简历: |
郭光军,研究员,博士生导师。1998年博士毕业于北京大学,后赴中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所做博士后,2000年留所参加工作,于2007年晋升研究员。主要从事非常规油气的分子模拟研究,提出了天然气水合物成核机制的笼子吸附假说,创建了水合物非标准笼子分析技术,发现了孔隙表面内层原子对页岩气的吸附机理,以及煤在剪切应力下的分解产气机理等。曾主持和参加10余项国家自然科学基金、科技部973计划项目,以及中国科学院先导专项项目等。先后在国内外学术期刊上发表论文50多篇。曾获得2017年国土资源科学技术奖一等奖(个人排名4/15)。 学习经历: 1988—1992 北京大学地质学系,岩矿地化专业,获学士学位。 1992—1995 北京大学地质学系,矿床学专业, 获硕士学位。 1995—1998 北京大学地质学系,矿床学专业, 获博士学位。 工作经历: 1998—2000 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,博士后。 2000—2002 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,助理研究员。 2003—2006 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,副研究员。 2007—今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,研究员。 现任职务: 超级计算实验室 主任 |
研究方向: |
天然气水合物、页岩气、煤层气等非常规油气的分子模拟研究 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 青年基金项目:天然气水合物成核过程的分子动力学模拟,2002.1—2004.12(负责人)
- 面上基金项目:天然气水合物成核过程的分子动力学模拟(II),2007.1—2009.12(负责人)
- 973二级课题:南海北部天然气水合物成藏的温压条件研究,2009.1—2013.8(负责人)
- 院重要方向项目:用分子动力学模拟和冲击波动高压实验研究地幔转换带的速度和密度结构,2011.1-2013.12(负责人)
- 面上基金项目:天然气水合物成核过程的分子动力学模拟(III),2014.1—2017.12(负责人)
- 院战略性先导科技专项二级项目:页岩气微观赋存状态与微观流动,2014.1—2018.12(负责人)
- 面上基金项目:煤的力解产气反应机理分子模拟研究,2018.1—2021.12(负责人)
- 所重点部署项目二级课题:二次水合物动态聚散机理与防治,2019.11-2022.10(负责人)
代表论著: |
软件著作权: 10. 郑超、彭博、唐伟、郭光军,2024,相边界表面积计算软件[简称:PBSAC]V1.0,登记号:2024SR0640930 9. 郑超、彭博、唐伟、郭光军,2024,多相流体饱和度计算软件[简称:MFSC]V1.0,登记号:2024SR0636453 8. 彭博、郭光军,2024,水-SiO2不混溶体系中含氢物种反应途径识别软件V1.0,登记号:2024SR0386233 7. 彭博、郭光军,2023,水-SiO2不混溶体系中alpha-shape两相划分及含氢物种识别软件V1.0,登记号:2023SR0975309 6. 彭博、郭光军,2023,水-SiO2不混溶体系中跨边界熔体相整合软件V1.0,登记号:2023SR0976017 5. 郑超、郭光军,2023,二氧化硅表面羟基化修饰软件[简称:SSHM]V1.0,登记号:2023SR0252198 4. 高恺、郭光军,2021,纳米孔隙表面层积吸附势能计算软件[简称:LAAP]V1.0,登记号:2021SR0556995 3. 张明敏、郭光军,2020,圆管孔道中纳米流动分析软件V1.0,登记号:2020SR1874489 2. 张明敏、郭光军,2020,纳米圆管孔道定向制备软件V1.0,登记号:2020SR1837697 1. 郭光军,2020,面饱和不完整笼子分析软件[简称:FSICA]V1.0,登记号:2020SR0561092 授权专利: 1. Guo, G., Cao, C., Yang, Y., Liu, S., 2024, Magnetofluid enhanced electromagnetic heating device and method for preventing and treating secondary hydrates around well, Patent No.: US12104463B2, Date of Patent: Oct. 1, 2024 期刊论文:
Zhang, Z., Kusalik, P. G.,Guo, G., Li, Y.*, Huang, L., and Wu, N.*, 2025, Temperature-controlled gas hydrate nucleation in the heterogeneous environment,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol.16, pp.667-674 |
Zhang, P., Chen X., Bao, R., Ma, X., Wang, Yu., Che, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Zhan, J.,Guo, G., Sun, C., Wu, J., Wu, Q.*, and Fan, S.*, 2025, Mechanical deformation destabilizing hydrate within thermodynamic equilibrium region,Fuel, Vol.381, 133405, pp.1-9 |
Wang, X., Yuan, Y., Du, Z.,Guo, G., Liu, B., and Yang, J.*, 2024, Mineral effects on methane hydrate formation and distribution in sand sediments,Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Vol.243, 213379, pp.1-11 |
Zhang, Z.,Guo, G., Liu, C., and Wu, N.*, 2024, Molecular insights into the impact of mineral pore size on methane hydrate formation,Fuel, Vol.374, 132455, pp.1-10 |
Ruan, R., Yang, W.*, Hao, J., andGuo, G., 2024, Oven design for in-situ thermal extraction of volatiles from lunar regolith,Earth and Space Science, Vol.11, e2024EA003556 |
56. |
Zheng, C.,Guo, G.*, Qin, X., Dong, Y., Lu, C., Peng, B., Tang, W., and Bian, H., 2023, Molecular simulation studies on the water/methane two-phase flow in a cylindrical silica nanopore: Formation mechanisms of water lock and implications for gas hydrate exploitation,Fuel, Vol.333, 126258, pp.1-11. |
55. |
Zhang, Z., Wu, N.*, Liu, C., Hao, X., Zhang, Y., Gao, K., Peng, B., Zheng, C., Tang, W., and Guo, G.*, 2022. Molecular simulation studies on natural gas hydrates nucleation and growth: A review, China Geology, Vol.5, pp.330-344 |
54. |
Guo, G.* and Zhang, Z., 2021, Open questions on methane hydrate nucleation, Comm. Chem., Vol.4, 102, pp.1-3 |
53. |
Zhang, Z. and Guo, G.*, 2021, Comment on “Iterative cup overlapping: An efficient identification algorithm for cage structures of amorphous phase hydrates”, J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol.125, pp.5451-5453 |
52. |
Wang, J., Hou, Q., Zeng, F.*, and Guo, G.*, 2021, Gas generation mechanisms of bituminous coal under shear stress based on ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation, Fuel, Vol.298, 120240, pp.1-9 |
51. |
Wang, J., Hou, Q., Zeng, F.*, and Guo, G.*, 2021, Stress Sensitivity for the Occurrence of Coalbed Gas Outbursts: A Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Study, Energy & Fuels, Vol.35, pp.5801-5807 |
50. |
Gao, K., Guo, G.*, Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., and Peng Bo, 2021, Nanopore surfaces control the shale gas adsorption via roughness and layer-accumulated adsorption potential: A molecular dynamics study, Energy & Fuels, Vol.35, pp.4893-4900 |
49. |
Zhang, Z., Kusalik, P. G.,Guo, G., Ning, F., and Wu, N.*, 2021, Insight on the stability of polycrystalline natural gas hydrates by molecular dynamics simulations, Fuel, Vol.289, 119946, pp.1-9 |
48. |
Zhang, Z., Guo, G., Wu, N., and Kusalik, P. G.*, 2020, Molecular Insights into Guest and Composition Dependence of Mixed Hydrate Nucleation, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.124, pp.25078-25086 |
47. |
Zhang, M., Guo, G.*, Tian, H., Zhang, Z., and Gao, K., 2020, Effects of italicized angle and turning angle on shale gas nanoflows in non-straight nanopores: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study, Fuel, Vol.278, 118275, pp.1-8 |
46. |
Zhang, Z., Kusalik, P. G., and Guo, G.*, 2019, Might a 2,2-Dimethylbutane Molecule Serve as a Site to Promote Gas Hydrate Nucleation?, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.123, pp.20579-20686 |
45. |
Wang, J., Guo, G.*, Han, Y., Hou, Q.*, Geng, M., and Zhang, Z., 2019, Mechanolysis mechanisms of the fused aromatic rings of anthracite coal under shear stress,Fuel, Vol.253, pp.1247-1255 |
44. |
Hall, K. W., Zhang Z., Burnham, C. J.,Guo, G., Carpendale, S., English, N. J., and Kusalik, P. G.*, 2018, Does Local Structure Bias How a Crystal Nucleus Evolves?,J. Phys. Chem. L, Vol.9, pp. 6991-6998 |
43. |
Zhang, Z., Kusalik, P. G., and Guo, G.*, 2018, Bridging solution properties to gas hydrate nucleation through guest dynamics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.20, pp.24535-24538 |
42. |
Tian, H., Guo, G.*, Geng, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, M., Gao, K., 2018, Effects of gas reservoir configuration and pore radius on shale gas nanoflow: A molecular dynamics study,J. Chem. Phys., Vol.148, 204703, pp.1-8 |
41. |
Zhang, Z., Kusalik, P. G., and Guo, G.*, 2018, Molecular insight into the growth of hydrogen and methane binary hydrates,J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.122, pp.7771-7778 |
40. |
Wang, J., Han, Y., Chen, B., Guo, G., Hou, Q.*, Zhang, Z., 2017, Mechanisms of methane generation from anthracite at low temperatures: Insights from quantum chemistry calculations, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol.42, pp.18922-18929 |
39. |
Zhang, Z. and Guo, G.*, 2017, The effects of ice on methane hydrate nucleation: a microcanonical molecular dynamics study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.19, pp.19496-19505 |
38. |
Liu, C., Zhang, Z.,Guo, G*, 2016, Effect of guests on the adsorption interaction between a hydrate cage and guests, RSC Adv., Vol.6, pp.106443-106452 |
37. |
Zhang, Z., Liu, C., Walsh, M. R.,Guo, G*, 2016, Effects of ensembles on methane hydrate nucleation kinetics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.18, pp.15602-15608 |
36. |
Zhang, Z., Walsh, M. R., Guo, G.*, 2015, Microcanonical molecular simulations of methane hydrate nucleation and growth: evidence that direct nucleation to sI hydrate is among the multiple nucleation pathways, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.17, pp.8870-8876 |
35. |
Liu, C., Zhang, Z., Guo, G.*, 2014, Investigation of adsorption interaction between gas hydrate cages and inert gas molecules,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Beijing, China, July 28-August 1, 2014, Paper No.T1-120, pp.1-6 |
34. |
Liu, C., Zhang, Z.C., Zhang, Z.G., Zhang, Y., Guo, G.*, 2013, Effects of cage type and adsorption face on the cage-methane adsorption interaction: Implications for hydrate nucleation studies, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.475, pp.54-58 |
33. |
Guo, G.and Rodger, P.M, 2013, Solubility of Aqueous Methane under Metastable Conditions: Implications for Gas Hydrate Nucleation, J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol.117, pp.6498-6504 |
32. |
李开华、张毅刚、郭光军,2011,纯铁状态方程第一原理计算与外核密度亏损,地质科学,Vol.46,No.3,pp.896-904 |
31. |
Guo, G., 2011, Cage adsorption hypothesis on hydrate nucleation mechanisms,Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2011, No.O2B.2, pp.1-5 |
30. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., and Li, K., 2011, Using the face-saturated incomplete cage analysis to quantify the cage compositions and cage linking structures of amorphous phase hydrates,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.13, pp.12048-12057 |
29. |
Guo, G., Li, M., Zhang, Y., and Wu, C., 2009, Why can water cages adsorb aqueous methane? A potential of mean force calculation on hydrate nucleation mechanisms,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.11, pp.10427-10437 |
28. |
Zhang, Y. and Guo, G., 2009, Partitioning of Si and O between liquid iron and silicate melt: A two-phase ab-initio molecular dynamics study, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.36, L18305 |
27. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., Li, M., and Wu, C., 2008, Dynamic lifetimes of cagelike water clusters immersed in liquid water and their implications for hydrate nucleation studies, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada, July 6-10, 2008, No.5488, pp.1-5 |
26. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., Li, M., and Wu, C., 2008, Can the dodecahedral water cluster naturally form in methane aqueous solutions? A molecular dynamics study on the hydrate nucleation mechanisms, J. Chem. Phys., Vol.128, 194504, pp.1-8 |
25. |
Zhang, Y., Zhao, D., Matsui, M., and Guo, G., 2007, Strong temperature dependence of the first pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus at zero pressure, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.112, B11202, pp.1-8 |
24. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H., 2007, Effect of methane adsorption on the lifetime of a dodecahedral water cluster immersed in liquid water: A molecular dynamics study on the hydrate nucleation mechanisms, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.111, pp.2595-2606 |
23. |
Zhang, Y., Zhao, D., Matsui, M., and Guo, G., 2006, Equations of state of CaSiO3 perovskite: a molecular dynamics study, Phys. Chem. Minerals, Vol.33, pp.126-137 |
22. |
郭光军,2005,忆冯先生的教诲,<<冯钟燕教授纪念文集>>,海洋出版社,pp.30-33 |
21. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., and Refson, K., 2005, Effect of H-bond topology on the lifetimes of cagelike water clusters immersed in liquid water and the probability distribution of these lifetimes: Implications for hydrate nucleation mechanisms, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.413, No.4-6, pp.415-419 |
20. |
赵亚娟、张毅刚、郭光军、Refson, K.,2004,NaAlSi3O8熔体粒子扩散行为压力效应的分子动力学研究,岩石学报,Vol.20,No.6,pp.1461-1468 |
19. |
Zhang, Y., Guo, G., Refson, K., and Zhao, Y., 2004, Finite-size effect at both high and low temperatures in molecular dynamics calculations of the self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity of liquid silica, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol.16, pp.9127-9135 |
18. |
赵亚娟、张毅刚、郭光军、Refson, K.,2004,钙长石成分熔体粘滞度和自扩散系数压力效应的分子动力学研究,岩石学报,Vol.20,No.3,pp.737-746 |
17. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Refson, K., and Shan, G., 2004, Lifetimes of cage-like water clusters immersed in bulk liquid water: A molecular dynamics study on gas hydrate nucleation mechanisms, J. Chem. Phys., Vol.121, No.3, pp.1542-1547 |
16. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., and Zhao, Y., 2003, Molecular dynamics simulations of filled and empty cage-like water clusters in liquid water and their significance to gas hydrate formation mechanisms, 化工学报, Vol.54, 增刊, pp.62-66 |
15. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., and Zhao, Y., 2003, Comment on "Computation of the viscosity of a liquid from time averages of stress fluctuations", Phys. Rev. E, Vol.67, 043101, pp.1-3 |
14. |
Guo, G., Zhang, Y., Refson, K., and Zhao, Y., 2002, Viscosity and stress autocorrelation function in supercooled water: A molecular dynamics study, Molecular Physics, Vol.100, No.16, pp.2617-2627 |
13. |
张旗、钱青、王二七、王焰、赵太平、郝杰、郭光军,2001,燕山中晚期的中国东部高原:埃达克岩的启示,地质科学,Vol.36,No.2,pp.248-255 |
12. |
张旗、王焰、钱青、杨进辉、王元龙、赵太平、郭光军,2001,中国东部燕山期埃达克岩的特征及其构造-成矿意义,岩石学报,Vol.17,No.2,pp.236-244 |
11. |
Guo, G.and Zhang, Y., 2001, Equilibrium molecular dynamics calculation of the bulk viscosity of liquid water, Molecular Physics, Vol.99, No.4, pp.283-289 |
10. |
Zhang, Y. and Guo, G., 2000, Molecular dynamics calculation of bulk viscosity of liquid iron-nickel alloy and the mechanisms for the bulk attenuation of seismic waves in the earth’s outer core, Phys. Earth Planet Inter., Vol.122, No.3-4, pp.289-298 |
9. |
Zhang, Y., Guo, G., and Nie, G., 2000, A molecular dynamics study of bulk and shear viscosity of liquid iron using embedded-atom potential, Phys. Chem. Minerals, Vol.27, No.3, pp.164-169 |
8. |
Chen Yanjing, Chen Huayong, Liu Yulin, Guo Guangjun, Lai Yong, Qin Shan, Huang Baoling, Zheng Zengjie, Sui Yinghui, Li Chao, Li Zhen, Li Ping, Li Xin, Wang Haihua, Zhu Meixiang, Gao Xiuli, and Wei Qiying, 2000, Progress and records in the study of endogenetic mineralization during collisional orogenesis, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.45, No.1, pp.1-10 |
7. |
陈衍景、陈华勇、刘玉琳、郭光军、赖勇、秦善、黄宝玲、张增杰、隋颖慧、李超、李震、李萍、李欣、王海华、朱梅湘、高秀丽、魏绮英,1999,碰撞造山过程内生矿床成矿作用的研究历史和进展,科学通报,Vol.44,No.16,pp.1681-1689 |
6. |
郭光军、王时麒,1998,河北围场小扣花营银矿稀土元素地球化学研究,北京大学学报(自然科学版), Vol.34, No.4, pp.510-518 |
5. |
Chen Yanjing, Guo Guangjun, and Li Xin, 1998, Metallogenic geodynamic background of Mesozoic gold deposits in granite-greenstone terrains of North China Craton, Science in China (Series D), Vol.41, No.2, pp.113-120 |
4. |
陈衍景、郭光军、李欣,1998, 华北克拉通花岗绿岩地体中中生代金矿床的成矿地球动力学背景,中国科学(D辑), Vol.29, No.1, pp.35-40 |
3. |
朱永峰、赵永超、郭光军,1997,一种计算NaAlSi3O8熔体粘度的理论方法,岩石学报,Vol.13,No.2,pp.173-179 |
2. |
郭光军、王时麒,1995,安家营子金矿含金和无金石英的标型特征,地质与勘探,Vol.31,No.2,pp.26-32 |
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王时麒、郭光军,1994,论我国矿产资源的可持续发展战略,<<可持续发展之路>>,北京大学出版社,pp.138-141 | |