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姓名 陈凌 性别:
职称 研究员 学位 博士
电话 010-82998416 传真: 010-62010846
Email: lchen@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所

1998.4-1998.9,美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校,访问学者 
2000.5-2002.10,美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校,访问学者 
2010.5-2010.11,美国麻省理工学院(MIT), 访问学者





  • 国家重点研发计划项目“苏门答腊斜向俯冲系统壳幔精细结构与物质循环”, 项目负责人,2023.12 – 2028.11
  • 国家自然科学基金首批基础科学中心项目“克拉通破坏与陆地生物演化”,核心成员,2017.1 – 2026.12
  • 研究所重点部署项目课题“火星浅表结构探测”,课题负责人,2021.8-2024.12    
  1. 2022年度中国科学十大进展(排名第一)
  2. 2019 政府特殊津贴
  3. 2017 国家自然科学二等奖(排名第二)
  4. 2015 中青年科技创新领军人才
  5. 2014 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(共20人,排名第7)
  6. 2012 国家自然科学基金委员 杰出青年科学基金
  7. 2009 王宽诚教育基金会 优秀女科学家专项奖
  8. 2006 中国地球物理学会 傅承义青年科技奖
  9. 2002 中国地震局防震减灾优秀成果二等奖(共9人,排名第4)


  1. 刘丽军, 陈凌, 2024, 大陆岩石圈与地球深部动力过程的协同演化, 科学通报, 69, 1-15.

  2. Feng, M., Chen, L.*, Wei, S.*, Wang, X., Wang, X., Wu, Z., 2023. A new method to estimate slab dip direction using receiver functions and its application in revealing slab geometry and plate boundary diffusion beneath Sumatra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), e2022JB024598.
  3. Gao, Y., Chen, L.*, Yang, J., Wang, K., 2023. Rheological heterogeneities control the non-progressive uplift of the young Iranian plateau. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(3), e2022GL101829.
  4. Wang, X., Chen, L.*, Wang, X., 2023. Renewed epicentral distribution of low frequency marsquakes by varying-parameter polarization analysis of InSight data. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(16), e2023GL103896.
  5. Feng, M., Wei, S.*, Chen, L.*, Umar, M., Lythgoe, K., Wang, T., Wu, Z., 2023. Pervasive crustal volcanic mush in the highly stretched Sunda plate margin of northern Sumatra. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(21), e2023GL104391.
  6. Li, S., Chen, L., 2023. How long can the postseismic and interseismic phasess of great subduction earthquake sustain? Towards an integrated earthquake-cycle perspective. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(11), e2023GL103976.
  7. Yang, G., Chen, L., Zhao, L.-F.*, Xie, X.-B., Yao, Z.-X., 2023. Cenozoic magmatism in the Iranian Plateau constrained by crustal Lg-wave attenuation tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(3), e2022JB025664.
  8. Liang, X., Chen, L., Tian, X., Chu, Y., Li, W., 2023. Uplifting mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau inferred from the characteristics of crustal structures. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(12), 2770-2790./梁晓峰, 陈凌, 田小波, 褚杨, 李文涛, 2023, 青藏高原地壳结构特征指示的高原隆升机制, 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(12), 2808-2829.
  9. Wu, X., Hu, J.*, Chen, L., Liu, L., Liu, L.J.*, 2023. Paleogene India-Eurasia collision constrained by observed plate rotation. Nature Communications, 14, 7272.
  10. Zhang, S., Leng, W.*, Chen, L., 2023. Continental tip is a favorable location for subduction initiation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(8), e2023JB027067.
  11. Li, Y., Wang, Y.*, Zhao, L., Chen, L., Huang, J., 2023. The role of mantle viscosity heterogeneities on the development of secondary plumes in the upper mantle. Geophysical Journal International, 235(3), 2900-2915.
  12. Wang, Y., Cao, Z., Peng, L., Liu, L.*, Chen, L., Lundstrom, C., Peng, D., Yang, X., 2023. Secular craton evolution due to cyclic deformation of its dense mantle lithosphere. Nature Geoscience, 16(7), 637-645.
  13. Liu, L.*, Liu, L.J.*, Morgan, J.P., Xu, Y.-G., Chen, L., 2023. New constraints on Cenozoic subduction between India and Tibet. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1963.
  14. Wang, X.X., Zhao, L.*, Yang, J., Li, J., Chen, L., Sun, B., 2023. Continental thermal structure and carbonate storage of subducted sedimentary origin control on different increases in atmospheric CO2 in Late Ediacaran and Jurassic. Geophysical Research Letter, 50(18), e2023GL104566.
  15. Xu, T., Ai, Y., Wu, C., Chen, L., Fan, E., Li, L., Dong, W., 2023. Subduction induced asthenospheric flow around the Songliao basin in NE China revealed by shear wave splitting measurements of dense seismic arrays. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(3), e2022JB026075.
  16. Zhou, X., Lan, H.*, Chen, L., Guo, G., Waheed, U., Badal, J., 2023. A topography-dependent eikonal solver for accurate and efficient computation of traveltimes and their derivatives in 3D heterogeneous media. Geophysics, 88(2), U17-U29.
  17. Lü, Y., Li, J., Zhao, L.-F., Zhang, J., Chen, L., Zhao, L., 2023. New constraints on the complex subduction and tearing model of the Cocos plate using anisotropic Pn tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24(10), e2023GC011124.
  18. Shi, J., Wang, T.*, Chen, H., Yang, M., Chen, L., Hui, H., Xu, Z., Lognonné, P., Kawamura, T., 2023. Differences in scattering properties of the shallow crusts of Earth, Mars, and the Moon revealed by P-wave receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128(8), e2022JE007676.
  19. Zhong, S., Wang, Y.*, Zheng, Y., Chen, L., 2023. Mars rover penetrating radar modeling considering linear frequency modulation source and tilted antenna. Remote Sensing, 15(13), 3423.
  20. Li, T., Jiang, M., Zhao, L., Chu, Y., Yao, W., Wan, B., Chen, L., Ai, Y., Bodin, T., Yuan, H.*, 2023. Continental fragments in the South China Block - constraints from crustal radial anisotropy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(10), e2023JB026998.
  21. Wan, B., Chu, Y., Chen, L., Zhang, Z., Ao, S., Talebian, M., 2023. When and why the Neo-Tethyan subduction initiated along the Eurasian margin: a case study from a Jurassic eclogite in southern Iran. In Compressional Tectonics: Plate Convergence to Mountain Building, Volume 1, Geophysical Monograph 277, First Edition, p.245-260. DOI:10.1002/9781119773856.ch09. Edited by Elizabeth J. Catlos and İbrahim Cemen. American Geophysical Union, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  22. 王旭, 陈凌, 王新, 高一帆, 2023. 各向异性和倾斜界面介质中P波质点运动的理论模拟与应用, 地球物理学报, 66(12), 4900-4915.
  23. 姚艺, 王一博, 王伟君, 陈凌, 2023. 分布式光纤传感微振动数据响应特征, 地球物理学报, 66(2), 713-730.

  24. Li, C., Zheng, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Chen, L.*, Zhang, L., Zhao, P., Liu, Y., Lv, W., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Hao, J., Sun, W., Liu, X., Jia, B., Li, J., Lan, H., Fa, W., Pan, Y., Wu, F., 2022. Layered subsurface in Utopia Basin of Mars revealed by Zhurong rover radar. Nature, 610(7931), 308-312.
  25. Gao, Y., Chen, L.*, Talebian, M., Wu, Z., Wang, X., Lan, H., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Hou, G., Khatib, M.M., Xiao, W.-J., Zhu, R., 2022. Nature and structural heterogeneities of the lithosphere control the continental deformation in the northeastern and eastern Iranian plateau as revealed by shear-wave splitting observations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117284.
  26. Wang, X., Chen, L.*, Talebian, M., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Yao, H., He, Y., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Wan, B., Chu, Y., Hou, G., Chen, Q.-F., Chung, S.-L., Xiao, W., Wu, F.-Y., Zhu, R., 2022. Shallow crustal response to Arabia-Eurasia convergence in northwestern Iran: constraints from multifrequency P-wave receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(9), e2022JB024515.
  27. Tang, C., Chen, L.*, Wang, X., 2022. Shear-wave velocity structures of the shallow crust beneath the Ordos and Sichuan Basins from multi-frequency direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(5), 810-823./汤晨晓, 陈凌*, 王旭, 2022, 基于接收函数多频率直达P波振幅约束鄂尔多斯和四川盆地浅部地壳S波速度结构, 中国科学: 地球科学, 52(6), 1086-1099.
  28. Gong, C., Chen, L.*, Xiao, Z., Wang, X., 2022. Deep learning for quality control of receiver functions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:921830.
  29. Li, S., Chen, L., 2022. Elastic slab in viscoelastic mantle: effects on determining megathrust slip and mantle viscosity during postseismic and interseismic phases. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB024730.
  30. Lan, H., Chen, L., Chevrot, S., Talebian, M., Wang, X., Gao, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, Z., Shokati, M., Jiang, M., Ai, Y., Hou, G., Mao, M., Pham, T.-S., Xiao, W., Zhu, R., 2022. Structure of the Jaz Murian forearc basin, southeast Iran, revealed by autocorrelation and polarization analysis of teleseismic P and S waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(4), e2021JB023456.
  31. Feng, J.*, Yao, H.*, Chen, L., Wang, W., 2022. Massive lithospheric delamination in southeastern Tibet facilitating continental extrusion. National Science Review, 9(4), nwab174.
  32. Feng, J.*, Yao, H.*, Chen, L., Li, C. L., 2022. Ongoing lithospheric alteration of the North China Craton revealed by surface-wave tomography and geodetic observations. Geophysical Research Letter, 49(14), e2022GL099403.
  33. Fu, H.-Y., Li, Z.-H.*, Chen, L., 2022. Continental mid-lithosphere discontinuity: a water collector during craton evolution. Geophysical Research Letter, 49(23), e2022GL101569.
  34. He, Y., Chen, Q.-F.*, Chen, L., Wang, X., Guo, G., Li, T., Zhang, K., Li, J., Chen, Y., 2022. Distinct lithospheric structure in the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt. Geophysical Research Letter, 49(8), e2021GL097283.
  35. Shao, J., Wang, Y.*, Chen, L., 2022. Near-surface characterization using high-speed train seismic data recorded by a distributed acoustic sensing array. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-11. Art no. 5912911.
  36. Chen, C., Lü, Q.*, Chen, L., Shi, D., Yan, J., Ai, Y., 2022. Crustal thickness and composition in the South China Block: constraints from earthquake receiver function. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(4), 698-713./陈昌昕, 吕庆田*, 陈凌, 史大年, 严加永, 艾印双, 2022, 华南陆块地壳厚度与物质组成: 基于天然地震接收函数研究, 中国科学: 地球科学, 52(4), 760-776.
  37. Wang, T., Gao, S. , Yang, Q., Chen, L., Liu, K. H., 2022. Lithospheric structure underneath the Archean Tanzania Craton and adjacent regions from a joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh‐wave phase velocity dispersion. Seismological Research Letters, 93(3), 1753-1767.
  38. Li, T., Jiang, M., Zhao, L., Yao, W., Chen, L., Chu, Y., Sun, B., Ai, Y., Wan, B., Gessner, K., Yuan, H., 2022. Wedge tectonics in South China: constraints from new seismic data. Science Bulletin, 67(14), 1496-1507.
  39. 陈凌, 王旭, 王新, 危自根, 张建勇, 2022. 接收函数界面和波速成像研究进展与展望, 地球与行星物理评论, 53(6), 680-701.
  40. 张建勇, 王新*, 陈凌, 刘杰, 2022, 基于余震重定位和震源机制解研究青海玛多MS7.4地震序列的发震构造和断裂形态, 地球物理学报, 65(2), 552-562.
  41. 王伟君, 陈凌, 王一博, 彭菲, 2022, 光纤振动传感之一:旋转测量技术及其地震学应用, 地球与行星物理评论, 53(1), 1-16.
  42. 王伟君, 陈凌, 王一博, 彭菲, 2022, 光纤振动传感之二:基于散射或透射光的本征传感及其地震学应用,地球与行星物理评论,53(2): 119-137.

  43. Wu, Z., Chen, L.*, Talebian, M., Wang, X., Jiang, M., Ai, Y., Lan, H., Gao, Y., Khatib, M.M., Hou, G., Chung, S.-L., Liang, X., Zhao, L., Naimi-Ghassabian, N., Xiao, W., Zhu, R., 2021. Lateral structural variation of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the northeastern to eastern Iranian plateau and its tectonic implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(1), e2020JB020256.
  44. Wang, X., Chen, L.*, Yao, H., 2021. A new body-wave amplitude ratio-based method for imaging shallow crustal structure and its application in the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Geophysical Research Letter, 48(18), e2021GL095186.
  45. Zhu, R., Zhao, G., Xiao, W.-J., Chen, L., Tang, Y., 2021. Origin, Accretion and Reworking of Continents. Reviews of Geophysics, 59(3), e2019RG000689.
  46. Wan, B., Chu, Y., Chen, L., Liang, X., Zhang, Z., Ao, S., Talebian, M., 2021. Paleo-Tethys subduction induced slab-drag opening of the Neo-Tethys: Evidence from the Iranian segment of Gondwana. Earth-Science Reviews, 221, 103788.
  47. Shi, Y.-N., Li, Z.-H.*, Chen, L., Morgan, J.P.*, 2021. Connection between a subcontinental plume and the mid-lithospheric discontinuity leads to fast and intense craton lithospheric thinning. Tectonics, 40(9), e2021TC006711.
  48. Fan, X., Chen, Q.-F.*, Ai, Y.*, Chen, L., Jiang, M., Wu, Q., Guo, Z., 2021. Quaternary sodic and potassic intraplate volcanism in northeast China controlled by the underlying heterogeneous lithospheric structures. Geology, 49(10), 1260-1264.
  49. Chu, Y., Wan, B, Allen, M.B., Chen, L., Lin, W., Talebian, M., Xin, G., 2021. Detrital zircon age constraints on the evolution of Paleo-Tethys in NE Iran: implications for subduction and collision tectonics. Tectonics, 40(8), e2020TC006680.
  50. Zhou, X., Lan, H.*, Chen, L., Guo, G., Lei, Y., Waheed, U., Pan, S., 2021. An iterative, factored topography-dependent eikonal solver for anisotropic media. Geophysics, 86(5), U121-U134.
  51. Lu, G., Zhao, L., Chen, L., Wan, B., Wu, F., 2021. Reviewing subduction initiation and the origin of plate tectonics: What do we learn from present-day Earth? Earth and Planetary Physics, 5(2), 1-18.
  52. Chu, Y, Allen, M.B., Wan, B, Chen, L., Lin, W., Talebian, M., Wu, L., Xin, G., Feng, Z., 2021. Tectonic exhumation across the Talesh-Alborz Belt, Iran, and its implication to the Arabia-Eurasia convergence. Earth-Science Reviews, 221, 103776.
  53. Liu, L., Peng, D., Liu, L., Chen, L., Li, S., Wang, Y., Cao, Z., Feng, M., 2021. East Asian lithospheric evolution dictated by multistage Mesozoic flat-slab subduction. Earth-Science Reviews, 217, 103621.
  54. Yang, S., Li, Z.-H.*, Wan, B., Chen, L., Kaus, B.J.P., 2021. Subduction-induced back-arc extension versus far-field stretching: Contrasting modes for continental marginal break-up. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(3), e2020GC009416.
  55. Meng, F., Ai, Y.*, Xu, T., Chen, L., Wang, X., Li, L. 2021. Lithospheric Structure of the Northernmost North China Craton from S-Receiver Function Analysis. Tectonophysics, 818, 229067.
  56. Wang, X., Kaus, B.J.P., Yang, J., Wang, K., Li, Y., Chen, L., Zhao, L.*, 2021. 3D Geodynamic Models for HP-UHP Rock Exhumation in Opposite-dip Double Subduction-Collision Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(8), e2021JB022326.
  57. 冯铭业, 陈凌*, 王旭, 王新, 韦生吉, 2021. 巽他大陆及其邻区的地壳结构及其构造意义:来自远震接收函数的约束. 地球物理学报, 64(12), 4364-4377.

  58. Chen, L., Wang, X., Liang, X., Wan, B., Liu, L., 2020. Subduction tectonics vs. Plume tectonics—Discussion on driving forces for plate motion. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(3), 315-328./陈凌, 王旭, 梁晓峰, 万博, 刘丽军, 2020, 俯冲构造vs.地幔柱构造—板块运动驱动力探讨. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50(4), 501-514.
  59. Shi, J., Wang, T.*, Chen, L., 2020. Receiver function velocity analysis technique and its application to remove multiples, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8), e2020JB019420.
  60. Wei, Z, Chu, R.S.*, Chen, L., Wu, S.S., 2020. Crustal structure in the middle-southern segments of the Tanlu Fault Zone and adjacent regions constrained by multifrequency receiver function and surface wave data, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 301, 106470.
  61. Chen, M., Shen, X., Leng, W.*, Chen, L., 2020. Destruction of Cratonic Lithosphere Induced by Oceanic Subduction Initiation, Geophysical Research Letter, 47(15), e2020GL089140.
  62. Yu, G., Xu, T.*, Ai, Y., Chen, L., Yang, J., 2020. Significance of crustal extension and magmatism to gold deposits beneath Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern North China Craton: Seismic evidence from receiver function imaging with a dense array, Tectonophysics, 789, 228532.
  63. Wei, Z., Chu, R.*, Chen, L., Wu, S., Jiang, H., He, B., 2020. The structure of the sedimentary cover and crystalline crust in the Sichuan Basin and its tectonic implications, Geophysical Journal International, 223(3), 1879-1887.
  64. Wei, Z., Li, Z.*, Chen, L., Chu, R., Wu, S., Ling, Y., Zeng, Q., 2020. Crustal structure underneath central China across the Tibetan Plateau, the North China Craton, the South China Block and the Qinling-Dabie Orogen constrained by multifrequency receiver function and surface wave data, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 202, 104535.
  65. Maheri-Peyrov, M., Ghods, A., Donner, S., Akbarzadeh-Aghdam, M., Sobouti, F., Motaghi, K., Hassanzadeh, M., Mortezanejad, G., Talebian, M., Chen, L., 2020. Upper crustal structure of NWIran revealed by regional 3-D Pg velocity tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 222(2), 1093-1108.
  66. 周小乐, 兰海强*, 陈凌, 郭高山, 2020, 曲线坐标系因式分解程函方程及其走时计算. 地球物理学报, 63(2), 638-651.

  67. Gao, Y., Chen, L.*, Wang, X., Ai, Y., 2019, Complex Lithospheric Deformation in Eastern and Northeastern Tibet from Shear-wave Splitting Observations and its Geodynamic Implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(10), 10,331-10,346.
  68. Lai, Y.J., Chen, L.*, Wang, T.*, Zhan, Z.W., 2019, Mantle transition zone structure beneath Northeast Asia from 2D triplicated waveform modeling: Implication for a segmented stagnant slab, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 1871–1888.
  69. Zhang, P., Yao, H.J.*, Chen, L.*, Fang, L.H., Wu, Y., Feng, J.K., 2019, Moho depth variations from receiver function imaging in the Northeastern North China Craton and its tectonic implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 1852–1870.
  70. Zhang, Y., Chen, L.*, Ai, Y., Jiang, M., 2019, Lithospheric structure beneath the central and western North China Craton and adjacent regions from S-receiver function imaging, Geophysical Journal International, 219(1), 619-632./Zhang, Y., Chen, L.*, Ai, Y., Jiang, M., 2020, Erratum: Lithospheric structure beneath the central and western North China Craton and adjacent regions from S-receiver function imaging, Geophysical Journal International, 220(1), 201.
  71. Zhang, J., Chen, L.*, Wang, X., 2019, Crustal structure study based on principal component analysis of receiver functions, Science China Earth Sciences, 62(7), 1110-1124./张建勇, 陈凌*, 王旭. 2019. 基于接收函数主成分分析法的地壳结构研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(5), 822-837.
  72. Wang, X., Chen, L.*, Ling, Y., Gao, Y., Zhang, J., Yao, H., 2019, A new method to constrain shallow crustal S-wave velocities based on direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions and its application in northeastern Tibet, Science China Earth Sciences, 62(11), 1819-1831./王旭, 陈凌*, 凌媛, 高一帆, 张建勇, 姚华建. 2019. 基于接收函数直达P波振幅研究地壳浅层S波速度结构新方法及在青藏高原东北缘的应用. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(11), 1788-1800.
  73. Wan, B., Wu, F., Chen, L., Zhao, L., Liang, X., Xiao, W., Zhu, R., 2019, Cyclical one-way continental rupture-drift in the Tethyan evolution: subduction-driven plate tectonics, Science China Earth Sciences, 62(12), 2005-2016./万博, 吴福元, 陈凌, 赵亮, 梁晓峰, 肖文交, 朱日祥. 2019. 重力驱动的特提斯单向裂解-聚合动力学. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(12), 2004-2017.
  74. Rahmani, M., Motaghi, K., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Talebian, M., Ai, Y., Chen, L., 2019, Deep velocity image of the north Zagros collision zone (Iran) from regional and teleseismic tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), 1729-1740.
  75. Nissen, E., Ghods, A., Karasözen, A., Elliott, J.R. Barnhart, W.D., Bergman, E.A., Hayes, G.P., Jamal-Reyhani, M., Nemati, M., Tan, F.Z., Abdulnaby, W., Benz, H.M., Shahvar, M.P., Talebian, M., Chen, L., 2019, The 12 November 2017 Mw 7.3 Ezgeleh-Sarpolzahab (Iran) earthquake and active tectonics of the Lurestan arc, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 2124-2152.
  76. 郭高山, 兰海强*, 陈凌, 2019, 模型扩展和地形平化起伏地形处理方案在地震走时层析成像中的对比研究. 地球物理学报, 62(5), 1704-1715.


  1. Wang, X., Chen, L.*, Ai, Y.S., Xu, T., Jiang, M.M., Ling, Y., Gao, Y.F., 2018, Crustal structure and deformation beneath eastern and northeastern Tibet revealed by P-wave receiver functions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497, 69-79.
  2. He, L.F., Chen, L., Dorji, He, Z.X., Wang, X.B., Xiao, B.Y., Xu, L.G., Zhao, X.F., Xi, X.L., Yao, H.C., Chen, R.J., 2018, Mapping chromite deposits with audio magnetotellurics in the Luobusa ophiolite of southern Tibet, Geophysics, 83(2), B47-B57.
  3. Lan, H.Q., Chen, L., 2018, An upwind fast sweeping scheme for calculating seismic wave first-arrival traveltimes for models with an irregular free surface, Geophysical Prospecting, 66, 327-341.
  4. Lan, H.Q., Chen, L., Badal, J., 2018, A hybrid method for calculating seismic wave first-arrival traveltimes in two-dimensional models with an irregular surface, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 155, 70-77.
  5. Yang, Y., Yao, H.J.*, Zhang, P., Chen, L., 2018, Crustal azimuthal anisotropy in the trans-North China orogen and adjacent regions from receiver functions, Science China Earth Science, 61(7), 903-913./杨妍,姚华建*,张萍,陈凌,2018, 用接收函数方法研究华北克拉通中部造山带及其邻域地壳方位各向异性,中国科学 地球科学,48(7),912-923。
  6. Bagherabadi, A.S., Sobouti, F., Ghods, A., Motaghi, K., Talebian, M., Chen, L., Jiang, M.M., Ai, Y.S., He, Y.M., 2018, Upper mantle anisotropy and deformation beneath the major Thrust-and-Fold Belts of Zagros and Alborz and the Iranian Plateau, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 1913-1918.
  7. Wan, B., Deng, C., Najafi, A., Hezareh, M.R., Talebian, M., Dong, L.L., Chen, L., Xiao, W.J., 2018, Fertilizing porphyry Cu deposits through deep crustal hot zone melting, Gondwana Research, 60, 179-185.
  8. Zhang, Z.Y., Xiao, W.J., Ji, W.Q., Majidifard, M.R., Rezaeian, M., Talebian, M., Xiang, D.F., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ao, S.J., Esmaeili, R., 2018, Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope for granitoids, NW Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran: Implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic episodic magmatism during Neo-Tethyan lithospheric subduction, Gondwana Research, 62, 227-245.
  9. 张耀阳,陈凌*,艾印双,姜明明,许卫卫,申中寅,2018, 利用S波接收函数研究华南块体的岩石圈结构,地球物理学报,61(1), 138-149。


  1. Chen, L., 2017, Layering of subcontinental lithospheric mantle, Science Bulletin, 62(10), 1030-1034.
  2. Ling, Y., Chen, L.*, Wei, Z.G., Jiang, M.M., Wang, X., 2017, Crustal S-velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath the southern part of central and western North China Craton and the adjacent Qilian Orogenic Belt from ambient noise tomography, Science China Earth Science, 60(10), 1752-1768./凌媛,陈凌*,危自根,姜明明,王旭,2017,利用噪声层析成像研究华北克拉通中-西部南段及其邻区祁连造山带地壳S波各向异性速度结构,中国科学 地球科学,47(10),1202-1219。
  3. He, L.F., Chen, L., Wang, X.B., Wang, Z.J., Zhang, B., Xu, L.G., Liu, X.J., Li, W.L., Chen, R.J., 2017, Electrical properties and its correlation to the petrology of the Upper Yangtze organic shales, Geophysics, 82(4), D199-D209.
  4. Lü, Y., Chen, L., 2017, Upper crustal P-wave velocity structure beneath two volcanic areas in northern Iran, Science China Earth Science, 60(4), 786-795.
  5. Lü, Y., Ni, S.D., Chen, L., Chen, Q.-F., 2017, Pn tomography with Moho depth correction from eastern Europe to western China, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JB013052.
  6. Wang, X.J., He, L.F., Chen, L., Xu, L.G., Li, J., Lei, X.Y., Wei, D.H., 2017, Mapping deeply buried karst cavities using CSAMT: a case history of a tunnel investigation in southwest China, Geophysics, 82(1), EN1-EN11.
  7. Wei, X.Z., Jiang, M.M.*, Liang, X.F., Chen, L., Ai, Y.S., 2017, Limited southward underthrusting of the Asian lithosphere and material extrusion beneath the northeastern margin of Tibet, inferred from teleseismic Rayleigh wave tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JB013832.
  8. Zhang, Z.Y., Xiao, W.J., Majidifard, M.R., Zhu, R.X., Wan, B., Ao, S.J., Chen, L., Rezaeian, M., Esmaeili, R., 2017, Detrital zircon provenance analysis in the Zagros Orogen, SW Iran: implications for the amalgamation history of the Neo-Tethys, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106(4), 1223-1238.


  1. He, L.F., Chen, L., Dorji, Xi, X.L., Zhao, X.F., Chen, R.J., Yao, H.C., 2016, Mapping the geothermal system using AMT and MT in the QP (Mapamyum) field, Lake Manasarovar, southwestern Tibet, Energies, 9(10), 855, doi:10.3390/en9100855.
  2. Wei, Z.G., Chen, L., Li, Z.W., Ling, Y., Li, J., 2016, Regional variation in Moho depth and Poisson's ratio beneath eastern China and its tectonic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 115, 308-320.
  3. Ao, S.J., Xiao, W.J., Jafari, M.K., Talebian, M., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ji, W.Q., Zhang, Z.Y., 2016, U–Pb zircon ages, field geology and geochemistry of the Kermanshah ophiolite (Iran): From continental rifting at 79 Ma to oceanic core complex at ca. 36 Ma in the southern Neo-Tethys, Gondwana Research, 31, 305-318.
  4. 危自根,储日升,陈凌,崇加军,李志伟,2016, 复杂地壳接收函数H-κ叠加―以安纳托利亚板块为例,地球物理学报,59(11),4048-4062。


  1. Wei, Z.G., Chen, L., Jiang, M.M., Ling, Y., 2015, Lithospheric structure beneath the central and western North China Craton and the adjacent Qilian orogenic belt from Rayleigh wave dispersion analysis, Tectonophysics, 646, 130-140.
  2. Wei, Z.G., Chu, R.S.*, Chen, L., 2015, Regional differences in crustal structure of the North China Craton from receiver functions, Science China Earth Science, 58(12), 2200-2210./危自根,储日升*,陈凌,2015, 华北克拉通地壳结构区域差异的接收函数研究,中国科学 地球科学,45(10),1504-1514。


  1. Chen, L., Jiang, M.M., Yang, J.H., Wei, Z.G., Liu, C.Z., Ling, Y., 2014, Presence of an intralithospheric discontinuity in the central and western North China Craton: Implications for destruction of the craton, Geology, 42(3), 223-226.
  2. Su, B.X., S.L. Chung, M.H. Zarrinkoub, K.N. Pang, L. Chen, W.-Q. Ji, A. Brewer, J.-F. Ying, M.M. Khatib, 2014, Composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle beneath NE Iran: Constraints from mantle xenoliths, Lithos, 202-203, 267-282.


  1. Wei, Z., Chen, L., Wang, B.Y., 2013, Regional variations in crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratios beneath the central-western North China Craton and adjacent regions, Geological Journal, 48(5), 531-542. 
  2. Jiang, M.M., Ai, Y.S., Chen, L., Yang, Y., 2013. Local modi?cation of the lithosphere beneath the central and western North China Craton: 3D constraints from Rayleigh wave tomography, Gondwana Research, 24, 849-864. 
  3. Cheng, C., Chen, L.*, Yao, H.J., Jiang, M.M., Wang, B.Y., 2013, Distinct variations of crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath the North China Craton and tectonic implications, Gondwana Research, 23, 25-38. 
  4. Zhang, H.-F., Chen, L., Santosh, M., Menzies, M.A., 2013, Construction and destruction of cratons: Preface, Gondwana Research, 23, 1-3. 
  5. 王炳瑜,陈凌,艾印双,何玉梅,2013,华北克拉通东北部及邻区地壳和地幔转换带厚度研究,地球物理学报,56(11),60-68。 


  1. Chen, L., Zhang, H.-F., Menzies, M.A., 2012, Understanding the formation, reactivation and destruction of cratons — Preface, Lithos, 149, 1-3. 
  2. Poliannikov, O.V., Rondenay, S., and Chen, L., 2012, Interferometric imaging of the underside of a subducting crust, Geophys. J. Int., 189, 681-690. 
  3. 危自根,陈凌,2012,东北地区至华北北缘地壳结构的区域差异: 地壳厚度与波速比的联合约束,地球物理学报,55(11),3601-3614。 


  1. Wei, Z., Chen, L., Xu, W., 2011, Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of the central and western North China Craton and its tectonic implications, Geophys. J. Int., 186, 385-389. 
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  3. 危自根,陈凌,杨小林,2011,辽东台隆、燕山带和兴蒙造山带台站下方地壳厚度和平均波速比(Vp/Vs)的横向变化及其构造意义,地球物理学报,54(11),2799-2808。 


  1. Chen L., 2010, Concordant structural variations from the surface to the base of the upper mantle in the North China Craton and its tectonic implications, Lithos, 120, 96-115. 
  2. 陈凌,程骋,危自根,2010,从华北克拉通中、西部结构的区域差异性探讨克拉通破坏,地学前缘,17(1),212-228。 
  3. 陈凌,危自根,程骋,2010,华北克拉通边界带区域深部结构的特征差异性及其构造意义,地球科学进展,25(6),571-581。 


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  4. Wang, T. and Chen, L., 2009, Distinct Velocity variations around the Base of the Upper Mantle beneath Northeast Asia, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 172, 241-256. 


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  3. Zhao, L., L. Wen, L. Chen, and T. Zheng, 2008, A two-dimensional hybrid method for modeling seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media, J. Geophy. Res., 113, B12307, doi:10.1029/2008JB005733.  
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