
Principal Investigator
Mingyu Zhao 赵明宇
Associate Professor
Jiachen Cai  蔡家琛
I focus mainly on the evolution of Cenozoic environmental through ODP samples and did some research on the relationship between the early vertebrates evolution and palaeoenvironment variation from late Silurian to Early Devonian.
Shuai Liu 刘帅
PhD student
Collaborating with Prof. Zhifang Xu and Mingyu Zhao, my primary research involves simulating rock weathering and carbon sequestration, analyzing their influence on climate utilizing innovative mathematical approaches.
Yuanyanghui Xie 谢袁杨辉
Undergraduate student
I am enthusiastic in biogeochemistry in the ocean using different methods like chemical laboratory experiments, data analysis, or mathematical models. I am looking forward to exploring some new geological phenomena in the ocean.
Visiting PhD students
Zhiguo Li 李志国
PhD candidate
I am interested in reconstructing the evolution of phytoplankton and primary production in marine environment in Earth’s past. And I try to understand the relationship between the geological processes and their evolution with the tools of biomarkers, metal isotope and numerical modeling.
Pengcheng JU 鞠鹏程
PhD candidate
My research focuses on the behaviour and cycling of phosphorus, which can be divided into two main areas: (1) Phosphorus Availability Through Time. Tracing the sources and bioavailability of phosphorus during key periods of geological history, such as Origin of Life, Cambrian Explosion and Plant Evolution. (2) Experimental Reaction Kinetics and Mechanisms. A variety of techniques are being used, ranging from experimental simulation to microbeam analysis, in order to monitor and understand adsorption and transformation of phosphorus in various minerals
Other co-supervised PhD students
Ruoyuan Qiu, Donglei Zhang, Shuaidi Wang
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