实验室主任:王浩 副研究员
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1. 仪器原理:
2)电离源:用于实现样品离子化的模块。ICP(电感耦合等离子体)即为MC-ICP-MS的离子源,样品被送入该模块被电离成离子(具体原理参考附件中的“Plasma Source”);
3)采样锥和截取锥:离子源形成的等离子体炬处于常压下,离子传输系统和质量分析器分别需要低、高真空的环境。提取接口由采样锥、截取锥及扩散室组成,实现了真空环境的过渡和等离子体气流的提取。等离子体气流在采样锥口处德拜长度约为10-5mm, 远小于锥孔直径, 因此等离子体通过采样锥的过程可看作中性气流的运动。在真空压差的作用下, 等离子体气流在扩散室迅速膨胀为超声射束。由于电子密度的下降速度较电子温度快, 在截取锥孔处德拜长度增大为 10-2 mm 数量级,但仍小于截取锥孔直径, 因此气流准中性的状态延续到了截取锥后。随后, 电子密度进一步下降, 在提取透镜的负电压下出现电荷分离, 负电荷粒子被排斥, 形成正离子束。
2. 实验室仪器:
美国Thermo Scientific公司,型号为Neptune Plus的MC-ICP-MS,双聚焦磁式质谱仪。 |
美国Thermo Scientific公司,型号为Neptune的MC-ICP-MS, 双聚焦磁式质谱仪。 |
美国Thermo Scientific公司,型号为Element XR的HR-ICP-MS,高分辨磁式质谱仪。 |
美国Thermo Scientific公司,型号为iCAP TQ的ICP-Q-MS/MS,三重四极杆质谱仪。 |
美国Agilent公司,型号为7500a的Q-ICP-MS,四级杆质谱仪。 |
Coherent公司,型号为COMPex Pro的193nm激光剥蚀系统,准分子气体激光器。 |
Photon-machines公司,型号为Analyte G2的193nm激光剥蚀系统,准分子气体激光器。 |
美国Elemental Scientific Lasers公司,型号为NWRFemto UC (DW)的双波长飞秒激光剥蚀系统(257nm和1030nm)。 |
王浩:实验室主任,副研究员。主要研究方向:变质岩年代学、岩浆岩地球化学、前寒武纪地质学。主要研究包括利用地球化学数据解译造山过程的变质记录与地壳演化,地球早期分异以及板块构造启动等过程。负责实验室研究方向的把握和实验室管理。 Email:wanghao@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
谢烈文:正高级工程师。主要从事ICP-MS和MC-ICP-MS仪器维护、分析技术方法研发和岩石地球化学研究工作。曾先后研发锆石原位微区Hf同位素、锆石原位微区U-Pb、Hf同位素和微量元素联机分析方法,在国内外重要刊物上已发表30余篇论文。 Email:xieliewen@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
杨岳衡:正高级工程师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,刷卡系统仪器操作员。主要从事同位素地球化学研究。负责原位Sr-Nd同位素测试及质量监控工作,在国内外重要刊物上发表SCI论文10余篇。 Email:yangyueheng@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
黄超:高级工程师,精密仪器专业,负责仪器的日常维护、维修及运行,参与仪器及分析新方法的研究。 Email:huangchao@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
吴石头: 高级工程师, 主要从事SF-ICP-MS分析方法开发和微量元素地球化学研究, 负责LA-ICPMS锆石(其他副矿物)U-Pb定年,单矿物微区微量元素分析,溶液全岩微量元素分析。在国内外重要刊物上已发表16篇论文。 Email:shitou.wu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
许蕾:工程师,主要从事同位素地球化学研究。负责原位Fe-S同位素方法研发和质量监控,实验预约及实验室收支费用等日常管理工作。 Email:leixu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
1. 矿物激光微区U-Pb定年和元素分析
2. 矿物原位微区Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析
3. 矿物微区Mg-Si-Ti-Fe-Zr非传统稳定同位素分析
1. Wu S, Wang H, Yang Y, Niu J, Lan Z, Zhang L, Huang C, Xie L, Xu L, Yang J, Wu F, 2023. In situ Lu-Hf geochronology with LA-ICP-MS/MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 38, 1285-1300.
2. Wu S, Yang Y, Li T, Huang C, Bao Z, Li Y, Li C, Xu L, Wang H, Xie L, Yang J, Wu F. 2023. Calcite TLM and LSJ07– two natural low-Sr reference materials for microbeam Sr isotope analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 38, 2528-2537.
3. 谢博航, 吴石头*, 杨岳衡, 王浩, 赵子福, 黄超, 谢烈文. 2023. LA-MC-ICP-MS方解石U-Pb定年技术. 岩石学报, 039(01): 0236-0248.
4. Huang C, Chen J, Yang Y, Xie L, Wu S, Xu L, Wang H, Yang J. 2023. A new reference material for O–Sr isotope determination in epidote using a micro-beam. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 38, 1592-1601.
5. Huang C, Wang H, Shi W, Sun J, Hu F, Xu L Yang Y, Wu S, Xie L, Yang J. 2023. In situ Rb-Sr dating of mica by LA-ICP-MS/MS. Science China Earth Sciences. 66, 2603–2621.
6. Yang Y, Chu Z, Wu S, Xie L, Huang C, Yang J, Wu F. 2023. Simultaneous Measurement of 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd Ratios in Natural Geological Samples by MC-ICP-MS After One Stage Chemical Purification Using TODGA Resin. Atomic Spectroscopy, 44, 247–252.
7. Wei, Q. D., Yang, M., Romer, R. L., Wang, H., Yang, Y. H., Zhao, Z. F., & Wu, F. Y. 2022. In situ U–Pb geochronology of vesuvianite by LA-SF-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37(1), 69-81.
8. Yang, M., Romer, R. L., Yang, Y. H., Wu, S. T., Wang, H., Tu, J. R., Zhou, H., Y., Xie. L. W., Huang C., Xu L., Yang J. H., and Wu, F. Y. 2022. U-Pb isotopic dating of cassiterite: Development of reference materials and in situ applications by LA-SF-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 593, 120754.
9. Yang, M., Yang, Y. H., Kamo, S. L., Romer, R. L., Roberts, N. M., Wang, H., Xie L., W., Huang C., Yang J., H., & Wu, F. Y. 2022. Natural Allanite Reference Materials for In Situ U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd Isotopic Measurements by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46(2), 169-203.
10. Wu, S., Yang, Y., Roberts, N. M., Yang, M., Wang, H., Lan, Z., & Wu, F. 2022. In situ calcite U-Pb geochronology by high-sensitivity single-collector LA-SF-ICP-MS. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(6), 1146-1160.
11. Wu, S., Audétat, A., Jochum, K. P., Wang, H., Chen, J., Stoll, B., & Yang, J. 2022. Three Natural Andesitic to Rhyolitic Glasses (OJY‐1, OH‐1, OA‐1) as Reference Materials for In Situ Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 673-700.
12. Xu, L., Yang, J. H., Xie, L. W., Wang, H., Yang, Y. H., Huang, C., & Wu, S. T. 2022. Evaluation of plasma condition, concentration effect, position effect, and nickel-doping method on non-matrix-matched Fe isotopic analysis by femtosecond laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 189, 106374.
13. Xu, L., Yang, J. H., Wang, H., Li, Y., Zhou, B. Q., Yang, Y. H., & Wu, S. T. 2022. A natural plagioclase reference material for microbeam Sr isotopic analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37(8), 1706-1714.
14. Xu, L., Yang, J. H., Wang, H., Xie, L. W., Yang, Y. H., Huang, C., & Wu, S. T. 2022. Analytical feasibility of a new reference material (IRMM-524A Fe metal) for the in situ Fe isotopic analysis of pyrite and ilmenite without matrix effects by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37(9), 1835-1845.
15. Huang, C., Yang, Y., Wang, H., Xie, L., Wu, S., Xu, L., & Wu, F. 2022. In-run measuring 177Hf16O/177Hf as a routine technique for in-situ Hf isotopic compositions analysis in zirconium-bearing minerals by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 194, 106486.
16. Huang, C., Wang, H., Xie, L., Nie, N. X., Yang, Y., Zhao, X., & Yang, J. 2022. In situ Ti isotopic analysis by femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37, 2165-2175.
17. Wu S., Yang Y., Jochum K.P., Romer R.L., Glodny J., Savov I.P., Agostini S., De Hoog J.C.M., Peters S.T.M., Kronz A., Zhang C., Bao Z., Wang X., Li Y., Tang G., Feng L., Yu H., Li Z., Le Z., Lin J., Zeng Y., Xu C., Wang Y., Cui Z., Deng L., Xiao J., Liu Y., Xue D., Di Z., Jia L., Wang H., Xu L., Huang C., Xie L., Pack A., Worner G., He M., Li C., Yuan H., Huang F., Li Q., Yang J., Li X. and Wu F. 2021 Isotopic Compositions (Li-B-Si-O-Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) and Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios of Three Synthetic Andesite Glass Reference Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3), Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45, 719–745.
18. Huang C., Wang H., Yang J. H., Yang C., Li Z. X., Yang Y. H., Feng L. J., Xie L. W. and Wu S. T. 2021. Characterization of the potential reference material SA02 for micro-beam U–Pb geochronology and Hf–O isotopic composition analysis of zircon, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36, 368-374.
19. Huang C., Wang H., Yu H. M. , Feng L. P., Xie L. W., Yang Y. H., Wu S. T., Xu L, Yang J. H. 2021. Further characterization of SA01 and SA02 zircon reference materials for Si and Zr isotopic compositions via femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36:2192-2201.
20. Xu L., Zhang W., Luo T., Yang J. H., and Hu Z. C. 2021. In situ Fe isotopic analyses of fourteen reference materials using a synthetic Cr standard for mass bias and isobaric interference corrections by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36, 747-757.
21. 杨岳衡, 杨明, 王浩, 杨进辉, 吴福元. 2021. 微区原位黑钨矿U-Pb年代学方法及应用. 中国科学 地球科学. 51: 171–174. Yang Y.H., Yang M., Wang H., Yang J.H., Wu F.Y. 2021. Methodology for in situ wolframite U-Pb dating and its application. Science China Earth Science, 64: 187–190
22. Yang M., Yang Y.H., Wu S.T., Rolf Romer, Che X.D., Zhao Z.F., Li W.S., Yang J.H., Wu F.Y., Xie L.W., Huang C. Zhang D. Zhang Y. 2020. Accurate and precise in situ U-Pb dating of wolframite series minerals via LA-SF-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 35, 2191–2203.
23. Wu S.T., Yang M., Yang Y.H., Xie L.W., Huang C., Wang H., Yang J.H. 2020. Improved in situ zircon U–Pb dating at high spatial resolution (5–16 μm) by laser ablation–single collector–sector field–ICP–MS using Jet sample and X skimmer cones. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 456, 116394.
24. Wu S.T., Yang Y.H., Wang H., Huang C., Xie L.W., Yang J.H. 2020. Characteristic performance of guard electrode in LA–ICP–MS for multiple element quantification. Atomic Spectroscopy, 41, 154–161.
25. Wu S.T., Wu Y.D., Yang Y.H., Wang H., Huang C., Xie L.W., Yang J.H. 2020. Simultaneous quantification of forsterite content and minor–trace elements in olivine by LA–ICP–MS and geological applications in Emeishan large igneous province. Minerals, 10, 634.
26. Yang, Y.H., Yang, M., Jochum, K.P., Wu, S.T., Zhao, H., Xie, L.W., Huang, C., Zhan, X.C., Yang, J.H. Wu, F.Y. 2020. High-Precision Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Composition of Chinese Geological Standard Glasses CGSG-1, CGSG-2, CGSG-4 and CGSG-5 Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS and TIMS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 44,567-579.
27. Yang, M., Yang, Y.H.,* Evans N.J., Xie, L.W., Huang, C., Wu, S.T., Yang, J.H. Wu, F.Y. 2020. Precise and Accurate Determination of Lu and Hf Contents and Hf Isotopic Compositions in Chinese Rock Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 44, 543-565.
28. Huang C., Wang H., Yang J.H., Ramezani J., Yang C., Zhang S.B., Yang Y.H., Xia X.P., Feng L.J., Lin J., Wang T.T., Ma Q., He H.Y., Xie L.W., Wu S.T. 2020. SA01-A new potential zircon reference material for micro-beam U-Pb age and Hf-O isotopic analysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 44(1), 103-123.
29. Huang, C. Yang, Y.H., Xie, L.W., Wu, S. T., Wang, H. Yang J. H. and Wu, F. Y. 2020. In situ sequential U-Pb age and Sm-Nd systematics measurement of natural LREE-enriched minerals using single laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25(3), 510-517.
30. Xu L., Yang J.H., Zeng Q.D., Xie L.W., Zhu Y.S., Li R. and Li B. 2020. Pyrite Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Fe isotopic constraints on the age and genesis of the Qingchengzi Pb-Zn deposits, northeastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 117, 103324.
31. Wei Q.D., Wang H., Yang Y.H., Yang J.H., Huang C., Wu S.T., Xie L.W. 2020. KV01 zircon—A potential New Archean reference material for microbeam U-Pb age and Hf-O isotope determinations. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(11): 1780-1790
32. Huang C. Wang H. Yang J.H., Xie L.W. Yang Y.H. Wu S.T. 2019. Further characterization of the BB zircon via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS for Li, O, and Hf isotopic compositions. Minerals, 9, 774.
33. Yang Y.H. Wu F.Y., Li Q.L, Rojas-Agramonte Y., Yang J.H., Li Y., Ma Q., Xie L.W., Huang C., Fan H.R., Zhao Z.F., Xu C. 2019. In situ U-Th-Pb dating and Sr-Nd isotope analysis of bastnäsite by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 43(4), 543-565.
34. Wu S. T., Worner G. Jochum K.P., Stoll B. Simon K., Kronz A. 2019. The preparation and preliminary characterization of three synthetic andesite reference glass materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3) for in situ microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 43(4), 567-584.
35. Mei, Q. F., Yang, J. H., Yang, J. H. 2018. An improved extraction chromatographic purification of tungsten from a silicate matrix for high precision isotopic measurements using MC-ICPMS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 33, 569–577.
36. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Yang, J. H., Mitchell, R. H., Zhao, Z. F., Xie, L. W., Huang, C., Ma, Q., Yang, M., Zhao, H. 2018. U-Pb age determination of schorlomite garnet laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 33: 231-239.
37. Xie, L.W., Evans, N.J., Yang. Y.H., Huang, C. Yang, J. H. 2018. U-Th-Pb geochronology and simultaneous analysis of multiple isotope systems in geological samples by LA-MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,, 33, 1600-1615.
38. Xie, L.W., Xu, L., Yin, Q.Z., Yang, Y.H., Huang, C. Yang, J.H. 2018. A novel sample cell for reducing the“Position Effect in laser ablation MC-ICP-MS isotopic measurements. J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,, 33, 1571–1578.
39. Wu, S.T., Huang C. Xie L.W. Yang Y.H., Yang J.H. 2018. Iolite Based Bulk Normalization as 100% (m/m) Quantification Strategy for Reduction of Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Transient Signal. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 46, 1628-1636.
40. Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H., Yin, Q. Z., Yang, Y. H., Liu, J. B., Huang, C. 2017. High spatial resolution in situ U–Pb dating using laser ablation multiple ion counting inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MIC-ICP-MS). J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 32, 975–986.
41. 李杨, 杨岳衡, 焦淑娟, 吴福元, 杨进辉, 谢烈文, 黄超. 2016. 金红石Hf同位素激光原位多接收等离子体质谱(LA-MC-ICP-MS)测定. 中国科学D 地球科学. 46: 857-869. Li, Y., Yang, Y. H., Jiao, S.J., Wu, F. Y., Yang, J. H., Xie, L.W., Huang, C. 2015. In situ determination of hafnium isotopes from rutile using LA-MC-ICP-MS. Science in China, Series D. 58: 2134-2144.
42. Huang, C., Yang, Y. H., Yang, J. H., Xie, L. W. 2015. In situ simultaneous measurement of Rb-Sr/Sm-Nd or Sm-Nd/Lu-Hf isotopes in natural minerals by using laser ablation multi-collector ICP-MS. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 30: 994-1000.
43. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Yang, J. H., David, M. C., Xie, L. W., Chu, Z. Y., Zhang, Y. B., Huang, C. 2014. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of apatite reference materials used in U-Th-Pb geochronology. Chem. Geol. 385: 35-55.
44. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Xie, L. W., Chu, Z. Y., Yang, J. H. 2014. Reinvestigation of doubly charged ion of heavy rare earth elements interferences on Sr isotopic analysis using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrometry Acta (B) 97: 118-123.
45. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Li, Y., Yang, J. H., Xie, L. W., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y. B., Huang, C. 2014. In situ U-Pb dating of bastnaesite by LA-ICP-MS. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 29: 1017-1023.
46. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Chu, Z. Y., Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H. 2013. High-precision simultaneous determination of 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios in Sm–Nd mixtures using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and its comparison to isotope dilution analysis. Spectrometry Acta (B), 79/80: 82-87.
47. 孙金凤, 杨进辉, 吴福元, 谢烈文, 杨岳衡, 刘志超, 李献华. 2012. 榍石原位微区LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄测定. 科学通报, 57: 1603-1615. Sun, J. F., Yang, J. H., Wu, F. Y., Xie, L. W., Yang, Y. H., Liu, Z. C., Li, X. H. 2011. In situ U-Pb dating of titanite by LA-ICPMS. Chinese Sci. Bull., 57: 2506-2516.
48. Yang, Y.H., Wu, F.Y., Liu Z.C., Chu, Z.Y., Xie, L.W., Yang, J.H. 2012. Evaluation of Sr chemical purification technique for natural geological samples using common cation-exchange and Sr-specific extration chromatographic resin prior to MC-ICP-MS or TIMS measurement. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 27: 516-522.
49. Liu Z. C., Wu, F. Y., Yang, Y. H., Yang, J. H., Wilde, S.A. 2012. Neodymium isotopic compositions of the standard monazites used in U–Th–Pb geochronology. Chemical Geology, 334, 221-239.
50. 刘志超, 吴福元, 郭春丽, 赵子福, 杨进辉, 孙金凤. 2011. 磷钇矿U-Pb年龄激光原位ICP-MS测定. 科学通报, 56: 2772-2781. Liu, Z.C., Wu, F. Y., Guo, C. L., Zhao, Z. F., Yang, J. H., Sun, J. F. 2011. In situ U-Pb dating of xenotime by laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS. Chinese Sci. Bull., 56: 2948-2956.
51. Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H., Wu, F. Y., Yang, Y. H., Wilde, S. A. 2011. PbSL dating of garnet and staurolite: constraints on the Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the eastern block, North China Craton. J. Asian Earth Sci., 42: 142-154.
52. Xie, L. W., Yin, Q. Z., Yang, J. H., Wu, F. Y., Yang, Y. H. 2011. High precision analysis of Mg isotopic composition in olivine by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. J. Ana. Atom. Spectrom., 26: 1773-1780.
53. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Wilde, S. A., Xie, L. W. 2011. A straightforward protocol for Hf purification by single step anion-exchange chromatography and isotopic analysis by MC-ICP-MS applied to geological reference materials and zircon standards. Inter. J. Mass. Spectrom., 299: 47-52.
54. Yang, Y. H., Chu, Z. Y., Wu, F. Y., Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H. 2011. Precise and accurate determination of Sm, Nd concentrations and Nd isotopic compositions in geological samples by MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 26: 1237-1244.
55. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H., Zhang, Y. B. 2011. High-precision direct determination of the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of bottled Sr-rich natural mineral drinking water using multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochim. Acta (B), 66: 656-660.
56. Wu, F. Y., Yang, Y. H., Marks, M. A. W., Liu, Z. C., Zhou, Q., Ge, W. C., Yang, J. S., Zhao, Z. F., Mitchell, R. H., Markl, G. 2010. In situ U–Pb, Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic analysis of eudialyte by LA–(MC) –ICP–MS. Chem. Geol., 273: 8-34.
57. Wu, F. Y., Yang, Y. H., Mitchell, R. H., Bellatreccia, F., Li, Q. L., Zhao, Z. F. 2010. In situ U–Pb and Nd-Hf-(Sr) isotopic investigations of zirconolite and calzirtite. Chem. Geol., 277: 178-195.
58. Yang Y. H., Wu F. Y., Xie L. W., Zhang Y. B. 2010. High-precision measurements of the 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio in certified reference materials without Nd and Sm separation by multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Anal. Lett., 43: 142-150.
59. Yang Y. H., Zhang H. F., Chu Z. Y., Xie L. W., Wu F. Y. 2010. Combined chemical separation of Lu, Hf, Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd from a single rock digest and precise and accurate isotope determinations of Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope systematics using Multi-Collecter ICP-MS and TIMS. Inter. J. Mass Spectro., 290: 120-126.
60. Yang, Y. H., Wu, F. Y., Wilde, S. A., Liu, X. M., Zhang, Y. B., Xie, L. W., Yang, J. H., 2009. In-situ perovskite Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the Mengyin kimberlites in the North China Craton. Chem. Geol., 264: 24-42.
61. 杨岳衡, 吴福元, 谢烈文, 张艳斌, 杨进辉. 2009. 地质样品Sr同位素激光原位等离子体质谱 (LA-MC-ICPMS)测定. 岩石学报, 25: 3431-3441.
62. 谢烈文, 张艳斌, 张辉煌, 孙金凤, 吴福元. 2008. 锆石/斜锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素以及微量元素成分的同时原位测定. 科学通报, 53: 220-228. Xie, L. W., Zhang, Y. B., Zhang, H. H., Sun, J. F., Wu, F. Y., 2008. In situ simultaneous determination of trace elements, U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes in zircon and baddeleyite. Chinese Sci. Bull., 53: 1565-1573.
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2. 吴石头 等. 一种原位微区磷灰石Lu-Hf定年方法 中国 ZL 2023 1 0028497.7. 授权公告日:2023.08.23
3. 吴石头 等. 一种原位微区石榴石Lu-Hf定年方法 中国 ZL 202310045795.7. 授权公告日:2023.08.18
4. 吴石头 等. 一种原位微区磷钇矿Lu-Hf定年方法 中国 ZL 2023 1 0028565.X. 授权公告日:2023.06.16
5. 吴石头. 一种原位微区方解石U-Pb定年方法 中国. ZL 2021 1 0891559.8. 授权公告日:2022.10.09
6. 吴石头, 吴亚东, 杨岳衡, 王浩, 黄超, 谢烈文. 一种同时测定橄榄石中的镁橄榄石值和微量元素方法 中国. ZL 2020 1 0404435.8. 2021.04.09
7. 黄超,《一种物质分析方法、装置和静电离子阱质量分析器》,ZL202010535945.9, 2021.10.29
8. 黄超,《一种锆石铪同位素的检测方法》,ZL202010974890.1, 2021.08.24
9. 杨岳衡,《一种无需稀释剂的地质样品钐-钕同位素同时测试的方法》,ZL201910791476.4,2020.07.10.
10. 谢烈文,杨进辉,杨岳衡,刘景波,黄超,《一种测定锆石样品的铀铅年龄的方法》, ZL201710124041.5,2019.03.03.
11. 谢烈文,《一种均匀气流激光剥蚀池及其应用》,ZL201711434961.3,2019.07.02.
12. 杨岳衡,马倩,储著银,谢烈文,黄超,杨进辉,《一种镥-铪同位素质谱测试的方法》, ZL201810174335.3,2019.05.24.
13. 黄超;谢烈文;杨岳衡,《一种激光同步双剥蚀系统及其剥蚀方法》,ZL201711126032.6, 2017.11.15
14. 黄超,《一种实现电感耦合等离子体离子源工作在惰性气体环境的方法及装置》,ZL201510813422.5, 2015.11.23
15. 黄超,《一种实现质谱分析系统中独立仪器联动的系统和方法》,ZL201310299108.0,2013.07.17
16. 黄超,《一种惰性气体磁式质谱仪及设计方法》,ZL201310299609.9,2013.07.17
测试项目 |
所内收费 |
所外收费 |
备注:所有实验过程均由自己完成 |
按时间 |
按时间 | ||
矿物微量元素 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
锆石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
树脂靶 |
榍石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
独居石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
磷钇矿U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
氟碳铈矿U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
石榴石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
黑钨矿U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
锡石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
符山石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
褐帘石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
方解石U-Pb年龄 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
薄片或树脂靶 |
锆石Hf同位素 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
树脂靶 |
矿物Sr同位素 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
建议先作矿物微量 |
矿物Nd同位素 |
1000元/小时 |
1200元/小时 |
建议先作矿物微量 |
实验室电话:010-8299 8671。