姓名: |
张毅刚 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
研究员 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
010-82998370 |
传真: |
010-62010846 |
Email: |
zhangyg@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
邮编: |
100029 |
地址: |
北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所 |
简历: |
- 1979-1983:北京大学地质系岩石矿物地球化学专业,学士学位。
- 1984-1985:法国洛林高等理工学院,硕士学位。
- 1985-1988:法国国家科研中心南锡岩石地球化学中心,博士学位。
- 1988-1989:美国卡内基研究院地球物理实验室,博士后研究。
- 1989-1992: 中国科学院地质研究所助理研究员。
- 1992-1993: 中国科学院地质研究所副研究员。
- 1993-1999: 中国科学院地质研究所研究员。
- 1995.9-1996.6: 美国华盛顿卡内基研究院地球物理实验室,访问学者。
- 1999-现在: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员。
- 2004.8-2004.12 日本爱媛大学地球动力学中心访问教授。
- 2005.7.1-2005.9.27,日本爱媛大学地球动力学中心访问教授。
研究方向: |
通过第一原理分子动力学方法研究地球深部物质的物理和化学性质,不同物相之间的元素配分 |
承担科研项目情况: |
获奖及荣誉: |
- 1992年获得中国矿物岩石地球化学学会侯德封奖
- 1993年获得中国科学院青年科学家奖一等奖
- 1994年获团中央中国青年科学家奖提名奖
- 2007年获2006年度国家自然科学二等奖(排名第二,项目名称《岩石剩磁机理与古地磁场》)。
代表论著: |
- Zhang YG and Frantz JD (1987) Determination of homogenization temperatures and densities of supercritical fluids in the system NaCl-KCl-CaCl2-H2O using synthetic fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 64:335~350.
- Frantz JD, Mao HK, Zhang YG, et al. (1988) Analysis of fluid inclusions by X-ray fluorescence using synchrotron radiation. Chemical Geology, 69: 235~244.
- Zhang YG and Frantz JD (1989) Experimental determination of the compositional limits of immiscibility in the system CaCl2-CO2-H2O at high temperatures and pressures using synthetic fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 74:289~308.
- Frantz JD, Zhang YG, Hickmott DD, and Hoering TC (1989) Hydrothermal reactions involving equilibria between minreals and mixed-volatiles. I) Techniques for experimentally loading and analyzing gases and their application to synthetic fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 76:57~70.
- Zhang YG and Frantz, JD (1992) Hydrothermal reactions involving equilibria between minerals and mixed-volatiles. II) Investigations of fluid properties in the CO2-CH4-H2O system using synthetic fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 100:51~70.
- 张毅刚(1992)变质过程中流体作用的实验研究。矿物岩石地球化学通讯,4: 199~201。
- 张毅刚(1992)人造气液包裹体方法在研究各种热液的物理化学性质中的应用。 地质科学,2: 141~148。
- 张毅刚(1992) 拉曼光谱在分析气液包裹体中的气体成分中的应用。岩矿测试,4:350~353。
- 张毅刚,鄂莫岚(1992) Pearce元素比在研究中国东部新生代玄武岩岩石化学演化中的应用。岩石学报,3:284~290。
- Zhang, Y.G. (1992) Experimental determination of the interaction between the siliceous marble and the immiscible fluid NaCl-CO2-H2O at high temperatures and pressures:Preliminary results. Scientia Geologica Sinica,1:97~105.
- 张毅刚(1993) 不混溶流体与变质硅质大理岩相互作用的实验研究。岩石学报,9(1):1~8。
- 郭敬辉,翟明国,张毅刚,李永刚,阎月华,张雯华(1993) 怀安蔓菁沟早前寒武纪高压麻粒岩混杂岩带地质特征、岩石学和同位素年代学。岩石学报,9(4):329~342。
- 张毅刚(1994)不混溶流体与变质硅质大理岩相互作用的实验研究。科学通报, 39(4): 527~529。
- 张毅刚,鄂莫岚(1994) 中国东部新生代玄武岩及其地幔包体的氧逸度。岩石学报,10(2): 161~170。
- 张毅刚(1996)地球内部流体的动力学过程与机制。科学通报,41:68~77。
- 张毅刚(1997)高温高压下两元系H2O-CH4的摩尔体积。地球科学,32(3): 299~307。(Zhang Y.-G., 1997, Molar volumes of the binary system H2O-CH4 at high temperatures and pressures. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 32: 299-307)
- 郭永贵和张毅刚(1998)高温高压下水的剪切粘滞度的分子动力学研究。岩石学报,14(1): 1~10。
- 张毅刚和聂高众(1998)直至核幔边界的Mg2SiO4成分熔体剪切粘滞度的平衡分子动力学研究。岩石学报,14(4): 409~418。
- Guo YG, Nie GZ and Zhang YG (1998) Equilibrium molecular dynamics calculations of the shear viscosity of water at high temperatures and pressures. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 7(4): 559~567.
- Dubessy J, Moisette A, Bakker RJ, Frantz JD, and Zhang YG (1999) High-temperature Raman spectroscopic study of H2O-CO2-CH4 mixtures in synthetic fluid inclusions: First insights on molecular interactions and analytic implications. European Journal of Mineralogy, 11:23~32.
- Zhang YG, Guo GJ, & Nie GZ (2000) A molecular dynamics study of bulk and shear viscosity of liquid iron using embedded-atom potential. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 27: 164~169.
- Zhang YG and Frantz, JD (2000) Enstatite-forsterite-water equilibria at elevated temperatures and pressures. American Mineralogist, 85: 918~925.
- Zhang YG and Guo GJ (2000) Molecular dynamics calculation of the bulk viscosity of liquid iron-nickel alloy and the mechanisms for the bulk attenuation of seismic waves in the Earth’s outer core. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 122(3-4): 289~298.
- 张毅刚(2000)地球外核动力学性质研究。中国科学基金,14(1):43~45。
- 张毅刚(2000)外核液态铁粘滞度的分子动力学研究。地学前缘,7(1):239~246。
- Guo GJ and Zhang YG (2001) Equilibrium molecular dynamics calculation of the bulk viscosity of liquid water. Molecular Physics, 99(4): 283~289.
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, Refson K, and Zhao YJ (2002) Viscosity and stress autocorrelation function in supercooled water: a molecular dynamics study. Molecular Physics, 100(16): 2617~2628.
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, and Zhao YJ (2003) Comment on “Computation of the viscosity of a liquid from time averages of stress fluctuations” Physical Review E, 67: 1~3
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, and Zhao YJ (2003) Molecular dynamics simulations of filled and empty cage-like water clusters in liquid water and their significance to gas hydrate formation mechanisms, 化工学报, 54, 62~66.
- 赵亚娟、张毅刚、郭光军、Refson, K (2004) NaAlSi3O8熔体粒子扩散行为压力效应的分子动力学研究,岩石学报,20(6), 1461~1468
- 赵亚娟、张毅刚、郭光军、Refson, K (2004) 钙长石成分熔体粘滞度和自扩散系数压力效应的分子动力学研究,岩石学报,20(3), 737~746
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, Zhao YJ, Refson K, and Shan G (2004) Lifetimes of cage-like water clusters immersed in bulk liquid water: A molecular dynamics study on gas hydrate nucleation mechanisms. J. Chem. Phys., 121(3), 1542~1547
- Zhang YG, Guo GJ, Refson K, and Zhao YJ (2004) Finite-size effect at both high and low temperatures in molecular dynamics calculations of the self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity of liquid silica. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16: 9127~9135.
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, and Refson K (2005) Effect of H-bond topology on the lifetimes of cagelike water clusters immersed in liquid water and the probability distribution of these lifetimes: Implications for hydrate nucleation mechanisms. Chem. Phys. Lett., 413(4-6), 415~419.
- Zhang YG, Zhao DP, Matsui M (2005) Anisotropy of akimotoite: A molecular dynamics study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 151, 309~319.
- Zhang YG, Zhao DP, Matsui M, Guo GJ (2006) Equations of state of CaSiO3 perovskite: A molecular dynamics study. Physics and chemistry of minerals, 33, 126~137.
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, and Liu H (2007) Effect of methane adsorption on the lifetime of a dodecahedral water cluster immersed in liquid water: A molecular dynamics study on the hydrate nucleation mechanisms, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol.111, pp.2595~2606.
- Zhang YG, Zhao DP, Matsui M, Guo GJ (2007) Strong temperature dependence of the first pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus at zero pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B11202, doi:10.1029/2006JB004865
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, Li M, and Wu CH (2008) Can the dodecahedral water cluster naturally form in methane aqueous solutions? A molecular dynamics study on the hydrate nucleation mechanisms. Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 194504.
- Guo GJ, Li M, Zhang YG, Wu CH (2009) Why can water cages adsorb aqueous methane? A potential of mean force calculation on hydrate nucleation mechanisms. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 10427~10437.
- Zhang YG and Guo GJ (2009) Partitioning of Si and O between liquid iron and silicate melt: A two-phase ab-initio molecular dynamics study. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L18305, doi:10.1029/2009GL039751.
- Guo GJ, Li M, Zhang YG, and Wu CH (2009) Why can water cages adsorb aqueous methane? A potential of mean force calculation on hydrate nucleation mechanisms,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11, 10427~10437.
- 李开华、张毅刚、郭光军(2011) 纯铁状态方程第一原理计算与外核密度亏损,地质科学,46(3), 896~904.
- Guo GJ, Zhang YG, Liu CJ, and Li KH (2011) Using the face-saturated incomplete cage analysis to quantify the cage compositions and cage linking structures of amorphous phase hydrates,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 12048~12057.
- Zhang YG and Yin QZ (2012) Carbon and other light element contents in the Earth’s core based on first-principles molecular dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 19579~19583.
- Liu, CJ, Zhang ZC, Zhang ZG, Zhang YG, and Guo GJ (2013) Effects of cage type and adsorption face on the cage-methane adsorption interaction: Implications for hydrate nucleation studies, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.475,54~58.
- Cui H, Zhang ZG, and Zhang YG (2013) The effect of Si and S on the stability of bcc iron with respect to tetragonal strain at the Earth’s inner core conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 40: 2958-2962, doi:10.1002/grl.50582.
- Sun T, Xian J, Zhang H, Zhang ZG, and Zhang YG (2017) Two phase thermodynamic model for computing entropies of liquids reanalyzed. Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 194505.
- Zhang ZG, Mao Z, Liu X, Zhang YG, Brodholt J (2018) Stability and reactions of CaCO3 polymorphs in the earth's deep mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research-solid earth, 123, 6491-6500. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB015654
- Zhao Y, Zhang YG, Geng M, Jiang JL, Zou XY (2019) Involvement of slab-derived fluid in the generation of Cenozoic basalts in Northeast China inferred from machine learning. 46. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082322
- Liu WY, Zhang YG, Yin QZ, Zhao Y, Zhang ZG (2020) magnesium partitioning between silicate melt and liquid iron using first-principles molecular dynamics: Implications for the early thermal history of the Earth’s core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531: 115934. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115934
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