hu, Dinghui Yang, Haibin Song, Zhenhua Wang, 2017. Kinematic models for the opening of the South China Sea: An upwelling divergent flow origin. Journal of Geodynamics, 107, 20-33.
Lin Chen, Taras V. Gerya, 2016. The role of lateral lithospheric strength heterogeneities in orogenic plateau growth: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 121, 3118-3138.
Erchie Wang, Peter J. J. Kamp, Gangqing Xu, Kip V. Hodges, Kai Meng, Lin Chen, Gang Wang, Hui Luo, 2015. Flexural bending of southern Tibet in a retro foreland setting. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep12076.
Chen Y, Xu YG, Xu T, Si SK, Liang XF, Tian XB, Deng YF, Chen L, Wang P, Xu YH, Lan HQ, Xiao FH, Li W, Zhang X, Yuan XH, Badal J, Teng JW, 2015. Magmatic underplating and crustal growth in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China, revealed by a passive seismic experiment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 432:103-114.
Lin Chen, Fredrik Berntsson, Zhongjie Zhang, Peng Wang, Jing Wu, Tao Xu, 2014. Seismically constrained thermo-rheological structure of the eastern Tibetan margin: Implication for lithospheric delamination. Tectonophysics, 627, 122-134.
Lin Chen, 2014. Stretching factor estimation for the long-duration and multi-stage continental extensional tectonics: Application to the Baiyun Sag in the northern margin of the South China Sea. Tectonophysics, 611, 167-180.
Lin Chen, Zhongjie Zhang, Haibin Song, 2013. Weak depth and along-strike variations in stretching from multi-episodic finite stretching model: evidences for the uniform pure-shear extension in the opening of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 358-370.
Lin Chen, Taras Gerya, Zhongjie Zhang, Guizhi Zhu, Thibault Duretz, Wolfgang R. Jacoby, 2013. Numerical modeling of eastern Tibetan-type margin: Influences of surface processes, lithospheric structure and crustal rheology. Gondwana Research, 24, 1091-1107.
Lin Chen, Taras Gerya, Zhong-Jie Zhang, Alan Aitken, Zhong-Hai Li, Xiao-Feng, Liang, 2013. Formation mechanism of steep convergent intracontinental margins: Insights from numerical modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2000-2005, doi:10.1002/grl.50446.
Lin Chen, Zhongjie Zhang, Haibin Song, Fei Li, Dieter Franke, 2013. Numerical modeling of extensional sedimentary basin formation with MATLAB: Application to the northern margin of the South China Sea. Computers & Geosciences, 51: 153-165.
Zhongjie Zhang, Yangfan Deng, Lin Chen, Jing Wu, Jiwen Teng, Giuliano Panza, 2013. Seismic structure and rheology of the crust under mainland China. Gondwana Research, 23, 1455-1483.
Zhong-Jie Zhang, Yang-Hua Wang, Yang-Fan Deng, Lin Chen, Jing Wu, J., Ji-Wen Teng, Wei-ming Fan, Giuliano Panza, 2013. Geophysical constraints on Mesozoic disruption of North China Craton by underplating-triggered lower-crust flow of the Archean lithosphere. Terra Nova, 25, 245-251.
Haibin Song, Lin Chen, Jiong Zhang, Chongzhi Dong, Changyu Zhao, 2010. A MATLAB program for 1D strain rate inversion. Computers & Geosciences, 36: 16-23.
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