姓名: |
刘立波 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
+86-10-82998316 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
liul @ mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
空间科学学会空间物理专业委员会、地球物理学会空间天气委员会和中国气象学会空间天气委员会委员。《Science Bulletin》、《International J. Geophysics》、《EPP》、《地球物理学报》、《电波科学学报》和《空间科学学报》编委,《Adv. Space Res.》、《International J. Geophysics》和《地球物理学报》专辑Guest Editor。曾任《科学通报》编委。
研究方向: |
——电离层天气研究,特别是电离层与地磁活动关系、极端条件下电离层状态。 |
承担科研项目情况: |
- 主持《中低纬电离层夜间特性及其机理研究》,国家自然科学基金项目,2012.1-2015.12
- 主持《低纬电离层天气扰动特征及其对太阳风的响应》,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2013.1-2017.12
- 主持《低太阳活动条件下中低纬电离层剖面结构》,国家自然科学基金项目,2011.1-2013.12
- 主持《电离层物理》,国家自然科学杰出青年基金项目, 2008.1-2011.12
- 主持《中低纬电离层气候学特征的高度依赖》,国家自然科学基金项目,2007.1-2009.12
- 主持《低纬电离层暴特征的统计分析》,国家自然科学基金项目,2006.1-2008.12
- 主持《低纬电离层与风场的动力耦合研究》,国家自然科学基金项目,2003.1-2005.12
- 主持《利用电离层特性数据研究低纬等效电场》,国家自然科学基金项目,1999.1-2001.12
- 主持《120°E子午链上空电离层响应和应用模式》,973项目课题,2012.1-2016.12
- 主持《中低纬电离层模式研究》,空间天气重点实验室课题,2010.4-2012.4
- 参加国家科技部国家重点基础研究(973)项目《日地空间灾害性天气的发生、发展和预报研究》《空间灾害性天气的电离层和中高层大气研究》课题(2006CB806306),2006年9月-2011年8月
- 科技基础性工作专项重点项目《电离层历史资料整编和电子浓度剖面及区域特性图集编研》的第三课题《电离层频高图资料收集处理规范与标准》负责人。
获奖及荣誉: |
- 2009年地球物理学会傅承义青年科技奖;
- 2009年度马塔切纳青年优秀论文奖
- 2011年赵九章优秀中青年科学奖
- 2011、2012、2014年中科院优秀导师奖
- 2010年AGU Editors'Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for JGR-Space Physics (美国地球物理学会JGR刊物优秀审稿人奖)。
- 2014年科技部中青年科技创新领军人才
- 2015年度国家自然科学二等奖(排名第二)
- 2016年国务院特殊津贴
- 2016年日本国立信息与通讯技术研究所客座研究人员
- 2017年中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖
代表论著: |
My ResearcherID[A-2370-2012] Google Scholar
- Chen Y., L. Liu, H. Le, W. Wan, and H. Zhang, The effect of zonal wind reversal around sunset on ionospheric interhemispheric asymmetry at March equinox of a solar maximum year 2000 , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2017]
- Kuai, J., L. Liu, J. Lei, J. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, H. Le, Y. Wang, L. Hu, Regional differences of the ionospheric response to the July 2012 geomagnetic storm , J. Geophys. Res.[2017]
- Le Huijun, N. Yang, L. Liu, Y.Chen, H. Zhang , The latitudinal structure of nighttime ionospheric TEC and its empirical orthogonal functions model over North American sector , J. Geophys. Res.[2017]
- Li, G., B. Ning, M. Abdu, W. Wan, C. Wang, G. Yang, K. Liu, L. Liu, C. Yan, First observation of presunset ionospheric F region bottom-type scattering layer , J. Geophys. Res.[2017]
- Liu Jing, W. Wang, A. Burns, L. Liu, J. McInerney, A TIEGCM numerical study of the source and evolution of ionospheric Fregion tongues of ionization: Universal time and interplanetary magnetic field dependence , J.Atom-Solar. Terr. Phy.[2017]
- Liu Libo, H.Liu, H. Le, Y. Chen, Y-Y.Sun, B. Ning, L. Hu, W. Wan, N. Li, J. Xiong, Mesospheric temperatures estimated from the meteor radar observations at Mohe, China , J. Geophys. Res. [2017]
- Liu Libo, H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Le, Y-Y. Sun, B. Ning, L. Hu, W. Wan , Variations of the meteor echo heights at Beijing and Mohe, China , J. Geophys. Res.[2017]
- Yu T., X. Zuo, C. Xia, M. Li, C. Huang,
T. Mao, X. Zhang, B. Zhao, and L. Liu, Peak height of OH airglow derived from simultaneous observations a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a meteor radar , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2017]
- Yu Y., Wan W., M. Reid, J. Chen, A. Vincent, B. Ning, J. Murphy, G. Yang, X. Xue, D. MacKinnnon, N. Li, C. Yan, L. Liu, L. Hu, Z. Ren, Y. Zhang, Global tidal mapping from observations of a radar campaign , Advances in Space Research[2017]
- Zhang R., L. Liu, H. Le, Y. Chen, Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics during solar flares , Geophys. Res. Lett.[2017]
- Zhang Man-lian, L. Liu, W. Wan, B. Ning, Comparison of the observed topside ionospheric and plasmaspheric electron content derived from the COSMIC podTEC measurements with the IRI_Plas model results , Adv. Space Res.[2017]
- Zhang R., L. Liu, H. Le, Y. Chen, and J. Kuai, The storm time evolution of the ionospheric disturbance plasma drifts , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2017]
- 魏勇,戎昭金,钟俊,柴立晖,乐新安, 刘立波,于晟,朱日祥,万卫星, 比较行星空间物理 , 地球科学进展[2017]
- Chen Y., L Liu, H Le, W Wan, H Zhang, The global distribution of the dusk-to-nighttime enhancement of summer NmF2 at solar minimum , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Chen Y., L Liu, H Le, W Wan, H Zhang, Equatorial ionization anomaly in the low-latitude topside ionosphere: Local time evolution and longitudinal difference , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Huang, H, L. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Le, and W. Wan, A global picture of ionospheric slab thickness derived from GIM TEC and COSMIC radio occultation observations , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Kuai J., L. Liu, J. Liu, S. Sripathi, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, H. Le, and L. Hu, Effects of disturbed electric fields in the low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere during the 2015 storm , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Le H, L. Liu, Z. Ren, L. Hu, Y. Chen, W. Wan, An ionospheric assimilation model along a meridian plane , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics[2016]
- Le H., L. Liu, Z. Ren, Y. Chen, H. Zhang, W. Wan, A modeling study of global ionospheric and thermospheric responses to extreme solar flare , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Liu L., W. Wan, New understanding achieved from 2 years of Chinese ionospheric investigations , Science Bulletin[2016]
- Yang N., H. Le, L. Liu, Statistical analysis of the mid?latitude trough position during different categories of magnetic storms and different storm intensities , Earth, Planets and Space[2016]
- Zhang R.,L. Liu, H. Le, Y. Chen, Evidence and effects of the sunrise enhancement of the equatorial vertical plasma drift in the F region ionosphere , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2016]
- Zhang H., K. K. Khurana, M. G. Kivelson, S. Fatemi, M. Holmstr?m, V. Angelopoulos, Y. D. Jia, W. X. Wan, L. B. Liu, Y. D. Chen, H. J. Le, Q. Q. Shi, and W. L. Liu, Alfvén wings in the lunar wake: The role of pressure gradients , J. Geophys. Res.Space Physics[2016]
- 阎凤婵, 任志鹏, 万卫星, 刘立波, 龙智勇, 顶部电离层总离子密度的经度变化 , 空间科学学报[2016]
- Chen Yiding, L. Liu, H. Le, W. Wan, and H. Zhang, NmF2 enhancement during ionospheric F2 region nighttime: A statistical analysis based on COSMIC observations during the 2007–2009 solar minimum , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Chen Yiding, L. Liu, H. Le, W. Wan, and H. Zhang, Dusk-to-nighttime enhancement of mid-latitude NmF2 in local summer: Inter-hemispheric asymmetry and solar activity dependence , Ann. Geophys.[2015]
- Chen Yiding, L. Liu, H. Le, W. Wan, and H. Zhang, Discrepant responses of the global electron content to the solar cycle and solar rotation variations of EUV irradiance , Earth, Planets and Space[2015]
- Huang He, Y. Chen, L. Liu, H. Le, and W. Wan, An empirical model of the topside plasma density around 600 km based on ROCSAT-1 and Hinotori observations , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Klimenko M., Liu L., Preface: Advances in equatorial, low- and mid-latitude mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere studies , Advances in Space Research[2015]
- Kuai Jiawei, L. Liu, J. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, H. Le, W. Wan, The long-duration positive storm effects in the equatorial ionosphere over Jicamarca , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Le Huijun, Z. Ren, L. Liu, Y. Chen and H. Zhang, Global thermospheric disturbances induced by a solar flare: a modeling study , Earth, Planets and Space[2015]
- Le Huijun, J. Liu, B. Zhao, L. Liu, Recent progress in ionospheric earthquake precursor study in China: A brief review , Journal of Asian Earth Sciences[2015]
- Li Guozhu, B. Ning, L. Liu, M. A. Abdu, W. Wan, and L. Hu, Shear in the zonal drifts of 3 m irregularities inside spread F plumes observed over Sanya , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Li xing, Weixing Wan, Zhipeng Ren, Libo Liu, and Baiqi Ning, The variability of nonmigrating tides detected from TIMED/SABER observations , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Liu Jing, Takuji Nakamura, L. Liu, Wenbin Wang, Nanan Balan, Takanori Nishiyama, Marc R. Hairston and E. G. Thomas, Formation of polar ionospheric tongue of ionization during minor geomagnetic disturbed conditions , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Yang Na, H. Le, L. Liu, Statistical analysis of ionospheric mid-latitude trough over the Northern Hemisphere derived from GPS total electron content data , Earth, Planets and Space[2015]
- Yao Xin, Tao. Yu, B. Zhao, You Yu, L. Liu, B. Ning, W. Wan, Climatological Modeling of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Horizontal Winds over a Mid-latitude Station of China , Adv. Space Res[2015]
- Yu You, W. Wan, Z. Ren, B. Xiong, Y. Zhang, L. Hu, B. Ning, and L. Liu, Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on Hough mode decomposition , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Yu You, W. Wan, B. Xiong, Z. Ren, B. Zhao, Y. Zhang, B. Ning, and L. Liu, Modeling Chinese ionospheric layer parameters based on EOF analysis , Space Weather[2015]
- Zhang Yanyan, L. Liu, Y. Chen, J. Liu, Y. Yu, and M. Li, Nighttime electron density enhancements at middle and low latitudes in East Asia , SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences[2015]
- Zhang Y, W. Wan, G. Li, L. Liu, L. Hu, and B. Ning, A comparative study of GPS ionospheric scintillations and ionogram spread F over Sanya , Ann. Geophys.[2015]
- Zhang Xiaofang, liu Libo, Liu Songtao, Wu Yaoping , 磁暴期间热层大气密度变化 , 地球物理学报[2015]
- Zhang R., L. Liu, Y. Chen, and H. Le, The dawn enhancement of the equatorial ionospheric vertical plasma drift , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- Zhu Changbo, H. Zhang, Y. S. Ge, Z. Y. Pu, W. L. Liu, W. Wan, L. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Le and Y. F. Wang, Dipole tilt angle effect on magnetic reconnection locations on the magnetopause , J. Geophys. Res.[2015]
- 姚新, 赵必强, 刘立波, 北美与东亚中纬地区电离层TEC变化的EOF建模和分析 , 空间科学学报[2015]
- Chen Yiding, Liu L., Le H., Wan W. , Geomagnetic Activity Effect on the Global Ionosphere during 2007–2009 Deep Solar Minimum , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2014]
- Chen Yiding, Liu L., Le H., Wan W. , How does ionospheric TEC vary if solar EUV irradiance continuously decreases? , Earth, Planets and Space[2014]
- Ding F., W. Wan, Q. Li, R. Zhang, Q. Song, B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, and B. Xiong, Comparative climatological study of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over North America and China in 2011–2012 , Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics[2014]
- Le Huijun, L. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Zhang, and W. Wan, Modeling study of nighttime enhancements in F region electron , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2014]
- Liu Libo, Chen Y., Le H., Liu J., Wan W., Some investigations on the ionosphere during 2012–2014 in China , Chinese J. Space Sci.[2014]
- Liu Libo, Huang H., Chen Y., Le H., Ning B., Wan W., Zhang H.,, Deriving the effective scale height in the topside ionosphere based on ionosonde and satellite in-situ observations , J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics[2014]
- Liu Libo, Wan W., A brief overview on the issue on space physics and space weather , 地球物理学报[2014]
- Ren Z., W. Wan, J. Xiong, and L. Liu, Influence of DE3 tide on the equinoctial asymmetry of the zonal mean ionospheric electron density , Earth Planets and Space[2014]
- Zhang Hui, Krishan Khurana.K., Margaret G. Kivelson, V. Angelopoulos, Wan Weixing, Liu Libo, Zong Qiugang, Pu Zuyin, Shi Quanqi, Liu Wenlong, Three-dimensional lunar wake reconstructed from ARTEMIS data , Journal of Geophysical Research[2014]
- Zhang M., L. Liu, W. Wan and B. Ning, An update global model of hmF2 from values estimated from ionosonde and COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 radio occultation , Advances in Space Research[2014]
- Zhang Man-Lian, Liu Libo, Wan Weixing and Ning Baiqi, An update global model of hmF2 from values estimated from ionosonde and COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 radio occultation , Advances in Space Research[2014]
- Zhang M.-L., L. Liu, W. Wan, B. Ning, An update global model of hmF2 from values estimated from ionosonde and COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 radio occultation , Adv. Space Res.[2014]
- 刘立波,万卫星, 我国空间物理研究进展 , 地球物理学报[2014]
- Le H., L. Liu, Y. Chen, and W. Wan, Statistical analysis of ionospheric responses to solar flares , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Le H., L. Liu, J.Y. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, W. Wan, The ionospheric anomalies prior to the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake , Journal of Asian Earth Sciences[2013]
- Li G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, Y. Otsuka, T. Yokoyama, M. Yamamoto, L. Liu, Longitudinal characteristics of spread F backscatter plumes observed with the EAR and Sanya VHF radar in Southeast Asia , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Li G., B. Ning, A. K. Patra, M. A. Abdu, J. S. Chen, L. Liu and L. Hu, On the linkage of daytime 150-km echoes and abnormal intermediate layer traces over Sanya , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Liu L., Y. Chen, H. Le, B. Ning, W. Wan, J. Liu, L. Hu, A case study of post-midnight enhancement in F-layer electron density over Sanya of China , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Song Q., F. Ding, W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, Q. Li, and R. Zhang, Statistical study of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances generated by the solar terminator over China , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Xiong J., W. Wan, F. Ding, L. Liu, B. Ning, and X. Niu, Coupling between mesosphere and ionosphere over Beijing through semidiurnal tides during the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Yu Y., W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, Z. Wang, L. Hu, and Z. Ren, Tidal wind mapping from observations of a meteor radar chain in December 2011 , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- Yu Y., W. Wan, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, B. Xiong, L. Liu, J. Liu, Z. Ren, and M. Li, Modeling the global NmF2 from the GNSS derived TEC-GIMs , Space Weather[2013]
- Yue X., W. S. Schreiner, Y. Kuo, B. Zhao, W. Wan, Z. Ren, L. Liu, Y. Wei, J. Lei, S. Solomon, and C. Rocken, The effect of solar radio bursts on the GNSS radio occultation signals , J. Geophys. Res.[2013]
- 种小燕,张满莲,张顺荣,温晋,刘立波,宁百齐,万卫星, 基于非相干散射雷达和GPS观测研究Millstone Hill地区等离子体层电子含量 , 地球物理学报[2013]
- Chen Y., L. Liu, and W. Wan, The discrepancy in solar EUV-proxy correlations on solar cycle and solar rotation timescales and its manifestation in the ionosphere , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Chen Y., L. Liu, W. Wan, and Z. Ren, Equinoctial asymmetry in solar activity variations of NmF2 and TEC , Ann. Geophys.[2012]
- Le H., L. Liu, and W. Wan, An analysis of thermospheric density response to solar flares during 2001–2006 , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Li G. Z., B. Q. Ning, L. B. Liu, W. X. Wan, L. H. Hu, B. Q. Zhao, and A. K. Patra, Equinoctial and June solstitial F-region irregularities over Sanya , Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics[2012]
- Liu J., L. B. Liu, B. Q. Zhao, W. X. Wan, and Y. D. Chen, Empirical modeling of ionospheric F2 layer critical frequency over Wakkanai under geomagnetic quiet and disturbed conditions , Sci. China- Tech. Sci.[2012]
- Liu J., L. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Wei, L. Hu, and B. Xiong, High-speed stream impacts on the equatorial ionization anomaly region during the deep solar minimum year 2008 , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Liu J., L. Liu B. Zhao, and W. Wan, Influence of interplanetary solar wind sector polarity on the ionosphere , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Liu J., L. Liu, B. Zhao, J. Lei, J. P. Thayer, and R. L. McPherron, Superposed epoch analyses of thermospheric response to CIRs: Solar cycle and seasonal dependencies , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Liu L. B., W. X. Wan, Y. D. Chen, H. J. Le, and B. Q. Zhao, Recent progresses on ionospheric climatology investigations , Chin. J. Space Sci.[2012]
- Liu L., J. Yang, H. Le, Y. Chen, W. Wan, and C.-C. Lee, Comparative study of the equatorial ionosphere over Jicamarca during recent two solar minima , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Ning B. Q., L. H. Hu, G. Z. Li, L. B. Liu, and W. X. Wan, The first time observations of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities by VHF radar in Hainan , Sci. China- Tech. Sci.[2012]
- Ren Z. P., W. X. Wan, L. B. Liu, and J. G. Xiong, Simulated longitudinal variations in the E-region plasma density induced by non-migrating tides , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics[2012]
- Ren Z., W. Wan, J. Xiong, and L. Liu, Simulated equinoctial asymmetry of the ionospheric vertical plasma drifts , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Ren Z. P., W. X. Wan, L. B. Liu, and H. J. Le, TIME3D-IGGCAS:A new three-dimension mid- and low-latitude theoretical ionospheric model in realistic geomagnetic fields , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics[2012]
- Ren Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, H. Le, and M. He, Simulated midlatitude summer nighttime anomaly in realistic geomagnetic fields , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Song Q., F. Ding, W. Wan, B. Ning, and L. Liu, Global propagation features of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances during the magnetic storm of 7~10 November 2004 , Ann. Geophys.[2012]
- Wan W., Z. Ren, F. Ding, J. Xiong, L. Liu, B. Ning, B. Zhao, G. Li, and M. -L. Zhang, A simulation study for the couplings between DE3 tide and longitudinal WN4 structure in the thermosphere and ionosphere , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics[2012]
- Wan W. X., D. Feng, Z. P. Ren, M. L. Zhang, L. B. Liu, and B. Q. Ning, Modeling the global ionospheric total electron content with empirical orthogonal function analysis , Sci. China- Tech. Sci.[2012]
- Xiong J. G., W. X. Wan, B. Q. Ning, L. B. Liu, B. Y. Wu, L. H. Hu, and T. Xu, Seasonal variations of night mesopause temperature in Beijing observed by SATI4 , Sci. China- Tech. Sci.[2012]
- Yang J., L. B. Liu, Y. D. Chen, and H. J. Le, Dos the equatorial ionospheric peak electron density really record the lowest during the recent deep sola minimum? , Chinese J.Geophys.(in Chinese)[2012]
- Zhang Y., J. Xiong, L. Liu, and W. Wan, A global morphology of gravity wave activity in the stratosphere revealed by the 8-year SABER/TIMED data , J. Geophys. Res.[2012]
- Chen Y., L. Liu, and W. Wan, Does the F10.7 index correctly describe solar EUV flux during the deep solar minimum of 2007–2009?, J. Geophys. Res.[2011]
- He M., L. Liu, W. Wan, and Y. Wei, Strong evidence for couplings between the ionospheric wave-4 structure and atmospheric tides , Geophysical Research Letters[2011]
- He M., L. Liu W. Wan and B. Zhao, A study on the nighttime midlatitude ionospheric trough , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Le H., L. Liu, and Y. Chen, Comment on the paper, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics[2011]
- Le H., L. Liu, H. He, and W. Wan, Statistical analysis of solar EUV and X-ray flux enhancements induced by solar flares and its implication to upper atmosphere , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Li G., B. Ning, M. Abdu, X. Yue, L. Liu, W. Wan, and L. Hu, On the occurrence of post-midnight equatorial F-region irregularities during the June solstice , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Li Z., L. Liu, W. Wan, and B. Ning, Neutral wind-driven gradient drift instability in the low-latitude daytime E region , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Liu J., L. Liu, B. Zhao, J. Lei, and W. Wan, On the relationship between the postmidnight thermospheric equatorial mass anomaly and equatorial ionization anomaly under geomagnetic quiet conditions , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Liu L., W. Wan, Y. Chen, and H. Le, Solar activity effects of the ionosphere: A brief review , Chinese Science Bulletin[2011]
- Liu L., H. Le, Y. Chen, M. He, W. Wan, and X. Yue, Features of the middle and low latitude ionosphere during solar minimum as revealed from COSMIC radio occultation measurements , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Liu L., Y. Chen, H. Le, V. I. Kurkin, N. M. Polekh, and C. C. Lee, The ionosphere under extremely prolonged low solar activity , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Ren Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, Y. Chen, and H. Le, Equinoctial asymmetry of the ionospheric vertical plasma drifts and its effect on the F region plasma density , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Ren Z., W. Wan, L. Liu, and J. Xiong, Simulated longitudinal variations in the lower thermospheric nitric oxide induced by non-migrating tides , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Xiong B., W. Wan, L. Liu, P. Withers, B. Zhao, B. Ning, Y. Wei, H. Le, Z. Ren, Y. Chen, M. He, and J. Liu, Ionospheric response to the X-Class solar flare on 7 September 2005 , Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics[2011]
- Zhao B., W. Wan, X. Yue, L. Liu, Z. Ren, M. He, and J. Liu, Global characteristics of occurrence of an additional layer in the ionosphere observed by COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 , Geophysical Research Letters[2011]
- 刘立波, 万卫星, 陈一定, 乐会军, 评述电离层与太阳活动性关系 , 科学通报[2011]
- 宋茜, 丁锋, 万卫星, 刘立波, 宁百齐, 北美地区夜间中尺度电离层行进式扰动的GPS台网监测研究 , 地球物理学报[2011]
- Chen Yiding, and Libo Liu, Further study on the solar activity variation of daytime NmF2 , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
- Ding Feng, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Libo Liu, Huijun Le, Guirong Xu, Min Wang, Guozhu Li, Yiding Chen, Zhipeng Ren, Bo Xiong, Lianhuan Hu, Xinan Yue, Biqiang Zhao, Fengqin Li, Min Yang, GPS TEC response to the 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse in East Asia , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
- He Maosheng, Libo Liu, Weixing Wan, Jiuhou Lei, Biqiang Zhao, Longitudinal modulation of the O/N2 column density retrieved from TIMED/GUVI measurement , Geophysical Research Letters[2010]
- Le Huijun, Libo Liu, Feng Ding, Zhipeng Ren, Yiding Chen, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Guirong Xu, Min Wang, Guozhu Li, Bo Xiong, Lianhuan Hu, Observations and modeling of the ionospheric behaviors over the east Asia zone during the 22 July 2009 solar eclipse , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
- Li Guozhu, Baiqi Ning, Lianhuan Hu, Libo Liu, Xinan Yue, Weixing Wan, Biqiang Zhao, K. Igarashi, Minoru Kubota, Yuichi Otsuka, J. S. Xu, J. Y. Liu, Longitudinal development of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during the geomagnetic storms of July 2004 , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
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- Liu Jing, Libo Liu, Biqiang Zhao, Weixing Wan, Roderick A. Heelis, Response of the topside ionosphere to recurrent geomagnetic activity , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
- Liu Libo, Weixing Wan, Baiqi Ning, Man-Lian Zhang, Maosheng He, Xinan Yue, Longitudinal behaviors of the IRI-B parameters of the equatorial electron density profiles retrieved from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation measurements , Advances in Space Research[2010]
- Liu Libo, Maosheng He, Xinan Yue, Baiqi Ning, Weixing Wan, Ionosphere around equinoxes during low solar activity , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
- Ren Zhipeng, Weixing Wan, Jiangang Xiong, Libo Liu, Simulated wave number 4 structure in equatorial F-region vertical plasma drifts , Journal of Geophysical Research[2010]
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- Zhang Man-Lian, Chunxu Liu, Weixing Wan, Libo Liu, Baiqi Ning, Evaluation of global modeling of M(3000)F2 and hmF2 based on alternative empirical orthogonal function expansions , Advances in Space Research[2010]
- Zhao Biqiang, Min Wang, Tao Yu, Guirong Xu, Weixing Wan, Libo Liu, Ionospheric total electron content variations prior to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake , International Journal of Remote Sensing[2010]
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