姓名: |
张立宽 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
副研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
010-82998319 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
Zhanglikuan@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京市朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
研究方向: |
盆地与含油气系统模拟,异常压力成因及演化,油气运移机理和过程,断层启闭性与油气运移行为 |
承担科研项目情况: |
莫西庄-永进地区动力场发育演化及其与油气分布关系,中石化胜利油田勘探开发研究院课题,30200018-17-ZC0613-0025,2017- 2018
临南洼陷沙河街组压力数值模拟,国有大中型企业委托课题,中石化胜利油田勘探开发研究院课题,30200018-16-ZC0613-0015,2017 -2018
获奖及荣誉: |
2013年获中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖二等奖(2013JBRO101-2 -7)
代表论著: |
- Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Wan Yang. 2023. Dynamics of hydrocarbon migration: Quantitative dynamics studies and applications. Springer, in press.
- 罗晓容,张立宽,雷裕红. 2018. 油气运移—定量动力学研究与应用. 科学出版社.
- Li Chao, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Likuan*, Fan Caiwei, Xu Changgui, Liu Aiqun, Li Hu, Lei Yuhong. 2022. New understanding of overpressure responses and pore pressure prediction: Insights from the effect of clay mineral transformations on mudstone compaction. Engineering Geology, 297: 106493. SCIE.
- Li Chao, Zhang Likuan*, Luo Xiaorong, Zeng Zhiping, Xiu Jinlei, Lei Yuhong, Cheng Ming, Hu Caizhi, Zhang Meng, He Wenjun. 2022. Clay mineral transformations of Mesozoic mudstones in the central Junggar Basin, northwestern China: Implications for compaction properties and pore pressure responses. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 144: 105847. SCIE.
- Li Chao, Zhang Likuan*, Luo Xiaorong, Wang Bing, Lei Yuhong, Cheng Ming, Luo Hongmei, Wang Changjiang, Yu Lan. 2022. Modeling of overpressure generation-evolution of the Paleogene source rock and implications for the Linnan Sag, Eastern China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 829322. SCIE.
- Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Ming Cheng, Likuan Zhang, Zhenjia Cai, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, Qian Ping Zhao, and Jintao Yin.2022. Effects of extractable organic matter from mature lacustrine shale on the pore structure and their implications. AAPG Bulletin, 106: 1239-1264. SCIE.
- Song Yingrui, Lei Yuhong, Zhang Likuan, Cheng Ming, Li Chao, Liu Naigui. 2022. Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone and Accumulation Patterns of Double BSRs Formation in the Shenhu Area[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 880933. SCIE.
- Song Yingrui, Lei Yuhong, Zhang Likuan, Cheng Ming, Laicheng Miao, Li Chao, Liu Naigui. 2022. Spatial-temporal variations of the gas hydrate stability zone and hydrate accumulation models in the Dongsha region, China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 892814. SCIE.
- Zhongnan Wang, Xiaorong Luo, Keyu Liu, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Ming Cheng, Xiangzeng Wang. 2022. Evaluation of pore-scale wettability in the tight sandstone reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 138: 105528. SCIE.
- 罗晓容, 张立宽, 张立强, 刘乃贵, 闫建钊, 雷裕红, 齐育楷, 李俊, 程明, 严一鸣, 曹斌风. 2022. 深层碎屑岩储层有效性及其评价方法. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 52(6): 969-986.
- Likuan Zhang, Xiaorong Luo, Mingze Ye, Baoshou Zhang, Hongxing Wei, Binfeng Cao, Xiaotong Xu, Zhida Liu, Yuhong Lei, and Chao Li. 2021. Small-Scale Diagenetic Heterogeneity Effects on Reservoir Quality of Deep Sandstones. Geofluids, 6626652. SCIE.
- Li Chao, Zhang Likuan, Luo Xiaorong, Lei Yuhong, Yu Lan, Cheng Ming, Wang Yongshi, Wang Zhonglu. 2021. Overpressure generation by disequilibrium compaction or hydrocarbon generation in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Chezhen Depression: Insights from logging responses and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 133: 105258. SCIE.
- Peng Yang, Likuan Zhang, Keyu Liu, Binfeng Cao, Jianlei Gao, Guiqiang Qiu. 2021. Diagenetic history and reservoir evolution of tight sandstones in the second member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, western Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 201: 108451. SCIE.
- Ming Cheng, Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, and Jintao Yin. 2021. Pore Type, Pore Structure, and Controlling Factors in the Late Triassic Lacustrine Yanchang Shale, Ordos Basin, China. Energies, 14: 3053. SCIE.
- Yiming Yan, Liqiang Zhang, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Junjian Li. 2021. Process of porosity loss and predicted porosity loss in high effective stress sandstones with grain crushing and packing texture transformation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 207: 109092.
- Jia Rong, Zongyuan Zheng, Xiaorong Luo, Chao Li, Yuping Li, Xiangfeng Wei, Quanchao Wei, Guangchun Yu, Likuan Zhang, and Yuhong Lei. 2021. Machine Learning Method for TOC Prediction: Taking Wufeng and Longmaxi Shales in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China as an Example. Geofluids, 6794213. SCIE.
- 徐小童, 张立宽, 冶明泽, 张立强, 修金磊. 2021. 深层砂岩储层成岩作用差异性及与储层质量的关系—以准噶尔盆地中部征沙村地区侏罗系为例. 天然气地球科学, 32(7): 1022-1036.
- 雷裕红, 宋颖睿, 张立宽, 苗来成, 程明, 刘乃贵. 2021. 海洋天然气水合物成藏系统研究进展及发展方向. 石油学报, 42(6): 801-821. EI.
- Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, and Wan Yang. 2020. Petroleum migration and accumulation: Modeling and applications. AAPG Bulletin, 104(11): 2247-2265. SCIE.
- Binfeng Cao, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Jinsong Zhou. 2020. Petrofacies prediction and 3-D geological model in tight gas sandstone reservoirs by integration of well logs and geostatistical modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 114, 104202. SCIE.
- Zhongnan Wang, Xiaorong Luo, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Hui Shi, Jiehe Lu, Ming Cheng, Naigui Liu, Xiangzeng Wang, Yonghong He, Tailiang Jiang. 2020. Impact of detrital composition and diagenesis on the heterogeneity and quality of low-permeability to tight sandstone reservoirs: An example of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in Southeastern Ordos Basin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 195: 1-18.
- 罗晓容, 张立强, 张立宽, 雷裕红, 程明, 施辉, 曹斌风. 2020. 碎屑岩输导层非均质性与油气运聚成藏. 石油学报, 41(3): 253-272. EI.
李超, 罗晓容, 张立宽. 2020. 泥岩化学压实作用的超压响应与孔隙压力预测. 中国矿业大学学报, 49(5): 951-973. EI.
- 张振宇, 张立宽*, 罗晓容, 曹斌风, 林会喜, 曾治平, 秦峰, 贺文君, 李超, 雷裕红. 2019. 准噶尔盆地中部地区深层西山窑组砂岩成岩作用及其对储层质量评价的启示. 天然气地球科学, 30(5): 403-415.
- Li Chao, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Likuan, Wang Bing, Guan Xiaoyan, Luo Hongmei, Lei Yuhong. 2019. Overpressure generation mechanisms and its distribution in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Linnan Sag, Huimin Depression, Eastern China. Energies, 12: 3183. SCIE.
- Zhixin Li, Wan Yang, Yongshi Wang, Liqiang Zhang, Hongmei Luo, Shuhui Liu, Likuan Zhang, and Xiaorong Luo. 2019. Anatomy of a lacustrine stratigraphic sequence within the fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation along the steep margin of the Dongying depression, eastern China. AAPG Bulletin, 103(2): 466-504. SCIE.
- Yuxi Yu, Xiaorong Luo, Zongxiu Wanga, Ming Cheng, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Jintao Yin. 2019. A new correction method for mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) to characterize the pore structure of shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 68: 102896. SCIE.
- Hui Shi, Xiaorong Luo, Haijun Yang, Ganglin Lei, Yangang Tang, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei. 2018. Sources of quartz grains influencing quartz cementation and reservoir quality in ultra-deeply buried sandstones in Keshen-2 gas field, north-west China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 98: 185-198. SCIE.
- Hui Shi, Xiaorong Luo, Ganglin Lei, Hongxing Wei, Liqiang Zhang, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei. 2018. Effects of early oil emplacement on reservoir quality and gas migration in the Lower Jurassic tight sand reservoirs of Dibei gas field, Kuqa Depression, western China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 50: 250-258. SCIE.
- Tao Fang, Likuan Zhang, Naigui Liu, Liqiang Zhang, Weimin Wang, Lan Yu, Chao Li, Yuhong Lei. 2018. Quantitative characterization of pore structure of the Carboniferouse-Permian tight sandstone gas reservoirs in eastern Linqing depression by using NMR technique. Petroleum Research, 3: 110-123.
- 王冰, 张立宽*, 李超, 陈开远, 宋国奇, 罗红梅. 2018. 惠民凹陷临南洼陷古近系沙河街组超压成因机制及分布预测. 石油与天然气地质, 39(4): 641-653.
- Zhongnan Wang, Guangdi Liu, Ping Gao, Wan Chen, Yuran Yang, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Chaoqian Zhang, Daoqing Yang. 2017. Geochemistry of source rocks and oil–source rock correlation in the Hetaoyuan Formation of the Nanyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin, eastern China, Geological Journal, 6: 1- 18. SCIE.
- Li Chao, Zhang Likuan*, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Liqiang, Hu Caizhi, Qi Yukai, Lei, Yuhong, Cao Binfeng, ChengMing, Yu Yuxi. 2017. Calibration of the mudrock compaction curve by eliminating the effect of organic matter in organic-rich shales: Application to the southern Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86: 620-635. SCIE.
- 房涛, 张立宽*, 刘乃贵, 张立强, 王为民, 于岚, 李超, 雷裕红. 2017. 核磁共振技术定量表征致密砂岩气储层孔隙结构—以临清坳陷东部石炭系二叠系致密砂岩储层为例. 石油学报, 38(8): 902~915. EI.
- Shi, H., Luo, X. R., Lei, G. L., Zhang, L. Q., Zhang, L. K., Lei, Y. H. 2017. Diagenesis and Fluid Flow Variability of Structural Heterogeneity Units in Tight Sandstone Carrier Beds of Dibei, Eastern Kuqa Depression. Geofluids, 6593913. SCIE.
- Shi Hui, Luo Xiaorong, Li Xing, Liu Naigui, Qi Yukai, Fang Tao, Lei Yuhong, Zhang Likuan. 2017. Effects of mix-wet porous mediums on gas flowing and one mechanism for gas migration. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 152: 60- 66. SCIE.
- Qi, Yukai, Luo, Xiaorong, Wang, Yi, Liu, Naigui, Zhou, Bo, Yan, Jianzhao, Zhang, Likuan. 2017. Mechanical study of the effect of fractional-wettability on multiphase fluid flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 93: 205- 212. SCIE.
- Cao Binfeng, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Likuan, Sui Fenggui, Lin Huixi, Lei Yuhong. 2017. Diagenetic Heterogeneity of Deep Sandstones and Its Relationship to Oil Emplacement: A Case Study from the Middle Jurassic Toutunhe Formation in the Fukang Sag, Central Junggar Basin (NW China). Geofluids, 4292079: 1-23. SCIE.
- Cao Binfeng, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Likuan, Sui Fenggui, Lin Huixi, Lei Yuhong. 2017. Diagenetic evolution of deep sandstones and multiple-stage oil entrapment: A case study from the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in the Fukang Sag, central Junggar Basin (NW China). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 152: 136-155. SCIE.
- Yuxi Yu, Xiaorong Luo, Ming Cheng, Yuhong Lei, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang ,Likuan Zhang. 2017. Study on the distribution of extractable organic matter in pores of lacustrine shale: An example of Zhangjiatan Shale from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Interpretation, 5(2): 109-126. SCIE.
- 胡才志, 罗晓容, 张立宽, 邱桂强, 雷裕红, 程明. 2017. 鄂尔多斯盆地中西部长9储层差异化成岩与烃类充注过程研究. 地质学报, 15 (05): 1141- 1157.
- 李超, 张立宽*, 罗晓容, 张立强, 胡才志, 杨鹏, 邱桂强, 马立元, 雷裕红, 程明. 2016. 泥岩压实研究中有机质导致声波时差异常的定量校正方法. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 20 (3): 77-87. EI.
- 李超, 张立强, 张立宽, 王朋, 胡才志, 张海森. 2016. 鄂尔多斯盆地镇泾地区中生代地层剥蚀厚度估算及古构造恢复. 岩性油气藏, 28(02): 72-79.
- Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, G. Vasseur, Hongjun Wang, Jianjun Zhao. 2016. Quantitative assessment of petroleum loss during secondary migration in the Yaojia Formation, NE Songliao Basin, NE China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 7: 1028-1041. SCIE.
- Cao B. F., Bai G. P., Zhang K. X., He B., Zhang L. K. 2016. A comprehensive review of hydrocarbons and genetic model of the sandstone-hosted Dongsheng uranium deposit, Ordos Basin, China, Geofluids, 16(3):624-650. SCIE.
- Fei Tian, Qiang Jin, Xinbian Lu, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Songqing Zheng, Hongfang Zhang, Yuanshuai Rong, Naigui Liu. 2016. Multi-layered ordovician paleokarst reservoir detection and spatial delineation: A case study in the Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, Western China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 69: 53-73. SCIE.
- Fei Tian, Jianting Yang, Ming Cheng, Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang, Xiaoxue Wang, and Xin Liu. 2016. Geometry, kinematics and dynamic characteristics of a compound transfer zone: the Dongying anticline, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Open Geoscience, 8: 612-629. SCIE.
- 杨鹏, 张立宽, 曹斌风, 胡才志, 邱桂强, 马立元, 尹伟, 李超, 雷裕红. 2016. 应用流体包裹体研究致密砂岩储层多期油气充注历史—以鄂尔多斯盆地镇泾地区延长组长8段砂岩为例. 地质科学, 51(3): 946-960.
- 罗晓容, 张立宽, 付晓飞, 庞宏, 周波, 王兆明. 2016. 深层油气成藏动力学研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 35(5): 876-890.
- 罗晓容, 张立宽, 雷裕红, 胡才志, 施辉, 曹斌风. 2016. 储层结构非均质性及其在深层油气成藏中的意义. 中国石油勘探, 21(1): 28-35.
- 胡才志, 张立宽*, 罗晓容, 赵洪, 杨彬, 曹斌风, 雷裕红, 程明, 李超. 2015. 准噶尔盆地腹部莫西庄地区三工河组低孔渗砂岩储层成岩与孔隙演化研究.天然气地球科学, 10(12): 2254-2266. EI.
- 杨彬, 张立宽, 张立强, 雷裕红, 程明, 于岚. 2015. 东营凹陷东南斜坡泥岩压实规律及超压分布. 新疆石油地质, 36(6): 714-719.
- 赵洪, 罗晓容, 张立宽, 林会喜, 胡才志, 杨彬, 雷裕红. 2014. 准噶尔盆地中部1区块三工河组流体包裹体特征及对油气多期充注-调整过程的指示. 天然气地球科学, 25(12): 1-11. EI.
- Xiaorong Luo, Caizhi Hu, Zhongyao Xiao, Jian Zhao, Baoshou Zhang, Wan Yang, Hong Zhao, Fengyun Zhao , Yuhong Lei, Likuan Zhang. 2015. Effects of carrier bed heterogeneity on hydrocarbon migration. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 68: 120-131. SCIE.
- Y. H. Lei, X. R. Luo, X. Z. Wang, L.X. Zhang, C. F. Jiang, W. Yang, Y. X. Yu, M. Cheng, L. K. Zhang. 2015. Characteristics of silty laminae in Zhangjiatan Shale of southeastern Ordos Basin, China: Implications for shale gas formation. AAPG Bulletin, 99, 661-687. SCIE.
- Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Guoqi Song, Likuan Zhang, Xuefeng Hao, Wan Yang, Chengpeng Song , Ming Cheng , Bin Yang. 2014. Quantitative characterization of connectivity and conductivity of sandstone carriers during secondary petroleum migration, applied to the Third Member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Depression, Eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 51, 268-285. SCIE.
- 张立宽, 罗晓容, 宋国奇, 邱桂强, 郝雪峰, 雷裕红, 宋成鹏. 2013. 油气运移过程中断层启闭性的量化表征参数评价. 石油学报, 34(1): 92-100. EI.
- 雷裕红, 罗晓容, 张立宽, 宋成鹏, 程明. 2013. 东营凹陷南斜坡东段沙河街组砂岩输导层连通性量化表征. 石油学报, 34 (4): 692-701. EI.
- Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Ming Cheng, Chengpeng Song. 2013. A Quantitative Method for Characterizing Transport Capability of Compound Hydrocarbon Carrier System. Journal of Earth Science, 24(3): 328–342. SCIE.
- 王香增, 贺永红, 张立宽, 付明义. 2013.鄂尔多斯盆地吴起—志丹地区长10烃源岩特征与生烃潜力.天然气地球科学, 24(3): 461-469. EI.
- Yan J. Z., Luo X. R., Wang W.M., Renaud T., Jean S., Guy V., Chen F., Alan Y., Zhang L. K. 2012. An experimental study of oil secondary migration in a three-dimensional tilted porous medium, AAPG, 96(5): 773-788. SCIE.
- Jianzhao Yan, Xiaorong Luo, Weimin Wang, Fang Chen, Renaud Toussaint, Jean Schmittbuhl, Guy Vasseur, Likuan Zhang. 2012.Testing oil saturation distribution in migration paths using MRI. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 86-87: 237-245. SCIE.
- 罗晓容, 张立宽, 雷裕红. 2012. 油气成藏动力学研究方法与应用. 地质科学, 47(4): 1188-1210.
- 罗晓容, 雷裕红, 张立宽, 陈瑞银, 陈占坤, 许建华, 赵健. 2012. 油气运移输导层研究及量化表征方法.石油学报, 33(5): 428-437. EI.
- 闫建钊, 罗晓容, 张立宽, 雷裕红. 2012. 原油二次运移过程中的逾渗主脊实验研究. 石油实验地质, 34(1): 99-104.
- Zhang L. K., Luo X. R., Guy V., Yu, C. H., Yang, W., Lei Y. h., Song C.P., Yu L., Yan J.Z. 2011. Evaluation of geological factors in characterizing fault connectivity during hydrocarbon migration: Application to the Bohai Bay Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(9): 1634-1647. SCIE.
- Zhang L. K., Luo, X. R., Liao, Q. J., Yang, W., Guy, V., Yu, C. H., Su, J. Q., Yuan, S. Q., Xiao, D. Q., Wang, Z. M. 2010. Quantitative evaluation of synsedimentary fault opening and sealing properties using hydrocarbon connection probability assessment. AAPG Bulletin, 94(9): 1379- 1399. SCIE.
- 王震亮, 张立宽. 2007. 沉积盆地内多套水动力系统的并存及对地层压力评价的影响—以云南楚雄盆地云龙凹陷云参1井为例. 中国科技论文在线, 2 (7):457- 462.
- 张立宽, 罗晓容, 廖前进, 袁淑琴, 苏俊青, 肖敦清, 王兆明, 于长华. 2007. 断层连通概率法定量评价断层的启闭性. 石油与天然气地质, 28(2): 181-191.
- 张立宽, 王震亮, 曲志浩, 于岚, 袁珍, 刘小洪. 2007. 砂岩孔隙介质内天然气运移的微观物理模拟实验研究. 地质学报, 81 (4): 539-544.
- 张立宽, 王震亮, 曲志浩, 于岚, 孙明亮. 2007.砂岩输导层内天然气运移速率影响因素的实验研究. 天然气地球科学, 18 (3): 342-346.
- 张立宽, 王震亮, 孙明亮, 施立志. 2007. 库车坳陷克拉2气田异常流体压力演化史. 地质科学, 42(3): 430-443.
- 罗晓容, 张立宽, 廖前进, 苏俊青, 袁淑琴, 宋海明, 周波, 侯平. 2007. 埕北断阶带沙河街组油气运移动力学过程模拟分析. 石油与天然气地质, 28 (2): 191-198.
- 张立宽, 王震亮, 于在平. 2004. 沉积盆地异常低压的成因. 石油实验地质, 26(5): 422-427.
- 王震亮, 张立宽, 孙明亮, 曲志浩. 2005.天然气运移速率的微观物理模拟及其相似性分析—以库车坳陷为例. 石油学报, 26 (6) : 36-40. EI.
- 王震亮, 张立宽, 施立志, 孙明亮. 2005. 塔里木盆地克拉2气田异常高压的成因分析及其定量评价. 地质科学, 51(1): 55-63.
- 王震亮, 张立宽, 孙明亮, 付金华, 席胜利, 刘斌. 2004. 鄂尔多斯盆地神木—榆林地区上石盒子组石千峰组天然气成藏机理. 石油学报, 25(3): 37-44. EI.
- 王震亮, 孙明亮, 张立宽, 李耀华, 张健. 2004. 川西地区须家河组异常压力演化与天然气成藏模式. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 29(4): 433-440.
- Likuan Zhang,Jianzhao Yan,Xiaorong Luo,Yuhog Lei,Ming Cheng,Naigui Liu. Device and Method for Measuring Fluid Saturation in Nuclear Magetic Resonance On-Line Displacement. U.S. Patent.17/860,570
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